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Glee 1988 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1988 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionUNIVERSITY Salem, Oregon 97301 FRESHMAN GLEE 1988 TIMELINE OVERALL GLEE MANAGERS: September 30 . .................... . Applicat s available in the ASWU Office. October 11 ....................... . Applications due at 5:00pm in the ASWU Office. You must schedule an interview time. October 12-14 ..................... Interviews will be held in Harrison Conference Room. October 15 . ....................... Selection committee will make a recommendation to the Senate at 6:30pm, Autzen Senate Chamber. CLASS OFFICERS/MANAGERS: October 12 . .................... ... Applications available in the ASWU Office. October 19 ....................... . Applications due at 5:00pm in the ASWU Office. October 26 ........................,Campaigning ends at 8: OOam. . Election table open, UC Basement. October 27 . ...................... . Election table closed at 5 :OOpm. Results announced in ASWU at 8:00pm. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS ofWILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY OVERALL GLEE MANAGER APPLICATION When submitting an application please include the following information: 1. The name, box, and phone number of each applicant. (all applicants must be freshmen) 2. Give a statement explaining why you are interested in being a Glee Manager. 3. fly list or explain your qualifications. ) 4. .Outline your proposed division of responsibilit 5. Provide a synopsis of any ideas you may have. PaESBMAIf GLIili 1988 RULES AND REGULATIONS Freshman Glee is one of the oidest traditions on the Willamette University campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The following rules and regulations are approved herewith by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in conjunction with the Freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee will vary according to four general musical formats. These themes/formats are: Fight (1988), Noveltv (1989), Alma Mater (1990). and Serenade (1991). These formats will continue to rotate on this basis so that during a rour-year period each class will have an opportunity to compete in each format. Freshman Glee Date Freshman Glee will be held the evening of the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Vacation (March 12,1988). Only students currently enrolled at Willamette University will be eligible to participate in Freshman Glee. Other eligibility questions shall be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee. Appointments and Procedures A. The Senate of the Associated Students of WiIlamette (ASWU) will appoint Freshman Glee Co-Mangers. Freshman students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The Freshman Glee Managers will be appointed prior to October 15. B. The Freshman Glee Co-Managers will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Managers from each class to be appointed by their respective Gass Councils. These Managers (or their designated representative) will exercise one vote on behalf Of their class in Committee decisions and/or recommendations to the Glee Co­Managers. The Glee Co-Managers wiIl not have a vote. This Committee will review Freshman Glee rules, assist the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in arranging practice schedules, contacting judges, etc. It will also review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. The Class Managers from the aHedgedly offending class shaH not have a vote in such instances. C. The Class Managers will act as the over-aU class organizer for their class, seeing that aU deadlines are met, rules complied with, etc. The Class Managers will appoint persons from their respective class to the foHowing positions: 1) Song Writer(s}: Composes original words and music appropriate to the Freshman Glee theme and song format. 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the class participating in Freshman Glee. 3) Choreographer(s): Plans the formations (a maximum of three for the Sophomore. Junior, and Senior classes and a maximum of two for the Freshman class) and movements from one formation to the next. 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of marching and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the class t-shirt to be worn on Glee night. 6) Accompainist(s): Provides piano accompaniment during practices and the performance on Glee night of the class song and rormations. Anyone person may fill more than one of these pOSitions. D. Words, music, and a tape of class songs are due in the Office of Student Activities (University Center) no later than Noon on Friday, February 19, 1988. There wiH be a penalty of up to four (4) points from the final point total for any class that does not meet this deadline, subject to the discretion of the Glee Com mittee. E. At a special assembly to be held the Sunday beginning Glee Week (March 6. 1988), the Freshman Glee Co-Managers or a Freshman Class representative wi1l issue a formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other three classes. Representatives of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes will respond in an appropriate manner. (The challenge may also be issued at the University Convocation prior to Glee Week if deemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee and University Convocation Committees.) F. only the Song Writers, Song Leaders, Choreographers, and March leaders may play class songs prior to Monday of Glee Week (March 7, 1988). Up to one voice per part may be included on the judges' tape. G. Glee practices shall begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee (Monday, March 7, 1988). A schedule of practices will be arranged by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week (March 2, 1988). During the practice sessions the following regulations shaH be in effect: 1) No alcohol will be allowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups of more than four persons in the same room, at the same time during Glee week except during aSSigned practice hours. 3) No marching will be allowed on the circular stairway in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time wiH be allowed. (In unusual circu mstances, beyond the control of the class involved, the Glee Com mittee may amend this rule.) 5) Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the Glee Co-Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee wi11 be strictly enforced on Saturday morning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late wi1110se that portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding its practice time will be penalized at the discretion of the Freshman Committee, provided a formal complaint is lodged. 6) Excluding dress rehearsal, only appointed CLass Managers and the Freshman Glee Co-Managers may visit class practicies other than their own for a period of more than five (5) minutes. 7) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of scheduJed Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist freshman with their marching. The Senior Skits will normally be presented at 7:00 pm on Friday of Glee Week (March 11, 1988), but the Senior Class may choose another time at its discretion. A decision as to the date and time of Senior Skits shall be made no later than Monday before Glee Week (February 29, 1988). ;1 Freshman Glee Night Regulations A. Only the following clothes will be ~!orn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted. B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. D. The Senior Class, by virtue of their longevity, may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in the heckling. E. Only piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. F. No verbal or visual clues may be given during the final performance of marching and/or songs. G. No hand or body movements, including torso, will be allowed during the final performance other than the marching itself, at the discretion of the Glee Committee. (Specifically, no body movements are permitted during the rendition of the song.) No vocalization is allowed during marching; hand slaps are limited to one (I) per formation. H. Heckling and the use of water (or any like substance) are expressly prohibited during the entrances of the classes or the performances of formations and songs. 1. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. AlJ classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J Classes must. perform the song turned in for judging, at t.he discretion of lhe Glee Committee_ Rule Infractions k The Freshman Glee Committee will review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any_ The Class Managers from the allegedly offending class shall not have a vote in such instances_ B_ The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the compilation of final points and the possible assessments of penalty points in the event of an infraction. Blue Monday The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 14, 1988) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The foHowing regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, except 11 :00 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11 :00 am on the next Thursday (March 17, 1988). B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11 :00 am hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty, administration, or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may, however, permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury, or violation of state, federal, or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. Freshman Glee TimeJine October i. AS'WU !-Jolds inforrnati flleeting, selects Glee Initial meeting witrl Student Actjvities and ASVvU Offlcers Meet with Publicatons Off and Food Service to determine blJ!jget 4. Advance memo to Faculty and Staff giving them the dates of Glee Week, the Glee Performance, and Blue f1onday. November 1. Budget proposal to Flnance Board for approvai Selection of Class formation of Glee Committee December 1. Selection of theme (inform Senate) Confirm practice sCfleduJe/cneck room reservat Develop backdrop, program) postcard design 4. Choose honored guests, dedi ion Send postcards to printer; mai1 no later than first week of February Christmas Break ,January 1. Begin solicitation of judges Draw up 1ist of requirernents for sound, 1 iI~rltingJ reeor'ding, February 1. Send letters to rlOnored guests and person{s) to whom Glee is dedicated Set Doster desiqn , ~ r: FreslYnan Glee Tirneline page 2 Four Weeks Before Glee 1. Poster sent to printer 2. Finalize list of .i Three Weeks Before Glee 1. Song deadline/songs ancl tapes led to judges 2. Have Tony make arrangements for necessary work orders 3. ~1eet wiHI Food Serv to discuss reception menu, lunch hour's during Glee Week 4. Set order of performanceJprograrn layout 5. Take Glee Banner Salem Ernb Srlop to have 6. Contact Dean, have him send out Blue Iv 10nday notices 7. Ask Buzz to present tlanner 8. locate someone to teaCf'1 and lead Alma Two Weeks Before Glee 1. Tick.ets printe(j (if necessary) line up work crews for set-up, rnovinlJ piano, names to Tony 3. Program to printer 4. Confjrm Reception menu} give Saga guest count 5. Information about Glee, reception & judging to ,Judges 6. Invitations to words/music jUljges with tickets for performance Send merna about rehearsal hours to Custodians/Safety 8. Contact fiorist about floral arrangements, corsages and boutineers 9. Make arrangements for Tuxedo rental Before Practices tlegin 1. Set up stage/w ire risers together 2. Tape out riser-footage in Waller Aud. 3. t'1ove piano to Sparks 4. Hang up posters, post practice times/locations 5. Glee Challenge Glee Tirnellne I. Letter to Faculty/Staff invjtjng them to Glee Pro9rarns back. from printer Complete backdrop Install lightirFj r10ve spotligrlt/podiurn Cone 6. r'lake arran1Jements with ,A.thietic Dept. to use office to tabulate results on Glee nlgrlt 7. Locate staff for Glee night (ticket takers, jUdge assistants, video operator, etc';, !~jve names to the Student Activities Office 8. Order video equipment for Satunjay njgrlt Pick. up tuxe!jos 10. Contact Grounds about ,Jackson Plaza clean-up on Blue t'1onday :=r'I'd':;'].' B.::.r--r',;; (:,1,.:.,.:. I U '" o. '" ,~!.~ •• Set up chairs Tune piano 3. Compile .Judge's Packets 4. Hang Backdrop Confirm all Glee Night help (spotilghtlvideo operators, ticket se 1lers/takers, jUdge assistants') \ 1. Install sound/recording eqUipment; any additional equiprnent required by ciasses for entrances Dry run of evening program} including all persons introducing classes ex Post-Glee Entertainment 1. Remove back.drop, chai stage, sound/recording equipment & piano Fresl-IlYlan Glee Timeline page 4 Week After Glee 1. Send out Thank You notes 2. Remaining clean up, return all equiprnent 3. Evaluation of Glee to ASWU Secretary and Office of Student Activities 4. Files, rernaining supplies and unused printed material to Student Activities By April 1 1. Flnal budget (expenditures & revenues) to Finance Boar-d MEMORANDUM TO: College of Liberal Arts Faculty DATE: March 8, 1988 FROM: Office of Student Activities SUBJECT: Freshman Glee and Blue Monday Practices for Wi11amette t s oldest tradition, Freshman Glee, began at 5:00 yesterday morning and will culminate in the actual performance Saturday evening, March 12, and the "paying off" of Glee bets on Monday. March 14 (Blue Monday). To accommodate the losing class' march down the Mill Stream, classes during the 11:20 class period on March 14 will, as is traditional, be postponed until the Convocation hour on Thursday, March 17. In the past couple of years, there has been some confusion as to what students may and may not do on Blue Monday, particularly as relates to the classroom. In brief, all university policies (standards of conduct, alcohol policy. etc.) are in force on Blue Monday as on any other day. In addition, attached is a copy of the Glee Rules pertaining to Blue Monday. If you have any additional questions about Freshman Glee or Blue Monday, please feel free to contact our office. hd attachment ------- -~~~-~.-"'--. FRESHMArc GLEE 1988 RULES AND REGULATIONS Freshman Glee is one of the oldest traditions on the Wlllamette University campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The foHowing rules and regulations are approved herewith by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in conjunction with the Freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee wiU vary according to four general musical formats. These themes/formats are: Fight (1988), Noveltv (1989), Alma Mater (1990), and Serenade (1991). These formats will continue to rotate on this baSis so that during a four-year period each class will have an opportunity to compete in each format. Fresbman Glee Date Freshman Glee will be held the evening of the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Vacation (March 12, 1988). Hligibility Only students currently enrolled at Wi11amette University will be eligible to participate in Freshman Glee. Other eligibility questions shaH be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee. Appointments and Procedures A. The Senate of the Associated Students of Willamette (ASWUJ will appoint Freshman Glee Co-Mangers. Freshman students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The Freshman Glee Managers will be appointed prior to October 15. B. The Freshman Glee Co-Managers will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Managers from each class to be appointed by their respective Class Councils. These Managers (or their designated representative) wiH exercise one vote on behalf of their class in Committee decisjons and/or recommendations to the Glee Co­Managers. The Glee Co-Managers will not have a vote. This Committee will review Freshman Glee rules, assist the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in arranging practice schedules, contacting judges, etc. It will also review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. The Oass Managers from the al1edgedly offending dass shaU not have a vote in such instances. C. The Class Managers will act as the over-all class organizer for their class, seeing that all deadlines are met, rules complied with, etc. The Oass Managers will appoint persons from their respective class to the foHowing positions: 1) Song Writer(s): Composes original words and music appropriate to the Freshman Glee theme and song format. 2} Song Leader(s): Teaches the dass song to those members of the class participating in Freshman Glee. 3) Choreographer(s): Plans the formations (a maximum of three for the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes and a maximum of two for the Freshman class) and movements from one formation to the next. 4:i March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of marching and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): DeSigns the dass t-shirt to be worn on Glee night. 6) Accompainist(s): Provides piano accompaniment during practices and the performance on Glee night of the class song and formations. Anyone person may fill more than one of these positions. D. Words, music, and a tape of class songs are due in the Office of Student Activities (University Center) no later than Noon on Friday, February 19, 1988. There will be a penalty of up to four (4) points from the final point total for any class that does not meet this deadline, subject to the discretion of the Glee Com mittee. E. At a special assembly to be held the Sunday beginning GJee Week (March 6, 1988), the Freshman Glee Co-Managers or a Freshman Class representative wiHlssue a formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other three classes. Representatives of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Oasses will respond in an appropriate manner. (The challenge may also be issued at the University Convocation prior to Glee Week if deemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee and University Convocation Com mitteesJ F. Only the Song Writers, Song Leaders. Choreographers, and March leaders may play class songs prior to Monday of Glee Week (March 7, 1988). Up to one voice per part may be included on the judges' tape. G. Glee practices shaH begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee (Monday, March 7, 1988). A schedule of practices will be arranged by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week (March 2, 1988). During the practice sessions the following regulations shall be in effect: 1) No alcohol will be aUowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups of more than four persons in the same room, at the same time during Glee week except during aSSigned practice hours. 3) No marching will be allowed on the circular stairway in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time will be allowed. (In unusual circumstances, beyond the control of the class involved, the Glee Committee may amend this rule.) 5) Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the Glee Co-Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee wiU be strictly enforced on Saturday morning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late wi1110se that portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding its practice time will be penalized at the discretion of the Freshman Committee, provided a formal complaint is lodged. 6) Excluding dress rehearsal, only appointed CLass Managers and the Freshman Glee Co-Managers may visit class practicies other than their own for a period of more than five (5) minutes. 7) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of scheduled Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist freshman with their marching. The Senior Skits will normally be presented at 7:00 pm on Friday of Glee Week (March 11, 1988). but the Senior Class may choose another time at its discretion. A decision as to the date and time of Senior Skits shaH be made no later than Monday before Glee Week (February 29, 1988). Freshman Glee Night Regulations A. Only the following clothes will be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted. B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2} Wear hats or other headgear c. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the followhlg order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. D. The Senior Oass, by virtue of their longevity, may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No ot.her class may be involved in the heckling. E. Only piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. F. No verbal or visual clues may be given during the final performance of marching and lor songs. G. No hand or body movements, including torso, will be allowed during the final performance other than the marching itself, at the discretion of the Glee Committee. (Specifically, no body movements are permitted during the rendition of the songJ No vocalization is allowed during marching; hand slaps are limited to one (1) per formation. H. Heckling and the use of water (or any like substance) are expressly prohibited during the entrances of the cJasses or the performances of formations and songs. 1. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J Classes must perform the song turned in for judging, at the discretion of the Glee Committee. Rule Infractions A. The Freshman Glee Committee will review aU complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. The Class Managers from the allegedly offending class shall not have a vote in such instances. B. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the compilation of final points and the possible assessments of penalty points in the event of an infraction. Blue Monday The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 14, 1988) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets wHl be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, except 11 :00 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11:00 am on the next Thursday (March 17, 1988). B. . The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11 :00 am hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty, administration, or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may, however, permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury, or violation of state, federal, or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. Freshman 61ee TimeHne October 1. ASWU holds informational meeting, selects Glee Managers 2. Initial meeting with Student ActiviUes and ASWU Officers 3. Meet wlth PubHcatons Office and Food Service to determine budget 4. Advance memo to Faculty and Staff giving them the dates of Glee Week, the Glee Performance, and Blue Monday. November 1. Budget proposal to Finance Board for approval 2. Selection of Closs Mongers, formation of Glee Committee pecember 1. Selection of theme (jnform Senate) 2. Conflrm practlce schedule/check room reservations 3. Develop backdrop, poster, program, postcard design 4. Choose honored guests, dedication 5. Send postcards to printer; moil no later than first week of February Christmas oreak January 1. Begin solicitation of judges 2. Draw up list of requirements for sound., lighUng, recording, and chairs February 1. Send letters to honored guests and person(s) to whom Glee is dedicated 2. Set poster desi gn Freshman GJee Tlmeline page 2 Four Weeks Before 61ee 1. Poster sent to printer 2. Finalize list of judges Three Weeks Before 61 ee 1. Song deadHne/songs and tapes mailed to jUdges 2. Have Tony make arrangements for necessary work orders 3. Meet wlth Food Service to discuss reception menu.. lunch hours during 61ee Week 4. Set order of performance/program layout 5. Take 61ee Banner to Salem Emblem Shop to have date changed 6. Contact Dean, have him send out Blue Monday notices 7. Ask Buzz to present banner 6. Locate someone to teach and lead Alma Mater Two Weeks Before 61ee 1. Tickets printed (if necessary) 2. Une up work: crews for set-up~ moving piano$ get names to Tony 3. Program to printer 4. Confirm Reception menu, give Saga guest count 5. Information about 61ee, reception &. judging to Judges o. Invitations to words/music judges with tickets for performance 7. Send memo about rehearsal hours to Custodians/Safety 6. Contact norist about floral arrangementsl corsages and boutineers 9. Make arrangements for Tuxedo rental Before Practices begin 1. Set up stage/wire risers together 2. Tape out riser footage in Waller Aud. 3. Moye piano to Sparks 4. Hang up posters.. post practice times/locations 5. 61ee Chal1enge Freshmen 61ee TjmeHne page 3 Glee Week 1. letter to Faculty/Staff inviting them to Glee 2. Progrftms back from printer 3. Complete backdrop 4. Install1ighUng 5. Move spotHghtlpodium to Cone 6. Make arrangements with Athletic Dept. to use office to tabulate results on Glee night 7. locate staff for Glee night (ticket takers~ judge assistantsl video operatorl etc.). g1ve names to the Student Activities Office 6. Order video equipment for Saturday night 9. Pick up tuxedos 10. Contact Grounds about Jackson Plaza clean-up on Blue Monday Fd day Bet ore Glee 1. Set up chairs 2. Tune piano 3. CompHe Judge's Packets 4. Hang Backdrop 5. Confirm all Glee Night help (spotlight/video operatorsl ticket sellers/takers~ judge assistants) Glee pay 1. Instal1 sound/recording eqUipment.: any additional equipment required by classes for entrances 2. Dry run of evening programl including a11 persons Introducing classes & Post-Glee Entertainment Sundoy 1. Remove baCkdroPI chairsl stage. sound/recording equipment & piano Freshmen 61ee TimeUne page 4 Week After Glee 1. Send out Thank You notes 2. Remaining clean up~ return an equipment 3. Evaluation of Glee to ASWU Secretary and Office of Student Activities 4. Fnes~ remaining supplies and unused printed material to Student Activities ftY AQril 1 1. Final budget (expenditures &. revenues) to Finance Board Ra.ting Sheet Summa.ry First =10 points Second:: 8 points Third = fa poinls Fourth =4 points /" ""' ,,-, "\ '~:' _,,#ft.;:" / /99v /'1''17 / 9 Freshmen Sophornores Juniors seniors Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points ",lords &. music Judge #1 ~ 'l( J 0 4' ¥ J /6 v Judge #2 3-{t ~­& / /0 c:(' '6' Judge #3 I /0 V ,G:. .d .f rX '('----' -:;r i, Total ~J 0(& ' 1& ~~:~ Presentation Judqe #1 j It) 3 rC f) :; ¥ tj "2. / d /f I Judge #2 ,~ ft"·! -.J 1 i'D I ,-/, rc ,.., Judge #3 I 10 3 0 eX 4 rj Judge #4 "II Ilf (. I Cf 3 0 I !./ 'I· /­Total '~r-;?J "/ 0~/ , Formation Judge #1 2-a ?: j Lf ~ -=7-1 I tQ' :"';, Judge #2 a, c. I te> 'i 4" .5 ~,~.171 ' I '? ~) Judge #3 if 'I ?~ d. R J 10 Judge #4 ;) -> 0\r, ;j;\ ..:;;. Total 1(0 d~ SUBTOTAL Tf ~9 '7-3 b ( - - r.f PEnALTIES --'" GRAnD TOTAL ?-:f to9 =13 5""1 , PLACE 7 ~ 1 - ---- YEAR: 1988 h FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFICIALBALLO'L ,:", .. ,. RULES: , Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the mus ic I (3) Quality of the music t and (4) quality of the word s. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 -10 points (10 pOints being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this yearI s Freshma n Glee is: ,\ \ Fight: The Glory of Song &The Honor of Victory CLASS ADAPTABILITY 1 ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: 1QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME . WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS I MU SIC POINTS , SENIORS (1988) cf /0 e /a ~& JUNIORS .(1989) :5 5 4 Lf I? SOPHOMORES /D 7 Iv b 33 (1990) F~~~nMEN 9 ?' '9 ~ i?-Lf (.~ny explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: SeIJ/ 0 ~ /g.t" TOTAL POINTS: c: 10j SECOND PLACE: rJ2E<;JI,L-Il3 JJ -; TOTAL POINTS: o 14/) THIRD PLACE:-...JOP/-JDJ--t!)f2§ S I v .TOTAL POINTS: -. ­FOURTH PLACE: \h:-ct:..:.'.:..;.Jj_/.:-{):.;;:,e:.....~______/..:..o_fL-_ TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I pnilferably at least tea day! PI to1 to the date-ef 610"'.\:)1.4..1::. ~D ktlt'W"" tho.Y\ Monkd' rY'\Q.t"e,).. ". THANK YOU for your assistance in OUf annual Freshman Glo.e. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! ---- FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFIC BALLOT YEAR: 1988 RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme I (2) Adaptability of words to the music I (3) Quality of the music t and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 -10 points (10 points being best) . Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshma n Glee is: I Fight: \ The Glory of Song & The Honor of Victory I 1 CLASS ADAPTABILITY \ ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: 1QUALITY: ITOTAL I TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MU SIC I POINTS SENIORS (1988) :> r-:3 I I( /0 I JUNIORS ~ ~ (, )--17. .(1989) I I I SOPHOMORES (1990) ? 8" 8" I :1 1 3~ 1. ~ 2( F(V6~~MEN 5" ~ S-I .I (Any explanatory comments may be writtir on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: ~~ TOTAL POINTS: SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot I please sign below I place this form and the words and music for the sonas in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I -prelCfe:"'!:? at leagt ten agys prier eo the date o!-rresiImal'l: G19Q.\o.....:\: no lette'/'" t..,<>.n M.o"o(~1 Ma..-<:h "'t. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! &Jf&~ JUDGE'S SIGNATU RE fRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: _19_8_8__~ RULES: Judging shall be made on: (l) Adaptability of words and music to theme t (2) Adaptability of words to the music I (3) Quality of the music f a (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scaLe of 1 -10 points (10 points being best). Please complete the chart below according to the in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: Fight: The Glory of Song &The Honor of Victory I I CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: ' QUALITY: TOTAL TO THErv!E 'WORDS TO MUSIC 'WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS (1988) g 10 <:( k,/ ! 3( I I JUNIORS -(1989) -7 --; ,/ ---­i l -r I SOPHOMORES (1990) . q '6 a I g 3!L'/ \ Ft1~~~MEN , ) Cf f· /0 I I q \ ::z -­( Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side. of this balloL) 3<r[ FIRST PLACE: SECOND PLACE: 3' aCf FOURTH PLACE: ~( After completing this ballot t please sign below I place this form gnd the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible, !'IefeIOblj at least tQn days "do! te the date of Freshman G19Q,bd no Ic::d:.c.r thQ.1'\ W'lQrlc(A'j1 Mo.....,h '1. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! t'::J<OO' J'X;:/ · FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RU -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: j 74 Q ---L--'-"'-=-_~' RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 paints maximum) I (2) Tone quality (S points maximum) I (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases I the hioher the number of points I better the presentation. P se complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS (10 points) (5) (5) (5) . (25 points maximuIT) SENIORS q :y'I 5' 2z.­1­~ /9 i.f JUNIORS ~ 5"-2:f c:;.y .:{s ;23 SOPHOMORES 1 "-i 5" S­. u:-­FRESHMEN JO S S--S­a2~ (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) 2~ FIRST PLACE: 112051+ TOTAL POINTS: .::r-;e 21 SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THIRD PLACE: ,5..aft+ TOTAL POINTS: ;23 FOURTH PLACE: 5£IJ!tJrc,~ TOTAL POINTS: ~.;z After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided I seal it I and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballotc:~unters. rR£-3t~(~L.£:£-~AL1)CE-5YtE}ULt:: Sat. March 12, 1988\ Sun. March 6,1988 Mon. March.? 198?: Tues. March 8,1988: Wed. March 9.19881 Thurs. March 10. 1988, Fri. March 11. 1988 : I I I • • • 6-apm I 5-7 am: I '5-7 ami 5-7 am 5-7 am I 5-7 al1}\ ,8-9 am . . ' Freshmen -Waller Freshmen -Cone Field ' Sophomores -Cone Field Juniors -Cone Field Seniors -Cone Field Freshmen -Cone Field Freshmen -Cone Field Auditorium House House House House House House 12:20-1 :15 pm ,12:20-1 :15 pm 12:20-1:15 pm 12:20-1:15 pm 12:20-1:15 pm 19-10 am Freshmen -Alumni Freshmen -Dining Freshmen-Cone Field Freshmen -Waller Freshmen -Dining Sophomores -Cone lounge ' Ro"oms 1 & 2 ' House Auditorium Rooms {&2 . House Sophomores -Dining Sophomore? ,-Waller Sophomores -Dining Sophomores ~ Cone Field Sophomores -Cone Fieldl Rooms 1 &2 Auditorium Rooms 1 & 2 House House Juniors -Waller Juniors -Cone Field Juniors -Alumni Juniors -Aiumni Juniors -Alumni I 10-11 am Auditorium Hou'se lounge !-ounge Lciung~ Juniors -Cone Field Seniors -Cone Field Seniors -Alumni Seniors -Waller Seniors--Dining Seniors'-Waller', House House Lounge Auditorium 'Rooms 1 &2 Auditorium I 11-noon 4-5 pm 1-5 pm 4-5 pm 4-5 pm 4-5 pm Seniors -Cone Field Freshmen -Dining Freshmen -Alumni Freshmen -Dining , Freshmen -Cone Field Freshmen -Alumni House Room 1 &2 ! Lounge Rooms 1 & 2 I House loungeSophomores -Waller 'Sophomores -Dining Sophomores -Cone Fieldl Sophomores:AlulT\ni Sophomores -WallerAuditorium Rooms 1 &2 . -House lounge AuditoriumJuniors -Cone Reid Juniors -Waller Juniors -Waller Juniors -Dining Juniors -Cone FieldHouse Auditorium Auditorium Rooms 1 &2 House ,Seniors ~ Alumni SeniorS:"Cone Field Seniors -Alumni Seniors· Waller Seniors -Dining I 7:30pm lounge House Lounge Auditorium Rooms 1 & 2 7-9 pm 7-9 pm 8-10pm (after senior skits),' IGLEE NIGHT 7-9 pm ?-9pmFreshmen -Waller Freshmen -Cone Field Freshmen -Alumni Freshmen -Dining: Freshmen -Waller\ .. Auditorium Lounge Rooms 1'&'2 ' Auditorium- House·Sophomores -Cone Field Soph<:>mores -.Alumni Sophomores -Dining Sophomores -Waller Sophomores -AlumniHouse ,Lounge Rooms 1 & 2 Auditorium LoungeJuniors -Alumni Juniors -Dining Juniors -Waller Juniors -Alumni . Juniors -Cone Fieldlounge Auditorium Lounge House 'Rooms 1 &2Seniors -Dining Seniors -Waller Seniors -Cone ReId Seniors -Cone Field Seniors -DiningRooms 1 & 2 House Auditorium House Rooms 1 & 2 FRESHMAN G ION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT RULES: Judging shall be e on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (S points maximum) I (3) Diction (S points maximum) T and (4) Expression (S points maximum). In all cases I number of points 1 the better the presentation. Please the below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION POINTS (10 ooints) (5) (5) (5) (25 points maximurrD SENIORS F7 _. B ::J S l{ ;):0 JUNIORS I <--.---_. t/ -' S SOPHOMORES "I...., "-!"" <.,. ))... Cf ..; '-" v " ~ FRESHMEN t " S-)?7 V _0'""" (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse s of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _=-__ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _--""~=-­FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: --F,=­After completing this ballot I plea se sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNAT,. RE (/ < FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RU:ES OFFICIAL BALLOT RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition 00 points maximum), (2) Tone quality (5 points maximum) r (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum) .. In all cases, the higher the number of points I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: ~LASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS 00 pOints} (5) (5) (5) . (25 points maximurr SENIORS q .4 .cL I 4­2/ JUNIORS /0 4 C' ----' 24 SOPHOMORES &1 S 1��4. ~ FRESHMEN Ie> ~ r­0 2-5 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: r:-~lv~~ TOTAL POINTS: 2-5 SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: Ulr,&.: o-+<J 24 CC /} TH IRD PLACE: ~~i~~ed TOTAL POINTS: 23 fll FOURTH PLACE: ~~~J<j TOTAL POINTS: Z-I After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal ·it/ and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE\ . FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES OFFICIAL BALLOT RULES: ing shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) T (2) Tone quality (5 paints maximum) I (3) Diction (5 points maximum) £ and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases t the higher the number of points t the better the presentation. Piease complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS I~~NE (10 points) (5) (5) (2~nts maximurr) SENIORS ~vj 9 4 ( 1-/ :;J. / 1 JUNIORS )0 'i; ),-J r-/l L/ -­~.' ..':I SOPHOMORES 0; Y-J --'I~ ~':L) ~. -., j ,.,-.-,...­FRESHMEN ...-­' 7J'J!>~ -6-J ,,) ~.y/ ~ I (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) :2 '-I ,.;;-F1\('5 ~\ i'i~{:;OTAL POINTS: :J ,~CFIRST PLACE: < ~ --~~~ :;;.. Lt --. ;1.. *' 11 SECOND PLACE: . ~.> ~ If Ii I fi TOTAL POINTS: :;;. y/) THIRD PLACE: ~6 fh ()Y\'-.(.i\)o TOTAL POINTS: :J;t-; :;­FOURTH PLACE: $...tN; M TOTAL POINTS: _:z___ After completing this ballot I please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided t seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE t RIJLES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no ~ore than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. . 2. The song will be presented from one basic formation by each class. No more three formations are allowed per class EXCEPT Freshmen. who have only two. Participants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. JUd g gins when the participating c ss is announced and will end when me ers of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 4. No sta e operties or change in appearance of wearing el is permi ed. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING RMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND • AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF 1 TO 10(..=.::,::.;=-=-=::,~ G THE HIGHEST). PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATINGS IN THE COLUMNS BELOW. 1. Wilen jud ing EXECUTION consider: a. ecis'e pivots b. Uniformity of arm and leg movements c. aight lines and appropriate spacing d. Uniformity as icipants move from one level of risers to another e. Standing up and sittin~ down with precision 2. ADAP ITY should include: how well the formations convey the ideas and feelings of the song and the overall theme. 3 . 1'lhen judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. Uniqueness of the formations and e marching b. Level of difficulty of formations and specific moves c. Variety. innovation, and creativity d. Clarity of the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS PLACE Sp1...J:Lv\ f W'~"".i" j 1 ~~'"1.. SENIOR~Q:;J ~ ~ 9 :25 ':J.-; t-<.!iP'..:.. [,i&s '&~J;. JUNIORS*uo 1 9 ~ 14, / D~i~P~011t;Rfs't­. I I . £6" ~ ~1i "l ' iC'-3 ~ ~SH 1 ~ ( )~ '3 u (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot --they are greatly appreciated.) After completing your ballot, please sign below, place in the envelope provided. seal it. and give it to your host fgr d~livery ~o ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance! ~~.~\C6~ JUDGE'S SIGNft:T:RE .. RU·LES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating c sses will count no more than the neatness and uniformity contribute to the e ectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song be .pres ed from one basic formation by each class. No more than three formations are lowed per c ss EXCEPT Freshmen, who rna), have only two. Participants not ge positions during the rendition of the song. ~~­3. Jud g begins when the ticipating class is announced and will end when members of the class have returned to the seats and are seated. 4. No stage operties or change appearance of wearing apparel is permitte . A stage operty is defined as any item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: JUDGING ONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~~(10 BEING THE. HIGHEST), PLEASE RATE THE CLASS AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY CING YOUR NUMERICAL RATINGS IN COLUMNS BELOW: 1. When judging EXECUTION consider: a. Preci~e pots b. Uniformity arm and leg movements c. Straight lines and appropriate spacing d. Uniform y as participants move from one level of the risers to another e. Standing up sitting down with precision I . 2 . ADAP~ABILITY. s h aul'a 1ncI ud e: h ow we11 the f ormat"10ns convey the - - ideas and feelings of the song and the overall theme. 3. 1<\[hen judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. Uniqueness of the formations and the marching b. Level of difficulty of formations and specific moves c. Variety, innovation, and creativity d. Clarity of the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL paINTS PLACE 7 Iv ~ ff; ::1 JUNIORS / f '7 d/ If' SENIORS q '.. , SOPHOHORES 0; /~ 98 ) FRESHMEN f 1 ~ ).1} J­( Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot --they are greatly appreCiated.) After completing your ballot, please sign low, place in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host for delivery to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance! ~fi~W~~~'}~.~I__~~\we~.~'~'):~2+/~!_____________________ JUDGES GNA·TUfi.E i RU>LES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating sses will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effect eness of the song and formation. I 2. The song will be presented from one basic f ormation by each cIa's s. No I more than three formations are owed per class EXCEPT Freshmen, who ma~ have on13~ P icipants 3h not chan positions during the I rendition of the song. 3 • Judging be s when the participating class is announced and will end when members of the ass have returned to their seats and are seated. 4. No stage properties or change in appearance wearing apparel is pe tted. A sta property is definec as item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; s inc s song le rs and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFEC~ SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~~(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEASE RATE CLASSES AFTER EACH TATION PLACING YOUR NUjvlERICAL RA GS IN THE COLUr.1NS BELOW'-,.-gS 1. wnen judging EXECUTION consider: f a. Precis'e pivots ~b. Uniformity of arm and leg movements 'ic. Strai lines and appropriate spacing () / ~d. Uniformity as participants move from one level of the riser to another . \ "'----,-, ~e. Standing up and sitting down with precision 2. ADAPTABILITY should include: how well the formations ~onvey the ~ideas and feelings of the son and the overall theme. -.::::J-,. -----­3. When judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: ~~~ <a. Uniqueness of the formations and the marching l.~b. Level of difficulty of formations and specific moves t.<c. Variety, innovation, and creativity f,(d. Clarity of the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS PLACE r 4;.C; 1<;~ ,-. ~ ..'/'" '/ SENIORS /0 /:;.,1 5:: 110 .'1 ! ::;)' J:' ~) j.._~f~~ 2­JUNIORS Ii, ,/0 +f I~" $;',0 (,:-f }-- . '}A.3 ".' 7\ }?' SO:pHm·lORES jCJ /0 10 / 7(} l-~3 3 flY I{ -~ /~ pftb ~l{,D tf FRESHMEN /a /0 76 (Any explanatory comments maybe written on the reverse side of this ballot --they are greatly appreciated.) After completing your ballot, please sign\ti low, place in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your hO\"\: ' del¥?"e7to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance! (\\ yw~~~~-------------------­JU' E'S S1GNA·TUR2 I 7/12/88 Dear Rolli, wanted to be sure before the summer was over to write you a letter explaining all that happened in our Glee wrap-up meetings. It should be quite interesting to see how things work out next year with all of the changes. By the way, I wanted to type this because I think it will be easier to understand. (Trust me, it a little confusing) Ifm sure you remember all of the problems we had getting people together for a wrap-up meeting. We ended up actually having two. At the first one, several small decisions were mane. The meeting was April 6 in the Alumni Lounge. All classes had at least one representative present. Audio tapes must be made on the same equipment. All present felt that it would be a good idea if next year the overalls could arrange time slots with the music department when each class could use the same equipment to make their tapes. It was felt that this would encourage classes not to procrastinate writing their song and making a tape because they would have to do their tape at a specific time. Secondly,it was decided that Friday night practice should be earlier with Senior Skits following that practice. This way senior skits would not interfere with practices and the overall managers would have to worry about timing the practices to make sure that everybody got 2 hour'J not more or less. Get the work out of the way and then do something fun was the general principle upheld. Friday night practices were felt to be much more worthwhile they were held before senior skits. Lastly, Dan made a motion about Committee votes. All classes will now vote on rule infractions with the Overall Managers breaking a tie necessary. It was that the defending class was at an unfair advantage because their accuser would automatically vote against them and the defendant having to win over the two remaining classes in order not to be penalized. With this, the complaintant and defendant will cancel each out leaving the other two classes to decide. believe that this also goes along with a general feeling of needing to follow the rules very closely in the case of a rule infraction and the rules in certain areas being elaborated on in order to eliminate confusion (ie. raids) There was also concern expressed about judging and next years overall managers may need to look at how judging is done and recommend changes and both classes and judges need to be aware of rules. second meeting is where things get interesting. The junior class was absent (although I had gotten a note from a member that class saying that he I page 2 be present and we attempted to make phone calls to members of that class) It was felt by those that atterided the meeting that we should go ahead and make decisions and allow them to stand as rules. I understand that next year's Glee Committee will have to look at the results of this meeting and decide what to do about them. I will try to explain the changes and their purposes to the best of my ability. The meeting 'vas held April 27. Lanny Ball, Dave Bertholf, J.P. Moss, Dan Swartz, Jon Radmacher, Wendy Willis, Laura Zinniker and Amy Willis were present. It was first of all decided that the ordinal system of scoring should be removed. Instead classes will be ranked from 1 to 10 and there will be no conversion. It was felt that this would give classes a more accurate reflection of the disparities a judge sees between two classes, it would be the actual score rather than a ranking and the score would be a measure of quality. Scoresfrom past years showed that a few times ( I believe 3) raw scores had been different from ranked scores and the results of Glee would have been different without ordinal scoring (of course, this year's Glee was the prime example). The manner of judge selection Was also discussed. I quote from the senior recommendations (I have also enclosed a copy of them) n In order to limit generational differences and provide for a progression of Glee, we propose that a majority of the judges have graduated no more than fifteen years ago. Of course, that may make finding judges difficult. So we also propose that instead of finding judges through ~ various random methods, each year the senior class council complies a list of ~ ~~ members of their class (at least 15) who are qualified to judge the different ~Ja~ aspects of Glee." I'm sure you realize this is in direct relation to the out-~.:g \ come of this year's Glee and the senior feeling that they were penalized for not i ~~~ being traditional. I know this will be a hot topic of dispute next year because;!:: S1)l this recommendation was approved. It 'vas also decided that a song explanation ~.s ~~ ,viII accompany each classes song to the song judges, a presentation explanati0:!?td cs ~ to presentation judges and a list of formations to formation judges~ An exact explanation of what presentation is will need to be written up by next year's committee (I ,,,,ould also say the other two categories of judging) so that presentation, song, and formation are separate, understandable and detailed to avoid confusion (you can see confusion was a big deal at both meetings). It was also decided that TIU students should have a marching practice at the same time on -the>tt:. C:l ~vJ~ the freshman have theirs~ A room-wdulu-need to be arranged and the junio~would be in charge of the session (with the senioI5stil1 doing the freshmen). It was strongly felt that this would help the students and make them feel more like an active part of the class they were assigned to. Other concerns were that everyone know the Alma Mater so that on Glee night the students aren't so embarassed. It was recommended that 15 minutes be added to a Wednesday or Thursday practice in order to allow for time to teach to Alma Mater. The subject of time limits on performances was also brought up. ( I think our streamline Glee went well and with fine tuning it could work just fine as long as classes are aware that long performances bore the audience and judges.) It was also very necessary that judges get a full explanation of the theme and sub-theme as classes supposedly build their performance around those themes. Everyone needs to be working on the same wave length in order for there to be no surprises. Everything must be understood in the same manner by both judges and classes and that is why detailed rules instructions are important. Its going to be a lot of work to get all of the items enumerated but in the long run it will save a lot of time and pain. With the change from ordinal scoring t all references to scoring will need to be changed in the rules (ie. number of points docked for a late song). I know this it is a lot of stuff and most of it is in reaction to what happened this year. This means a lot of work for next year's Overall-Managers and the four of us who are remaining a Willamette are definately helping them out as much as possible. We didn't get any help from last year's managers and we know how much we needed it. With all of the left over tension and anger from this year plus the controversial changes t they are going to need a lot of help. It was also felt that more direction from the Student Activities office was needed for the Freshman class managers and Overall Managers instead of leaving them to float on their own ( I think especially in the case of class managers since last year's freshman class officer are likely to be~~~~re class officers). Well, I think that was all of the decisions and concerns. I am glad to finally get this letter of as I've been wanting to do it since May 11. I am also busy compiling a file of everything I did along with explanations of everything for the person who gets my job next year. I want to give it to that person myself and try to have good communication with he or she so that I can help out as much as possible. I think it will be much more valuable this way. We did a new time line on the Glee disc and all of the stuff I have on my disc we can transfer in the fall. Thank you for all of-your help and for reading this letter ( it is long). I hope this makes the confusing changes a little more explanable. See you during Opening Days. Thank you, ~ suggested Freshman Glee Rule Changes ,,~ ., V1 -\ 1. Remove on:ffncl scoring system. Currently, the judge ranks acH~ss from 1 to 4t Based upon those scores, ranks are determined, and 10., 8, 6, and 4 p01nts are given out for -_? first" second, third# and fourth places, respectively. j We propose that instead, judges rank classes from 1 to 10; that score wUl then bethe score that is added into the total. This has three distinct advantages: first, it is a more accurate reflection of the disparities a judge sees between two classes (e.g. if three classes are very close in Quallty and the fourt~ class is much worse, rather than being given pOints based upon thefr relative ranking, they are given pOints based upon their qua11ty.) Second, it is actually a score, rather than a ranking. Finally, and wYn~ least importantly, from year to year e cless could compare itself, teo the o..GV,):J::~ -it score is not aranklng, but a measure of quality. -~Ci. _One concern with getting rid of ordine1 scoring is thet one judge could clt:~-tfr:! fvv completely destroy a classes chance of doing well, e.g. on 8 scale of 1 to lLl-t-r: 40., just one score of 1 cOtild knock that cless out of the competition. By -chtmging from 1 to 40 to 1 to 10, thet posslbi1ity is limited . .; -TnCOG:;G or flG--::> J~rp~(hu,m~{)f-f6~ J. ~.1r" v: 2. Judge selection. In order tb'Umit generetionel differences end provide ~'le ~~fore progression of Glee, we propose thet e majority of the jUdges have graduated no more than fifteen years ago. Of course, that may make finding judges difficult. So we also propose thet instead of finding judges through various random methods, each year tna senior class councl1 compiles e Jist of members of their cless (at least 15) who are quallf1ed to judge different espects of Glee. This waYI Judges who may be wonderful WilJameUe graduates but had nothing to do with Glee when they were here will not be called upon to judge. r: S;fh Jr ~r.-3. Judge 8xplenatlon. {o ([15 ot5('1)t''1e;:> a. Class gives en explanation to all the judges. Song explanation to song judgesl presentation explonotion to presentotion jUdges.lt2>toHDrmo.;tr&r6 tv _b..A detailed explanation of ~xoctly whot presentation ente11s should fo~ be written up by the Glee committee. This wHl assist not only the judges, ~ but also the classes when devising their program. loud Y\ e;,~-" 1.'~j~rras.~flX-l5­It appears to us as if raiding wi11 no longer occur. Although it is . undoubtedly one of the most traditional aspects of Glee, people have ~ , . ~become too uptfght to allow be done. However, if the Glee comm1ttee 1 dectdes thot 1t does not wont to eliminate rafd'lng, then it should write up ~ . !J a l1st of rules regarding raids. As we have seen, past precedent is not .-enough to govern this dctivfty; to be fair, everything must now be spelled out in emmaculete detail. What one asks for one will get. 1 988 GLEE COMM ~ TTEE Amy McCann " Aaron McGrath, ~Dan Swartz , Amy Willts Laura Zinniker \, oL. ~Hol1y Dawson Anne Donovan John Horton Karen Mercer J.P. Moss \ Lanny Ball David Bertholf Rob Patridge "" \, Michelle Shultz\ QaPpen 88:8ra. Alan Harper fi-~ Evan Rice Jennifer Sasser Wendy Shoemake~ Larry Didway Krista Dierks John Donovan "" Jon Radmacher "'­Helen Siggins Wendy Willis '" Overall Managers F-338 Doney 119 x6909 F-342 Lausanne 305 x6697 E-275 Baxter 409 x6559 C-174 Belknap 103 x6698 C-123 Matthews 21 t x6594 Freshman Class 6-224 G-248 B-234 A-247 169 Alpha Chi Omega x6008 Shepard 8 x6938 Lausanne 301 x6669 Belknap 220 x6548 Matthews 326 x6894 SOl2homore Class A-146 ,A-185 H-149 F-259 B-203 E-273 A-239 H-148 B-226 B-176 A-152 B-178 6-212 H-132 8-285 Lausanne 320 x6973 Lausanne 320 x6973 Kappa Sigma x6896 Lausanne 309 x6615 Junior CJass off-campus 378-1693 off-campus Kappa S1gma x6696 Univ. Apts. 303 585-9347 Delta Gamma x6009 Senior Class off-campus 585-2672 off-campus 399-7985 Beta Theta Pi x6511 Kappa Sigma x6946 off-campus 399-7985 off-campus 399-7985 . . i i T~.sH-~(jL£:£;-~AL\1CE-~~)::ULe: Mon. March}. 198.\3: Tues. March 8,1988, Wed. March 9, 1985i· Thurs. March 10, 1988. Fri. March 11, 1988 , Sat. March 12, 1988\ G-8pm 5-1. am: '5~7 <;ml 5·7 am 5-7 am 5-7, am: 8-gam _>1;.,1 Freshmen -Waller Freshmen -Cone Field· Sophomores -Cone Field Juniors -Cone Field Seniors -Cone Field Freshmen' Cone Field Freshmen· Cone Field Auditorium House House House House House House 12:20-1:15 pm .12:20:-1:15\?m 12:20-1:15 pm 12:20-1:15 pm 12:20-1:15 pm 9-10 amFreshmen -Alumni Freshmen -Dining Freshmen -Cone Field Freshmen -Waller Freshmen -Dining Sophomores -Cone FielcLounge , Rooms 1 &2' House Auditorium 'Roomsf&2 . HouseSophomores -Dining Sophomore~.~Waller Sophomores -Dining Sophomores -Cone Field Sophomores -Cone Ffeld!Rooms 1 &2 Auditorium Rooms 1 &2 House"· . House: .­Juniors -Waller Juniors -Cone Fjeld Juniors -Alumni Juniors -Aiumni Juniors -Alumni 10-11 amAuditorium House Lounge !-aunge ,lciunge Juniors -Cone FieldSeniors -Cone Field Seniors -Alumni Seniors -Waller Seniors-. Dining SeniorS".! Waller ~ HouseHouse Lounge Auditorium , -Rooms 1 &2 Auditorium. . ., . 11-noon4-5 pm 4-5Rm' 4-5 pm 4-5 pm 4-5 pm Seniors -Cone FieldFreshmen -Dining .. , Freshmen -Alumni Freshmen -Dining . Freshmen. Cone Field I -Freshmen· Alumni HouseRoom 1 &2 Lounge Rooms 1 &2 II House· LoungeSophomores -Waller 'Sophomores -Dining Sophomores -Cone Fieldl' Soph·omores -Alumni Sophomores. WallerAuditorium Rooms 1 &:2 ' • House Lounge·' AuditorJumJuniors -Cone Field Juniors -Waller Juniors -Waller Juniors· Dining Juniors· Cone FieldHouse-· Auditoru,im Auditorium Rooms 1 &2 HouseSeniors -Alumni seniors -:. Cone Field Seniors· Alumni SeniorS ~Waiiar­Seniors. Dining 7:30pmLounge House Lounge 'Auditorium Rooms 1 &2 7-9 pm 7-9 pm , 7-9 pm 7-9 pm 8-10pm (after senior skits} 'GLEE NIGHT !!Freshmen -Waller Freshmen -Cone Field Freshmen· Alumni . Freshmen -Dining' Freshmen· Waller\Auditorium House Lounge 'Rooms 1'&'2 •Auditorium; •. .Sophomores -Cone Field Sophomores· Dining Sophc;>mores -.Alumni Sophomores -Waller Sophomores· AlumniHouse ,Lounge Rooms 1 &2 Auditorium . LoungeJuniors -Alumni Juniors -Dining Juniors -Waller Juniors·.,A1umrli Junio~• Cone Field Lounge 'Rooms 1 &2 Auditorium Lounge' HouseSeniors -Dining Seniors. Cone Field Seniors -Waller Seniors -Cone Field Seniors -Dining Rooms 1 & 2 House Auditorium House Rooms 1 & 2' UN IVERSITY Salem, Oregon 97301 FRESHMAN GLEE 1988 TIMELINE OVERALL GLEE MANAGERS: September 30 ...................... Applications available in the ASWU Office. October 11 ........................ Applications due at' 5:00pm in the ASWU Office. You must schedule an interview time. October 12-14 ..................... Interviews will be held in Harrison Conference Room. October 15 ........................ Selection committee will make a recommendation to the Senate at 6:30pm, Autzen Senate Chamber. CLASS OFFICERS/MANAGERS: October 12 ........................ Applications available in the ASWU Office. October 19 ........................ Applications due at 5:00pm in the ASWU Office. October 26 ........................ Campaigning ends at 8:00am. Election table open, ,UC Basement. October 27 .... ~: .................. Election table closed at 5:00pm. Results announced in ASWU Office, at 8:00pm. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS ofWILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY OVERALL GLEE MANAGER APPLICATION When submitting an application please include the following information: 1. The name, box, and phone number of each applicant. (all applicants must be freshmen) 2. Give a statement explaining why you are interested in being a Glee Manager. 3. Briefly list or explain your qualifications. 4. Outl your proposed division of responsibilities. 5. Provide a synopsis of any ideas you may have. - - Glee /7'/7 Rating Sheet Sununary First = 10 points Second = e points Third = 5 points Fourth = 4 points I" '77C/,/ 7' / cp &'7 /9 ""'1 Freshmen Sophomores JUIjiors Seniors Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Words &. music Judge #1 6Z D 1..3 c; .</ ~ J /0 Judge #2 ,-"I & / /0 0(' '() .q.: ~ Judge #3 / /0 \.-i ~ .Gc, d </ 0( '( '-". Total cX'i../ ~a. ' lev ~,,;:'~ Presentation Judae #1 I /D .~ 10 f) s t/ t.j 911 Judge #2 (~ .: -3 to 1 10 4 J Judge #3 I 10 3 to c? 4 I Judge #4 I , 3 ~ I 9"'! i./ 1.). Ii' Total 5r ~J -:;,~;:; . ! 0~ . Formation Judge:lt 1 zJ .~:-. ... Lf I ~ 1 11) i.>. ? Judge #2 ,::C ; 10 & : l 3; ' . f3 tf 4" "­1-. 1 cl R lD Judge #3 t{ ;:; {::: , ~!" Judge #4 Total ICo ;( ~:2) (~. ,;F, 3, SUB TOTAL 11 1~9 15 k.i PEnALTIES -­"" GRAnD TOTAL ic9 ,'i'r PLACE I 1 ---- FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT, YEAR: 1988 RULES: I Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the mus ic f (3) Quality of the music I and (4) quality of the word s. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 -10 points (10 paints being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this yearI s Freshma n Glee is: \ \ Fight: The Glory of Song &The Honor of Victory CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC MUSIC POINTS ~ SENIORS (1988) 6' /0 3-.& 5 5' (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: t<~8IJ/ D L I g.~ TOTAL POINTS: is. ~-­SECOND PLACE: /i!E~#Ul3IJ ''1/ TOTAL POINTS: TH~RD PLACE:'~,P#D.l4ll..l2G S ! 1U TOTAL POINTS: ~. FOURTH PLACE :\./._~..;..;J,-'J_ltJ....;.I2_;"_~_____'_O'__f_'_ TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I p"'!ih~rably it least teR 6a,:! I'tiOI to the date Of Frest:;u:aaR Gle~;..b~1:. \-tD ktlb"" t\'o.YI. MCIIIUM';'1 fV1Q1r~ '1. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Gle.e. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itselfl FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: _19_8_8___ 1 1 RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme t (2) Adaptability of words to the music I (3) Quality of the music f and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 -10 pOints 00 points being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshma n Glee is: I Fight: \ The Glory of Song & The Honor of Victory I I CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME 'NORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS (1988) G:­: 3 if ItO JUNIORS .(1989) 0 '6 b ;,­27 SOPHOMORES C1990J ? g" i{ ;7 30 FA~~r)MEN ~ S (c. 2( (Any explanatory comments may be writtr, on the reverse side of this ballot.) I ;)~ FillS! PLACE: 4op~ TOTAL POINTS: 30 SECOND PLACE: ~ TOTAL POINTS: / THIRD PLACE: ~~~&-TOTAL POINTS: 2/ J ~1 FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: !~ It~ After completing this ballot I please sign below f place this form and the words anct music for the sonas in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I ~refefabiy at lea~f ten dil'g pfis1" to the dote at 'fteshmC'm GioHL 'o~t. no I.:tt:et" t"An f'I'\.Q~Cl.ojI Ma.r<:h'1. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! ·~il?&~ JUDGE'S SIGNATURE 2-7 FRESHMAN GLEE vVORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1988 ~ ---V RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the mus ic, (3) Quality of the music I and (4) quality of the word s. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 -10 points (10 paints being best) .. Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this yearl s Freshma n Glee is: Fight: The Glory of Song &The Honor of Victory CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY:' TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MU SIC POINTS SENIORS (1988) I JUNIORS ,(1989) (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: 3'f SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: 3 TEIRD PLACE: POINTS: . FOU PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ~K After completing this ballot, please sign below 1 place this form and the words and music for the sonos in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I h'lefetl~bl'1 at leaiiit tim days I'IiOf te eire d~te of Freshffian CliiloJo&.tt W'\# ,~ thc:a..... MCH')CltCL'l1 M~r"h '1. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman G e. We hope you oyed the experience and will able to attend the event its ! FRESHMAN PRESENTATION RULES -OFFIC BALLOT YEAR: RULES: Judging shall made on (1) 1 Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 points maximum) f (3) Diction (5 points maximum) J and (4) Expres sian (5 points maximum). In all cases J the hieher the num of points I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS DO Qoints) (5) (5) (5) (2 ~nts maximurrD SENIORS q 4 !r 2<:.­c5? c.2. JUNIORS II) if '$" ~ 24' ~1 . SOPHOMORES '1 JI .> ~;i' 3 FRESHMEN 10 s- r-' .a...s:-­a2~ (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ____ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: TH IRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: --'~~~ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: .,;z~ After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot c~unters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual hman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! FRESHMAN GLEE NTATION RULES -OFFIC BALLOT RULES: Judg ing shall be e on (1) Vocal Rendition (lo maximum), (2) Tone quality (5 paints maximum) f (3) Diction (5 points maximum) f and (4) Expression (5 points m). In aU cases I the the number of points I the the presentation. Pl.ease complete chart below according to your ra s in each category: LASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL 5 5 (25 SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHME)J (Any comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _=-=-_ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _-----"'_=_ FOU PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ---t:Z=­After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided I seal it and g lve it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. I THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman G • We hope you enjoyed the experienc e! FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: /9'S''I RULES: Judging shall be made on 0) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 points maximum) I (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expres sion (5 points maximum). In all cas es I the higher the number of po ints I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: ~LASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS (10 pOints) (5) (5) (5) (2 ~nts maximulT SENIORS q ,4 4­y: 2/ JUNIORS I 21/ .5 5 2-4 SOPHOMORES (':1 s , 1­4­~. FRESHMEN /i) ~ ~ 25 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ____ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: 4 // lu~i·' THIRD PLACE: " TOTAL POINTS: ____ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ____ After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided I seal it and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. l THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE' SHMAN PRESENTATION RULES -OFFICIAL YEAR: '9TH'=---_ Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 points maximum), (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases I the the number of points, the better the presentation. P se complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINT S 5 5 SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES MEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of ballot) TOTAL POINT S: _----'---:;:......­; -tC FIRST PLACE: SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: TH IRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ____ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _.:2___1__ After completing this Hot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1'1'81 RULES: ~/ 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity can ibute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be presented from one basic formation by each class. No more than three formations are allowed per class EXCEPT Freshmen, who maJ have only two. Participants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when members the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 4. No stage properties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~~(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEA RA CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATINGS IN THE COLUMNS BELOW. 1. 'When judging EXECUTION consider: a. Precis"e pivots b. Uniformity of arm and g movem s c. Straight lines and appropriate spacing d. Unifor ty as participants move om one level of the risers to another . e. Standing up and sitt g down with precision 2. ADAPTABILITY should include: how well the formations convey the ideas and feelings of the song and the overall theme. 3. When judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. Un ess of the formations and the marching b. Lev of difficulty of formations and specific moves c. Variety, innovation, and creativity d. Clarity of the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS PLACE I (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot --they are greatly appreciated.) After completing your ballot, please sign below, e envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host f o ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance! FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 19f1 RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be .presented from one basic formation by each class. No more than three formations are allowed c ss EXCEPT Freshmen, who ma~ have only two. Participants shall not chan positions during the rendition of the song. ~~=."--=-H.==--­3. Judging begins when the participating c ss is announc and wi end when members of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 4. No stage properties or change appearance of wearing appar is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORHATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USiNG A SCALE OF ~~(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION PLACING YOUR NUHERICAL RATINGS IN THE COLUMNS BELOW. 1. vfuen judging EXECUTION consider: a. Preci pivots b. Uniformity of arm and leg movements c. Straight lines and appropriate spacing d. Uniformity as participants move from one lev of the risers to another e. Standing up and sitting down with precision 2. ADAPTABILITY should include: how well the formations convey the ideas and feelings of the song and the overall theme. 3. When judging TOTAL CT consider: a. Uniqueness of the formations and the marching b. Level of difficulty of formations and specific moves c. Variety, innovation, and creat ity d. Clarity of the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot --th are greatly appreciated.) After completing your ballot, please sign below, place in the envelope provided, s it, and give it to your h t for delivery to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance! FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: If" RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than the neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be presented from one basic formation by each cla-ss. No more than _thr~e formations are lowed per class EXCEPT Freshmen, who ma;y have onl~~ Parti pants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when members of the class have returned to their seats and are seat 4. No stage properties or change appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are owed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF 1TO 10(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION PLACING YOUR NUivlERICAL RAIlINGS THE COLUMNS BELOW'­1. "\fuenj udging EXECUTION consider: ----<'} a. Preci pivots b. Uniformity of arm and leg movements c. Straight lines and opria spacing / d. U formity as participants move from one lev of to another e. Standing up and sitting down with precision 2. ADAPTABILITY should include: how well the formations ponvey the of e son a:n:~d~t~h~~~~=~~~~.~~~~ 3. When judging TOTAL consider: /' a. Uniquenes s of the formations and the march g b. Level of diffic of formations and specific moves • Variety, innovation, creativity Clarity of the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOf-lORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse s of this ballot --they are gr ly appreciated.) After completing your ballot, please sign in the envelope provided, s it, and give it to your ho~ to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance! Churcht;, Corn~al Cornrnunicatior'lll;.· '''I{ (503) 363-0091 1930 Davcor SE Salem. OR 97302 ORDER FORM: Name Phone Address City, State & Zip ________________________________________~----------would like to purchase the following videotapes: Senior Skits (3~11~BB) Freshman Glee (3-12-88) Freshman, SOPhomore, Junior Programs Senior Program One tape $25 Two different tapes $35 All three tapes $45 Payment must accompany order. You may either leave this order blank at the video cabinet during the performance or mail it to us. Please make your checks payable to TRIPLE C VIDEO. Thank you! '. ~ \b ~ ~::t-, ,~ "Q,: ;;;­~~ ­~ ~ ~ '-'\ ~ ~ At­~ ~ 3­, S) -) ?­-. 0 ~~ <><l 0(') I1EMORANDUM DATE: March 8. 1988 unior class practices ding other classes' king you to stop, BUT anything else you .0 keep in mind the table, we'll be Freshman Glee 1988 Rules and Regulations Freshman Glee is one ofthe oldest traditions on the Willamette University campus. The purpose ofFreshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The following rules and regulations are approved herewith by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in co~unction with the Freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee will vary according to four general musical formats. These themes/formats are: Fight (1988), Novelty (1989), Alma Mater (1990), and Serenade (1991). These formats will continue to rotate on this basis so that during a four-year period each class will have an opportunity to compete in each format. Freshman Glee Date Freshman Glee will be held the evening of the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Vacation (March 12, 1988). Only students currently enrolled at Willamette University will be eligible to participate in Freshman Glee. Other eligibility questions shall be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee. Appointments and Procedures A. The Senate of the Associated Students ofWillamette University (ASWU) will appoint Freshman Glee Co-Mangers. Freshman students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The Freshman Glee Managers will be appointed prior to October 15. B. The Freshman Glee Co-Managers will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Managers from each class to be elected by their respective classes. These Managers (or their designated representative) will exercise one vote on behalf of their class in Committee decisions and/or recommendations to the Glee CO-Managers. The Glee Co-Managers will not have a vote. This Committee will review Freshman Glee rules, assist the Freshman Glee CO-Managers in arranging practice schedules, contacting judges, etc. It will also review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, ifany. The Class Managers from the alledgedly offending class shall not have a vote in such instances. C. The Class Managers will act as the over-all class organizers for their class, seeing that all deadlines are met, rules complied with, etc. The Class Managers will appoint persons from their respective classes to the following positions: 1) Song Writer(s): Composes original words and music appropriate to the Freshman Glee theme and song format. 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the class participating in Freshman Glee. 3) Choreographer(s): Plans the formations (a maximum of three for each class, although the Freshman class shall not be penalized for performing only two) and movements from one formation to the next. 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of marching and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the class t-shirt to be worn on Glee night. 6) Accompainist(s): Provides piano accompaniment during practices and the performance on Glee night ofthe class song and formations. Any one person may fill more than one of these positions. D. Words. music, and a tape ofclass songs are due in the Office of Student Activities (University Center) no later than Noon on Friday, February 19. 1988. (Up to one voice per part may be included on thejudges' tape.) Subject to the discretion of the Glee Committee, there will be a penalty of up to four (4) pOints from the final point total for any class that does not meet this deadline. E. At a special assembly to be held the Sunday beginning Glee Week (March 6, 1988), the Freshman Glee Co-Managers or a Freshman Class representative will issue a formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other three classes. Representatives ofthe Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes will respond in an appropriate manner. (The challenge may also be issued at the University Convocation prior to Glee Week ifdeemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee Committee and the University Chaplain.) F. Only the Song Writers, Song Leaders. Choreographers. and March Leaders may play class songs prior to Monday ofGlee Week (March 7, 1988). G. Glee practices shall begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee (Monday, March 7, 1988). A schedule of practices will be arranged by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week (March 2, 1988). During the practice sessions the following regulations shall be in effect: l} No alcohol will be allowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups ofmore than four persons in the same room, at the same time during Glee week except during assigned practice hours. 3) No marching will be allowed on the circular stairway in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time will be allowed. (In unusual circumstances, beyond the control ofthe class involved, the Glee Committee may amend this rule.) 5) The Freshman Class shall be allowed one additional practice during Glee week and one practice of up to two hours the weekend immediately preceding Glee week. 6) Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the Glee Co-Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee will be strictly enforced on Saturday morning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late will lose that portion ofits time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding its practice time will be penalized at the discretion ofthe Glee Committee, provided a formal complaint is lodged. 7) Excluding dress rehearsal, only apPOinted Class Managers and the Freshman Glee Co-Managers may visit class practices other than their own for a period of more than five (5) minutes. 8) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of scheduled Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to aSSist the freshmen with their marching. Senior Skits will normally be presented at 7:00 pm on Friday of Glee Week (March II, 1988). but the Senior Class may choose another time at its discretion. A decision as to the date and time ofSenior Skits shall be made no later than Monday before Glee Week (February 29. 1988). Freshman Glee Night Regulations A. Only the following clothes will be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks The use ofbuttons. stickers. pins. ribbons. etc.. is not permitted. B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the following order: Freshmen. Sophomores. Juniors. D. The Senior Class. by virtue of their longevity. may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in the heckling. E. Only piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. F. No verbal or visual clues may be given during the final performance ofmarching and/or songs. G. No hand or body movements, including torso, will be allowed during the final performance other than the marching itself, at the discretion of the Glee Committee. (Specifically, no body movements are permitted during the rendition of the song.) No vocalization is allowed during marching; hand slaps are limited to one (1) per formation. H. Heckling and the use ofwater (or any like substance) are expressly prohibited during the entrances of the classes or the performances of formations and songs. 1. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J. Classes must perform the song turned in for judging, at the discretion of the Glee Committee. Rule Infractions A. The Freshman Glee Committee will review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. The Class Managers from the allegedly offending class shall not have a vote in such instances. B. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the compilation offinal points and the possible assessments of penalty points in the event of an infraction. Blue Monday The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 14. 1988) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual. except 11 :00 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11:00 am on the next Thursday (March 17. 1988). B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11:00 am hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty. administration. or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may. however. permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member. his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden. unless consented to by all parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage. personal injury. or violation of state. federal. or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful. ecologically questionable. or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. Cllanges Recommendelj f or the Freshman Gl ee rul as; ..January 27, 1988. 1. Change AQ.r~lolntrnents and Proce1jures} C3 frorn "Plans the formations (a ma::<irnurn of three for the S.ophomore) Junior, Elnd Senior classes and a me:~:irnum of bA,"o for the I?reshrnan class)...;' to "P1ans the formations (a rneximum of -~ . ~4<.QJ,.k·V#\ (.:::l),-.;;;7,., Freshrnen are put at a net disadvantage by onllfbei tV·tf)," fon'nations .. HII3Y have less chance to develop their i and the subtheme, are definately not able to present an entire "prograrn" of related fon-nations. This undouMedl!Jhurts their chances of successful1 y with 0'18 oU'ler three c1 asses. Under AQQolntments end Procedures.. G, efter "A schedule ofpractlces '\,\,,111 atTemged by the Freshman Gl ee Co-!"lanager~; and approved by the Freshrnan Glee Cornrnlttee no later then the V·lednesday prior to Glee Vleek 2.. 1 n tie lnsert8lj Freshrnan class shall be lovv'ed one Gijditional ce during the \'Ve8r< one practice of up to two Itv8ekend irnrnediatel!J prec81jirllJ 911313 v'leek." ,-~,.,...·,_v, ) UrilJer Freshman G18e Night. Regul aU on::;, frorn "No hend or body f);1~ s:J 1 ng torso... " to " No hand or tICllj~~ rnovernent includin!~ I I rl ~ .. -r t --.-,1-' --,. ,---" -" -.. "-.. 'A '_l! i H.} .:j t ij11:\1 !t Ijr 1[I • f iih e.!r It! III !:::' .. H '".,-1':;:,. .... ''', t-\' .-t,l, ,"', ,~, ::::t "-c.. roO ·::d r 1 ~ f-l' 1""'1·,.J ; t \.', , -"d -t t! -t" l' ,-..... I i' 1wi loll, ! J,~.~, U!! ::I U.• i fit!!.'!!!..! \::! ",_.\::! se8 them relaxerj," ul C' ";;I! TH1RJ2 i -;;f-;;{;J' 9 t .,.i\.-!lr;} = 106 (Fourth) 10 10(20) 11 (Second) = ",Jun: 1 1 =9E; (Third) j 1 14(28) 4( 12) 1C!(4r)) = 91 (Fi 1d'l''''t!J " vU _.,. J:i ,-:::, .:. hp',l..i,A,) Ij,", h:""!i·J'i p. "" , .....d.,JU ../J t~l1'10' Fl r"l P'I'_'::;!A II lil...lll"".I', .=.' •Q ~-l'-';'1 1=' r'~ .:. P. p. '-.'-~ .... Ij i ,;-." rl u ':ir'li",-W::!_.l-:'" q p. t::r ... ; .... i ,_, U .. f ,_ll oppelJ v-/innl fH'pj pIecing f rly close to other classes). of tll1 I bel i 8\18 Fre::;f"1t"f)8n shoul!j I'lave a 1 EJr!~8r amount of pracUce 7.i rne tt"Ji:m least } ast but "1...'8 it even more ''1V88kenlj before glee). This e:,·,;tra tice time shoui Ij t!s 8SS of vl"hether \'''113 !jeci to all o"vhana"~rmmot1ons. . 2)Destroyslhe tradHion of glee. Glee originated as sirnply a singitl!~ competition. Since Ulen, marclling has be,en added--nov?' all owing some hand/arm movements would be' a tradHional extension. Also, heckllng by the senior class has been. diSallowed: Changing some aspect of glee is not unheard of, and is nClt seen as bad by i1r. Tradition hirhself, Buzz Vocorri. : 3)y.lould be too confusing/too hard/mwjdlfng. No class \lv'oul d be requi red to 8:.:tend Hlei r f orrnati onsi n ttll sway. Notice, often y.lhen tl class has tried to Ijo r"ltwder things they have hurt thern ($,g: double tirnln!~/rnoon 'waH~s). Using the arms is very sirni1ar ttl head snaps or quick turns in a ...,,<ave-type formation. These are the problems that '\'vere n:lised at the lest meetfnq. ! believe , ~ that the add~tion of lirnited arm movements v,tOuld make glee nigtlt more entertt:'.!in1ng for all involved,. both participijnts erllj observers. ncerelld submitted, Freshman Glee 1988 Rules and Regu1a.tions Freshman Glee is one of the oldest traditions on the Willamette University campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The following rules and regulations are approved herewith by the Freshman Glee Co~Managers in conjunction with the Freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee will vary according to four general musical formats. These themes/formats are: Fight (1988), Novelty (1989), Alma Mater (1990), and Serenade (1991). These formats will continue to rotate on this basis so that during a four-year period each class will have an opportunity to compete in each format. Fresbman Glee Date Freshman Glee will be held the evening of the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Vacation (March 12, 1988). Eligibility Only students currently enrolled at Willamette University will be eligible to partiCipate in Freshman Glee. Other eligibility questions shall be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee. Appoin1m.ents and Procedures A. The Senate of the Associated Students of Willamette University (ASWU) will appoint Freshman Glee CO-Mangers. Freshman students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The Freshman Glee Managers will be appointed prior to October 15. B. The Freshman Glee Co-Managers will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Managers from each class to be elected by their respective classes. These Managers (or their designated representative) will exercise one vote on behalf of their class in Committee decisions and/or recommendations to the Glee Co-Managers. The Glee Co-Managers will not have a vote. This Committee will review Freshman Glee rules, assist the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in arranging practice schedules, contacting judges, etc. It will also review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. The Class Managers from the alledgedly offending class shall not have a vote in such instances. C. The Class Managers will act as the over-all class organizers for their class, seeing that all deadlines are met, rules complied with, etc. The Class Managers will appoint persons from their respective classes to the following positions: 1) Song Writer(s): Composes original words and music appropriate to the Freshman Glee theme and song format 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the class participating in Freshman Glee. 3) Choreographer(s): Plans the formations (a maximum of three for each class, although the Freshman class shall not be penalized for performing only two) and movements from one formation to the next 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of marching and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the class t-shirt to be worn on Glee night 6) Accompainist(s): Provides piano accompaniment during practices and the performance on Glee night of the class song and formations. Anyone person may fill more than one of these positions. D. Words, music, and a tape of class songs are due in the Office of Student Activities (University Center) no later than Noon on Friday, February 19, 1988. (Up to one voice per part may be included on the judges' tape.) SUbject to the discretion of the Glee Committee, there will be a penalty of up to four (4) points from the final point total for any class that does not meet this deadline. E. At a special assembly to be held the Sunday beginning Glee Week (March 6, 1988), the Freshman Glee Co-Managers or a Freshman Class representative will issue a formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other three classes. Representatives of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes will respond in an appropriate manner. (The Challenge may also be issued at the University Convocation prior to Glee Week if deemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee Committee and the University Chaplain.) F. Only the Song Writers, Song Leaders, Choreographers, and March Leaders may play class songs prior to Monday of Glee Week (March 7, 1988). G. Glee practices shall begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee (Monday. March 7, 1988). A schedule of practices will be arranged by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week (March 2, 1988). During the practice sessions the following regulations shall be in effect 1) No alcohol will be allowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups of more than four persons in the same room, at the same time except during assigned practice hours. 3) No marching will be allowed on the circular stairway in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time will be allowed. (In unusual circumstances. beyond the control of the class involved, the Glee Committee may amend this rule.) 5) The Freshman Class shall be allowed one additional practice during Glee Week and one marching practice of up to two hours the weekend immediately preceding Glee Week. (During the practice before Glee Week, the Freshmen shall not practice their song or specific formations.) 6) Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the Glee Co-Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee will be strictly enforced on Saturday morning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late will lose that portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding its practice time will be penalized at the discretion of the Glee Committee, provided a formal complaint is lodged. 7) Excluding dress rehearsal, only appointed Class Managers and the Freshman Glee Co-Managers may visit class practices other than their own for a period of more than five (5) minutes. 8} Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of scheduled Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist the freshmen with their marching. Senior Skits will normally be presented at 7:00 pm on Friday of Glee Week (March 11, 1988), but the Senior Class may choose another time at its discretion. A decision as to the date and time of Senior Skits shall be made no later than Monday before Glee Week (February 29, 1988). Fresbmap Glee Right Regulations A. Only the following clothes will be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2} Dark blue pants or jeans 3} Socks The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted. B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage L 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. D. The Senior Class, by virtue of their longevity, may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in the heckling. E. Only piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. F. No verbal or visual clues may be given during the final performance of marching and/or songs. G. No hand or body movements, including torso, will be allowed during the final performance other than the marching itself. at the discretion of the Glee Committee. (Specifically. no body movements are permitted during the rendition of the song.) No vocalization is allowed during marching; hand slaps are limited to one (1) per formation. H. Heckling and the use of water (or any like substance) are expressly prohibited during the entrances of the classes or the performances of formations and songs. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J. Classes must perform the song turned in for judging. at the discretion of the Glee Committee. Rule Infractions A. The Freshman Glee Committee will review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. The Class Managers from the allegedly offending class shall not have a vote in such instances. B. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the compilation of final points and the possible assessments of penalty points in the event of an infraction. Blue Monda, The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 14, 1988) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply. A. Classes will be held as usual, except 11:00 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11:00 am on the next Thursday (March 17, 1988). B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11:00 am hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty. administration, or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may. however. permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member. his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury. or violation of state, federal, or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. shmUf! Glee 1 (} Rules find Regu!6tions F Glee is one t t te Uni '/E:r-::::] carnpus, i DIAr-pose oi Gle8 18 e enablE! :3 1ati on::; are ion t tee. Theme nnino --' in 1 1 it 'I~iaS Freshrnan ee "Ni11 ecconHrllJ to four ther-nes/f (I QaR) '.. ---'-.; Serenade (1991 t fonnets will continue on this besis so that duri fJ four-!d8ar e an ty to e in f Freshman 61ee Dflte nq of the SElturdoq orjor to t ~ ~ , 'III -t-,,-,,11 '_"1 f . d e~ 1. versitt~ 'Ni1i elioitde . " , ---'j; ''','ld! to elDene Hi blee, t;,!glL,l,,',6 ions shtli 1 '-' resolved b~J the Freshmen Glee Cor-nrnit AJU~ojntments nnd Procedures A. Senute of of \,t'li 1i Uni ver:::i (AS\rllJ) will apPoint Fre::;hrnan Glee !Vltin,~ers, Freshrnati stUlJents interested in the positions may petition for consideration. Trle Fre::;hmem Glee r~lonc!l;!ers \,'ii 11 oPPointe,j prior to October 1 D T L F I -. , ,-, ~ i " , 1 t;. 1 -, F l .-, 1 U, lite reS(ltllciti b! 88 I~O-(~!1:mcjljers Vv'l i I es -1:JLi!! sn f:j reSllrnan bI ee Commit cornpos81j t Class r~lf!nagers from each class to be 1988 Glee Rules Page 2 elected by their respective classes. These Managers (or theif designated representative) will exercise one vote on behalf of their class io CornmHtee decisions andlor recommendations to the Glee Co-rh:lntlgers. The 61ee Co-~1anagers will not hav,e a vote. This Committee will review Freshman Glee rules,. assist the Freshman Glee Co-t1anagers in tlrranging proctlce schedul conttlcting jUdges; etc. It will also reVle\1,f all compltlints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. The Class Managers from the aJledgedl!~ offending closs sholl not have a vote in such instances, C. The Class Managers wlll act as the over-all closs orgonizer for their closs, seeing that oil deadlines are met, rules complied wlth, etc. The Closs rtanogers will appoint persons from their respective closs to the following positions: 1) Song ¥/riter{s): Composes orlginal words and music appropriate to the Freshman Glee theme and sonQ format. " 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the closs porticipoting in Freshman Glee. 3) Choreographer(s): Plans the formations (a maximum of three for eoch closs, olthough the Freshmon closs sholl not be penollzed for performing onl!J two) and movements from one formation to the next. 4) Horch Leader(s): Coordinotes practices of marching and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the closs t-shirt to be worn on Glee night. 6) Accompoinfst(s): Provides piano occomponiment during proctices ond the perlormonce on Glee night of the closs song ond f ormot ions. Anyone person moy flU more thon one of these positions. D. Words, music, ond 0 tope of closs songs ore due in the Office of Student Activities (University Center) no later than Noon on Frjdoy, February 19.. 1988. (Up to one voice per port mtly be included OF! the judges·topeJ Subject to the discretion of the GJee Committeel there will be 0 penolty of up to four (4) points from the finolpoint toto1 for 1988 Glee Rules Page 3 any clflss thflt does not meet this defldllne. E. At a speclf11 flssembly to be held the SundflY beginning Glee Week (t-larch 6, 1988), the Freshman Glee Co-~1anagers or a Freshmen Cl flSS representfltive win issue fI fortYlfll Freshmfln Glee Challenge to the other three classes. Representatives of the Sophomore; Junior, and Senior Classes wi 11 respond in an appropriate marmer. (The cha1ienge may also be issued at the University Convocation prior to Glee Week H deemed approprIate by the Freshman Glee Committee and Universit!J Chaplain.) F. Only the Song Writers, Song Leaders, Choreographers, and March Leaders may play class songs prior to i'"tonday of Glee Week (f-'larch 7, 1988). G. Glee prflctices shall begin the MondflY prjor to Freshman Glee (t10nday, t-larch 7) 1988). A schedule of practices win be arranged by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the 'wednesday prior to Glee Week (!"larch 2. 1988). During the practice sessions the following regulations shall be in effect: 1) No alcohol will be allowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs Of morching formations may be done by groups of more than four persons in the same room, at the same time during Glee week except during assigned practice hours. 3) No marching wil1 be allowed on the circular stairwa!J in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no moke-up time will be allowed. (In unusual circumstonces, beyond the control of the class involved, the Glee Committee may amend this rule.) 5) The Freshman Class shall be allowed one addH.1onal prflctlce during Glee week and one practice of up to two hours the weekend immediately preceding Glee week. 6) Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the Glee Co-Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee will be strictly enforced on Saturday 1988 Glee Rules Page 4 " rnorning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late will10se thot portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding its pracHce time will be penaHzed at the discretion of the Freshmem Committee, provided 0 formal complaint is lo~ged. 6) Excluding dress rehearsal, only appOinted Class Managers and the Freshman Giee Co-Managers may visit class practicies other than thelr O\Nn for a period of more than five (5) minutes. 7) Seniors may spend an!d additional practice time outside of scheduled Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist freshman with their marching. The Senior Skits \-vill normally be presented at 7:00 pm on Friday of Glee Week (t1arch 11 , 1988), but the Senior Class may choose another time at its discretion. A decision as to the date and time of Senior Skits shall be made no later than Monday before Glee Week (February 29, 1988). Freshmftn 61ee Nlght Regulfttions A. On1y the following clothes will be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirts (these rnay vary in color and design) 2) Dark: blue pants or jeans 3) Socks The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., 1S not permitted. B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. D. The Senior Class, by virtue of their longevity, may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in the heckling. E. Only piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class 1988 Glee Rules Page 5 presentation. F. No verbol or visual clues moy be given during the finol perf on-nonce of marching andior songs. G. No hand or bo(ly movements, inc 1 Udl ng torso, wl1 i be 011 owed duri ng the finoi performonee other thon the morching itself, at the discretion of the Glee Commlttee. (Specificolly.. no body movements ore permitted during the rendition of the song.) No vocalizotion 1S allowed during rt10rehlng; hond slops ore limited to one (1) per formation. H. Heckllng ond the use of woter (or ony 11ke substance) ore expressly prohibited during the entrances of the closses or the performonces of f ormoth:ms ond songK I. During the morching and renditlon of closs songs, 011 closses except the Senior Closs rnust ren:t01n in their seots. No closs rnoy physlcolly impede or otherwise heckle ony other closs during the performance. All classes must remoin silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J. Closses must perform the song turned in for judging, at the discretion of the Glee CornrniUee. Rule Infroctions A. The Freshmon Glee Committee will reVie\N all comploints with regord to rule infractions and will determine penalties .• if ony. The Class Managers from the allegedly offending class shall not have a vote in such instances. B. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall represent thEi1r class in the compilotion of fino] pOints ond the possible ossessments of penalty pOints in the event of on infraction. Blue Mond8Y The Monday fol1ow1ng Freshman Glee (March 14, 1988) shall be deSignated 1988 Glee Rules < Page 6 "Blue Mondoy" during which doy bets , .... 01 be pOld by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual.. except i 1:00 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11 :00 am on the next Thursday (March 17) t988). B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the jYliH Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11 :00 am hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty .. admlnlstrflt1on, or clericfll support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may, however, perma the use of part of the classroom time for the pflylng of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, his/her pennission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between hyo people inVOlving a third person ore forbidden, unless consented to by ail parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury, or violation of state, federai, or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets thot are wosteful, ecologically questlonoble, or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. 6. All bets must be pElid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. Glee Managers, eve of last the class raided you in a inappropriate manner. WE, as managers, would like to apologize for our actions as well as the actions the Our misconduct was led to by a communication problem betweem our own Managers. We that our acts were totally out of line the happenings of Glee Again we do apologize to the Junior Class for our misconduct and any hardache we have caused through our Glee Managers FORMll COMPlaiNT BIOU&HT BY-Tbe ....i.r Class Df 1,., BROU6HT 116111NST-Tile Se.i.r Class af I'•• This compla1nt Is lodged as a d1rect result 01 the actlons of the members of the Senior Class and thelr managers dUring ttle 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm prectice pertod on Monday 7 March 1968. It Is the strong op1n1an of the Jun10r Class thet these flctlons were a blatant afront to good gportsmansh1p find 6 gross violation of the spirit of Freshman Glee While these transgressions were not Infractions of any 01 the 1986 Glee Rules, as printed and distributed, we nevertheless beHeve that th1s jncfaent deserves the attention of the Glee CommIttee end a penalty commensurate wah the deed. During the 7 o'clock procUces on Monday night the procUce of the Juntor Class 1n AlumnI Lounge was Interrupted by a rallS from tne Sentor Class. Such rolds Mve tradlt1onoHy been a time to heckle and teese another cleas 1n 6 manner wh1ch Is both tasteful and safs. Wh1te the Sentor class rJ1cJ succeed 1n heCk:l1ng and te6s1ng the Juniors the1r methOd was neUner tasteful nor safe. UpDn entering tile lounge the Sentors began grabbing the printed lyrlcs from the hands Of members of the Junior Closs. Once 10 their possession. the Seniors proceeded tc tear these cop1es Into uselessly small pleces. nus Dctton caused a substantial Immec:l1&te.. impact upon the s1nging pr5c:t1ce 1n progress 5t the time of the reid. The Junior class, without their lyrics, WIlS unable to practIce functionally. In toto 45 copies were destroyed, each copy consisting of 4 separate pages. Thus 180 pages were replfu::ecJ, b~ necessity, at 11 cost to ASWU accounts of 9 dollars (not to ment10n the t1me end energy token to tlo this phOtocopyIng). We grent that thls monetary e;<penditure 1s really Quite negHg1ble, nevertheless 1\ constitutes an unnecessary expendUure as e result of a 1 mel1c10US act tantomount to vandel1sm. In addlt1on, Senior Closs menager John Donovan seized the cpportuntty prov1ded b~ the ensulng mayhem to steal the COllY of the Junlor Closs song, Only one wr1tten copy 01 th1s song was present at the pract1ce and was the property of the JunIor'S p1ano player, Audre Harwood. WUhout this muslc the remainder of the practice was delayed wnns another coPy was rounded up and conUnueli uncler less than opt1mal condlt1ons because 01 the many personal notat10ns made by Harwood on her personal coPy whtch cound not be replaced. This C.l1srupt10n to the JUnIors' precUce tIme was e5<tCes!lve one! should be punIShed. While 1t 1s trad1t1oneJ for the Sentors to procure €I copy 01 each of the songs fot each of the classes for use dUring Sen10r 5k1ts~ th1s theft was mconce1ved. poorly timee ant1 tactless. F1nally and not least 1mportently, a group 01 Seniors p1cked up and carried Jun10r Class maneger Wendy Shoemaker against her wl1L Afte~ repea~~d requests and ; : t --1-a, ......t{J" '.' admonltlons to "PUT ME DOW~r, those carrying Wendy proceeded ..the spiral stairway in the UniverSity Center, Such an ect10n under any circumstances would be dangerous. Under the cond1t1ons of anarchy whIch reigned at that tIme, this actlon was down right foo11stt The sltlJat10n was resolved when fI counter group of Juniors forcIbly removed Wendy from the possession of the SeniorsJ thus prevent1ng any further chance for her fnjury. Despite this safe ending. WendYA by her own eclmlss1on. felt that she was 1n donget 01 physical 1nlury and harm. A tee11ng of fear by any Glee parUc1pant 1s Intolerable and 1: antithetfcal to everyth1ng that we understand GJee to stano for. Th1s v101at10n 01 Glee spirit should be noted and consIdered wah 111 favor. A Senior Closs hos seen three Glees. They helle pcrticipoted ond can reflsonably be assumed to know What constitutes proper Glee behav10r; wrltten or tacit, 1n or out of ra1ds. They are not freshman ignorant to estabJtsheCl codes of conduct. They are seniors 2 who 1n this case behaved very poorly. Therefore and hereby. the JunIor Class fOmlally requests that the Glee Comm1ttee reprimand the Sel"llors for theIr meltclous transgress10ns and further asks that the Committee 1mpose a numerical sanction at Us tnscretlOtl. In the Sp1rit of Glee THE JUNIOR CLASS In the Spirit of Glee, 11 these uieious eulprits II lit Fe seuerely punished for their ynheBrd of and unH(:[:e behHuior. CI--.-__. 7J , A 9 • _.... L...,..... .""" .,....-)Ao..,,,.. J,l­l!!!!"'" -IL... '#If #M.~ .......f7. · G.. ~~. GLEE! ~~~.-~) ~:to,\~~ Whe needs to study? As of Monday, March 7th (this coming Mo~day) 12:20 in Waller Auditorium, GLEE 1999 has officially ~egun! STILL TRYING TO DECIDE? Well, in case you've slept through the first weeks ef March for the past two years, the schedule gaes like this: ~ Mon -Frl 12:20-1:16pm ~"-~~~f! ~ 4:DD-5:DDpm (,...t.-='C:~ ~ 1:00-9:00pm III Friday after senior skits And aspecial treat: Wednesday 5:00-1:00AM (Gatta leve it -prefunction hefare) ~--C~: t: o .. Final dress rehearsal: Saturday 10:DDam-l1:DOam -S Performance: Saturday 1:30pm Ollay, you've get the infermation. Yeu make the decision ­We need your commitment (and money) by Monday, March 7th, by E ~ 1/ 4:DDPM. $10.00 -nice and easy sum to remember -make checlls out ~, . to Enn Bromley Rice and mail to Baa A-239. Get your shirts now. c �� ..J-::t;:t No estranged animals this year, no short sleeves, and no red -".,Sl: (./7 we're going all cut -~ . So came an Juniors -get off your butts! We were hat last year --and who knows ••.,this year the sky's the limit! "GO roa THE GOLD" (or the GLEE hanner perhaps). <:S '"-.. C? Anyway --~.... \ .-..., We've been working hard \.)oJ'-" .. We're psyched ~.... .t-, We've got great Ideas ~... ,\J.-; An~ we've got PARTIBS! All we nee~ now is you!· Reserve yaur spat IOl! an~ wa'll see you Monday in Waller! Al (Beta S6039), Wen~y (DG s6009), andET1an (16S9S) Ti., ,=",_ '.=1 "I' e.'.,'"'1-'\'" 1, .1 1::' ! .. ' Vr'-l i .-. The :3ub-therne "l·dll I _ ' Ii' t C', ,-, i'f', I':' L,,! ,::; r is FIGHTII! Hono r Cif \lictor~d," , I iJ ** J-j so Ci tm t :3 to t I-.~ 19,1 tLllJ noon} F ShtTI ijn 131 ee 8: j"tiJrch 6., PnJcti 7,. 19i3fi Glee N1 -, t-I n f i;' r, ,::, r" '-1 r, c-{ 1~J ! J_'l i't.t:-I, U'! '1' tI'R:::j'__ _ .." 1 . l iJ!'~ L1n iic;ltu'-' -F'rintl -Ad\'iJn ! t i'" 1 ' AntlJ 'h'l [ ,1 ::;-' Pro ;! iI~I n"" .j I Pli:1nni fl .:) Ni t ::;1.;]11 (FiJf:ul iJnd uden dtJlino of E'/ents ~, Dan niZiJtion J' -' ,.. , t-n 1 "1 n '::q-', !1 f-' 1 ,-' "j t.h lj 1 '...J . i ::;1.1 1-,. l~.. I l -J I i -etc. -tif:Jc!.:;d p . , -\"/0 I] 8 mt nee ep ion -Flo\\'er::i ,. th Fi Geli Il -1-f! n '-' ["'jPt-, 11 ,~, I' I '_Ii I J l.l 'J r\it~tjon::; for-N8?:;t Veflr WDDDffilJiJD@~~@ l]]mD\Y@rr~D~~ MEMORANDUM TO: Glee Class Managers FROM: Student Activities SUBJECT: Raiding Practices In response to last night's raids of the sophomore and junior class practices by the freshmen, let us have a moment of your time!! Raiding other classe:s' practices has always been part of Glee and we are not asking you to stop, BUT let's leave the shaving cream, toilet paper•.water, and anything else you might think of other than yourselves out of it!!! Please also keep in mind the _. physical safety of all involved. If you have questions as to what mayor may not be acceptable. we'll be glad to discuss it with you (and it will go no further). HDff


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