Glee 1982 - Planning Materials | 2022-07-28T21:21:07Z | | | 2022-07-28T21:21:07Z | | | 1982 | |
dc.identifier.other | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.relation.ispartof | Willamette University Archives | |
dc.rights | For use information see: | |
dc.rights.uri | | |
dc.title | Glee 1982 - Planning Materials | |
local.mastercopy | Archives_Glee_Volumes23a/Planning_Materials1-5.pdf | |
local.transcription | FRESHMAN GLEE 1982 ALMA MATER: "A Gathering of Golden Memories" Glee Managers: Bruce Campbell, Jenna DeAngeles, Hance Haney, Matt Reimann Final Class Standings: 1st - 1983 (Juniors) 2nd - 1982 (Seniors) 3rd - 1984 (Sophomores) 4th - 1985 (Freshmen) UN IVERS TY FRESHMAN GLEE MANAGERS and CLASS MANAGERS -- 1982 Hance Haney Belknap-6236 •. Coord i nator . Assistant Spokesman Matt Reimann Delta Tau Delta-6367 Personnel Bruce Campbell Belknap-6236 Facil ities Scheduling Jenna DeAngeles Doney-6306 Publicity Guests & Alumni FRESHMAN: SOPHOMORE: JUNIOR: SENIOR: Joanie Gibbons Doney-6306 Laura Pettis Shepard-6261 Mark Olsen Lausanne-6316 Pam Byrne Doney-6306 Jim Cox Sigma Chi-6361 Tom Carr Sigma Chi-6361 Mark Cain Lausanne-6316 Crystal Mills Alpha Chi Omega-6344 Theresa Church Pi Beta Phi-6355 Lisa Partridge Lausanne-6316 Lori Roser Pi Beta Phi-6355 FACULTY ADVISOR: Dean Buzz Yocom U.C.-6209 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF WILlAMETTE UNIVERSITY (503) 370-6245 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY FRESHMAN GLEE MANAGERS and CLASS MANAGERS -- 1982 Hance Haney Belknap-6236 Coordination Budget Program Matt Reimann Delta Tau Delta-6367 Personnel Judging Bruce Campbell Kappa Sigma-6251 Faci 1 ities Scheduling Jenna DeAngeles Doney-6306 Pub 1 i city Guests/Alumni FRESHMAN: Joanie Gibbons Doney-6306 Laura Pettis Shepard-6261 Mark Olsen Lausanne-6316 SOPHOMORE: JUNIOR: SENIOR: Pam Byrne Doney-6212 Mark Cain Lausanne-6316 Crystal Mills Alpha Chi-6344 Theresa Church Pi Phi-6355 Lisa Partridge Doney-6309 Lori Roser Pi Phi-6355 FACULTY ADVISOR: Dean IIBuzz" Yocom Freshman Glee 1982 A Gathering of Golden Memories UNIVERSITY ••• In • •• • Old G/~ WMY/~3 /J)/'ll be ~htJaJn, anti /VeIl e~/lltit loklt Gltf! /98-l.. ~ ___ .: Has In slNz ~r~.".J p ! WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY FRESHMAN GLEE 1982 A GATHERING OF C:rOLDEN lVIEMORIES How did Glee get started? Freslunan Glee was created in 1909 by three Lausanne Hall women. They began a competition between the four undergraduate classes. The challenge was to have each class compose songs "1th original lyrics and perform them at the end of only one week of rehearsal! The idea caught on and, although the Freshman class lost, Glee was born. Since then, Willamettes' FresIunan Glee has continuously grown into an exciting, nostalgic event. What does Glee 1982 have in store? Marching practices at 5 a.m., no sleep, harmonizing, and Blue Monday Bets describe Glee. FOR ALUMNI & PARENTS: Willamette holds in store for you a special reception before the celebration. It is a time to share in the memories of college and then later join in the festivities of the competition. You are cordially invited to join in the celebration of this exciting event on Saturday, March 13 Glee Reception is from 5:30 - 7 pm. at the University Center. Glee will begin at 8 p.m. in Cone Field House. Tickets for Glee 1982 "A GATHERING OF GOLDEN l\IEl\10RIES" are available for $5.00, including reception ticket";. Ticket." for Glee are $2.50, ,\lithout reception. For tiCkets and reselVations, wrlteto: ,Jenna DeAngele.,> Bo..x 18 - Doney Hall Willamette University Salem, Oregon 97301 Tickets will be held fi)r you at the door. Until then, our best wishes, Bruce Campbell, Jenna DeAngeles, Hance Haney, Matt Reimann, Glee 1982 Managers. N -S' How did Glee get started? Freshman Glee was created in 1909 by three Lausanne Hall women. They began a competition between the four undergraduate classes. The cha11enge was to have each class comJXlSe songs with or:iginallyrics and perform them at the end of only one week of rehearsal! The idea caught on and, although the l;re..mman class lost, Glee was born. Since then, Willamettes' Fre.",lunan Glee has continuously grown into an exciting, nostalgic event. What does Glee 1982 have in store? Marching practices at 5 a.m., no sleep, harmonizing, and Blue Monday Bets describe Glee. FOR ALUMNI & PARENfS: Willamette holds in store for you a special reception before the celebration. It is a time to share in the memories of college and then later join in the festivities of the competition. You are cordially invited to join in the celebration of this exciting event on Saturday, March 13 Glee Reception is from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at the University Center, Glee will begin at 8 pm. in Cone Held House. Ticket"> for Glee 1982 "A GATHERING OF GOLDEN MEl\10RIES" are available for $5.00, including reception ticket.." Ticket", filf Glee are $2.50, without reception. For ticket.") and reservations, write to: ,Jenna DeAngeles Box 18 - Doney Hall Willamette University Salem, Oregon 97301 Tickets will be held for you at the door. Until then, 0U1" oc<;t wishes, BUlce Campbell, Jenna lJeAngele.<;, Hance Haney, Matt Reimann, Glee 1982 Managers. RATING SHEET SUMMARY SECOND = 8 points THIRD = 6 points FOURTH = 4 points 1 FRESHMAN SOPHOMORES JUNIORS SENIORS ! Place I Points Place J Points Place Points Place, Points I WORDS AND MUSIC I 1..\1 Judge #"1 q 4 J t:, ;;Z g / i It> j I:.~ Judge #"2 ;t 3 4 l.j :1 la ( II 10 Judge #"3 3 b '-/ if ~ g I /0 i ! Ir 1,-/ O{" "30 ! TOTAL I , , I PRESENTATION Judge #1 " Lj -~ I , j(Y "Os,_ $ 3' ?, I Judge #"2 t{ '-I ~ 6 ';;) ~?;' I ! 10 Judge #:3 ;,;, 81 I r6 I-{ (,,1 ~ <;, "-" Judge #:4 , " :llC , d TOTAL I I II I lFORMATION I I ! Lf I fs: ! I I Judqe #1 Ll 'd-. I \ It J ! ~ I i Judge #2 '-t L( :d ,i i g ! ',j 11) .JB \~ Judge #3 ''1 l{ a ?i q 1(, ::?, I " i , l I iTOTAL ~~ L{ 3C, I i I I I I f I Va I I I GRAND TOTAL I ~i.f "- I I I I r1 r; flJ!1 , -, I f1~), ~ '( IP LACE " [ )- ,/ I , , I FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MU SIC RU S - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1982 RU S: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the mus I (3) Quality of the music, and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 pOints (10 pOints being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshma n Glee is: A GATHERING OF GOLDEN MEMORIES I CLASS ADAPT ABILITY ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS /t? '7 ,f I l~ tj "'" f'ktdl/,4~ ~JUN&IOR VS- iLt/A' I, /d? , 7 7 3.-0 '/ , ~, SOPHOMORES /Ujj ~ (.rLd&t~~ J:;7. A4#/~ r ';$ RF.a ~t]it,! ~~" Lu"" ' J '/,fA ;;c:;'" I I L It/' I'd ~ ~,' ;}h/Af>". V <n1 1JY1T a , (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: ue#tUt1J!// /l rl1#ffhtr{'- ,~ TOTAL POINTS: \f',t1ttf~ ~/ 1"l4;t; ~ . u~~ 'tt SECOND PLACE: VI#1H1.dt./-r¥r:U1" r;;; fflci:£.krn.@;I.OTAL POINTS: tLtz-9/t/Pn/ rnd;n,u~~H~RD PLACE: ~11!lli/1JII({ .. ,J~~OTAL POINTS; ~~:!~ ,,0FOURTH PLACE: I~ 4 T'dul4i!f TOTAL POINTS: /# l'fG~~~ Q &l4A~ ''tt fflL/ tb After completing this balioe please sign below I place this form and the words and &n~~/music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as pos sible I preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. ) THANK YOU for your assistance our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you oyed I the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! '\." ~61~~ FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: _1_9...;..8_2 __ RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the music I (3) Quality of the music, and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 points (10 points being best). Plea se complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: A GATHERING OF GOLDEN MEMORIES CLASS ADAPTABILITY \ ADAPT ABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME , WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS 0 I j , JUNIORS i SOPHOMORES ~~~ ~ , FRESHMEN '>~" (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THI.R D PLACE: ____________________ _ TOTAL POINTS: FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot I please sign below, place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: _1_9_8_2 __ );f). RULES: Judging shall be made on: (l) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability .of words to the mus ic / (3) Quallty of the music I and (4) quality of the word s. Each of these categories to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 pOints (10 points being best). Plea se complete the chart below according to the ratings. in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: 1 A GATHERING OF GOLDEN MEMORIES CLASS AD APT ABILITY AD APT ABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS /t; /0 ~ r 3f.e JUNIORS If) / i ( 35 SOPHOMORES It) 6 7 ~ :1'1 FRESHMEN 10 1 7 P 32- (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: ::i,.g<n l Jt1P TOTAL POINTS: 3(1' SECOND PLACE: I~/'~:> TOTAL POINTS: :3 :; TH I.R D PLACE: r;~p-- TOT.1\1 POINTS: '3 FOURTH PLACE: ~h crn&:/-V':2-- TOTAL POINTS: ;;J.1 After completing this ballot 1 please sign bel.ow I place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman G • We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! IU FRESHMAN GLEE ~J:LRULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 points. maximum) I (3) Diction (5 points maximum), and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of points I the better the presentation •. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN . j DICTION 5 EXPRESSION 5 TOTAL POINTS (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: SECOND PLACE: TH IRD PLACE: FOURTH PLACE: /.,,-, 7* "vay1-~{~,/t:/+Y9 TOTAL POINTS: ___ _ TOTAL POINTS: TOTAL POINTS: . ~ 2> TOTAL POINTS: _-...:~_ After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided I seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 pOints maximum), (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expression (S pOints maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of pOints J the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: PLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS (10 pOints) (S) (S) (5) (25 points maximurr SENIORS 1'/ :3 7l r /'f I 3 JUNIORS 2 L,/ ""' J I 'Cf' i5) /) SOPHOMORES j:- _i 5 ;2 FRESHMEN to 3 I? (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: :l~ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS:, ,1 ~ THIRD PLACE: r '-.~ /~,- ,~",- ,;. " .<;,~,;f:- (~-r'/ TOTAL POINTS: 0 FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: I 7 After completing this ballot I please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided I seal it I and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experienc e! FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 pOints maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 pOints maximum) I (3) Diction (5 pOints maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of pOints I the better the presentation. Plea se complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS (10 points) (5) (5) (S) ! (2 5 points maxlmurr~ SENIORS /0 "1 ~;)/ JUNIORS 4 1 SOPHOMORES (0 4_ JI :~' FRESHMEN G I (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _"'--__ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _-"k,-,' -,-7 __ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: __1- -,7,--~ _ After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided I se~l it I and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experienc e! FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating class es will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be presented with one basic formation from each class. No more than three formations are allowed per class EXCEPT seniors who may have four. Participants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. All participants in each formation must march or count time until the formation is completed. 4. Judging begins when the participating cia ss is announced and will end when all members of the cIa ss ha ve returned to their s eats and are seated. 5. No stage properties or chang e in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 6. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATION / ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME I AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF 1 TO 10, (10 BEING THE HIGHEST) I PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATING IN THE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS BELOW. ! iCLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS SENIORS ~, h 7 19 JUNIORS ttJ S~ /(,"i _'1 (l SOPHOMORES ,: 7 ? 8 ~;L FRESHMEN h i' I / i::,J (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot) FIRST PLACE: ___ ...::.-__ ~ _____ TOTAL POINTS: __ _ SECOND PLACE: ~~~~ ____________ TOTAL POINTS: ____ __ " THIRD PLACE: _'..;:.<I;;;..;'("-/~/?;",;<~:",,,,;"'_' ______ TOTAL POINT S:_-'--__ FOURTH PLACE: ---'--"'----''--''' _________ TOTAL POINT S: ~'---_ After completing your ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience 1 FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating class es will count no '!lore than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be presented with one basic formation from each class. No more than three formcHions are allowed per class EXCEPT seniors who may have four. Participants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. All participants in each formation must march or count time until the formation is completed. 4. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when all members of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 5. No stage properties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 6. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. IN YUDGINGFORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATION I ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME t AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. U SING A SCALE OF 1 TO 10. (10 BEING THE HIGHEST) I PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATING IN THE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS BELOW. CLASS SENIOR SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY 0/ / (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot) FIRST PLACE: __ ~=-~~ _____ TOTAL POINTS: _--""'-- SECOND PLACE: __ ~~~~~~~--_TOTALPOINTS:------ THIRD PLACE: __ ~::..-...:....;;....:;.....:-________ TOTAL POINTS: ___ _ FOURTH PLACE: _-.l--L...!;;±::;;~~;....:::::._=__=__=__ TOT AL PO INT S: __ _ Mter completing your ballot t please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided I seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: ,1 [?l- RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be presented with one basic formation from each class. No more than three formations are allowed per class EXCEPT seniors who may have four. Participants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. All participants in each formation must march or count time until the formation is completed. 4. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when all members of the cla ss ha ve returned to their sea ts a nd are seated. 5. No stage properties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 6. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATION I ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. U SING A SCALE OF 1 TO 10, (10 BEING THE HIGHEST) I PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATING IN THE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS BELOW. CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS SENIORS {p {p 7 '1 JUNIORS (3 0 4- ; I SOPHOMORES fA f "15 ~3 I L FRESHMEN b ~ fp t7 : ballot) FIRST PLACE: ~F--=;.;,.::,....~ _______ .TOTAL POINTS: ___ - SECOND PLACE: -------- TOTAL POINT S: LJ ________ TOTAL POINTS:~--I-__ FOURTH PLACE: _--f_,.;;..... _______ TOTAL POINTS: _-I!--_ After completing your ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE I MONDAY 3/8/82 freshmen 12-1 p.m.: I 4-5 · Ltv.~ 7-9 freshmen-seniors-p. m. : juniors-seniors- Lounge p.m. : freshmen- Waller juniors-seniors�� ·~oOIli hllla" Glee TUESDAY 3 9 82 5-7 a.ttl.: sophomore one: . e~~ 12-1 p.m.: freshmen- Sunburst Conf. fieniors- Lounge 4-5 p.m.: freshmen- Alumni Lounge sophomcres- Sunburst Conf. Room juniorsseniors umn! Lounge junlors- Sunburst Conf. Room seniors- Waller Auditorium WEDNESDAY 3/10/82 5-7 a.m.: juniors- 12-1 p.m.: fresh SophollloresSunburst Conf. Room juniors- Alumni - Lounge seniors- Waller Aud. 4-5 p.m.: juniors- Sunburst Conf. Room seniors- Alumni Lounge 7-9 p.m.: freshmen- Alumni seniors- 'tHURSDAY 3 11 82 5-7 a.m.: seniors- 12-1 p.m.: juniors- Lounge seniors- Sunburst Conf. Room 4-5 p.m.: freshmen sophomores- Alumni Lounge juniors- Sunburst Conf. Room seniors- Doney Bsmt. freshmen- Sunburst Conf. Room juniors-seniors- Lounge FRIDAY 3/12/82 5-7 s.m.: freshmen- 12-1 p.m.: freshmen- Sunburst Conf. Lounge seniors- Waller Aud. 4-5 p.m.: freshmen- Doney sophomores- Alumni juniors seniorsConf. Room 8-10 p.m.: (after senior skits) freshmen- Waller Auditorium *seniors- .r.... SATURDAY 3 13/82 8-9 a.m.: freshmen- 9-10 a.m.: 10-11 a.m.: juniors- 11-12 a.m.: seniors- NOTES: -; SUNDAY ChAl Assembly 7-8 p.m. Cone Field House 14 SUNDAY Blue Monday 11:00 a.m. Cone Field House 21 SliNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 8 HONDAY 9 TUESDAY 15 MONDAY 16 TUESDAY 22 MONDAY 23 TUESDAY ~LARCH 3 WEDNESDAY Ii- THURSDAY 10 WEDNESDAY 11 THURSDAY 17 WEDNESDAY 18 THURSDAY 24 WEDNESDAY 25 THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY 12 FRIDAY Senior Skits 7:00 p.m. Smith Auditorium 19 FRIDAY 26 FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 13 SATURDAY FRESHMAN GLEE 8:00 p.m. CONE FIELD HOUSE 20 SATURDAY 27 SATURDAY FEBRUARY , ~. , NOn:S: 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAY 5 FRlDAY 6 SATURDAY Mextt/s 6i~tl,cby Frvsh OVt~fZ1)h 6:30 C'.G(t .. ~ 7 SUNDAY 8 MONDAY 9 TUESDAY 10 WEDNESDAY 11 THURSDAY 12 FRIDAY 13 SATURDAY I . . • It. SUNDAY 15 MONDAY 16 TUESDAY 17 WEDNESDAY 18 THURSDAY 19 FRIDAY 20 SATURDAY 5on~d.ecd~ 5 p.O"\. BI,.,'zZ . 21 SUNDAY 22 MONDAY 23 TUESDAY 24 WEDNESDAY 2S THURSDAY 26 FRIDAY 27 SATURDAY . ~~NttA¥~,~~~~~,~~,~,~~,~-~-~ !,-~, ----- ~ -,~ ~~, - "_1- - -..;;::-- . ------ -~~~, '- " JANUARY " '. 3 SUNDAY 4 MONDAY 5 TUESDAY 6 WEDNESDAY 7 THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 2 SATURDAY i .. I , ~ 8 FRIDAY 9 SATURDAY 10 SUNDAY , 11 MONDAY 12 TUESDAY 13 WEDNESDAY 14 THURSDAY 15 FRIDAY 16 SATURDAY • . , , • < , ., 17 SUNDAY 18 MONDAY I 19 TUESDAY 20 WEDNESDAY 21 THURSDAY 22 FRIDAY 23 SATURDAY I Clao5 I ftcu1t'S ! H{'t ~!..f.. ;t/;"7' . /0:..;50 (/ / £llYN rlt .- ~'1< 2L. SUNDAY 25 MONDAY 26 TUESDAY 27 WEDNESDAY 28 THURSDAY 29 FRIDAY 30 SATURDAY - I I -~r-';lTI\rrTAV<----' _ - ~--'. -- I ~ DECEMBER NOTES; 1 TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY 5 SATURDAY 6 SUNDAY 7 MONDAY 8 TUESDAY 9 WEDNESDAY 10 THURSDAY 11 FRIDAY 12 SATURDAY A y)Y'Q.Jf\ce: C(o.:!, s. M~ y s. +0 ~1-e: Mm. q:OrJ- 13 SUNDAY· 14 MONDAY 15 TUESDAY 16 WEDNESDAY 17 THURSDAY· 18 FRIDAY 19 SATURDAY 20 SUNDAY 21 MONDAY 23 WEDNESDAY 24 THURSDAY 25 FRIDAY 26 SATURDAY 31 THURSDAY WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY FRESHMAN GLEE 1982· GLEE BUDGET PROPOSAL 1. Publicity ..................................... ... :' ........ $1230.00 Publications ••••••••••••••••• $1100.00 Posters Program Mailing Media Cen ter ••••.••••••••••••• $60.00 . Flyers $25. 00 Photocopying $25.00 Tickets $10.00 Stationery ••••••••••••••••••• $45.00 Postage ...................... lit" ...... $25.00 2. Facilities •••••••••••••••.•••••••••.•��••••••••.•••.••••.•• $281.00 Stageset ••••••••••••••••••••. $55.00 Risers .............................. $72 .00 Piano .................................. $9~ .00 Moving Tuning Included in Risers figure $92.00 Lighting ••••••••••••••••••••• $62. 00 3. Judging &. Honored Guests Free Reception Tickets ••••••• $ 4.. Other., ................................................................................ lit ••• $265 .00 Class A1locations ••••••••••.• $100.00~ Manager Tuxedos •••••••••••••• $165.00 TOTAL: $1800.00 Signed, ~~ Gl~o-Manag A GATHERING OF GOLDEN MEMORIES GLEE BUDGET UPDATE: 2 March 11, 1982 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY 1. Publ icity •..•.••••...••••....•....•....•.•.•..•.•.......... $1333.33 Publications ..•.•................. $908.58 Posters ...•...... $158.o0 Program ..••.•.... $375.00 Mailing .......... $375.58 Media Center .........•..•.•.•..... $94.75 Flyers •.•.•.•.... $30.00 Photocopying •.... $50.00 Tickets .......... $14.75 Stationery ...................•.... $45.00 Pos .•........•..•..•......... :$255.00 Alumni/Parents ... $230.00 Judges/H. Guests.$25.00 Miscellaneous .................... :$30.00 2. Facilities •......................................•....•.... $397.00 Stageset •....•.•..•.•...•...•..... $55.00 R i s e r s .........•.................. $1 0.00 Piano Tuning .•....•............... $92.00 Lighting .......................... $125.00 Includes (free) carpeting Floral Displays ....•..........•... $115.00 3. Judging & Honored Guests ................................... $225.0 0 Judges' Dinner •........•.•.....•.. $75.00 Judge & Guest Reception Tickets ... $150.00 4. Class Allocations ................•.....•................... $240.00 Genera 1 All ocat i on ...........•.... $200.00 Senior Caps ....................... $40.00 5. Blue Monday .........•.......•.............................. $1 00.00 Visqueen Plastic Tarp ............. $100.00 TOTAL: $2295.33 REVENUES: $375.00 @.W~ 3D WILLAMETTE FINAL GLEE BUDGET Ma rch 15, 1982 UNIVERSITY 1. Publicity •.•.•...•••••.•••••.•.•.••.•••••..••••.•..•.•.•.•• $1347.33 Publ ications •••••••••••••••••..••• $908.58 Posters •..••...•• $158.00 Program •••••.•..• $375.00 MaI1Ing ••••.•••.. $375.00 Media Center .•.....•...•••.•.•.••. $108.75 Flyers ••.....••.• $30.00 Photocopying •.••• $SO.OO Tickets ••.•.•••.• $16.75 Thankyou Cards •.• $12.00 Statlonery •••••..••....•.••....••• $45.00 Postage ....•.••..•...••.••....•..• $255.00 Alumni/Parents •.. $230.00 Judges/H. Guests.$25.00 Miscellaneous .•••..........•....•• $30.00 2. Facilities .••••..•..•••............•.•..••.•.•...•.•.•..... $381.60 Backd rop •.••.•..•..•.•••.•.•��•••.• $ 59. 22 Rise r 5 .............. " .... *' ............. $ 7 • 38 Piano Tuning ..•...........•..••.•. $70.00 Lighting ••.•••••���.•..•••••••••••.. $125.00 Includes (free) carpeting Floral Displays ................... $120.00 3. Judging, Honored Guests & Guests ........................... $287.75 Judges' Dinner .•.•.•..••.•.•..•..• $75.00 Judge & Guest Reception ...•••••..• $202.50 Flashlight Replacement •••.•.••...• $5.25 Banner •..•.••..••.•••..•.••••••..• $5.00 4. Class Al1ocations .•...•••...•••...•.••..•.•.•.••..•.•.••.•• $240.00 General Allocation ••••..•.•..•.•.• $200.00 Senior Caps •.•.••••••.•••..•.••.•. $40.00 5. Blue Monday ....•.•.••••.•.•••.••.•••..•.....•..•.•.•...••.. $1 00.00 VisQueen Plastic Tarp ••••.•....•.. $100.00 TOTAL: $2356.68 REV~NUES: $652.50 == $1704.18 January 20, 1982 .. Meeting of Glee Co-Managers and. Class Announcements and Agenda . The theme of Glee 1982 is: ·uA Gathering of dedicated to Dean "Buzz" Yocom. 2. Glee will beheld March 13th~ and will begin at 8 p.m. The Parent Reception will be held at the U.C., and will begin at 5:30 p.m.," 3. The·· Rules and the Practice Schedule for Glee 1982 will be confirmed by ·Co-Managers based on the·recommendations of the 4. Honored Guests (U.S. Senators,. Congressmen, the Governor;. Secretary of State Senators,Representatives and judges who are Willamette Alumni} be invited to Glee as honored guests instead of A. .Facilities Scheduling D. Discussion of Glee Glee Calendar Discussion of Rules Discussi(~m of Class Budgets A. Glee Committees B. Class Managerships C. Honored Guests D. Judges . E. Other ILL ETT UNIVERSITY. FRESHMJ\N GLEE 1982 FRESHMAN GLEE RULES & REGULATIONS Freshman Glee is by far the oldest tradition on the Wil1amette University campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The following rules and regulations are approved herewith by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers, in conjunction with the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior class managers. I. Theme The theme of Freshman Glee will vary according to four topics of a general nature. Beginning in 1981, the theme will be IINovelt yfl; 1982, "Alma Mater"; 1983, "Serenade"; 1984, IIFight.!! Themes wi 11 continue to rotate on this basis so that during a four-year period each student group will have an opportunity to compete in each theme. II. Freshman Glee Date Freshman Glee will be held the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Vacation. I II. intment of Freshman Glee Manager(s) and Procedures ~ The Student Senate of Willamette University will appoint a Freshman Glee Manager or Co-Managers. Students interested in this position may petition for consideration. Freshman Glee Manager{s) will be appointed prior to the end of first semester. B. The Freshman Glee Manager(s) will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the freshman, sophomore~ junior and senior class managers. These managers will exercize one vote on behalf of their class in Committee decisions and/or recommendations to the Glee Manageds). The Glee Manageds) will not have a vote. This Committee will review Freshman Glee rules, assist the Manager(s} in setting up practice schedules, judges, etc. They will review all complaints with regard A GATIIERIN(i ()F GOLDEN l\1EMORIES to rule infractions and decide on penalties. if any. Members of the allegedly offending class shall not have a vote in such instances. C. Glee,practice shall begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee on a schedule arranged by the Glee Manager(s) and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee. D. At a special assembly to be held ,the Sunday beginning Glee week, the Freshman Class Managers or their representative will issue a formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other three classes. The other three classes will respond in an appropriate manner. E. During the practice sessions. the following regulations are in effect: 1. Mo alcohol will allowed anywhere on the ccmpus grounds. 2. Only the songleader, the composers, the formation and interpretation leaders may ~lay the class song before the Sunday of Glee week. 3. No playing or practicing may be done in groups larger than four persons in the same room during Glee week except during assigned practice hours. L,. Only seniors \,vi 11 be allowed to; A. Use center steps B. Wear hats and headgear during the final performance 5. There will be a maximum of three formations performed by each class, except for the freshman class, who may have a maximum of two formations. Each class song will be performed from anyone of the formations~ 6. Any class may choose to el iminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no makeup time will be allowed. 7. Only the follmving clothes will be worn during the final performance: A. Glee T-shirts (these may vary in color and design) B. Dark blue pants or jeans C. Socks D. The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc. are not permitted. 8. Only piano(s) may be used to accompany the class. 9. No verbal or visual clues may be given during the final performance. 10. Dress rehearsal hours as set up by the Glee Manager(s) and the Freshman Glee Committee will be strictly enforced on Saturday mornings. Any class arriving late will lose that part of their time. Any class exceeding its practice time will be penalized at the discretion of the Freshman Glee Committee, provided a formal complaint is made. 11. The enforcement of a rule infraction, including the assessment of penalties, will be taken care of by the Freshman Glee Committee as heretofore outlined. The allegedly offending class will not participate in such voting. 12. Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of the scheduled practices to work on their skit and to assist the freshmen in their marching. The senior skit will normally be presented at the convocation hour during Glee practice we~k, but the senior class may decide otherwise. 13. No hand or body movements will be allowed during the final performance other the marching itself. Specifically, no body movements are permitted during the rendition of the song. IV. Freshman Glee Night Regulations A. The Freshman Class will enter first and march to their seats. No heckling, no use of water, etc. will be permitted during the entry of any class. B. The Sophomore Class will enter immediately after the freshmen and march to their seats. C. In a like manner, the juniors will march in and sit in their seats. D. The Senior Class. by virtue of their longevity, may enter the auditorium/field house in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in the heckling. E. The use of water or any like substance is expressly prohibited during the marching of the classes or the marching and performance of the songs themselves. F. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except seniors must remain in their seats. No class may impede· physically with any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs._ V. Judging Judging shall be according to the rules and regulations attached hereto. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the compilation of final points and the possible assessment of penalty points in the event of an infraction. V I • B 1 we Monday On the Monday following Freshman Glee, bets will be paid off by the losers. -The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, except 11:00 a.m. classes, which will be switched to 11 :00 a.m. on the next Wednesday. B. Bets involving members of the faculty,adminlstration or clerical support staffs are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may. however, permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought and received in advance. C. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by ~ parties concerned. D. The paying of bets that might involve property or personal damage are expressly prohibited. E. Bets that are wasteful or ecologically questionable should be discouraged. F. All bets must be paid in full by 10;00 p.m. on Blue Monday. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY FRESHMAN GLEE 1982 PROGRAM SENIOR SONGS •••••••••.••.••���••••••••.•.•.•••.•.••.••••••••••••..••.• CLASS OF 1982 GLEE INTRODUCTION •••.•.•.•.••.•••• H. HANEY, M. REIMANN, B. CAMPBELL, J. DeANGELES MATT: JUDGES & JUDGING JENNA:. 6RUCE: HANCE: HONORED GUEST INTRODUCTIONS GLEE RULES THANKYOUS & ALMA MATER INTRODUCTION ALMA MATER - "OOE TO WILLAMETTEll ••.••••.•��•••••••.••••••••• DR. PAUL TRUEBLOOD '28 GRACE DeHARPPORT '31 liA TOUCH OF GOLDII .•..•••••••••••••••••.•.•••..••.••••••••••••..•.••• CLASS OF 1982 (JENNA) LORI ROSER & LISA PARTRIDGE "HAIL TO WILLAMETTEII •••••..••••••••••••..•.••.••••••.••••••••••••.•• CLASS OF 1983 (BRUCE) MARK CAIN, CRYSTAL MILLS & THERESA CHURCH SPEC I AL PRESENTAT I ON ••••••••••••���•..•....••.••••••••.•••••.• KOKUSA! SHOKA DA I GAKU (JENNA & BRUCE) llMY OLD WI LLAMETTE SCRAPBOOKll ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CLASS OF 1984 (HANCE) PAM BYRNE ! I I N TH E P RID E I 8 5 I 8 511 • • .. • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • ��� • • • • ••• C LA S S 0 F 1 985 (MATT) JOAN G I BBO~IS, LAURA PETT I S & t-1ARK OLSEN SPEC' AL PRESENTAT ION •••••.•••.•••••.•.•••••.•••.•.••••.•.•.•••• STUDENT JAZZ COMBO (HANCE & MATT) JOH~I MULV I HILL IIBR I EFIl PRESENTAT ION OF GLEE BANNER ............................. DEAN IIBUZZ" YOCOM t WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY FRESHMAN GLEE 1982 PROGRAM SENIOR SONGS .•••.•••.••.•.•••.•.••.•...••.••••..•.....•.•••••••..••• CLASS OF 1982 GLEE INTROOUCTION .•.••..•.•.•••.•. H. HANEY, M. REIMANN, B. CAMPBELL, J. OeANGELES MATT: JUDGES & JUDGING JENNA: BRUCE: HANCE: HONORED GUEST INTRODUCTIONS GLEE RULES THANKYOUS & ALMA MATER INTRODUCTION ALMA MATER - "ODE TO WILLAMETTEIl ••...•••••••..•••..••.•••.. DR. PAUL TRUEBLOOD '28 GRACE DeHARPPORT 131 UA TOUCH OF GOLD11 ........... ., .......................................................... ,. .. CLASS OF 1982 (JENNA) LORI ROSER & LISA PARTRIDGE I'HAIL TO WILLAMETTE" .•••.•...••.••.•..•......•..•.......•..•..•....• CLASS OF 1983 (BRUCE) MARK CAIN, CRYSTAL MILLS & THERESA CHURCH SPEC I AL PRESENTAT I ON .•••.••••..•...••.••.•••.••..•....... , •• KOKUSA I SHOKA DA I GAKU (JENNA & BRUCE) tfMY OLD WILLAMETTE SCRAPBOOKII , ...................................... CLASS OF 1984 (HANCE) PAM BYRNE "IN THE PRIDE 185 '8511 .............................................. CLASS OF 1985 (MATT) JOAN GIBSONS, LAURA PETTIS & MARK OLSEN SPECIAL PRESENTATION •..••.....•...•••••••.•...•••..•••.••..••.• STUDENT JAZZ COMBO (HANCE & MATT) JOHN MULVIHILL "BR I EF" PRESENTAT f ON OF GLEE BANNER ............................. DEAN "BUZZI! YOCOM : ILL ETT UNIVERSITY F·RESIIM.AN GLEE 1982 FRESHMAN GLEE 1982 PROGRAM SENIOR SONGS .••••...•....•••....•.••..••....••..•.••....•..•.•.••..• CLASS OF 1982 GLEE INTRODUCTION .••••.••.•..••.•• H. HANEY, M. REIMANN, B. CAMPBELL, J. DeANGELES MATT: JUDGES & JUDGING JENNA: HONORED GUEST INTRODUCTIONS BRUCE: GLEE RULES HANCE: . THANKYOUS & ALMA MATER INTRODUCTION ALMA MATER - "ODE TO WILLAMETT£I' ...................... ~ ••.••••• DR. PAUL TRUEBLOOD ilA TOUCH OF GOLD'1 ................................ ,. ~ ....... .......................... CLJ.\SS OF 1982 (JENNA) LORI. ROSER & LISA PARTRIDGE "HA I L TO HI LLAMETTE. ••••••.•.•.••••.•.•••••...••••.•••.••.•.••••.•.• CLASS OF 1983 (BRUCE) MARK CAIN & CRYSTAL MILLS SPECIAL PRESENTATION ................ -•.•.•••••••••••••••••••. KOKUSA! SHOKA DAIGAKU (JENNA &. BRUCE) IIHY OLD WI LLAMETTE SCRAPBOOK" ....................................... CLASS OF 1984 (HANCE) PAM BYRNE 1I1N THE PRIDE 185 '85" .......................................... ~ .. ~.CLASS OF 1985 (MATT) JOAN GIBBONS, LAURA PETTIS & HARK OLSEN SPECIAL PRESENTATION •••.•••••••••.••••••••••.••••••.••••••••••• STUDENT JAZZ COMBO (HANCE & MATT) BRIEF PRESENTATION OF GLEE BANNER ............................... DEAN IIBUZZII YOCOM A GATHEIUN(} OF GOLDEN MEM()RIES THINGS BY BRUCE CAHPBELL IN FOR GLEE 1982: In Cone Field Rouse: Areas of the floor should be swept and pop spill on left side of risers. (..i • ~b>l'i' ,,,KPlease remove the red mats. Remove balloons from ceiling. Remove baseball net wire - 1~~~ south side. Remove all excess lumber west side, north bleachers in particular. ~ The white can should be removed as no food will be allowed. All on entry doors and windows should beremoved. hall chairs, tables and announcement receptacle should be put in Remove the "NO Food" signs. Remove the door mat. The walls need to be cleaned. Exit correctly and bulbs checked. Raise basketball baskets. Remove Remove from bleachers. Bleachers are filthy - need to be swept and cleaned. and taped pieces from all walls. Place on bleachers. Top of bleachers - west and east side need to be cleaned - cobwebs allover the windows. Clean debris from cement ledge above both entrances. Sweep and mop entire main level - entrance area and ramps. Clean trophy case windows. Clean bust glass table that comes out of wall. Clean windows along front - door and area by bathrooms. Ramp area - south bleacher - top of rail needs to be cleaned. Check all lights for burned out bulbs. Bathrooms should be sparkling clean. Check spotlight that shines on Sparks bust - make sure it is working. 3/9/82 Maintenance Requests - Bruce Campbell - For Glee - 1982 Put up scaffolding - today please. Check ceiling fans and regulate - before Friday. Replace ceiling tiles that were knocked out. Vertical ones also Check all parking lot lights. Could the lights along the U.C. Circle - the ones between U.C. and Sparks and along the mill stream allf1he same color. Some are white and some are yellow. Please park the ugly old bus out of sight for the week-end. Suggest that you park it in the gravel lot by Etzel Court. Remove barricade (city) and anything else that should not be there. Rake the new bark dust around Sparks and U.C. Remove debris and garbage allover the grounds. Need a truck off-and-on all day Saturday for moving equipment around. ,. MEMORANDUM TO: Freshman Glee Managers, c/o Hans Haney DATE: March 9~ 1982 FROM: A Concerned Student SUBJECT: Admission Price of Glee I would just like to express my disapproval of the 'recent decision to charge students for admission to Glee. We have already paid a student body fee that should cover activities such as this, and I personally don't feel we should have to pay twice. Glee is an activity for the total student" body,. not just those who participate actively, and I feel that this charge will prevent many students from attending who waul d have othe)~\'Ji se. If you need money, charge the parents; but students have already paid their dues. And aside from all that, $2.50 is just TOO MUCH!! For all the reasons mentioned above, I think students should be given free admission with a student body card, or at the most a $1.00 charge. Thanks for listening, and I hope it's not too late to change the policy -- , rl SGtl C@U.Jt01 I tavUUj you~ )5~ . -. " ' . .. . .' ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY ADI'1INISTRATIVE GUIDELINES PERTA·INING TO CLASS GOVERNANCE SEC. 1. A CLASS COUNCIL SHALL BE ELECTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORE, ~UNIOR AND SENIOR CLASSES, RESPECTIVELY. SEC. 2. COMPOSITION OF CLASS COUNCILS. A. THREE REPRESENTATIVES, POPULARLY ELECTED BY EACH RESPECTIVE CLASS, SHALL COMPRISE EACH CLASS COUNCIL. THE REPRESENTATIVE RECEIVING THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES IN SAID ELECTION SHALL SERVE AS CLASS CHAIRPERSON. B. CLASS REPRESENTATIVES AND CHAIRPERSONS SHALL BE ELECT~D PRIOR TO OCTOBER 1 OF EACH ACADEMIC YEAR. ELECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY THE ELECTIONS BOARD ACCORDING TO REGULAR ELECTIONS PROCEDURES. THE THREE CANDIDATES RECEIVING THE HIGHEST NUM~ER OF VOTES WITHIN SAID CLASS ELECTION SHALL BE DESIGNATED AS THE CLASS REPRESENTATIVES. 1. CANDIDATES SHALL NOT STAND FOR ELECTION TO INDIVIDUAL REPRESENTATIVE POSITIONS. C. CLASS REPRESENTATIVES AND CHAIRPERSONS SHALL BE A M~MBER IN ACADEMIC STANDING OF THE CLASS THEY REPRESENT. SEC. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES. A. CLASS COUNCILS SHALL SERVE AS A LIASON BETWEEN THE CLASSES AND WHATEVER PARTIES MAY BE OF CONCERN TO THE CLASSES. CLASS COUNCILS SHALL HAVE THE POWER OF RECOMMENDATION TO THE SENATE. B. CLASS COUNCILS SHALL ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF CLASS AFFAIRS AND ACTIVITIES. 1. EACH CLASS SHALL ORGANIZE A PROGRAM FOR THE RECOGNITION OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CLASS AND OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS BY MEMBERS OF THE CLASS. PRESENTATIONS OF CLASS AWARDS SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN ANNUALLY. 2. EACH CLASS COUNCIL SHALL COORDINATE A PROCESS FOR THE SELECTION AND· PRESENTATION OF A CLASS GIFT TO THE UNIVERSITY PRIOR TO THE OFFICIAL COMMENCEMENT FOR THE CLASS. THE CLASS COUNCIL SHALL UNDERTAKE FUNDRAISING AND ANY OTHER NECESSARY ORGANIZATIONAL STEPS. 3. EACH CLASS COUNCIL SHALL FACILITATE THE EFFICIENT INVOLVEMENT OF ITS RESPECTIVE CLASS IN ALL CLASS-ORIENTED CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BY 1) RECOMMENDING CLASS MANAGERS AND 2) PROVIDING OTHER ASSISTANCE DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CLASS COUNCILS AND OVERALL MANAGERS OF THE RESPECTIVE CAt1PUS ACTIVITIES. 4. EACH CLASS COUNCIL SHALL ORGANIZE CLASS SOCIAL FUNCTIONS DEEMED BY THE CLASS TO BE DESIRABLE. 5. EACH CLASS SHALL DESIGNATE A MEMBER OF THE CLASS TO SERVE AS THE PERMANENT II CLASS REPRESENTATIVE u PRIOR TO THE OFFICIAL COMMENCEMENT FOR THE CLASS. SEC. 4. EACH CLASS COUNCIL SHALL MEET MONTHLY WITH OTHER MEETINGS TO BE HELD UPON THE CALL OF THE CLASS CHAIRPERSON. ALL MEETINGS OF CLASS COUNCILS SHALL BE .OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS IN ACADEMIC STANDING OF THEIR RESPECTIVE CLASS. MINUTES OF ALL CLASS BUSINESS SHALL BE KEPT IN CLASS FILES IN THE STUDENT BODY OFFICE. SEC. 5. THE CLASS CHAIRPERSON SHALL PRESIDE AT ALL MEETINGS OF EACH CLASS, AND SHALL FORMULATE AN AGENDA FOR EACH MEETING IN CONSULTATION WITH THE RESPECTIVE CLASS REPRESENTATIVES. A. MEETINGS OF THE CLASS SHALL BE CALLED EITHER BY THE CLASS COUNCIL OR UPON PETITION OF TEN MEMBERS OF THE CLASS IN L.JHICH THEY STATE THE OBJECTIVE OF THE DESIRED MEETING. SEC. 6. IN THE EVENT OF A VACANCY IN A CLASS COUNCIL, SAID POSITION SHALL BE FILLED BY A CLASS ELECTION CONDUCTED BY THE REMAINING Mt-::MBERS OF SAID CLASS COUNCIL. SEC. 7. CLASS FUNDS. A. ANY AND ALL CLASS MONIES SHALL BE HELD IN DESIGNATED CLASS ACCOUNTS WITHIN THE GENERAL STUDENT BODY FUND. B. MONIES SHALL BE DRAWN ON THE RESPECTIVE CLASS ACCOUNTS BY THE ASWU TREASURER UPON THE REGUEST OF THE CLASS COUNCIL. APPROVED BY THE ASWU SENATE APRIL 1983. University Fehruary 19, 1982 To t~om It May Concern: They may not write songs like they used to but at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, they're still giving it the old college try. Upholding what is believed to be the longest running college tradition in the country, Willamette students will present the 74th annual Freshman Glee in March of this year. An event unique to the Northwest and perhaps the nation, Willamette's Fresh-man Glee isa throwback to the era of raccoon coats, megaphones and swallowing goldfish. Judged musical presentations of original class songs, and marching formations precede "Blue Monday", the climax of the week-long festivity when losing classes wade the campus Mill Stream and payoff bets to the win.ners. The payoffs generally bring out the spring fever in the campus residents and the Salem community as well. Hyman sundaes, food fights, unusual costumes and kisses on sale in the campus quad are the order of the day and among the more tame antics. It's a little less than halftime at the Orange Bowl but a lot more than traditional homecoming noise parades. At any rate, it is s.omething a little out of the ordinary (though it is doubtful anyone would s.ay, "That's incredible") and something you might find interesting for a future program. We have included some detai.led information and if you have any questions. please feel free to call us. Thank you for your consideration. SinCere~lY' ; t!f!1 d0Vj;~ Katy Demo Puhlic Relations 74th FRESHMAN GLEE COMPETITION SLATED AT WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY University Demory Feb. 15, 1982 Willamette University will be knee-deep in nostalgia beginning March 8, when a week of practice sessions for the 74th annual Freshman Glee get underway in Salem. This year Glee will be held on Saturday, March 13, at 8 p.m. in Cone Field House at Sparks Center on the Willamette campus. Glee is a spirited Willamette tradition which involves the freshman class challenging the other classes to a competition of marching and original songs. Each class is then judged on its marching formations, song and overall presentation. Glee is traditionally organized by the freshman class. This year managers are Bruce Campbell, Jenna DeAngeles, Hance Haney, and Matt Reimann, all of Portland. One of the best loved traditions of Glee is the betting between students on the outcome of Saturday night's competition. Bets are paid off on f1Blue Monday", March 15. The winning class receives the coveted Glee Banner and the losing class must wade the Mill Stream in front of Putnam University Center at 11 a.m. on Blue Monday. The competition is open to the public. Tickets are available at the door for $2.50 per person with children under 12 admitted free of charge. For further information, contact Putnam University Center at Willamette, 370-6267. -30- l?, OUt" , to " '<°ll:lec Of Gl ee t It d:i >vel:"e d:isca1 Otat:t.on . >Va" the d eCad. attend anCE '-thell:le :COt, . '11 tte University got In 1908 three members of the Freshman class at w~ ame together to challenge the upp~r c 1 asses t 0 a contest of "wit and musical talent. II The resulting performance in the of 1909 began what was to become a 74-year old tradition know~ as Freshman Glee. The freshman, Jimmie Oaks. ''Brick'' Harrison and R. V. Ellis, thought an inter-class competition of original college songs would be a way to raise class spirit and interest in Willamette. According to the 1912 edition of Willamette's yearbook the Wallulah, Freshman Glee is an event belonging distinctly to Willamette. No other college in the country has a similar contest. What was true then still holds, and Willamette is preparing for the 74th occurance of what the Wallulah hoped would become a tradition "which no Freshman Class will care to break." Glee was originally held in the chapel of Waller Hall on campus. performance then consisted of each class gathering in front of the af performing its song. In 1911 Glee was moved from Waller Hall to tr Methodist Church, and the next year the classes began marching ir their seats to the stage prior to singing their song. In 1913 had become so popular that it was forced to move again, this Salem Armory. In 1923 Glee was brought back to the campus and held Gymnasium, now the University Playhouse. About that tiT University WHAT IS GLEE? ============= Each spring, a challenge goes out from Willamette's Freshman class to the rest of the student body. That is the official beginning of a week's activities that culminates in a weekend of class competition featuring original college songs and marching formations. The classes are judged on their performances, and on the following Monday--"Blue Monday," the losing class wades the Mill Stream. Each class is responsible for composing a song that expresses some aspect of the theme of Glee chosen for that year. Themes are decided on a rotating basis, and are chosen from Alma Mater, Serenade, Fight Song and Novelty. The class is then responsible for learning its song and creating marching formations that help express that song. Practices are limited to set times during the week prior to the Saturday night performance, to insure that no class gets an unfair advantage. During that week of practice, each class is entitled to disrupt the prac-tice of some other class. Water balloons and the Mill Stream are among the weapons employed to break up practices. On Saturday night, the classes gather in Spark's Center on campus to present songs and formations before guest judges. Each class is judged on the words and music of its song, formations, and total presentation. The class receiving the most points, is awarded the Glee Banner, and the losing class is sent to the Mill Stream on Blue Monday to get more marching practice. Blue Monday is also the day on which bets are paid off. Bets on the What is Glee--page 2 outcome of Saturday's performance are made during the week of practice. These range from wearing odd clothes to a reported streaker several years ago. Although tarring and feathering is no longer a common bet, a shampoo with syrup or raw eggs in front of the student body is. People have taken their sleeping bags to class and demanded bedtime stories from their professors, and humorous readings abound in the dining halls at mealtime. One other event associated with Glee is Senior Skits, in which the graduating senior class satirizes campus events and people. -30- University THE HISTORY OF WILLAMETTE'S FRESHMAN GLEE ========================================= In 1908 three members of the Freshman class at Willamette University got together to challenge the upp~r classes to a contest of IIwit and musical talent. lf The resulting performance in the spting of 1909 began what was to become a 74-year old tradition know~ as Freshman Glee. The freshman, Jimmie Oaks, ItBrickff Harrison and R.V. Ellis, thought an inter-class competition of original college songs would be a way to raise class spirit and interest in Willamette. According to the 1912 edition of Willamette's yearbook the Wallulah, Freshman Glee is an event belonging distinctly to Willamette. No other college in the country has a similar contest. wnat was true then still holds, and Willamette is preparing for the 74th occu'rance of what the Wallulah hoped would become a tradition "which no Freshman Class will care to break." Glee was originally held in the chapel of Waller Hall on campus. The performance then consisted of each class gathering in front of the assembly and performing its song. In 1911 Glee was moved from Waller Hall to the First Methodist Church, and the next year the classes began. marching in unison from their seats to the stage prior to singing their song. In 1913 the event had become so popular that it was forced to move again, this time to the Salem Armory. In 1923 Glee was brought back to the campus and held in the Willamette Gymnasium, now the University Playhouse. About that time the song presentation Glee History-- Page 2 became more complicated as marching formations were added to the class presentations. In 1975 Glee was moved to its pres.ent home in the newly completed Sparks Center. Since i.ts modest beginnings, Glee has grown into a week-long event culminating in a weekend performance that consistently draws a full house. Blue Monday was added after Glee was moved into the "old gym" in 1923. The high class spirit of the 1930 f s .. led to wagers between class pres,idents as to which class would emerge victorious in Glee, and these group bets were quickly transformed into the individual betting that is. employed today. The song composition also changed somewhat in the late 192Q's when a four-theme rotation was initiated. The themes were Alma Mater, Seranade, Fight Song, and Novelty. In the 30's this was refined even more, and a subtheme or "motto" was added. (This can be seen in the current theme, which is Alma Mater, CIA Gathering of Golden Memories'), In the late 1960's Glee came very close to dying, along with, so many other college traditions. The prevailing tide of Ittune in, turn on and drop out", along with a general revolt against traditions of their parents, caused many students to discard college traditions, from fraternities and sororities to homecoming and honor roles. It is a testimony to the strength and popularity of Glee that it survived these tumultous times. It did not emerge untouched, however. The traditional skirts and slacks were discarded in favor of jeans and matching t-shirts. The four-theme rotation was. also discarded, and attendance and participation dropped dramatically. In the decade since then, Glee has regained its stature as: a campus institution, and attendance and participation match that of its heyday in the 50's. The four-theme rotation was reinstituted in 1981, when the theme of Novelty "To the Future Through the Pas:t" was chosen. Glee has also drawn the attention of the local and national news media, Glee History-- Page 3 earning feature status in the Statesman-Journal Newspaper and headline status in the Oregonian, Oregon's. largest circulation newspaper. In 1937 the competition was broadcast over KOIN Radio and was regularly aired for several years. Many of Willamette's best known alumni were active participants, including Oregon's two senators, Mark Hatfield and Robert Packwood. As a freshman in 1941, Sen. Hatfield ~vas in charge of programs. He also ended up walking down the Mill Stream on Blue Monday as the class of '44 lost its first Freshman Glee. Glee is a tradition which carries on after graduation as well. Many alumni return each year to watch the newest installation of Glee, and each year the judges for the event include alumni. Senator Hatfield has been a judge several times, as has Arno Denecke, Chief Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court, and David Welch, a well-known composer and performer. Other judges have included many professor emeri.tus and friends of Willamette, including former governor Sprague, Gerry Frank and entertainer Rudy Vallee. -30- J This tter went to j Mrs. Judy Lorenzen 355 Lincoln Street, S. Salem, Oregon 97302 Dear Mrs. Lorenzen: s of Formation and Presentation February 19, 1982 On f of the Glee Hanagers and the student body, thank you for consenting to participate in this year's Freshman Glee. Taking time out of your schedule is very much appreciated. The actual Glee competition begins at 8:00 on Saturday, March 13. There is a reception ~t 5:30 prior to this in the Cat Cavern located in the Putna~ University Center. You are welcome to come to the reception as our guest, but you must be here at 7:00 p.m. when all the judges and managers will meet for a light dinner to go over and details. Again, thanks for sharing an interest in this year's Freshman Glee. We'll be looking forward to seeing you on the 13th! Sincerely, Reimann for Bruce Campbell Jenna DeAngelas Hance Haney March 5, 1982 Mr. Gary Frame 1347 Morningside Drive, SE Salem, Oregon 97302 Dear Hr. Frame: Enclosed please find two tickets for the reception which will be held in Putnam University Center on Saturday, March 13, at 5:30 p.m., and two tickets to Freshman Glee which will commence at 8:00 p.m. in Sparks Recreation Center. At 7:00 p.m. we will meet in Dining Room 3 of Putnam University Center for a light dinner to discuss judging and other details about Freshman Glee. Although your work is finished, you are most welcome to attend the dinner and meet the other judges and Glee managers. Yq'ur participation in the 74th annual Freshman Glee is appreciated W~ look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Sincerely, Matt Reimann for Bruce Campbell Jenna DeA.l1geles Hance Haney 1982 Freshman Glee Managers This letter went to judges of Formation and Presentation l-irs .. Judy Lorenzen 355 Lincoln Street, S. Salem, Oregon 97302 Dear Mrs. Lorenzen: February 19, 1982 On behalf of the Glee Managers and the student body, thank you consenting to participate in this year's Freshman Glee. Taking out of your schedule is very much appreciated. The actual Glee competition begins at 8:00 on Saturday, March 13. There is a reception at 5:30 prior to this in the Cat Cavern located in the Putnam University Center.. You are welcome to come to the reception as our ~~est, but you must be here at 7:00 p.m. all the judges and managers will meet for a light di~ner to go over rules and details. Again, thanks for sharing an interest in this year's Freshman Glee. We'll be looking forward to seeing you on the 13th! Sincerely, Matt Reimann for Bruce Campbell Jenna De~.ngelas Hance Haney March 5, 1982 Mr. Gary Frame 1347 Morningside Drive, SE Salem, Oregon 97302 Dear Mr. Frame: Enclosed please find two tickets for the reception which will be Id in Putnam Univers Center on Saturday, March 13, at 5:30 p.m., and two tickets to Freshman Glee which will commence at 8:00 p.m. in Sparks Center. At 7:00 p.m. we will meet Dining Room 3 of Putnam University for a light dinner to discuss judging and other details Fresr®an Glee. Although your work is finished, you are ffios't welcome to attend the dinner and meet the other judges Glee managers. ydur participation in the 74th annual Freshman Glee is appreciated w4 look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Sincerely, Matt Reimann for Bruce Jenna Hance Haney 11 les 1982 Freshman Glee Managers WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY January 25, 1982 FRESlfMAiV GLEE 1982 The Reverend Dale Harris Super:intendent, Westel~n District First United Methodist Church 600 State Street Salem, OR 97301 Dear Mr. Harris: Once again preparations are under ,,,"ay for the gathering of parents, alumni, faculty and students at Willamette for the annual Glee competition. Freshman Glee, as we know it, is by-and-large unique to Willamette, yet is more than ever among our strongest traditions. This year's managers would like to extend to you and your spouse an invitation to attend Willamette University's 74th Annual Freshman Glee as our honored guests. Glee 1982, IIA Gathering of Golden Memories," is scheduled for March 13 and will begin with a parent and alumni reception at 5:30 p.m. The Glee competition will begin at 8: 00 p. ill. and will be dedicated this year to Dean R. A. !lBuzzl! Yocom. We are aware of the many calls on your time, yet hope you can be with us. Glee 1982 promises to be one of our most exciting. Yours truly, '---_ mtrtit ~/M~ Matt Reimann for Hance Haney Bruce Campbell J enna DeAngeles 1982 Freshman Glee Co-Managers R.S. V.P. Matt Reimann Willamette University saxGltH~mNG OF GOLDEN MEl\10RIES One more for the millstream Months of planning and a week of intensive practice will culminate at the 74th annual Freshman Glee on Saturday, March 13 at 8 p.m. in Cone Field House.on the WU Campus. This. year wiU be the secQnd in the traditional four-theme rotation, as each class will present an Alma Mater with the. theme of "A Gathering Of Golden Memories." The other themes in the rotation include Serenade, Fight song, and Novelty song. There will be.a reception in Putnam Center at 6 that evening with coffee, punch and hord'oeuvres. Parents and alumni are encouraged to attend .. Cost for the reception and the Glee performance is $5. Tickets for the performance only are $2.50 with children under 12 admitted free. Any alums wishing to attend the reception are urged to contact the Alumni Office on campus . . Managers for this year's version of Freshman Glee are Hance Haney, Matt Reimann, Brw;::e Campbell, and Jenna DeAngeles, all from Portland. W~ / ct s---_'" _ FRESHNEN GLESS CLASS MANAGERS APPLICATION There may be either one or two class managers £or each class. Names(s) : Fr So Jr Sr For what class? 0 0 0 Q Duties £or class manager{s} Campus Address: Campus phone: 1. Appoint necessary Song and March leaders 2. Direct all a£��airs of respective class in regards to Glee 3. Represent their class as member of the Glee Steering Committee. a. The Glee Steering Committee assists Glee Managers in matters regarding Glee. Qualifications: Why are you qualified for this job? PETITION The candidate for Glee Class Manager must attain thirty signatures 1. 16. 2. 17. 3. 18. 4. 19. 5. 20. 6. 21 .. 7. 22. 8. 23. 9. 24. 10. 25. 11. 26. 12. 27. 13. 28. 14. 29. 15. 30. ?t;\ ===di(.. ID1VIi'f==! == Willamette' UN IVERSITY Salem, Oregon 97301 April 12, 1982 Dear Mr. Frame: Thank you very much for taking time out "of your schedule and judging Glee. Your role in Freshman Glee played an integral part to the success the entire night and the managers are very appre,c iat of that. This year's Glee was unbeaten, being the "first year in Glee's history that the managers ran in the black on the budget. We are very excited with 'the results. Blue Monday was a sight! Human sundaes and mud pies, shaved beards and hair, along with many other bets paid off in the classrooms. Oh yes, the mill stream was extremely cold! Have an enjoyable spring and thanks again for mak~ng Glee successful. Yours truly, r,-y- mrtJrr{.Cb ::~.'L-____ --"' Matt Reimann Hance Haney Jenna DeAngeles Bruce Campbell WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY FRESHlVIAl'1 GLEE 1982 January 20, 1982 Meeting of Glee Co-Managers and Class Managers Announcements and Agenda 1. The theme of Glee 1982 is: IIA Gathering of Golden Memories. It Glee 1982 is dedicated to Dean HBuzz" Yocom. 2. Glee will be held March 13th, and will begin at 8 p.m. The Pare~t & Alumni Reception will be held at the U.C., and will begin at 5:30 p.m. 3. The Rules and the Practice Schedule for Glee 1982 will be confirmed by the Co-Managers based on the recommendations of the Class Managers. 4. Honored Guests (U.S. Senators, Congressmen, .theGovernor, Secretary of State, State Senators, Representatives and judges who are Willamette Alumni) will be invited to Glee as honored guests instead of as judges. A •. Facilities & Scheduling Report •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bruce Campbell 1. Discussion of Glee Schedule 2. Glee Calendar 3. Facilities Report 4. Parent & Alumni Reception Report B. Publicity Report ••••••••••���•••••••••••••••••���•••••••••••••••••• Jenna DeAngeles A. Preview bf Proposed Backdrop and Publicity Designs B. Publicity Agenda Report c. Coordinator Report •••••••••••••• -••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hance Haney A~· Discussion of Rules B. Discussion of Class Budgets D. Personnel Re'port ...... _._ ..... ,. ...... " ................................. •. ~ ••• " .Matt Reimann A. Glee Committees B. Class Managerships C. Honored Guests D. Judges E. Other A GATIIERING OF GOLDEN J\1EMORIES '1'0: Glee Week Committee J,"HO::\f: Jerry Curtis DATE: January 20, 1982 SUBJECT: Glee Heek Information TIns \lE::\IO SJ';~T 'TO YOlT FOil C".no~.' I~FOFL\L\Tro~. Glee Heek Reception - Barch 13, 1982 ( Saturday) Time - 5:30 - 7:00 pm Place - Cat Cavern Attendance - 100 - 300 people GEi\TERAL INFORl-fATION 1. Parents and Alumni (stand up affair) 2. Buffet Service 3. Glee Students serve coffee and pick up trash 4. Saga provides linen on buffet table 5. Saga provides servers FIENU Beverages: Coffee, Tea or Punch Vegetable Tray with Dip PRICES ~ttendance 100 200 300 Cheese Squares with Crackers Finger Sandwiches Quiche Lorraine Spe.cial ty Cookies Glass CUES and China Plates Plastic $ 2.25 per person $ $ 2.15 per person $ $ 2.00 per person $ CUES 2 .. 15 2 .. 05 1.90 and Paper Plates per person per person per person Freshman Glee -- 1982 )(. Glee Committee Meeting Schedule ~ Gl ee Budget 'i. Glee Rules ?<: Parent & Alumni Reception E. .G .l ee Pr~ctice Schedule F. Honored Guests G. Glee Week and Production Schedule and Program H. Stage Set I. Publications Ideas (Logo and J. Other December Agenda i 4'! .r ~ ";) p\ .I \0 2 f-= lf ~ ...Q ~ ~« -1T .,.Q J ~ ~j -- j ~ :-t \. lJ1 to 3IJ.l~~1 f ~+ g ~ dl :t: ~~\j) ~ J! ~£ ~ ':t:' ~ ! ~'j ._ «~~~~~_~-=_o_,~. ... "'-~--. --~ .- .. -.~. .- ~~~~~~~----.._ l] ...! WI* • . ~ •• _m.='~~ __ · __ .. .. UNIVERSITY December 28, 1981 Greetings! I trust your Christmas vacation is going well. But as always, school must begin again and responsibilities and obligations shall be resumed. Unfortunately I am the one __ to remi nd you of these tasks. First of all, a meeting for all of the class managers will be held Wednesday, January 20 at 10:30 a.m. in the Alumni Lounge; this is important. Secondly, t am enclosing a copy of last year's Glee Rules and our suggested alterations (please note Section IV, Paragraph Fis changes, we are especially interested in your reactions here); these alterations will not be finalized until we have a chance to hear your opin(ons. Thirdly, concerning this year's budget, we are asking each class to start with a zero budget allocation; and for you to justify the amount you will need from there. If you would put some thought into this and send me your budget proposal before we return we should be able to tell you how much money will be available to allocate to you at the January 20th meeting. Enjoy the rest of your vacation, and I'll be looking forward to seeing you in January. Sincerely Yours, 0...- ' mcJlr J/ WIV'elv'-- Matt R~'mann Glee Co-Manager-Personnel PIS. :r (eC\(l'~e ~~ ia.CK c-b' ljPVClv'~jytvr.R OufJ IlcPf JJ you ptr~e"(/t? VPCmP';/YIj f:.A{JfYrUJJ2S.lhe{~ yov IfJ!bi /ltf1' wory o...bCfl/St ~{ f-eY IJ ta5tOh 'fi1.£ b uJr>! cvnef We w,1/ Ie r YOu k11JJ~ GtbdUiPUS" I ble expen;e5 a.:t ~]<V'y Clot!,. Ml?ek~ . ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY (503) 370-6245 |
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