Improving Subjective Quality of Life for Individuals Diagnosed with Schizophrenia: Urban vs. Rural Environments

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It is argued that individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia have more opportunities to increase their subjective quality of life in urban vs. rural areas due to increased mental health resources and decreased social stigma. There is greater resource availability in urban vs. rural areas; individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia meet their identified needs and increase their subjective quality of life through mental health resources. Additionally, there is less stigmatization in urban vs. rural areas and when stigma is reduced, health care service utilization increases. Increased levels of diversity in urban areas lead to intergroup contact which decreases prejudice and consequently stigma. Implications include the need for rural mental health services to be attentive to clients who are struggling with poor quality of life and consider whether the clients would function more effectively in an urban environment.



Quality of Life, Health, Psychology Thesis, Student Scholarship Recognition Day (SSRD), Urban, Rural, Patient Health, Schizophrenia
