Glee 1953 - Planning Materials
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dc.titleGlee 1953 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionIt'sFres' man Glee Time 0 Willamette Collegian I842-Wi!!amette University in Its Second Century-I953 ,"In Age There Is Wi.<~om" \- VoL LXIV Salem. Oregon. Friday, March 20, 1953 No.i 24 , TIl{' senior das~ enters its last FreS;lInan Glee. George Collins, Barbara Bak{'T, ~an('\' Lumijarvi and John Ambler pose before the "Old Histnri(O Tf'mpJ("" a~ til(' ~enior" pre.pare their "Willamette, Our :\.Ima i\btf'T." ~el("ctiol1 fur c.·lcc tomono" night. (McKinney-Darhy ~~l}£raph\ ) Week-Long Practjces to Enfl With 45th Contest Tomorrow ., '....'"" B;"-"S&uarl Shaw"" '.. ..i<i..... (··/ CoIIcC"1an Reporter i The curtain will go up tomorrow evening at 8 p. m. on the forty-fifth annual presentation of Freshman Glee, ending the week-long labors of 494 vocalists. Although the songfest won't be broadcast nationally, it will be carried by KOCO at shortly after 10 p. m. tomorrow night and again at 3 p. m. Sunday. This year's Glee will be dedicated, Manager Vaughn Blanken,hlp S31<1. v' WJlJamcite's president G. Herbert Smith, described in the dedicatIOn as "a man of aInbnwu:-purposes .... of who has made many lasting friends am0l'g both students and faculty . . " Songs and formations going before a pane! of five judges wIll be based on the "alma mater" theme. Shooting for a comeback after a second and a pair of fourths arE' the seniors, w;;ing· 72 singers. The juniors, with 102, are defending champlon~ with two victories to their crediL Sophomores, 150, hope to improv<' upon their last ycar's second place ratmg. while tlw fresh­men, 170, enter as novices. Juniors, sophomores and freshmen will march Into the gym torTIorrow night in that order. The seniors will then enter in caps and gowns, marching to the tradItional strains of "Pomp and Circumstance." Parodics will begin the contest and warm up singer~ for thC" featured presentatioIL An interlude of entertainment ha.s been planned whik the Judges' decisions are prepare<L Words will be worth 20 points. Music, considered on thf' hasls of ongmality and adap\a­. bIhty to group singing, will al"iO \ be gIven a maximum of 20 poihts. Both words and music are judged before ~he night of Glee. Sixty points arc given for presentation., induding 40 points for vocal ren­dition and 20 for formation.. Classes Even Past records show fairIr even balancE.' between classes In the victory column. Freshmen, al­ways considered slight under­dogs, have won nine Glees. Top­pIng all classes, the juniors have won ] 2, followed by the se!1..iors with 11 and the sophomores with ten. Only two classes in the hi:=:­tory of the pageant have WOll four fIrst place;,;. These were ~ classes of 1912-the class that or­iginated Glec-·and 1936. Dr. Daniel SchulzE" will make IllS first appearance as Glee "!n<1n-of -the -hour;' succeeding th(' grand old man of Glee, Prof. Herman Clark. V."-hether PT. Schulze will usC' the' suspen' C' technJquE.' employed by Froi. Clark in announcing the winners is a mute question as he has Vt.:, )f'ti his proposed talk in a ...1";jk of rny~tery 'Get Late Pers Women have' been granted 1 a m. late pers. Women of the­wmnmg c1as~ may stay out untIl 2 a.m. Records of Glee will be made availaok the week after spring vacatIOn. They will be ::iold singly or In an album at 85 cents and $1.75. A free pictorial review cover­Ing tht' different events of t.he GIC£> pageant w1l1 lJe handed out dunng chapel Thursday. A reception for parenLs of GIC"C partrcipanls and alum::. will oc held in Baxkr lounge Glee --_...._---_._.__. I j rreshman Glee ,~ Leaders C~~eD,: WILLAMETTE UN I VE R ',; 3ITY, Salem, Jan. 18 (Specilu)' Freshman Glee Manager Baughn Blankenship, Riverside, Cell., an~ ,oun~ed a numbel' 'Qf speci ~ommittee chairmen, appoint'; nents this week and chose Dr; 3eorge Martin as faculty, ad~ fisor. as plans proceed tOwards ,he annual WjIlamette, univer~' ;ity 'song-fest, 1:0 be;'held~''tliili fear on March 21. .-~,\;:;" ~I Jo Ann Benard, ToAince, :::al., was' named genera(~cre. tary for this ,year's glee.· Com­mittee chlfirmen appointed were:vlarjorie Little, Salem, 'decora~ lions; Bob McDonald, Chester;' :a1., programs; JIll Gellerman,: Burlingame, Cal., e'n!t e r t> ment; Paul Ackerman, Oall Grove, tickets; Duane Alvord; C)reg<>n City, publicity; ,,' Dale'J Patton, McMinnville, chairs and': ~loor; Dave Finley, Silverton, ;tage, and Amy Girod, Salem, Ishers. Blankenship said the commit. ee will meet every week from lOW until glee takes place. Newport News Newport, Oregon (Cir. 2,087) MAR 19 1953 :~ ... ~C' --y"""1 '~, ,',-'t'~~:~UpiverSitY 'Band., )l?d Chi . ~ IemInl;urr eaPMf II ~I' Colleg"'e' FunC'tlon Ii] " ~::;Miss JoAnn' Curry, Willamette Burlingame. Cal. "" "Advance ~k: (Or. 6,332,) 'fEi'l"6:~_ ... . ,~­~-~ Advan~~J'SJ6!id~~/;': By LOUIS~ iPEF.RING '--'..''1 Women' Editor. I' I f{lJ , .'"'" :', , I COED; NOTES......Jill ,'Oei 'rman,:'a Bdrlirtg~rtl;'~,J~l currently enrolled at \\:,iHa, ette unly~tsl!t:,~#'~;~ie:~; Ore., hM been named to he, ' Rl1age th~.colleg./ ...~nll~l "Freshman' Glee" contest~;'· , which freshmen '~p.al1~~e the other clas.sesto a1iohg bntest.J~v,;#~~',~~:ap~,g~' of Pi Beta Phi and Was a fln~Jist in the Slg~na"Chi sw~et­heart contest, will be in cha~¥.e of enterta~!1th~nt J#~\ Mar. 21 event, which willlriC1ud~ tParchlng~ :1ort;l~CW~ and orig~nal songs ... Wi,nif~ed Wyche of pa.rmi,a" ' has enrolled for the spriitt. s ester at the santl"l:4a' "'::'" "; campus of the University. of 'al1fornia..·' •• ** uni~~sitY,£reshJX11m,,~~~ .~l1pseJ;l, today to help usher for Willam" ette's annueJ, E;'~esh~an ,G~~9n;;, test, accoidP.t~ to Vaughn. Blank-; enship;Riversid~,CaliforQia, Man-', ..Jf:. "",'.• ,.." '" ~. '.' ,~l;/ ' .. "~ , ,At the,unjyersitY,Mi$s ;Cur.I\Y.:t;~~:, active ,m.thE: Y.W.C.A~, ,tl~e Associ:" a-t¢d" Wotr{en'Shid~ritS; th~'Wtl1'-" Glee,)s .• an oUis~nding.yearl~J' vent at Willamette, in which ·tP~ I~ teshman class' challenges the i J he other class_~s to a song con­ Freshn,.~· Glee" ~i 'IManager Narl}~,3):; I WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Salem, Nov. 30. -Willia~ Wheat, freshman from Milton­Freewater, has, been elected to manage the university's 46th annual Freshman Glee mam moth all-schoOl musical 'review' March 20. ' ofF~eshm~n Glee, the only one Its . kmd amo,ng collegiateshows 10 the country' feat _ all .h. ,ures, , on.gmal songs. Each Class' composes a melody with lyrics for the all-class marching_so _ ing presentation mg f The f 0 u r . undergraduate cl~sses challenge one anoth WIth the__ winn!Ilg '~lass taki:i the c;oveted Glee banner and the los~g ~lass traditionally taking a SWIm In the mill stream. r Freshman Glee was intro­duced by the.class of '12 in 1909. ~ee Again to JrawThrong "Serenade" will be the theme for the 44th annual presentation lof Freshmen Glee at Willamette Iuniversity Saturday night. The production, scheduled for \8 o'clock is expected to attract' Ia capacity audience to the gym-I nasium. Admission is by card and the pasteboards are hard to obtain. This year's Glee has been ded­icated to Professor W. Herman Clark who is retirinJl as pro­fessor of physical science this year after being a member of the faculty for 27 years. As has been the custom down !through the years,' the seniors 'will have the honor of present­ing their song first. It is en­titled "Moonbeams" with words and music by Weldon Ward. The junior class production with words by Jane Fooshee and Margaret Conklin and musi~ by Harriett Aller, will follow. "Serenade IIi Silver" is the title of the sophomore class song. Margie Leonard wrote the words and Edna' Hill the mu-I sic. The freshmen, who stage the show, make their appearance ,last. "Moon Melodies" with ,words by Laurel Jewett and I Barbara Young and music by Keith Mirick will constitute the yearlings' effort. Judging is based on words, music and presentation. Words and music each rate 20 per cent and presentation 60 per cent. Originality and adaptation, dic- I tion, originality of formation' and execution of formation alII:' figure in the award. ( • Medford, Oregon I M·::;t~~:~71:::oe I B~,!~ ~.t ire:';' "'iJii{d _,,~".> " ;'~~'i;ill _ .,~~{~~.;,), I ." '", ~Vf ~~in{h~f.43i'd,t~~~!tq4aY'i Glee conteSt, ". ,·t~)"iug~t~~pi4n!t;~t>.~" ~i: as they paUl the penalty for the wptn~ss ,m " {~ontes~~. Ii An edict issued some months ~~o "Aia,,',:J,J"h,:':' , ""~J~"~el' ,...~._~.. >to~.1Jl . ,'·of Oregon City, Oregon th,~·lo·.,',",l.",."g,"m."e.·,;",f . ~ "'W ~.,.. ~songMwri~te~ I By Keith irick/ U m:~la::j~e t~~~~~~tra~o~~~: ni f th1 Fh ba~e~rbY ':in:~g ';~il~~nTf~e, ~ . ,Willamette," iit song'for.which Keith -MiricJs,-'U./fdfqni.,.£om os­- ed the music. He 1s Ii, memoer the class and s..ln of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Mirick. . Words for the soog :were writ­ten by Julie MelIor,'Portland,! Vaughn Blankenship, Willam­ette University freshman from' Riverside, Calif., was named man-f ager of Freshman Glee by a ma-I jority of votes cast in the first: day of balloting by members of the freshman class this week. Blankenship, a pre-law major, will begin his duties as manager of Willamette's unique musical production immediately. Commit­tee appointments will be forth­coming upon the completion of Christmas vacation. The 1953 Glee manager is at­tending Willamette on an honor scholarship. He is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. '. Blankensllip to LeadWU Glee th~~~" " ,pfi ~:ctkg ."i~~ -". ,­poUutiQ 'r Ipron;,;;.~,. ,P. e, sch~l"", .•·..,1,9,; vise .agal~ t~i'ltt~c,t~ce._:>.;", Mo~daYi1to:telloPI1,f, wing[ the ::paymg,:off~'~~;inqi~idual; "bets" 'in U1e~chaPe~ oI,.~al1er: hall, male :sophomores:;.lmd one ~ one>co-' ., , ded,jhrough the hilfwat~ ",'~,.,.'1iib~!b6att;on-, oy~ one" r ;tWo·othe'rs. ' • 'J;h~ '~dj,1;.dual ",pay-offs as pe~alties ·against backing the wrong class, found a bit of var­iety c from ;previous perform­ances;;, On~iunfor~unate, Dick uff,~,sophQ1Jlore of Portland, was forced to submit"to an ap­plica~ ion of 8yruP,,~oPPed by a ,generous,;supply of feathers. . On \the 'winning side, were a fevl yoUng men who"Were carted from their classes iil wheelbar­rows and little wagons/' drawn by the losers. "L ~.., As to the Glee itself-the freshmen, sponsors.ot the annual event, came in fir:;t ,with their renditi~IO.'of "CanlIl1.t,S .Capers" 'On the p.ovelty theme. The sen­iors finished seconCl and the juniors' ·third. "... " ,AI..",' -;.$e musi~ was hot ~s, t ~:. g' 'base~ on a NQ'l: " el,~ ,m other OREGON CITY -William F r e e man, freshman from VI i IIarne t t e University's Orl!!goli eily, who was ap· pointed assistant manager of unique musical production. Freshman Glee. The original song competition between the four university classes Oregon City Enterprise-Courier (eir. 7.029) MAR 1 3 1953 and Barbara Jackson, Rochester, f---;-----,------­N, Y. The glee is an annual event and the theme for this year's event held last evening was "AI­rna Mater." will be presented Satur/1d,Iyears" "b-\v~ extreme-jay, ,­March 21. . ly close, J?ut ,·~ints separated the losing'sop s from the win.' ning freshmen. --~��.. Seniors,Rlan Parodies If;­'.~ .:: 'ji2: ".. ." arodies:'Ol~ni songS play an'important role in the last~tes before :~~!!:f liP;esent their song entries at Willamette :..uu.~xjity'S FreshDian"'Glee:Shown looking over the senior class paro~"before last nighfA..e:l1en1 are, from left, Wes Hedeen, Tjgard"9f!!i, ", le-a.d!r; Margie;'PoweII.,)Jeaverto\l, who wrote the words; No '-Ypung­love! Ri\:~I~~:Qillif., president; Janet Starks, Poitl~. ~:\iords. (states~~;~~);~~~'?fa 'r'lr:; :);j.~,p~, L;:I~ ~~ \::i-..'&j ,.,~~,)" JUniQfs Work on Harm(jif·~. •.j ~ ­:}:}:::::::::~~;:::: t:. ;:;::~~ ..... Uni.or ilieIi '. f~;';;:SiJ1aPnonyin preparing:.· i •.·.~'tUght's Frei;;hJD3,D."Gte WiUame~'ubiversity. AccompaJiiedJ:it '~ldon Ward. Potfli,ncl1~~ho~clU':t~eclass entry; and led ,by ~~:'J:'1s.seU (~ht).' Asblan~ ~~ ~~rir:;,,,re Larry Smith, class :presr~~p'and BQb ;Schaefer, bOth of Vancouver, Wash.; TOlD Joseph, W~ Id­aho, and Dick..(}ole, Salem.· .(Statesman photo.) .''r' _( L.eaders of ~n Glee actlOQ by1\rUlamette university's sC?ph~-: more elass demonstrate their efforts for yietory at Satur~ay BIght s songfeB: r-m left are Roinn ~~eI-'. --n.· ""'''l'­ijo OglJ'tlem., and AmaryllisFmtes. 'It words; Duane Denny, Portland, class Brower, Salem, soD&' leader. (St~tesmaL. ..I Annual Glee '.' . -", , set, March'21 ; '" I', The Of­university, outstanding musical luniors' Win Freshman' Glee With 3rd Vtctory of tlie year on the local campus, was given impetJ.1s this week with' the naming of' committee by the individual classes. ',i For the third time in as many pared to the seniors' 93, fresh-of a possible 42o-the largest Follow'ed,by Sophomores, Fres'hmen, S~nior~ The unique event will be giv! 'ears the class of 1954 leaped men's 86 and the sophomores'~l1. number in many years of the en the night of March 21 wlie o th~ stage last Saturday night All'three judges on both words competition. i each class will present an alpl. o claim the Glee banner. Like-and music placed the jUl:liors ClarldaD Fashioll mater soyg, wi~ original wOt:d vise for the third year in a r~w, ,first. Dr. Daniel Schulze, in true and mUSIC. .'~3.': he class-of '53 went a-null-Sophomores Fi\"st in Singing Clarkian fashion, dragged, out Dave Weeks of Salemh,a treaming. Sophomores repeated It was a different story on the the annoUncement of winners of been name,.d' to manage th freshman class. He will be .as -...,...----------I~ evening of Glee. Rollirig 'up' 194 the different places, despite a sisted by Page Bailey, Portland Contrary to rumors, Glee points, the sophomores took first r,ush to the stage by a few over-song leader;' Bill Farr,' Portlanddid not originate in 1908, but place on vocal rendition. Juiliors eager fres1}men after the· an-formation; Amy Girod, Sale In 1909 as the Collegian noted. placed second in this department nouncement of third place. and Donald Hershberger, KIaA check in Dr. Robert Gatke's with 168, closely followed by the Judges on words for Glee were math Falls, accompanists. ·'Chronicles". dis c los e s that seniors with 166 and the fresh-Prof. Beatrice L. Bliss, 'Stewart The sophomore group will b ,Glee was begun in 1909 by men with 164. The freshmen !leek and Hugh Morrow. Miss ,managed by Bob Alfred, Port1 the freshman class of 1912. scored 91 out of a possible 100 Gretchen Kreamer, Prof. T. S. I land, who will also be in charge, points to take first in format,ion. Roberts and Dr. John Stark 'of the formation; Keith Mirick,ilcir second place of last year . Sophomores won second with 79. Evans judged music. Judges fQr iMedford, has been named,song'hile the frosh took tJ;1ird.' The juniors had 78, ~'65. presentation 'were Mrs, P. H, leader and Dorothea ChurchjJudgIDg on words and music ,Under this ;year's rev i s-e d Brydon, Miss Fay sparks; Prof: Lake Grove, and Mirick, accom ~;:~iOC~~.rm~",~t~ a<>f~O~~~;';Jmn~ ~~C}~W.PlHRips,Jr., i! panists. i Gay Weeks, Salem, will Iage the juniors. Assisting will b i Don Morrison, Wenatchee IWash., song leader; Jim Hitch man Balboa Islimd and Caro Eme~son, Corbett, accompanists Senior manager is Bob Miller Vancouver, Wash. His staff wi include Bill Covert. Stayton! I song leader; Dick Ruff, San 'Francisco, formation; Jane Foo­Ishee San Leandro, Cal. and Har;iet Aller, Yakima, accom­Juniors Win W.U. Freshman Glee Third Year panists. Straight, WhiJe Seniors Lose Third Straight • By JER-YME ENGLISH Jubliant juniors proudly claim­ed the Willamette Un I v e r sit y Freshman Glee ·banner for the ...".:ftf consecutive year at the 45th minual contest staged in the Uni­versity gymnasium Saturday night. At the same time the seniors received fourth place, which JIleans Blue Monday and the mill stream for them for the third' year in Ii row. Sophomores were sec 0 n d place win n e r s and the novice freshman third. The winning song, "Willamette, Alma Mater," Was written by Mar­gie Leonard and Mary Jane Stew­art with the music by Lisbeth Shields and Carol Emerson. The formation was Waller Temple with the men wearing white and black dinner jackets, the girls in black skirts and blouses and some in white ballerina formals. Dr. Daniel H. SchUlze "tnade his first glee presentation, succeeding Pro!. Herinan Clark. Dr. Schulze kept the classes andaudienee of over 2)000 iI!, suspense for over five minutes. before announcing the winners.:. The highest possible number of points a class could ~tain WIUI 420, The juniors re­ceived 362, the sophomores, 354 freshmen, 341. and seniors, 324, ~ difference of only 38 points from first place winners to the losers. Alma' Mater was the theme 0:1. the 1953 glee with words, music and presentation ...all judged on adapta-bilUy to the 'theme. Judges 1nc1tiaed~. Jackson Bliss, Stew­lirt'Lee arid Hugh Morrow, words; Miss Gretchen Kreamer, Prof. T. S. Roberts 'and Dr. John Stark Evans, music; Mrs. P. H. Brydon, Miss Fay Sparks, Pro:l.. Herman Clark, William L. Phillips Jr. and Otto J. Wilson, presentatiot).. The sophomore song, entitled "Hail to Thee, Willamette," was written by Julie Mellor, Barbara Jackson and Keith Mii-ick. "Wil­lamette, Our Guiding Light" was the freshman song with Dale Gus­tafson, Helen Gallaghan and Paul Ackerman writing the words and music. Amaryllis LilIes, Eleanor Oakes and Beverly Rands wrote the words and music for the sen­ior song, ,jWillamette, Our AlII1a Mater." . .'rhe presentations cleverly car­ried out the theme of the glee. The senion for mild Willamettll "W," wearing their caps and gowns f~r the first. time, with part of the Annua16'1ee gIrls in .white caps and gowns to make the formation., The soplio­more format!on was a bell super-'E tT · ht imposed over 1842-1953 with the participants wearing navy, grey, yen onIg and yellow to form the bell. The I most, origin~l formation was the! :The four classes of Willam· freshman WIth G r e cia n lamps Ie~te university will presen1 fo~med with· girls wearing White, t eir ,best in words and m.usic sk~rts a!?,d sweaters, the men d~rk' i the gymnasium at !1:4f SUits .wIth. yellow and red ties. o'clock Saturday night whell T!le light In th'; lantern was de-, ih participate fib the 45t1: picted by the gU"ls' :llame sweat-i ey I F eshman Glee ers. 'annua r " . \ The four groups have beeT1 ....ov~r 500 stud&Ilts partIcipated marching and 'Singing 10n~ ~n thIS annual event, the outstand.., h d' g the tast week iri mg all-campus competition.. held', ours ~rm during the year at Willamette. The' preparatIOn f~: th~ event. 1953 glee was dedicated to the Their c:fforts ,wlll be J.udged on university president, Dr. G. Her-formation, pr~sentatlOn, .and bert Smith. The huge stage back-parodies, in additi~n ~O' !"ords, drop was a scene of Waller Hall, and music. ' ", \ the state capitol and other build-, A1; usual the demand' ,for ings in the background; I tickets has been-'great, and C,lever par,odies, four gi,ven,~ bYj Ithe pasteboards have long since each~class, occupied the fi~st hour !been snapped up ~y lStuden~" of the glee. Dave Weeks,freshman faculty and aluIT.nI. . ,class,president, weI com e dthe guests and Vaughn :Blankenship capably managed this year's glee. ------- Medford, Uregon 5ilverton Appeal Tribune THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Medford Mail Tribune Silverton, Oregon Juniors Top Rivolsin AnnuslFreshman Glee Willamette university's jun~ Isuspense until they were ,ready ior class prOUdly displayed thr +n o~~1nrl.. Freshman' Glee banner today, BZ M da theA'eward for their success ir ue 0 n Y topping all rivals in the annua:. songfest held in .the gymnasiurr. F Se ;ors at last Saturday mght. or n" It was the third straight yea! d for the juniors' who garnered WV To ay 362 points out of a possLble 4201 • • On the other hand, the senior~, ... were' forced to settle for four ,Il~~.bulue.. Bl~f· place, the third successive Gle la th' ti~' n~lvprssl YSo'f:senthier . h' hth h d f' "h dI tess, ree-me oser m W IC eya mlse ~s Freshman Glee, the annual song-They ~ere granted 324 pomt fest on the campus, and today they as agamst t h.e second plac must p"ay'their debts. sophomores With 354 and th Victorious juniors may well freshmen's 341. . expect recognition of their acbi- The Glee was dedicated t I evement from losers in the senior President G. Herbert Smit~ class as well as sophomores who and the backdrop of the stage placed second, and freshmen who included scenes of historic WalJ placed third. Glee was held in the ler hall the capitol and othet Willamette gymnasium Saturday structur'es. i night. . . Words for the winner junior The fIrst Monday after glee JS sing were written py Mar y t:aditionally scheduled as the Ja e Stewart and the music by time when all pre-glee bets are n , . paid off. An all-sf"hool assembly Lisbeth ShIel?s and C,~ro~ Em-is held in the gyriinasium in the erson. The htle was Willam-morning during w'Iiich the losing ette, Alma Mater." class must parody' the winning "Hail to Thee, Willamette,'1 song the sophomores' production waE In' past years these have in­by Julie Mellor, Barbara Jack-eluded such antics as students son and Keith Mirick. ThE perched in trees on the camuus, freshmen came up with "WH, cawing like crows; some losers in lamette Our Guiding Light" b~ African attire, acting as slaves and Dale G';slafson Helen Gallagh· parading through campus chained an and Paul A~kerman. The freshmen's formatiOJ unique depicting a Gre ::~ lamp, ~ith the flame be . t db th g'rl's brigh d ing epIC eye i hued sweat~rs. PresentatiOn of, the award were made ~y Dr. SchulZE who, accordmg to custon' starting back in the time of Dl Matthews, kept the students Dunking May Await Losers to their "mast~rs;" shapely fe­~ ale l~,sers a~t~g as part of a harem for wmnmg students, and numerous articles, froJ!! old sh?€s and newspapers to kisses, bemg sold near campus buildings. The males of the losing class, at the conclusion of Blue Monday's assembly, traditionally plunge into Mill Stream which runs through Willamette's grounds. Classes are I usually set aside rr:ost_~_~he day. q{ (Gir. 14,079) MAR 25 1953 %llamette Glee Attended by Many(', Events Described "\~ A group of Medford re tive.s un1 and friends of Willamette--­versity students were in Salem W eek·end for the an~ual last Freshman Glee. 'I'he Freshman \ Glee is considered one of the I most important events of the (Gir. 2,250) FEB 201953 FINLAY SEN TO J "' GE FRESHMAN 'GLEE' CON'S WiUamette Dniver:' y, Salem, Ore. ,(,Special) _ Dave Finlay, ,. WilIaIn:~freshman, was chos­en, helpmana~e Willam­ette's annual' Freshman Glee contest '~by ,~a~ageri;::Vaughn year for the school. \ Blankenship" Riverside, Califor- Each class of the university nia. He will be'in charge of stage. enters a song in a contest, a~d. Dave is a pledge of Beta Theta these' are judged for adaptab~l. i Pi and'was recently elected vice. ity, -suitability, type,. etc., an,d then again on the bas1s of their presentation in the Glee pro­gram. This year's contest ~as won by the junior class, w1th the sophomqre class s ~ con d, freshman, third and semors la~t., The sophomore song was wnt-, tions, and original songs. It will ten by Keith Mir~c~, son of Mr. be held March 21. and Mrs. 1. A. M1nck, Medford, . . and he also wrote his class entry I BIll Freeman, Oregon CIty, Ore- in iast year's was presented glee. The so~g, gon, and !oAr:n by students m Irenee, Cahforma, Benard" Tor· are actmg as bell formation with the back- assistant manager and secretary ground formed ~f students wear-of Glee. Other Glee chairmen are, ing dark clothmg and tht!. bell Paul Ackerman Duane Alvord, of students dre~sed in SII~~r Jill Gellerman Amy Girod, Bah grey. A . the s.tu~enf:s sang, e Kaufman and Bob McDonald. ' bell ed as 1f rmgmg. F shman students presented t ir song in lamp formati?n, ith women students wearmg gold-colored blouses to form the body of the lamp and a small group in red to form the flame. Another Medford student par-l ticipating was Miss Margaret, Huson, one of four banner bear­ers for the freshman class. "Alma Mater" was the theme of this year's contest. Making the trip to Salem were Mr. and Mrs. Mirick, Mrs. John R. Russell, Miss Nancy Russell, Ray Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McKeen, Mr. and Mrs. Dar; Huson and Mrs, Ina Huson. -+-­volved in swallowing some of /IY lifted and those m t the w.ater W~ich heretofore has dents who are lufferin~n,:o':;;, contallled dIsease b eari n g colds or infections should not germs, th~ practice of tossing be forced to pay the extreme students mto the stream has penalty says Dr Purvi been under ban during the The 'Glee is ~chedu~~ fOl' past two years. ~aturday night and the fOllow- Male members of the losing ~owever, Dr. Ralph Purvine, mg Monday, those studente class in.connection with the umversity physician, is quoted who pinned their hopes on ~ presentahon of Willamette uni-as saying that recent tests certain class only to find they versity's annual Freshman Glee sh~w that the stream now con-had backed a loser, will pay are once more in danger of be- tams few harmful germs. Hence ~he penalty for their poor ing dunked' th M'll mel stream the ~o~~rsonce more face the Judgement.pOSSIbIlIty of a cold plunge that borders the campus. next Monday forenoon. Because of the danger in- The ban has not been entire- I president of the freshman c ass. Freshman Glee is a yearly con­test at the university in which the freshmen challenge the other classes to a song contest. The event includes marching. forma- I I Freshman Glee Event March 21 At Willamette • IWILLAMETTE UN I V E R-SlIT, Salem, March 18. -WH­lamette's Freshman Glee song contest will be held March 21· Iat 8:30 p. m., according to, Vaughn Blankenship, glee man· Iager. It will be held in the uni­' versity gymnasium. Blanken­ship, who conferred with the student council and the dean of the music school, said. The date comes directly after basketball season and before the university a capella choir trip. The president of the freshman class, David Weeks, issued the formal challenge to the other I classes at the all-school convo-' cation on March 10. Glee practices entered their last week March 16. For one week, Blankenship said, prac­tically the entire student body will be getting up at 5 and 6 a. m. for early morning drills. The contest will be followed by the annual "Blue Monday" which will be held this "year on I March 24. In r"~ :::I, Salem Students Help With Freshman Glee A group of Salem studentj; attending Willamette univer­sity have peen named to help manage this year's Freshman Glee, annual ~usic contest to b~ held in the gymnasium the mght of March 21. The assistants, according to r tional bet day following Willam-Freshman Glee, scheduled for announcement by Va u g hn 'ette university's freshman glee, the night of March 21. They are Blankenship, Riverside, Calif., manager, include: Charmalee Allen, Sonja An­derson Bonnie Baker Diane Bul ' DB' man, on unse! Marvel Coleman, Norm Cockmg, Gary Gortmaker, D 0 r i s Herring, Carol Hewitt, John Rebfus, Au­drey Roblin, Tom Steeves, Wanda Tanner Dave Weeks , and Clarene Woolery. The theme for this year's I Gl willbe"AI Mt " ee ma aer. Each class composes its own words and music and the judges' 'campus in general wer,: di~" man, Dlive Finlay, Jill GeIler­th' d .. turbed by students appeanng in man Bob Kaufman B b M Do oase elr eClSlOns UpOn sev-I unusual costumes and undergo-' ,0 en-I ~ral phases of the contest in-ing odd antics. lId and Dale Patton. , ~luding formation. r rhree Seek Post Of Glee Manager ('I') U') WILLAMETTE UN I V E R­enSITY, Salem, Dec. 13 (Special) ..... 'Three Willamette universityfreshmen have filed for the post of 1953 freshman glee manager. The annual song-festwill be presented March 21. In competition for the posi­tion are Vaughn Blankenship, Riverside. Cal.; Bill Freeman, Oregon City, and Bob McDon­ald, Chester, Gal. The voting, limited tomem­bers of the freshman class, will take place Tuesday. In case no nominee gets a majority vote, a runoff election will be held cm Wednesday. iiili. .....,'.' -;)\ Gike:~~t; if~t:-FresliI!l~. ~iee bets".''.. . "iVioh~(a;'1n . c'YalJ~_,pall., IEu.$3to~e a~usement ofa _. tY,:au'l;Ii~~~e ~~i1!mn~t~JHmverslty students,. Dick R' ., ) shoWn With ,a coatirig of syrup and feathers and Frank 'Reynolds is ceiving a'shampoo of some mixture from Kent Myers. Seniors Journey'Name Two Assistants To Mill Stream For Freshman Glee Two ass,istants have been WILLAMEITE UN I V E R-'named by Vaughn Blankenship, s.rry, Salem, March 23 (Sp~-Riverside, Cal., manager of this ClaD-Blue Monday, the tradl-yea r's Willamette university saw the class of 1953, the sen-Amy Girod, in charge of usher-j iors, make the third consecutive ing, and Marjorie Little, chair-: trek to the mill stream follow-man. of the committee on dec-j ing the outcome of Saturday oratIons. Both are from Salem' i 'night's 45th annual glee. The glee, which annually I Glee was won for the third packs the university gymnasium time in a row by the class of, is a class song contest in which 1954, the juniors, with the SOPh"11 a number of factors are consid­omors coming .in sec~md and the ered by the judges in determin­freshmen placmg third. . ing the winner. Monday found the campus In Bill Free f 0 C'~' i an uproar as the unusual bets .man 0 regon 1.". .over the outcome of the glee and JoAnn: Benard, Toorence,. were paid off. The closing class Cal., are acting as assistant man- put on the' assembly and took ager and secretary of the glee, their traditional dip in the respectively. Other chairmen stream while classes and the are Duane Alvord Paul Acker­re­I ~jl:1~rp~~e ,~icks' "Glee,!C:omm1ft~ WrLJj~~~";~~~~~I~ TY, . Salem,' jah.10<$pecial) Appointmeilts w~re made bYtIle student council,t4is Week .for Willamette'univerSity's 45th an­nual freshman'glee,,to·be)ield March 21.," . Named to the exe~tive,co~­Imittee for· glee -were,13arbara i Baker and Jim Bergmann, Port­land, and Harold Silke,' Spring­field. ' The council ,also elected Bill Freeman, Oregon City, to ,act as assistant to Glee ManagerVaughn mankenship, Riverside, Cal. Ruben Menashe, Portland, last year's ,manager,.will ",serve in an advisory capaCity.. Blankenship will select· indi­vidual committee-chairmen next week. Major portion of the work towards the annual songfest, he said, will be started after final examinations. ~ Silverton, Oregon Silverton Appeal Tribune (Cir. 2,250) MAR 20 1953 S ERTON GIRL WRJ!ES WORDS FOR f{, ~ UNIVERSITY SONG Margie Leonard of Silverton junior at Willamette university" and Mary Jane Ste~ of Port: land, wrote the words to the junior class song entry in the Freshman Glee, which will be held Saturday evening. Title of~ the song is "Willamette Alma' Mater." Music was composed by Lisbeth Shields of Castleford, Ida., and Carol Emerson of Cor­bett. Miss Leonard was author of the prize winning song in the highly competitive event last year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leonard. Astoria, Oregon Astorian Budget (Cir. 7,160) MAR 12 1953 , ~DENT ;O~;H~; .~J AT COLLEGE CONCERTf'b WILLAMETTE UNIVErRSITY Sa.rem (Special)-BiII Bjorkman: Wl1lamette university freshman Warrenton, waS chosen today t~ help usher for Willamette's an­nual. freshman glee contest, ac­c~ rdm~ to Vaughn Blankenship RIver.s1de, ~.alif., manager. Bjo _ man IS affIllated with Beta eta. Pi fraternity. aRCH f'l, 1953· Strange Sights Seen Monda '53 Goes Down Fish..Eating.Rotarian ForThirdTime By Julie Mellor Collegian Reporter .' \ Blue Monday dawned happily for the members of the class' of '54, but for the other three classes who so foolishly and rashly bet on the wrong class, it was a day full of embarrass-..:. ment and shame. The campus looked like one of the establishments further down State street, what with a young lady singing off-key in a tree, two characters fixing· break­fast ir1 front of Waller hall, and another young woman attired in a nightgown, carrying a candle and a rubber tire. At a single glance there could be seen Nancy Yant scrubbing the steps of the Sigma Chi house with a toothbrush, v a rio us "Slaves for the Day" (Bob Ha­nauska came' through for the second year with his harem), and Dr. Schulze strolling down campus with "Lady Godiva." Vaughn Blankenship was almost doing flip-flops after his fish­swallowing act, and Bill Hag­meyer sent Delores Halverson roses for her part in "The Bar­ber of Seville." Seniors Give Chapel Things looked pretty fishy from where Glee Manager Vaughn Such sights were prevalent on Blankenship stood in Blue Monday cha.pel as he paid off a bet a.fter the Willamette campus through­his class took third place in the 45th Glee. Blankenship paid the out the day, interspersed with penalty by swallowing a goldfish in the record time ., ODe gulp. the Blue Monday chapel given (Courtesy Capital Journal.)' by the class of 1953, those cas­Hitchman and the class of '54, ual people. With their famous along with the 140 left feet of rowboat and a new edition, a the senior class. coffin fOl' the class of '53, the Silence reigned as the senior seniors slowly marched into the class sang reverently their songs gym to the off-key strains of from the past four years. Cock­" Pomp and Circumstance." ing moaned it was a pity that Rollie Cocking, spokesman for their freshman song, "On to Vic­the three-time losers, solemnly tory" won them second place read \ the obituary of the senior and ruined their glorious record. class. The eulogy was inter­mingled with nose-blowing and Tripping gaily out to their wailing by the morose seniors. second hom~, the Mill stream, The Death Rattle the seniors dashed into the re­. As a final death rattle, Bob freshing water, drenching the Miller, senior class president, spectators along the bank. . read the last will and testament So ended the reign of the of the "unsound minded and in­class of '53 in the coveted fourth firmed bodies" class of '53. To place position of Freshman Glee. the sophomore class· the "Shaft­It is anyone's guess who will ed Glee" banner was presented. follow in the .wet footsteps of Bob Alfred received the rowboat the seniors. Whoever they are, as a his class for better may they be equipped with ga­sailing. The infamous "Purple loshes and a resistance to mak­Shaft" was presented to Jim ing Glee bets. MAHCH 20. 1953. tHE WILLAME'1'TE. cotI.EGtAK. After ~Iee,. Comes Blne Monday;; Pa~tti . S,ome to Swim, .' ~.I Others·to·.~~,·:r-···!'.' By Duane Atvor',,; Collegian· Reporter' './' No matter ho~ evident the outcome of Freshman Glee 'may seem to anyone, .the ~tb-ts that three of Willamette's foUr ciasses ,will parf com1)!1ny with.: tI:ie judges' . de'cision~: (W~th . one of these three'. heading: justF'south of the gym:) f.., . With Dr. Purvine's' conditionil1 okay of the traditi6nal' mill stream -dunking ~f the losers" there comes a .sctlifle among the more pessimistic for "old shoes," But tradition goes. further 'than


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