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Glee 1989 - Planning Materials
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dc.titleGlee 1989 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcription3/27/89 From: Doug Hormann~ Kappa Sigma RD To: Brenda Freeman SUbj! Senior Pre-function at Kappa Sigma cc: Residence Life Frank Meyer Dear Brenda. This is to provide you with a little follow-up from the Glee party that was held at the Kappa Sigma House. There are a few points that I believe should be addressed before Glee comes around next year. The function itself proved to be a bit trying for the house and I feel that there is a little bit of resentment towards those who attended. Quite a few people showed up intoxicated which made for some tense mOMents. In addition several individuals chose to take advantage of the hospitality and make a COMplete shambles of the lower hall restroom. Speciflcally~ someone -borrowed-shaving cream from some of the members and sprayed it allover the walls and floor. Overall# the group that was in attendance left the place dirtier then at any party this year# and left the membership alone to clean it up. To be honest. I felt that a little more organization would have gone a long way in this instance. I wasn#t notified of an intent to have a party at the house until late Wednesday. and even then know one seemed to know what was going on. At that~ I was left to manage the affair, which I feel was taking advantage of my responsibility in such matters. If I may. I would like to offer some suggestions for any future events of this type. (1) Plan ahead and make sure that all parties know what is going on. (2) Since It~s a campus sponsored event, hold it in a campus building like the Cat. Don't place the burden on an individual hall. Have a clean up crew for the next day. (S) Hire private security or have student affairs staff present to see that it doesn't get out of hand. Basically~ it comes back to organization. I understand that some last minute changes took place, but a plan for future events of this type would make it a better function for all. Sincerely, ,/) /J c:---:-qt.. /~ ---' M E~l 0 RAND l.l~l TO: COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS FACULTY ~ . FROII: SID ELl-IOTT.. STUDENT ACTIVITIES SUBJECT: FRESBliAli GLEE AND BLUE 1I0NDAY DATE: FEBRUARY 24, 1989 The season of GLEE will soon be upon us! Practices for Willamette ~ s most conspicuous and enduring tradition will begin at 5:00AM Monday, March 6, and will .culminate in the actual performance on Saturday evening, March 11 The paying off" of GLEE bets will be on Monday, March 13 (Blue M?nday), To accomodate the losing class' march down the Mill Stream, classes during the 11~20AM .class period on· March ·13· will, as straditional,· be pOstp6ned lintil the Convocation hour on Thursday, March 16, longer a year knows, Blue Monday s a of good-natured and sometimes tasteless activity as sociated with the "paying off" of GLEE bets. Some questions relate specifically to students bringing alcohol to the classroom. Be assured that activity illegal in the State of Oregon also violates University policy and that faculty efforts to deter illegal and/or offensive student behavior, e.g., use of alcohol or other controlled substances and assaults on property or persons, have the complete support of the administration. GLEE rules also prohibit the involvement of third parties (you) in GLEE bets, unless prior consent is given. Students who engage in su activity will be subject to University disciplinary procedures, Generally, GLEE is a time for camaraderie and fun. You are invited and encouraged to take part 'in the tradition by attending the GLEE performance, Saturday, March 11, at 7:30PM in Cone Field House. If you have any questions, or complaints after the fact, concerning GLEE or Blue Monday, please contact me at Extention 6463. SE/ka FILE COpy to make A.M class rhursday, ~ on Blue tured, but .y policies lther day_ ,val. MEMORANDUM TO: BRIAN PETERSON~ ,. ~ FROM: BRENDA FREEMANfr'v DATE: DECEMBER 14, 1988 RE: PLACE FOR GLEE PRACTICE I have talked with a number of people regarding suggestions of a location for Glee practice. The unanimous suggestion is that you see Bill Trenbeath and ask him for one half of Hinkle. Evidently, it can be divided by so that you would use half. This would give you plenty of 'room and still allow for various athletic activities. Bill is the Director of Athletics. Make an appointment with him by calling his secretary, Carol, at 6420. If Hinkle does not work out, see Frank Meyer, Vice President for Student Affairs. His number is 6447. Keep me posted. Have a nice holiday! BF/ka MEMORANDUM TO: College of Liberal Arts Faculty DATE: March 8, 1988 FROM: Office of Student Activities SUBJECT: Freshman Glee and Blue Monday Practices for Willamette1s oldest tradition, Freshman Glee. began at 5:00 yesterday morning and will culminate in the actual performance Saturday evening, March 12, and the "paying offII of Glee bets on Monday, March 14 (Blue Monday). To accommodate the losing class l march down the Mill Stream, classes during the 11:20 class period on March 14 will, as is traditional, be postponed until the Convocation hour on Thursday, March 17. In the past couple of years, there has been some confusion as to what students may and may not do on Blue Monday, particularly as relates to the classroom. In brief. all university policies (standards of conduct. alcohol policy, etc.) are in force on Blue Monday as on any other day. In addition. attached is a copy of the Glee Rules pertaining to Blue Monday. If you have any additional questions about Freshman Glee or Blue Monday, please feel free to contact our office. hd attachment Blue Monday The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 1 ~ 19~) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A Classes will be held as usual, except 11:0.2 am lrJasses which will be rescheduled for 11:00 am on the next Thursday (March 1{1, 198ffi. B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11:00 am hour. C. Bets involving members ofthe faculty, administration, or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may, however, permit the use ofpart ofthe classroom time for the paying of bets. Since thiS is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all pa~ies concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injmy. orviolation of state. federal. or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful. ecologically questionable. or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. 1969GtEE Overall Managers lMl[)i"IUk::I:'e__________________..Cl:fi._______..68l5 Roances r:la\M1GIeHe_______________C213..______{9J) Pubidly Mek::I'E~--.------.----Gl54.---------6998 Judges, honored guesis, reception amIIIeier_________________G1M_____..f::tl.JY:J Tectrdcot equ~ment Bria1PetefSal..._________________Bl22.__________6521 Progam, scheduling MEMORANDUM TO: MELANIE KltLXPATRICK FROM: BRENDA FREEMAN f;jt; DATE: DEC&~BER 14, 1988 RE: GLEE I know you are working on the selection of a dedication for Glee. My suggestion is Dick Gillis. Usually the dedication goes to people who have 'supported Glee for some time. Since Dick is retiring this year, he seems quite appropriate. I thought I would pass this suggestion along to you. Have a Merry Christmas! We will be in our office most of the break if you need to talk through any of the Glee details. BF/ka MEMORANDU.'II TO: i/'/ .ALLCI..A.~,' ',J , FROM: BRElIDA FREEMAltI/&.sm ELUOTI SIDDEllI' A~SOFFICE DAnt: MARCH 10. 1989 HE: GLEE DAIICE AND BLUE MONDAY On Saturday, following the Glee performance, there will be an all campus Glee Dance sponsored by ASWU from lO:30PM to 1:00AM at the Elks Lodge. With the exception of a one hour gathering for the Senior Class, there will be no approved parties this weekend. Though your class managers have already informed you of the Blue Monday rules unanimously approved by them, to stress their importance we have listed them below. All University policies will be in effect on Monday. For safetyreasons.. we urge fbat students waJldng the MiD Stream. wear an old pair oftennis shoes to avoid any injuries to your feet BLUE MOIiDAY RULES The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 13, 1989) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. will be held as usual, except 1 1:00AM classes which will be rescheduled for 11:0OAM on the next Thursday (March 16, 1989). B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11:00AM hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty. administration. or clerical support staff are expressly prohIbited Faculty members may. however. permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member. his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden. unless consented to by all parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury. or violation of state. federal, or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful. ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00PM on Blue Monday. BF/ka THE END. MEMORANDUM TO: ALL CIA STDDE~, . '. sJ FROM: BRENDA FREEMA.JJ1a: SID ELUOTI' STIJDE'NT AC1."IVI'1"IES OFFICE DA"IE: MARCH 10.. 1989 :HE: GI..EE DANCE AND BLUE MONDAY On Saturday, following the Glee performance, there will be an all campus Glee Dance sponsored by ASWU from lO:30PM to 1:00AM at the Elks Lodge. With the exception of a one hour gathering for the Senior Class, there will be no approved parties this weekend. Though your class managers have already informed you of the Blue Monday rules unanimously approved by them, to stress their importance we have listed them below. All University policies will be in effect on Monday. For safety reasons., we urge that students walking the MiD Sbeamwear an old pair oftennis shoes to a¥Oi.d any injuries to your feet BLUE MO:NDAY RULES The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 13, 1989) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Class~s will be held as usual, except 1 1:00AM classes which will be rescheduled for 11:00AM on the next Thursday (March 16. 1989). B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the ll:OOAM hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty. administration, or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited Faculty members may, however. permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying ofbets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties concerned E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury. or violation of state, federal, or municipal law are expressly prohibited F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged G.· All bets must be paid in full by lO:OOPM on Blue Monday. BF/ka fre3hman Glee 1989 Rules and Regula.tions freshman is one of the oldest traditions on the Willamette University Camp1..lS. The plJ.rpose of freshm::;:.n Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each onler better. T11e following rules and :regulations are approY'e.;j herewith by the freshman Glee Co-lYIanagers in conjunction with the freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning if! 1981 itW'l.'l$ determined that the theme of freshman Glee will vas:y a<:cording to four general musical formats. These themes/formats are: fight (1988). NOv~1ty (1989), Alma Mater (1990), and Serenade (1991). These formats wi11 continue to rotate on this basis so that durirlg a four-year period each class "(\-111 hav-e an opportunity 10 comDete in each form;3.t Glee Da.te freshman Gtee will be held the e~>! of the Saturday prior 10 the beginning of Spring Vacation (March 11, 1989). Eligibility On1y stud ents currently enrolle.;j at 'Vli11amette U ni'tersity '?lill be eligi t·le to participate in freshman Glee. Othe1' eligibility questions s11all be resolved by the freshman Glee Committee. ~p-p-ointments and Procedures A. The Sena.te of the Associated Stu.dents of Wi11amette University (ASWU) "(\,ojll appoint f:t'esllman Glee Co-Mange:!:'s. freshma.fl sn.l<lents inte1'ested in the positions may petition for consideration. The freshman Glee Managers will appointed prior to October 15. B. The freshman Glee Co-Managers ""Will establish a freshman G1ee Committee composed of the Class Managers from each class to be elected by their respective classes. These Ma.nagers (or their designated rep:resem81ive) will exercise one vote on behalf of their class in (:ommi~tee decisionz an<3/or recommendations to the Glee Co-lylanagers. The Glee 'rvi11 not ha:...-e a vote. This Committee 'Will review rreshmal'l Glee rules, assist the f:reshman Glee Co-Managers in arranging pt'acHce sche<1ules, comacting jooges, etc. nwill also review all complaints "With regru'.;j to ru1e inft'a(~tions and will determine penalties, if arq. C. The Class Mar lagers l;-111 act as the o~Yer-all cla.~ organizers for their class, ..""",.......;:::. that all deadlines are met rules complied with, etc. The Class Managers "(\,ojll appoint persons from their respective classes to the follo"(\,ojng positions: 1) Vriter(s): Composes original "Wurds and m1..lSic a.ppropriate to the freshman Glee theme arld SOf'lg format. 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the class pru'ticipating in freshms.n Glee. 3) Choreographer (s): Plans the formations (ama.ximum of three for each class, 81though rr~hmai:1 class sil811 not pen81ized for performing only two) and mOV"e!D.ents from one forms.tion to the next. 4) MarGh Les.der(s): Coordinates practic~ of marching and formations. ) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the class t-shirt to be "'W"Orn on Glee night. 6) AC<..~l)mpainist(s): Provides pi::mo a-ccompaniment during practi-ces and the performance on Glee night of the class song and formations. Anyone pet'son may fill more than one of these positions. D. 'Vlords, mtlSic. and a tape of class songs are due in the Office of Student Activities (Unh'''ersity Center) no later than l1ocl!1 on friday. Fetru.'9ry 17, 190'9. The submitted audiO tapes must be recorded on equipment which 'Willl>e provided fot' by the Glee Committee. (Up to one yoke per part may be included on the judges' tape.) SUbject to the discretion of the Glee Committee, there "'Willl>e a penalty of up to four (4) points from the finel point total fo:!' any class that does not meet this >deadline. E. At a special assembly to be held the Sunday beginning Glee 'Vleek (March ). 1989t the freshman Glee Co-Manegers or a freshman Cltk"'S representative will issue a formal freshman Glee Challenge to the other three classes. Representath1es of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes will respond in an appropt'iate manner. (The challenge me,y also be issued a.t the University Cotyv"Q¢S.tion f'rior to Glee Week if de.emed apf'ropriate by the Freshman Glee Committee and the University Chaplain.) f. Only the Song 'Vlriters, Song Leaders, Choreographers. arld March Leaders may pla,y dass songs prior to Monday of Glee Veek (March 6 .. 1989). G. Glee practices shall begin the Monday prior to Freshman &lee (Monday, March 6 .. 19(9). A schedule ofpractkes will be arranged by the fresrimarl Glee Co-Iylanagers and apprO\18d by the freshman Glee Committee no later thar1 the 'Vlednesday prior to Glee 'Vleer.: (March t 1989). Dl..U'ing the practke sessions the following regulations shall be in effect: 1) }lo al-cohol will be allowed anywhere on the -campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups of more than fbur persons in the same room, at the same time except during assigned practice hotU's. 3) No marching 'Will be allowed on the -circular stairway in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done.. no make-up time '!Nil! be 8110we>d. (In unmuai circumstances, be;rond the control of the class in,101\18<1, the Glee Committee may amend this rule.) ) The freshman Class shall De allowed one ad,jitional practke during Glee "lleek and one marching practke of up to two hours the weekend immediately preceding Glee 'Vleek. (During the practke before Glee "7,i!eek, the freshmen shall not practice their song or spe<::ifk formations.) 6) Dress rehearsal hours as planned bytl1e Glee Co-Managers end the freshman Glee Committee "'Will be strktly enforced on Saturday morning of freshmari Glee . Any class arrh,·ing late 'Will10s.e that portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. A.ny class exceeding its pra-ct1-ce time "'Will be penalized at the >discretion of trie Glee Committee, proVided a formal complaint is lodged. 7) Excluding dress rehearsal, onlrappointed Clast Managers and the freshman Glee Co-Managers may "Visit class t)ractices other than their own for a t)eriod heckle any other class during the performance. All <;lasses must remain silent <luring the ren<lition ofGlee songs. J Classes must perform the song turne<l in for judging, at the <liscretion of the Glee Committee. K. Every class may turn in a copy of their speech, at the time of their Satuday dress re11e1'5aL that ~1.11 te re8]j to the judges ptior to the Glee performance. It is suggested that it be a one page Qut1ine and the Ovet'all Glee managers 1'esen"'e the rig11t to 001t this page. Rule Infra.ctions A. Th.e .Freshman Glee Committee wilt rev:ie~F all complaints with regar<l to rule infractions and will detet'mine penalties, if any. In the case of a tie vote the Ove1'al1 Glee mangers will cast the <leci<ling vote. B. The members of the f1'eshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the compilation offinal points ;~md the possible assessments of penalty points in the event ofan infraction. ~MOn<lay The MondayfDllo'Y/ing .Freshman Glee (March 1'3, 1989) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during 1',hich day tets ~rill be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: 1;., Classes "Will t)e held as usual, except 11:D0 am classes w'111(:h will be resche<luled for 11:00 am on the next Thursda"f (March 16, 1989). B. The <;lass ~'hich placed fourth at Glee shall 'VIall:: the Mill Stream. from Sparks Center to the Unhrersity Center during the 11 :00 am. hour. Bets in>rolvlng members of the facult~{, administration, or clerical support staff are expressly pmhitited. Faculty membet's may, however. permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of tets. Since ttlis is determined ty each faculty member .. his/her permission must be sought in advance. Bets between two people inyolV'ing a third person are forbidden, ur-J.1ess consente<! to 1>y all parties concerne<! . .E. Bets that might invulve property damage, personal injury, or violation of state, fedel'al, or municipal law are expressly-prohibited. 'f. Bets that are ~'8Stefu1, ecologically questionable, or involve excessi ....T8 use of ale.ohol should be discouraged. G. A111>ets must te paid in fUll by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. of more than five (5) minutes. 8) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of scheduled Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist the freshmen with their marching. Senior Skits will normally be presented at 9:00 pm on ft'iday of Glee Week (March 10, 1989), after Glee practice, but the Senior Class may choose another lime at its discretion. A decision as to the date and time of Senior Skits shall be made no later than Monday before Glee lleek (february 27, 1989). 9) Raids ai'e allow"ed as long as they stay within the limits of all Glee rules and regulations and are in good teste. H. The senior (;lass manegers will compHe a list of approxim;j.tely ten individuals w'ho ha~ve been in'tolved in Glee in the pest and would make (~ompetent judges for the future. This list is due by the date of the Glee Commitee's wrap-up meeting. freshman Glee Hight Regulations A. Only the follo~ling clothes wi11De ~lorn du,ring the final perf01'mance: 1) Glee T-shit'ts (these may v"'ary in color and design) 2) Dark 1>1ue pants or jeerls 3) Socks The use of Duttons, stickers, pins, t1bDOnS, etc is not permitted. ' E'. On1y Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) IIear hats or other headgear C. The classes ~till enter the fieldhouse erld march to their seats in the following ot'.oer: freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. D. The Senior Class, by ~'lit'tue of their 10ngeYity-may enter the fieldhouse in ellY m8flner they feel a~,propriate. They~)i11 ha"re a maximum of 1:, minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or othet'wise heckle the other classes. No other (:18SS may be invol~·red in the heckling. E. Onl~:r piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. r. NO ',rert·al 01' 'ViSUal Clues may t>e given ·:Jurmg 'me nnal penorm81Ke or marching an.%1' songs. G. No h8nd or 'body movements, including torso, will be 81lowed during the final performance ml1er th8n tile marcl1ing itself, at the discretion of'the G1ee Committee. (Specifically .. no Dody mov'ements are permitted during the rendition of the so.n~.) NQ vocalization is allowed dUl'ing m8rdiing; hand slaps are limned to one o} per 1ormatiOn. H., Heckling 81ld the use of water (or any like substance) ai'e expressly pl'ohibited during the entrances of the classes or the perf01'mances of' formations and songs. 1. During the marching a.nd t'endition of class songs, all cla..<!Se.s except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede 01' otherwise TO: CIA FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION FROM: SID ELLIOTT" STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE DATE: DECEMBm~1988 KE: FRESHlIAN GLEE The. season of Glee is growing near (no, not the holidays .... Freshman Gle·e) and I want to make you aware of the significant dates fur Willamette's oldest tradition: GLEE WEEK: March 6 -10, 1989 FRESHMAN GLEE: March 12. Cone FieldllOuse, 7:00PM BLUE MONDAY: March 13, 1989 To accomodate the losing class' march down t.'le Mill Stream, classes during the 11:20A11 class period on March 13 will, as is traditional, be postponed until the Convocation hour on Thursday, March 16. Questions have been raised in the past as to what behavior by students is permissible on Blue Monday. (For t.'1oseof you who are new to Willamette, Blue Monday is a time of good natured, but sometimes tasteless activity associated with the payment of Glee bets.) All university policies (standards of conduct, alcohol policy, etc.) are in force on Blue Monday, as on any other day. Students are told not to include faculty or administration in their bets without prior approval. If you have any questions, please contact me at Extension 6463. SElka I I --­'. , -, o Freshman Glee.1989 R.ules an<1 R.egulations freshman Glee is one ofthe oldest traditions on the Vlllamette University campus. The purpose offreshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enaMe students to get to knoveach other better. The folloving rules and regulations are approved herewith bytlle freshman Glee Co-Managers in ¢onjunction "With the freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning in 1981 it vas determined that the theme offreshman Glee vill vary '\ CtCf 1.­according to four general musical form~ts. These themes/formats are: fight~ Novelty~Alma Mater ~andSerena<le (1991).. These formats will continue to rotate dn1h1s basis so that ~unflg a four-year period each class vill have an opportunity to compete in each format. ­freshman Glee Date lreshman Glee "tI111 be held the evening of the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spting Vacation (March It 1989). Eligibilitt Only students currentlyenrolled at Willamette University vi1lbe eligible to participate in freshman Glee. Other eligibility questions shall1>e resolved bythe Freshman Glee Committee. ­! RRointments and Procedures A. The Senate ofthe Associated Students ofVillamette University (ASVU) vill appoint lreshman Glee Co-Mangers. Ireshman students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The freshman Glee Managers will be appointed prior to Octo1>er 15. B. The freshman Glee Co-Managers vill establish a freshman Glee Committee compofd ofthe Class Managers from each class to be elected bytheir respective classes. These Managers (or their designated representative) vill exercise one vote on 1:>ehalfof their class in Committee decisions and/or recommendations to the Glee Co-Managers. TJ:le Glee Co-Managers Will not have a 'VOle. ThiS ' Committee "Vill reviev Freshman Glee rules, the freshman Glee Co-Managers in arranging practice schedules. comacting judges, etc. It 'Will also revievall complaints with regard to rule infractions and 'will determine penalties, if any. c. The Class Mane.gers 'Will act as the over-all class organizers for their class, seeing that all deadlines are met, rules complied with, etc. The Class Managers will appoint persons from their respective classes to the foUovingjpositions: 1) Song Vriter{s): Composes originalllOrds and music appropriate to the Freshman Glee theme and song format. 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the class ( participatirlg in Freshman Glee. 3) Choreographer (s): Plans the formations (amaximum of three for each class, 1 although the Freshman class shall not 1:>e penalized for performing only tvo) and movements from one formation to the next. 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices ofmarching and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the cl~t-shirt to be 'WOrn on Glee night. 6) Accompainm(s): Provides piano ~companimentduring practices and the performance on Glee night of the ct~song and formations. Anyone person may fill more than one ofthese positions. ' D. Vords. music, and a tape ofclass songs are ~~. ,St'.. the 011:' ent Activities (UniversftyCenter) no later than Noon orrttrroa; .Febr . 17. .. . The submitted audio tapes must 1:>e recorded on\~quip$ m vhi l11>e provided for bythe Glee Committee. (Up to one voice per~t:~ybeincluded on the judges' tape.) Subject to the diseretion of the Glee eom.mittee, there wI be a penaltyof up to four (4) points from the finel point total for any class that does not meet this deadline. ­' 3 E. _At a special ~mblyto be held the Sunday beginning Glee Veek (Marc~ , 1989). the Freshman Glee Co-Managers or a Ireshman Class representative wI ,issue aform& Freshman Glee Challenge to the other three classes. Representatives ofthe Sophomore. Junior" and Senior CI~eswIrespond in an appropriate manner. (The challenge mayalso 1:>e issued at the University Convocation prior to Glee Week ifdeemed appropriate 1>1' the Freshman G1ee Committee and the University Chaplain.) F. Onlythe Song Vriters, Song Leaders, Choreographers, and March Leaders may playclass songs prior to MoridayofGlee Week (March", 1~); -., G. Glee practices shall begin the Mondayprior to Freshman Glee (Monday, M~ch.P1 , l~). Aschedule ofpractices "+7ill1>e arranged by the Freshman Glee ~ Co-Managers and approved bythe Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Vedn~dayprior ~o Glee Veek ~M&reh t ~). During the practice sessions the foll01llng regulations shall1>e 1n effect: 'I=" ~~. L"" \'9Glt> I} No alcohol vil11>e alloved anyvhere on the campus grounds. 2) Ii0 playing or practicing ofclass songs or marching formations may 1>e done byg,oups of more than four persons in the same room, at the same time except during assigned practice hours. 3) No marching vill be alloved on the circular stairway in the University Cemer. 4) Anyclass maychoose to e1imina~or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time 1'j;ri11be allo'Wed. (In unusual circumstances, beyond the control of the class involved, the Glee Committee may amend this ru1e.) 5} The Freshman Class shall be alloved one additional practice during Glee Veek and one marchitlg practice of up to tw bours the veekend imm.ediately preceding Glee Veek. (Dur;in;.g the practice before Gle)e Week, the Freshmen shall not practice their song or specific formations. 6) Dress rehearsal hours as planne<lby the Glee Co-Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee vill be strictly enforced on Saturday morning of freshmatl Glee. Any class arriving late villiose that portion ofits time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding its practice time ""Will be penalized at the <liscretion of the Glee Committee, provi<le<l a fOrmal complaint is 10<1ge<l. 7) Excluding dress :rehearsal, onlyappointe<l Class Managers and the Freshman Glee Co-IvIaneE'ers may visil class practices tban their 0VIl. for a period I ofmore than five () min utes. 6) Seniors mayspend anyadditional pra<:ti~ time outside ofsche<.fuled Glee practices to plan and p:ra<:tice Senior Skits or to assist the freshmen vith their marching. Senior Skits vill normally be presented at 9:00 pm on :fridayofGlee 11eek (March ~).after Glee practice, but the Senior Class maychoose another tim~lint1 discretion. A decision as to the date and time ofSenior Skits sha111>e made no later than Monday before Glee Veel<: (-Febx uarrr' 2'i. 1989). ~.2-S..> \C'\A I 9) Raids are a110ved as long as they stay vithin the limits ofall Glee:rules and regulations and are in good teste. H. The senior class managers will complie a list of approximately ten individuals vho have been involved in Glee in the past and 'WOuld make competent judges for the future. This list is due by the date ofthe Glee Commitee's vrap-up meeting. freshman Glee Hight Regulations A. onlythe following clothes will be 'WOrn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirts (these may varyin color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks The use ofbultons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted. B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: I} Use the center steps to the stage ( 2) 11ear hats or other headgear ".... C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the folloving order: :freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. ~ D. The Senior Class, byV'irtue oftheir longevity. may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner theyfeel appropriate. Theyvill have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previOUS Glee songs or to lampoon or othervise heckle the other classes. No other class maybe involved in the hec:k1ing. , E. Onlypiano may be used to accompany {be classes during the class presentation. r. NO vert>a1 or Visual clues mayt>e g1ven <lur1ng me nna.1 perrormance or marching and/or songs. G. No hand or body movements, including torro, wi1lbe allo'\l7ed during the final performance mher tban 'the marching itself, a't the <fiscretion ofthe Glee Committee. (Specifically, no body movements ere permitted during the rendition ofthe so.n~.) Ifq voCalization is allove<! during marching; hand slaps are bmited to one U 1per lormaUon. H.. Heckling and the use of vater (or anylike substance) are expressly prohibited duting tbe entrances oftbe classes or the performances offormations and songs. 1. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior Class must remain in tbeir seats. No class may physically impede or othervise heckle any other class during the performance. .All classes must remain silent during the rendition ofGlee songs. J. Classes must perform the song turned in for judging.. at the discretion of the Glee Committee. K. Every class may turn in a copy of their speech, at the time of their Satuday dress rehersal, that will be read to the judges prior to the Glee performance. It is suggested that it 'be a one page outline and the Overall Glee managers reser",-e the right to edit this page. Rule Infractions A. .The freshman Glee Committee will review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and 'Will determine penalties, if any. In the case ofa tie vote the Overall Glee mangers wI cast the deciding vote~ B. The members oftbe freshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the ­compilation offinal points and the possible assessments of penalty points in the event ofan infraction. Blue Monday \\ \qC\ \ iJJ..c:::)[V"A ) The Monday following freshman Glee (M~9b 1'). 1900) shall be (}esignated "Blue Monday" during 'Fhich day bets villbe paid 1>y the losers. The folloving regulations apply: A. Classes villbe held as usual, except 11:00 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11:00 am. on thenen Thursday (Maf'eh 16.1~8'). ",,01"("'\1'1 \1.-{ J lC1.a..., B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall valk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11:00 am. hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty, a.<:Jministration. or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members msy, howver, permit the use of part oftqe classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each fa(;~tymember. his/her permission must be sought in advance. .. D. Bets t>etveen two people invol'¥"ing a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties concerned. r. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury, or violation ofstate, federal, or municipallav are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are 'WaSteful, ecologically questionable. or involve excessive use of alcohol shoul<1be discoureged. G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. , - c Fre~hman Glee, 1989 o R.ules and Regulations Freshmen Glee is one ofthe oldest 'traditions on the Vi11amette Universityeampus. The purpose of freshmen Glee is to bring about el8,SS unity and to enable stu<lents to get to knovea<:h other better. The folloving rules an<'l regulations are approved here'Vith by me freshman Glee Co-Managers in ronjunction 'With the freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning in 1981 it vas determine<'l that the theme of Freshman Glee vill very "\ C\C(1.. aceot<'ling to four general musiea1 formats. These themes/formats are: fight~ Novelry~Alma Mater ~<'lSerenaoo (1991)., These formats v.ill eontinue . to rotate on'i:h1s basis so that ~ti-1bg a four-year period each class vitI have an opportunity to compete in each format. ' freshman Glee Date freshman Glee v.ill be held the evening of the saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Vacation~,,;tlrl9B.9). Eligibilitt Only students currentlyenrolled at Wi11amette Universit,)T"Willl>e eligible to participate in Freshman Glee. Other eligibil:ity questions shall be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee . .ARRointments and Procedures A. The Senate ofthe Associated Students ofWi11am:ette University (ASl'U) vill appoint freshman Glee Co-Mangers . .freshmen students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The freshman Glee Managers villbe appointed prior to October 15. B. The freshmen Glee Co-Ivienagers 'Will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Managers from each elass to be elected by their respective classes. These Managers (or their designated representative) v.ill exercise one VOte on behalfof their class in Committee decisions and/or re¢ommendations to the Glee Co-Managers. The Glee Co-Managers vill not have a VOle. This Commi11ee 'Will review Freshma.t1 Glee rules, assist the Freshman Glee Co-Managers if! arranging practice sclle<Jules, contacting judges, etc. It 'Will also review all complaints 'With regard to rule infra.ctiotls and 'Will determine penalties, if any. C. The Class Managers 'Will act as the over-all cla.~ organizers for their class, seeing that all deadlines are met. rules complied with, etc. The Class Managers will appoint persons from their respective classes to the follo'Wingj positions: 1) Song Vriter{s): Composes original wr<1s and music appropriate to the freshman Glee theme ar.1d song format. 2) Song Leader{s): Teaches the class song to those members of the <Class participa.ting in Freshman Glee. 3) Choreographer(s): Plarls the formations (amaximum of three for each <Class. 1 although the Freshman dass shall not be penalized for performing only 'tVO) and movements from one formation to the next. 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of marching and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the class t-shirt to be vorn on Glee night. 6) Accompaini:t(s): Provides piano accompaniment during practices and the performance on Glee night ofthe class song and formations. Anyone person may fill more than one of these positions .. D. Words, music, and a tape of class songs are due in the om St ent Activities (University Center) no later than Noon on friday.. Febr 17,... The submi'ned aooio tapes must be recorded on equipment Vhl 1 be provided for by the Glee Committee. (Up to one voice per part may be included on the judges' tape.) Subject to the discretion of the Glee Committee, there vi11 be a penalty of up to foW" (4) points from the final point total for anydass that does not meet this deadline. -. 53 E. _At a special assembly to be held the Sundayl>eginning Glee Week (Marc~ 1989), the Freshman Glee Co-Managers or a freshman Class representative 'Will issue a formal freshman GleeCha11enge to the other three classes. Representatives of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes 'Will respond in an appropriate manner. (The challenge may also be issued at the University Con'V'OCation porior to Glee Week ifdeemed apporopriate by the Freshman Glee Committee and the University Chaplain.) f. Only the Song Writers, Song Leaders, Choreographers, and March Leaders may play class songs prior to Motidayof&lee Veek (March", 1~). . G. Glee practices shell begin the Monday prior to freshman Glee (Monday, M~Ch~ .. 1~). A schedule of practices will be arranged bythe freshman &lee Co-Managers and approved by the freshman Glee Committee no later than the Vedne;sday prior ~o &lee Week ~M3reh 1. ~). During the practice sessions the follomng regulat10ns shall be 1n effect: r--~'Io. 1--""!, \£1C10 l} No alcohol 'Will be allowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may 'be done by groups of more than foW" persons in the same room, at the same time except during assigned practice hours. . 3) No marching 'Will 'be e1.10ved on the circular stairway in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminatj3 or forfeit a pra.ctice, but once this is done, no make-up lime 'll;ri11 be e1.1oved. (In unusual circumstances, 1:>eyond the control of the class involved, the Glee Committee may amend this rule.) 5) The freshman Class shalll>e allowed one additional practice during Glee lleek and one marching practice of up to two hoW"s the ,,·-eekend immediately prece<Ung Glee Week. (During trle practice before Glee Veek, the freshmen shall not practice their song or specific formations.) 6) Dress rehearsal hours as planne<1 by the Glee Co-Manflgers 81'H) the Freshman Glee Committee villl:>e strictly enforced on Saturday morning of freshman Glee. Any class arriving late vill10se that portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding its practice time villl:>e penalized at the <1iS'cretion of the Glee Comminee, proVide<1 atorma1 complaint is lOOge<1. ,,. 7) Exduding dress rehearsal. onlyappointe<l Class Manflgers an<1 the freshman Glee Co-Manal!ers may visit class 1>ractices other trlan their OVIl for a 1>erioo ofmore than five (5) minutes. B) Seniors may spend anya<1<1itional practice time outsi<1e ofsche<1u1e<1 Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist the freshmen vith their marching. Senior Skits 'Fill normally be presente<1 at 9:00 pm on Fri<1ayofGlee Veek (March ~}.after Glee practice. but the Senior Class maychoose another tim'lantS discretion. A <1ecision as to the date and time ofSenior Skits sha11be made no later than Mon<1aybefore Glee Veele (.febrt1ar'127, 1989). ~.1-SJ V=\£\, 9) Raids ere allowed as long as theystayv.ithin the limits ofall Glee rules and regulations and are in good taste. H. The senior class managers "Will complie a list ofapproximately ten individuals who have been involved in Glee in the past and 'WOuld make competent judges for the future. This list is due by the date ofthe Glee Commitee's wap-up meeting. freshman Glee Kight R.egulations: A. Onlythe folloving clotheiVillbe 'WOrn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirts (these may veryin color and design) . 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks The use ofbuttons, stickers, pi1'15, ribbons, etc., is not perm.itted. B. Only Seniors "Will be allowe<1 to: I) Use the center steps to the stage " 2) Vear hats or other headgear .C. The classes wI enter the Iiel<lhouse and march to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. ~ D. The Senior Class, by virtue oftheir longevity. may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner theyfeel appropriate. TheyVill have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or other-wise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in the hec1c1ing. E. Only piano maybe used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. r. NO ver1>a1 or Visual Clues mayt>e given <luring me nnal perI'ormance or marching and/or songs. G. No hand or body movements, including tor~o, villbe alloved during the final performance otber than the marching itself. at the ~iscretion of the Glee Committee. (Specifically, no body movements are permitted during the rendjtion ofthe so,t).~.) Nq vocalization is allowed <hlr'ing marching; hand slaps ere limited to one 0]per tormati0n. H. Heckling and the use of -water (or any like substance) ere expressly prohibited <'luring the entrances ofthe classes or the performances offormations and songs. L During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or othervise heckle anyother class during the performan¢8. All classes must remain silent during the ren<Htion ofGlee songs. J. Classes must perform the song turned in for judging. at the discretion ofthe Glee Committee. K. Iveryclass may turn in a copy of their speech. at the time of their Satuday dress rehersat that will 1>e read to the jUdges prior to the Glee performance. It is suggested that it be a one page outline and the Overall Glee managers reserve the right to edit this page. Rule Infra.ctions A. . The freshman Glee Committee will revievall complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties. ifany. Ir! the case ofa tie vote the OVerall Glee mangers viIl cast the deci<Jing vote. B. The mem1>ers ofthe freshman Glee Committeeshali represent their class in the .. compilation offinal points and the pomble assessments ofpenalty points in the event ofan infraction. Blue Monda.y \~4 \ \JJ.dvv.. \. \. I The Monda)" following freshman Glee 04arcll 13.1969) shall be designate<! "Blue Monday" during "Which daybets :m.llbe paid 1>')7 the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes villbe held as usual, except 11:00 am classes which will be reschedule<! for 11:00 em on the next Thursday (MOf'efl: 16, 1~8~). "",orcV'l 'VI.. J tctCl( B. The class which pla¢8d fourth at Glee shall valle the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the UniversityCenter during the 11:00 am. hour. C. Bets involving members ofthe faculty, a<Jministration, or clerical support staff are expresslyprohibited. faculty members may, however. permit the use of part ofthe classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each facultymem1>er. hislher permiSSion must be sought in a<Jvance. D. Bets 1>atwen two people involving a third penon are for1>idden, unle~ consented lO by all parties eoneerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage. personal injury. or violation ofstate, federal, or municipalla'l;! are expressly prohibited. f. Bets that are vasteful, ecologically questiona1>le. or involve excessive use of alcohol should 1>e discouraged. G. All1>ets must be pai<! in fUll by 10:00 pm on Blue Mon<!ay. UNIVERSITY Salem. Oregon 97301 March 21, 1989 Dal.V!l Gillette BoxC213 Dear Dawn: I am writing to congratulate you on your fine work as a Glee Manager. I have attended only two Glee perfom1ances, so I suppose it would be insincere to tell you that it was the best Glee in years! So instead, I will evaluate the program as I saw it. The fall planning for Glee was efficient, particularly your method of dividing responsibilities. I was impressed with the efforts to contact judges and honored guests early. The publicity appropriately described the event, was simple yet effective in design, and was printed and distributed early. Leading the Glee Com..'11ittee is often difficult, since most of those on the committee are older than the Glee Managers. The five of you manuevered through the difficulties with a combination of hard work and political skill. Despite the problems in securing rehearsal space, the Glee practices appeared to go well. The evening of the performance was very smooth. The reception was quite nice, the tiIDJng of the program was excellent, the organization of the program was appropriate, and the physical arrangements were in perfect order. Blue Monday passed without student injories and I am aware that your program follow-up is in process. As a team you handled a very large and difficult project with ease. You were organized, hard working, dependable, and attentive to every detail. I was both delighted and impressed. I hope you vvill choose to be active in other positions of leadership during your next three years at WiUameUe. Congratulations, again, on the fine Glee you orchestrated this year. (I only hope someone returns Glee banner!) Sincerely, ~em~ Director of Student Activities and the University Center cc: Frank Meyer, Vice President for Student Affairs Mark Yaconelli, ASWU President BF/ka UNIVERSITY Salem, Oregon 97301 March 21, 1989 Melanie Kirkpatrick Box G154 Dear Mel3.t'1ie: I am writing to congratuJate you on your fine work as a Glee Manager. I have attended only two Glee perfonnances, so I suppose it would be insincere to tell you that it was the best Glee in So instead, 1 will evaluate the program as I saw it. ~'1e fall planning for Glee was efficient, particularly your method of dividing responsibilities. I was impressed wit..'" the efforts to contact judges and honored guests early. The publicity appropriately described the event, was simple yet effective in design, and was printed and distributed early. Leading the Glee Committee is often difficult, since most of those on the committee are older than the Glee Managers. The five of you manuevered through the difficulties with a combination of hard work and political skill. Despite the problems in securing rehearsal space, the Glee practices appeared to go well. The evening of the performance was very smooth. The reception Was quite nice, the timing of the program was excellent, the organization of the program was appropriate, and the physical arrangements were in perfect order. Blue Monday passed without student injuries and I am avrore that your program follow-up is in process. As a team you handled a very large and difficult project "'ith ease. You were organized, hard working, dependable, and attentive to every detaiL I was both delighted and impressed. I hope you will choose to be active in other positions of leadership during your next three years at Willamette. Congratulations, again, on the fine Glee you orchestrated this year. (l only hope someone returns the Glee banner!) Sincerely, Director of Student Activities and the University Center cc: Frank Meyer, Vice President for Student Affairs Mark Yaconelli, ASWU President BF/ka UN IVERSITY Salem, Oregon 97301 March 27,1989 Chris Meier BoxG184 Dear Chris: I am writing to congratulate you on your fine work as a Glee Manager. I have attended only two Glee performances, so I suppose it would be insincere to tell you that it was the best Glee in years! So instead, I 'will evaluate the program as I saw it. The fall pla..'1l1iug for Glee was efficient, particularly your method of dividing responsibilities. I was impressed with the efforts to contact judges and honored guests early. The publicity appropriately described the event, 'W'aS simple yet effective in design, and was printed and distributed early. Leading the Glee Committee is often difficult, since most of those on the committee are older than the Glee Managers. The five of you manuevered through the difficulties with a combination of hard work and political skill. Despite the problems in securing rehearsal space, the Glee practices appeared to go well. The evening of the performance was very smooth. The reception was quite nice, the timing of the program was excellent, the organization of the program was appropriate, and the physical arrangements were in perfect order. Blue Monday passed without student injuries and I am aware that your program follow-up is in process. As a team you handled a very large and difficult project with ease. You were organized, hard working, dependable, and attentive to every detail. I was both delighted and impressed. I hope you will choose to be active in other positions of leadership during your next three years at WillameUe. Congratulations, again, on the fine Glee you orchestrated this year. (l only hope someone returns the Glee banner[) Sincerely, da Freeman Director of Student Activities and the University Center cc: Frank Meyer, Vice President for Student Affairs Mark Yaconelli, ASWU President BF/ka UN IVERSITY Salem. Oregon 97301 March 27,1989 Livia DiMare BoxC155 Dear Livia: I am writing to congratulate you on your fme work as a Glee :Manager. I have attended only two performances, so I su-ppose it would be insincere to tell you that it was the best Glee in years! So instead. I will evaluate the program as I saw it. The fall planning for Glee was efficient, particularly your method of dividing responsibilities. I was impressed with the efforts to contact judges and honored guests early. Tne publicity appropriately described the event, was simple yet effective in design, and was printed and distributed early. Leading the Glee Committee is often difficult, since most of t.."lose on the com.'11ittee are older than the Glee Managers. The five of you manuevered through the difficulties with a combination of hard work and political skill. Despite the problems in securing rehearsal space, the Glee practices appeared to go well. The evening of the performance was very smooth. The reception was quite nice, the timing of the program was excellent, the organization of the program was appropriate, and the physical arrangements were in perfect order. Blue Monday passed without student injuries and I am aware that your program follow-L'P is in process. As a team you handled a very large and difficult project with ease. You were organized, hard working, dependable, and attentive to every detaiL I was both delighted and impressed. I hope you will choose to be active in other positions of leadership during your next three years at Willamette. Congratulations, again, on the fine Glee you orchestrated this year. (l only hope someone returns the Glee banner!) Director of Student Activities and the University Center cc: Frank Meyer, Vice President for Student Affairs Mark Yaconelli, ASWU President BF/ka " , J-.~ ~~..?~.,~~ ~.'v'..J ..r:),..~_",~ ~"""-' _n '1<..("1........ ' ,::0.; O-~"',' ()..·""-<.:r'Z. ..........6 ~ v~~~....".~~d .. ~~~,,~. .s.,.,~.d\J.',j W O-l-. .~~.~ I' 0.. .,),."~~ .....-...St-~~ * v-"':~ ,.................6 ~ <;,...~,.,.'<...~"y...,'--', .J~ -l~~ C<---~~-....;_J~~ Ji:.h,)O-"'..,.......& 0("<...1' \$-_..... ("-""'.r""4~ ~' \ ' \ ", ;­(). •./,c:~:".!,-~, \~ '..../\,,"" (.) ...) .. \'" , cc. ........ :..\,,\.. ," ~~-"'-'""'~~---..-. -'" '--...;~'..J0....:....-.J. r~ ~'-'-~'''~\".l''U-~.. ~\.. , ,~.&; ~ ,-\~~.,jc ~-\-J.,Sl1'-~ --' "'-....~ \~~~ \~-,'-~.,"J'-~~,..... ~'-'~ ,v~ i~...x:..........~ t',~1!. .)~~\ {''-'~''~~Y~' ,¥l! ~~-. ~'-f'~..­b,... 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This 80 year Willamette tradition consists ofthe freshman class challenging the other classes to a singing and marching competition. Each class composes an original song and choreographs formations to perform on Glee night Bets are made between members of different classes and are paid off the Monday after Glee (deemed Blue Monday) as the losing class walks the Millstream. The winning class is awarded the coveted Glee banner. WHEN IS GLEE? March 11, 1989 (Glee Week March 6-10) HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED? a) A team of freshmen will be chosen by the Elections Board from a pool ofteam applications to act as Freshman Glee Overall Managers. Their responsibilities include planning of the Glee program, acting as chairperson of the Glee Committee and all orgarlization involved with Glee. b) A team of people (running as a team) are elected by their classes to act as Class Managers. These persons are in charge ofwriting the class song, planning formations and basically organizing the class. c) MARCH, MARCH, MARCH AND MARCH!HI!!!II


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