Clarke, John ClemShull, Jim2022-07-162022-07-1619661966 taken at John's studio in NY; John is from Oregon, graduated from U of O Art Dept around 1960, went on a world tour to find the center of the art world & found it in NY around 1964 or 65. Also found some degree of success.; John thought he was destined to be a football player up to his 2nd or 3rd year at Oregon State College. He suddenly quit the team & became an art major. He transferred to U of O perhaps by 1967 or 8 where I got to know him. In 1960 or 61 we shared studio space in downtown Salem.; No titles for any. All paintings are sprayed paint using flit guns & paper stencils...Educational use is permitted without permission. Permission is required for additional uses. See for more information.John Clem Clark - Slide JC-1Image