2022-07-252022-07-2519721973~WP 0158, Box 2https://hdl.handle.net/10177/24474taken before Sparks Center but after Putnam U.C.; 3 photos w/ 2 copies of 1 photo and 1 copy of another; 1. Music Hall; 2. Collins Hall; 3. Waller Hall; 4. Eaton Hall; 5. Library; 6. Law Building; 7. Gymnasium; 8. Grondstond; 9. Lausanne Hall; 10. University House; 11. Frederickson Hall; 12. Chrests CottageBlack and Whitepositives (photographs)Educational use is permitted without permission. Permission is required for additional uses. See http://library.willamette.edu/external/commons/conditions_of_use/ for more information.Aerial views of Willamette UniversityAerial view of campus from the southwestImage