2022-07-152022-07-1519uuhttps://doi.org/10.31096/-SSP038https://hdl.handle.net/10177/17337"Translation: Mass examinations of workers’ physical condition; Captions in clockwise order from top left: Anthropometric exams, Checkup for nervous diseases, Laboratory examination, Checkup for internal illnesses; Center bottom outlined in red: Registration of the physical condition of workers, timely, publicly available health and social care, and constant medical supervision prevent the mass development of chronic illnesses; Document center top: Medical institution, Company name and its address, Worker’s personal health journal, No. (#) man/woman, Journal begins 192_, month, day (1) Family name, given name, patronymic (2) Place of residence: city, police department , street, building, apartment, village, county (3) Place of birth (4) Childhood residence (until 14 years), youth residence (until 20 years) (5) Age (6) Nationality (7) Marital status (8) Literacy ; Print Run: 7,000 ; "positives (photographs)14 x 21Educational use is permitted without permission. Permission is required for additional uses. See http://library.willamette.edu/external/commons/conditions_of_use/ for more information.http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/Массовое обследование физического состояния рабочихImage