Glee 1968 - Planning Materials | 2022-07-28T21:28:39Z | | | 2022-07-28T21:28:39Z | | | 1968 | |
dc.identifier.other | | |
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dc.relation.ispartof | Willamette University Archives | |
dc.rights | For use information see: | |
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dc.title | Glee 1968 - Planning Materials | |
dc.type | Presentation materials | |
local.mastercopy | Archives_Glee_Volumes10/Planning_Materials1.pdf | |
local.transcription | EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FRESHMAN GlEE t ~L8 EXT. Seniors: Dennie Cole formation leader )67 S-ue Thompson song leader 355 y'.: ,', ;,( .. t~ olass president ~:~ t .J Juniors: Don Solberg formation l£lader 367 Riok Kraft song leader 257 Terry Hall class president 367 Sophomores: Jon Hagner formation leader 361 Bruce Robertson song leader 367 Dick Howsley class president 367 Freshman: Dave Hjelt formation leader 246 Larry Cunningham song leader 226 Eric Smith cass president 226 Student Body Treasurer Bob Sa lander 365 1968 Glee Manager Kathy Hartman 316 Assistant Manager Sldp Macy 226 Recording Secretary Sue Garrison 316 Business Manager Robbie Steeves 246 1967 Glee Manager Bill Bennett 226 skg Bacl~drop Banquet Deco:-"';,,,tions Enterta.inment Lighting Photography Programs Publicity Hecording Secretarial Bxpenses ,30uvemir Edition ~;itage & Floor Tickets Ushers TOTAL 50.00 125.00 250.00 33.00 50.00 300.00 35.00 25.00 10.00 45.00 140.00 35.00 Credit from sale of tiCk::JpO.oo TOTAL DEETZ) 3ubmittcd 1/31/68 .~Qbb.D-~e(i.i3. t~v..c:s .... __ , ~±ret 1'._ ~". oj ~ ~sine~s~~~·-~~ /'1'/7v Sl/Ziif'- f " J r c<.P .~J.()/}~7 ({/ ~ ~ ?fd. aMtl-h~ /(¥(04-u II~~ rj' T¥tt1r~ .LJ,,/ad~ .JudLl'.· ~",,/ t1f ~~ / ~ C) ~t1'?t/- ~ _ '/;-UU 9'~, ?!~ ftH./6 . ( W iJ1 b. ct.-J ~ ) /00 ~7 7J;7~. ~ -¥/l~ ( nAY8e) 825 ~~AJ~ S. 8~/ (}}~tT?U (/V{)Cq/ fZb11cl;-j/()7L) ~ ~~ . .y'ac~ ~pu f~~Of(i, rPltt{) :- % ~~?>~ Off,~ lid" I~ ~ ~. o~~ '7~h/ O~h",--- . ?:<'l' s. U-J# CU~ S.f~ ,tl~r/~dl t)r'l..Lf~ ~) ~/J ~ -80.~~~ ,Nt' 5' IJ se/zcu/ &~~-' / ( /V 0 (' cd' A-VncU 17€J-~ ) 77Yo3 ~ ~/l, ;:J~ ~ ~ (/0 ~ ~ ~ f? -R.A' CYlcGv J ~/.:</ ~ ~# ~ ''1' IYo/tj U/a-<!Jc/ j (?~~ (wcru& a-.--<fJ/~) ~, ? .3 t ~ <', Oelt\. re..( Seh.~lze ~q"S ~\~y-o.~1 ~~u.e S~C-d-~ -J~'6 .sCL\~W\. J 6)~ O"(\J 10v v-.LWN 0". 6e.,Let.-. ~ Gos..~ C!..N.I./Ut/i eOJ;~) J...t. 0 r, ReGJ.4ICl n\N.cftn. ~ -C~ ~u,vI- - :It.ta~ ~ "{-=~~~tU~~' So~ Uow ~JIi ---------- --------" JRMATION jor General D. Anderson .ate of Oregon, Milt. Dept. tfice of Adjutent General jalem, Oregon \ VOC.&L RENDITION' \/ ...;..;;.;;;;;;.; . ' !..~ AND 1"lv ... -- -. Mr. Gera.ld Fr~/'? Ml\ Mil 325 Crestv~'Dri!e s. * Dt4t. 0; Wold, Chairman Salem, Oregon Litield Mll8ic l'\- S th i 1"""1.l ~~"'1 11 eo '. \. us:. Edg.,r mi ., Cha man ) () \ ,', ~ , ,~ ~, Ore_ ----~ "'''n''' COlleD'e .1/ } Dept. or Music U, , "0~ocr- .\$, \', ~"'~ 97126 Oregon College of Education G.\ ..1 "':30LC\' , , Monmouth, Oregon 9730I ./ ~---.. ~ . Mr. Melvin Giest 4987 Orchard Heights Salem, Oregon 97304 (j \. -?.) -.0~ I _< -.., \\ ", \ \ / . ---,.........-. . --.' . \.', ,..--. '-- '"?--.--~::"''' -/: ..1, 1- i , ~oad NW -~~II Dear Willamette Parents: Freshman Class Willa~ette University Salem, Oregon March 8, 1968 \lIe would like to acquaint you with one of the most important traditions at lfillamette University. FRESHMAN GLEE, which will be held this year on March 30. Glee is uniquely a Willamette institution and an integral component of our college life. This yearly event was begun when three freshmen, members of the Class of 1912, challenged the other classes to meet them in a song competi lion. Since that time, Glee has become more elaborate and is now quite well known in this area. Each class spends many hours rehearsing songs and perfecting formations. Traditionally these presentations are judged on Glee Night by prominent guests. The Winning class receives the coveted banner, and the losing class takes a dip in the Mill Stream on Blue Monday (the Monday following Glee). Glee bets, which are paid off during a special convocation on Blue Monday t have also become an important part of this tradition. The theme of the 1968 Freshman Glee program is Serenade. If you would like to attend. we urge you to notify your son or daughter as soon as possible. Due to the size of the gym, only a limited number of tickets will be sold ($1 per ticket). Records (45 RPM) of the four class songs will be on sale soon after Glee. If you would like one, please contact Rodger Nichols. Mathews Hall, Willamette University. A record will enable you to relive this exciting event and will be a treasured souvenir for you and your vlillamette graduate. Sincerely, Deborah Speer. Douglas R. Coats Tickets Chairmen To the fa.culty: This year due to a lack of funds we are forced to sell freshman. glee tickets. You may purchase your tiokets from,lmr. Whipple's office for $1. Please be prompt as the supply is limited .• - -------------- --~--~~-~- - - .- BLUE MONDAY RULES 'I9~8 I. Glee Bets A. Blue Monday will be considered a regular academic day. B. No bets are to be executed that in any ~y will disrupt the academic atmosphere. t:. This rule app1ief? to the disturbances; of allY classes on or off campus ~ 2. The BLUE MONDAY convocation will be conducted at II:OO A.M~ and is to be considered the appropriate time for the payment of Glee Bets. 3. Students should refr~in from paying Glee Bets which will physically involve any members of the faculty or which will result in damage to University property. 4. Glee Bets necessitating men entering women's living organizations and/or women entering those of men should not be paid. 5. Indecent clothing (or none at all) is to be avoided. 6. Glee bets are to be restricted to the Willamette University campus. 7. All Glee bets; are to be paid before 12:CO Midnight on the day of BLUE HONDAY. II. Blue Monda~ Assembly The losing class of Freshman Glee will be resonsible for presenting the Blue Monday Assembly preceding their swim in the Mill Stream. All arrangements for said assembly will be the resonsibility of the losing class. III. Concerning the Mill Stream A. It is recommended that the losing cl~ wear shoes during their swim in order to avoid lacerated feet. B. The losing class is to take their swim and leave it at that with no attempt to bring other members of the other classes into the Mill stream. C. Due caution should be taken by all classes to avoid any undesirable effects as a result of the swim. IV. Enforcement: These proposed rllles should be followed when disciplinarian action seems appropriate in violation of the above rules. A. Reporting of infractions should be made by !!El student, or member of the faculty, but must be made directly to a member of Student Senate or Executive Glee Committee. B. Senators will bring all infractions under their attention before Student Senate no later than the first Senate meeting after Blue Monday~ Conduct and dress violaters will be taken into consideration in any decision. C. Students are subject to disciplinary probation upon decision of Student Senate '. page III II~ The tradition of Senior Signs will be contino~i this year as it has been in the past. IZ. The wearing of caps and g01ms is left up to the disgression of the seniors. I}. By noon, Monday Maroh 2S, 1968, a completed alphabetical list of participating class members must be submitted to Dr.Whipple, Office of Student Affairs, by class presidents Q Additiona1 names may be submitted until 5:00 P.M., Thursday, March 28, 1968, providea they have been approved by the Dean. 14. No class may hold practice before Monday, March 25, 1968. The gym will be available after that date. No class may hold any extra practices during or before the week of Glee begining March 25 through March 30. Scheduled practice times may be used in any wa1 the class feels they need it. A practice is defined as any group of IO persons or more. IS. The events of the evening of Freshman Glee should reflect good taste on the part of students~ The Executive Committee and the Student Senate will be the ultimate arbitrating authority in this matter. 16. Any violations by individuals or classes of the Freshman Glee rules will be handled'"by the Executive Glee Committee for evaluation and possible penalty by fine. I? A penalty of S to IO points will be levied on any class who fails to make the specified deadlines. Executive Committee wil~ have final say in such matters. page II 5. The presentation of each class must be done with no more than three formations. To eliminate any dissension or confusion in regard to formation, the following procedure will be followed: ---- A. A final draft, with explanation in writing; must be submi tted in its entirety to ~-~ Whipple, Vice President for ~udent affairs, at his office no later than 5:00 P.M., Friday, March 22'; I968. B. Participants shall not change their relative postition during the singing of the song. The Executive Glee Committee shall be the final authority as to what constitutes such changes. C. All participants in the formation must march or count time, until the formation is completed. D. After the formation is complete, the participants may stop, but for~ more than ten seconds. This time will be determined by the judges. E. The entire formation must participate in the presentation of the song. At least one third of the class participants must be singing the words of the song. F. Seniors only may use the middle stairs to the risers for their formation. 6. There shall be seven copies of the words and music submitted to Dr. Whipple at his office no later than 4,00 P.M., Friday, March 8, I968. The following procedure must be observed: a. The compostition must be written on standard score sheets and must include words, melody line, and piano accompainment. b. One of the seven copies must be in black india ink. The others may be photostated. c. Each score must contain the song title. d. The name of the song, class, and person(s) writing the words and music must be handed in at the above time and place on a seperate piece of paper. e. No change in the words or music may be made after these copies have been submitted. 7. No stage properties, changes in appearance, nor wearing apparil in the form of costume is allowed. The song or formation leader (whoever is in charge of the apparel) must submit the outfit design to the Executive Glee Committee by Wednesday, March 27, I968. 8. The presentations will be in order from Seniors to Freshman. 9.' Parodies will be sung before the competition in sequence of Freshman to Seniors. Classes should plan on two parodies if time requires that we run through the cycle more than once., 10. There shall be no noise or movement among the seated participants until after their presentation is given. However, the judges may use their disgression to subtract any points for any noise or action for which the class should be penalized. FRESHMAN GLEE RULES - 1968 I. The date for Freshmah Glee competition shall be March 30, 1968. 2Jt The theme for the 60th Freshman Glee shall be SEREN1~DE. 6' 3. The Executive Glee Committee shall be composed of: a. Each class prsident of the current school year. b. The class song and formation leader from the four classes. c. The student body treasurer~ d. The Glee Recording Secretaryo e. The current Glee Manager. f~ The current Assistant Glee Manager g. Past Glee Managers still attending Willamette Undergraduate University. All members of the Executive Glee Committee shall have voting power. Each menber will have one vote. There can be absentee ballots provided for those unable to attend meetings, but no other voting procedure for absences will be allowed. Ballots must be picked up prior to the meeting and returned before the meeting. Co~ttee Chairmen of Glee shall be ~llowed one vote each and be allowed to vote on the issue of the specific theme for Glee only. The class presidents will work with the Tickets Committee in the distribution of tickets. 4. Judging of Glee shall be as follows: I. WORns AND MUS IC : II. VOCAL RENDITION: III. FORMATION: IV. POINTS: V. JUWES: There will be three wi!! rate the four c asses accor J. J.rd. an ourt. Four Judges. Tone quality, diction, and expression shall be considered. Each judge will rate the four classes according to first, second, third, and fourth. Three judges. Each judge will rate the classes according to first, second, third, and fourth. Points will he A§§iiped B!ter judging is completed. WORDS AND MUSIC: 1st lace will reoints; First place receives IO points; second place, 8 points; third place, 6 poin~ fourth place, 4 points. This yields a total of ten judges and a possible 85 points. All ��udges exce t those ~."/ ( ..... / 1'., ") ') .'1 r (/1 \/ ) , : " ....... N1 (It, {'b <:lI '.?,~- ,... 52 -,i) >- "" \l f>ei -{~ t.) t'l (' ~, ,:~ "<: "",.::s ~~,~(i (i. -- ';;\ -r~ -'.\, \r., l: ~ '".". j -!-.... '~ ( (~ t . <il 0 -"'" (7 0 Q1 ~ ~ <::~~.) s:: .-"-\ ~ i: I{ ·r ~ -1- .; ,,) 0 ~ r¥ ~ ~ '3 ,0.. >- rfJ / ...... :~""l~ ~.~, 5 :00-7 :00 A.:H. Prosh •••••• Gym ~ 12:00-1 :00 P.N. Ii'rosh •••••• V.1\v Sophs ••••• , Gym 4 Juniors •• Waller Seniors ••• Choir/ 4:00-5;00 P.N. B'rosh ... Waller Sophs ••••• L. T. v' Juniors •• Choir v Soniors •••• Gyrnt 6:30-9:30 P.!1. Frosh ••••• Gym" Sophs ••••• L.T. JtU1.i or s •• ChoirI-' Son iors.Waller N\Mch db ~ Tuesday, liAae. ,~, 1961 5 :00-7 :00 Sophs ••••���• Gym./ 11 :00-1 :00 P .1'1. Frosh •••• Choir / .~fA.K.c..-.- S oph s..... L . T'./ .v Juniors •••• Gym / Seniors.Via1ler 4:00-5:00 P.M. Frosh ••••• L.T.~ Sophs. o. Haller Juniors •• Choir./ Seniors •••• Gym v 6:30-9:30 P.H. Prosh •••••• GyIl1v· Sophs ••••• L. '1'. v" Juniors •• ChoirV' Seniors. \'Jallcr j/l Hodnesday" NC.rch " 1961" 5 :00-7 :00 A.fl. Juniors •••• Gym/ 12:00-1 :00 P.B. 1";:·osh ••••• L.'£.;/ Souhs ••• Haller J'-niorn •• Q' 'oir/' 4:00-5:00 P.E. 6:.30-9:30 P.H. S.,'~iors •••• G~j/ F::'csh •••• C- ·.oir v Sophs •••••• G',"m .. / J -niors. HillIer u0.,. ;n• J.ors. •• L ..rl.. ,/ F:osh ••• Hal1er Sophs •••• Choirv J', ni or s •••• G-Yll1 /. Soniors ••• L.T.v/ ~B l 'Ihursday, 11 rch " 196, 5 :00-7: '0 A .N. 11 :00-1 :00 P .11. ,o.'G.v_ 1:- :00-5 :00 P .H. 6:30-9:30 PoN. Seniors ...... Gym Frosh ••••••• Gym Sophs ••••• vJaller Juniors ••• Choir Seniors •••• L.T. F!" 0 sh. • • • • • L. '1'. Sophs ••••• Choir Junior s ••••• G, T', Seniors •• Haller 1J'- ,--::. sh •••• 1:1" 110 r Sophs •••••• 0 Gyra J ',niors ••• Choir Seniors ••••• L. T. ').C\ F·iday, Narch 6, 19~ 5 :00-7 :00 A. Ii. Frosh •••••• Gym 12:00-1 :00 P.H. l"rosh •••• Choir Sophs ••••• L.T. Juniors •••• Gym Seniors. Haller 4:00-5:00 P.lT. Frosh •••••• Gym So pl'l n ••• 1olaller Juhi or s •• Choir Seniors •••• LJ' T. 6: JO-9:30 P.ll. Fro she ••••• L. '1'. S01)11.s .... 1rJaller Juniors •• Choir Seniors •••• Gym :3P Saturday, Harch~, 1961 5:00-7:00 A.H. Sophs ••••••• Gym 8 :30-9 :30 A.U;. Juniors ••••• G~'m 9 :1:.5-1 0 :1:5A.H. Seniors ••••• G'm 11 :00-12 :OOA.1"1. Frosh ••••••• Gym HINU'l'ES OF KARcH 26th MEETOO OF EXECUTIVE CCBtITTEE OF FRESHMAN GlEE The meeting was called to order by Glee Manager Kathy Hartman. She requested that the members of the committee reply at this time to the banquet 1nv1tatiol'llJ.. She also stated that members ot the Executive Comm1tee would recieve one complimentary Glee ticket each, They would probably get them Friday. There wafs a question as to where fOl'll8tion judges would sit. It wa. decided that they would sit as they have in the past, one on each side and one in the back in the baloo~. The judges tor vocal rendition will sit in the back 8S they have in the p8~t. other questions brought up included chairs and taping down the canvas. It was decided to have I.3 chairs across. The canvas will be taped down by Wed. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully 8ublr:ltted, &{R.J.8(7/l~o-?1/ Sue Garr.i80n Freshman Gle .. Executive Secretary EXECUTIVE CCMMITTEE WILL MEET FRIDAY AT 70)0 INSTEAD OF AFTER GIEE PRACTICE. skg MINUTES OF MARCH 19th MEETIm OF GlEE COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN The meeting was called to order by Glee Manager Kathy Hartman. The roll was taken. 1'411 cOll1Tlittees were represented. Committees gave reports! Tickets ~ Kathy reminded them to get tickets to Dr. Monk and other honored guests and their wives. She also asked them to attend the Executive Committee meeting that was to follow. Programs - need Kathy's introduction Publicity - general reminder to GET WITH IT Decorations - same General Announcements: Meetings during Glee Week Percy Faith is a judge of words and music. RSVP invitations to banquet. Attend Challenge Assembly The meeting was adjourned. Sue Garrison Executive Secretary Freshman Glee DUE TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING FOR GIEE TUESDAY AT 9:30, GIEE COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN WILL MEET I>T 10:00 P.M. (it will be a short but necessary meeting) BE THERE. skg MINUTES OF MARCH 19th MEETIID OF FRESHMAN GLEE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The meeting was called to ovder by Glee Manager Kathy Hartman. Kathy noted that this was the first year that all the Glee songs had been turned in on time and reminded members of the commi twe of other deadlines.. Deadlines are listed in t he rules. There was also a reminder to the classes to keep to two parodies. Don Solberg brought up the point that the juniors have fewer hours when they can practice marching than the other classes as the schedule stands. There followed a discussion of the practice schedule and and informal agreement between the classes to give all nearly equal marching practice •. Jon Roberson said he felt that there should be some provision for a violation of the rules the evening of Glee •. He didn't think that the degree of violation nor the number of points to be penalized should be left to the discretion of the judges.. Jon suggested that the classes presidents be available and system point subtraction be provided for •. Discussion followed. Solberg suggested that the class presidents be available Glee Night to discuss and make point adjustments for violations. Jon Hayner moved that the committee adopt this suggestion •. It was seconded. The motion carried •. Kathy asked that Executive Committee members reply to the banquet invitations. Debby Speer and Doug Coats explained the way tickets are to be distributed and sold. The meeting was adjourned •. Respectfully submitted, '.; ." l./~.. ~ .. ,-,j ,_" v?/:L..·'h 7V Sue Garrison Freshman Glee Executive Secretary THERE WILL BE AN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETI:ID AT THE CAT ON TUESDAY EVENING AT 9:30. skg MARCH ~t. MINl1I'ES OF 1968 GIEE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN The meeting was called to order by Glee Manager, Kathy .. Hartman. Kathy reminded aU Glee Chail'men that after Spr .g Vacation there are ~ ~ (~) ~ untU Glee. The last week of which is taken up with Glee practices and so forth. Moat committees should be finished or almost so by the time Glee Week gets here~ There lias also a reminder fer any who had to use the words -Fre-shm-an- Gl-ee that it is spelled -man not -men. Some committees still- do not have lists of their members in. Kathy said that the Freshman Class was going to clean at least a part of the Mill Stream before Glee as a project. The following committees were unrepresented at this meet-ing with no explanation: Stage and Floor Ushering Recording E11tertainment Publicity Decorations There will be a very important Glee meeting 'rue"",., March I9, I968. PIEASE BE THERE. Debby Speer explained the systeM fer selling tickets. Meeting w~s adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sue Garrison Freshman Glee Executive Secretary TJUTES OF FEBRUARY 27th MEETING OF GIEE COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN The meeting wa~ called to order by Glee Manager, Kathy .artman¢ Greg Gourly spoke about Angel F~h's selling Glee buttons for a1 charity project. Each c1attf is to have its own I 3/411 button with its slogan on it. Greg e~ined that because he had not been able to contact any membera: of the Freshman ClasS' Executive Committee he was asking the Glee Committee Chairmen to cn (Jose the colors for our clasll! buttons an. the slogane The buttons were to have a light background and d ark lettering. The other classes had chosen as follows: ~arrloor,~ Yellow and Red Juniors·~ Black and White Sophomores- Green aond ? Gourly mentioned the slogans should be something associated with our class" The buttons are to be sold two weeks prior to Glee for 25¢. Joe Hoffman said that Glee alrea y has 250 buttons of its own to paint and sell. Committee reports were as follows: Potography: Les Gilmore, to cost $16.20 for film. Recording: drawing up the contract and have chosen the cover design. Kathy remindad everyone that there are only five weeks until GleE; and that most everyone should be done the week before Glee. Irl.scussion of colors and slogan for the Glee buttons was 01;lened,o The chairmen chose first choice colors of silver and PQ~ple and second of light blue and orange. The slogan choen lias ne-o For rtf! e The meeting was adjourned. skg Respectfully submitted, Sue Garrison Freshman Glee Executive Secretary FEBRUARY 20th MINUTE'S OF 1968 GlEE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN The meeting was called to order by Glee Manager, Kathy Hartman. The roll was taken and committee report~ were given. Those with reports to add to last week's reports were as follows: PROGRAMS: to be printed at Your Town Printers. STAGE anti FLOOR: will need to get chairs and two piano (rent). Chairmen then discussed who to dedicate this year's Glee to. It was decided to dedicate 1968 Freshman Glee to Dr. Rademaker. Discussion followed on who would give away the banner. It was decided to a'sk Dr. Trueblood •. The secretary requested"that all committees get in their lists of members. The meeting was adjourned. skg Respectfully submitted, ~ Sue Garrison Executive Secretar,y Freshman Glee February 1), 1968 l"linutes of Neetlng of Freshmen Glee Cha1rmen The meeting ~s called to order by Assistant I'anager, Sk1p iWJaCY. He . expla lned tha t Kathy Hartman, Glee ~~ger was At President Sm1th's house to take part in the revealing of the plans for w111amette ' s new student center. holl was called. The Committee chairmen gave their reports as follows: Programs: ,Hon Ranger, the programs were decided to be 8i X si tl • 12 pages, ~2JO, 1600 coples, two more bids to come lril Tickets: Debby Speer, one bid for ~18. 1)00 regular tickets, 75 reserved. Souvenir: Mark Brennen. Qomm1ttee 1s selllng adds, cost ::P300-:;!)j20 depending on photos, two more blds to come in. Stage and Floor: Jim Kubitz, no report, Ushering: Dar1n Goin, Staton Hlgh School Drill Team to usher. Lighting: Gary Mansfield, all equipment ready except to buy w1re. Recording: Rodger Nichols, ~ more t~n last year beacause of the rise in costs of postage, ~300 includes 400 45 t s. mailers, taping. covers, we must choose cover. Photography: Les Gilmore. main job w1ll be in making prlnts. cests there also, Enterta1nment: Lyn hough. not any news as yet. Banquet: ND':; r~.t..1._ .. j f.. _ ,: .• , .:. • "'. Pub11city: Joe Hoffman .. got some good 1deas .. Decorat10ns: Jean Lockwood., questions on areas available for decoration~ Backdrop: Alyson Harmee. some good ideas. Robbie Steeves, BUSiness vlanager gave the procedure for using Freshmen Glee money., must request checks 2 days in advance. petty cash anytime but must always have a signed request from Robbie .• Present request to Dr. ~1pple. Give all change to Robbie. Ti.~et money should also be turned in to Robbie. Skip asked if the Freshmen Class had colors or a slogan. l.d. Meet1ng was adjourned at 7:00. ftespectfully submitted, o '~ )",i. l .. ~ ;:-<:'.:.t: ." '~, .. /:,,:. :;}'/ _.I Sue Garrison Freshmen Glee Executive Secretary Note: next meet1ng Tuesday, February 20 .• 6: 30 at the cat. February 7, 1968, 1V1inutes of iijr . __ ,~ of Committee Chairmen for Freshmen ~1E;.~ The meeting was called to order A.II. by Glee Nanager, Kathy Hartman. r "" oJ The manager stated that the purpose Gi' meet1ng was to choose a specif1c theme for Freshmen Glee. She asked for sugges t ions f:-":,~. the cha1rmen. The secretary then read all t1:18 suggestions that had been presented. The~' "i,-:F,' as follows: a gondola 1dea, somethlng with balcony scene, Hometown U.S.A., Camelot, S~~~ Enchanted Evening, Somet 1me in the Evening $ 'I'he Flower of Love, The Language of Love, ~'Jha t Color Is Love?, Love Is Blue, Parad1se, Up, Up C.lJ.c. Away, Summer Song, Summer Place, Only the YO'v'.·l§" and When You Are Young. l'1uch d1s.aussion re3u~.·: Special consideration was given to the Bacl~dro._ Committee Chairmen. There was a call for a vote and "when ]~c_. Are Young" was chosen for the theme for Frcsl'-_ - Glee, 1968. l.d. Hespectfully 5ub~i~~ 7 c';,,!. ..,. ~)f'/" U ,,t::.. /:. ~ /" ::.. .~.,<.) - --/ Sue Garrison, EXie-~t1ve Sectar:,! Freshmen Glee 1"linutes from February 6th Neeting of 1968 Freshmen Glee - Executive Committee and Committee Chairmen The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.;·~. by Glee Nanager, Kathy Hartman. The manager introduced the members of the Executive Committee and noted that this committee would meet from time to time as the need will arise, She stated that the reason for this meeting was to go over rules and discuss a specific theme for 1968 Glee. The manager first listed the obvious chc:::..nges in the Freshmen Glee aules as follows: date of Glee is iVIarch 30, 1968; rule 5a. "A final draft •.. to Dr. Whipple .•• 5: 00 P .lvI., Friday, Ivlarch 22, 1968; rule 7. " ••�� outfit design to Executive Glee Committee by Wednesday, Harch 27,196811 ; rule 13. dates c~'langed to l'1onday, IvIarch 25, 1968, and 'rhursday, I'larch 25, 1968, gym available i'larch 25 through {larch 30. Kathy then listed two suggested lrule changes. The first suggestion was that the judges not be present Nhen the classes enter the gym. The second was the the Committee Chairmen be allowed to vote for the the~e. There was some discussion on both suggestions. Skip B.acy moved that the rules be changed to prohibit the judges being present when the classes enter the gym. The motion was seconded and discussion followed. The mOT~was defeated. Bill Bennett moved that Committee Chairmen be allowed to vote on the specific theme of Freshmen Glee. The motion was seconded and passed. The Hanager then reminded all present that if any questions came up to contact her, Kathy Hartman, Skip, or Dr. Whipple. There was then some discussion of the theme, the overall theme being "Serenade". Nany df the Executive Committee excused themselves at this time. Discussion on the theme was continued and finally tabled until 11:00 the following day, wednesday, February 7th in the Student Union. The meetir~g "'Jas adjou::-ncG. c.t 7 :40 P.N. /. rI. rlespectfully submitted, £A..t:...-' 2.t~-)':';Ci7'J Sue Garrison, Freshmen Glee Executive I Secretary dL'.UTES Or~ FL-{ST GE.i~EhAL '~OhllITTEE CHAIHhEl\i 8EETlk~(I JANUAHY )0, 1968 The meeting was called·to order at 6:)0 by ~lee Nanager, Kathy Hartman. Each committee chairman intro��duced himself. Committee chairmen were asked to keep their packets up to date as they will be passed on to next year's Glee Committee and to be sure to include all sketches. minutes of meetings, and a report at the end of Glee. The manager also reminded them to check the 1964 scrapbook in the reserve section of the library for information on past Glees. Concerning the actual committees, each committee should have recleved a packet containing a list of persons who signed up. It was strongly recommended that these people be cons1dered for the committees f1rst but Committee Chairmen may add anyone they please. Committees are strictly on thelr own with two exceptions. All publ1clty must ~o through Joe Hoffman or Bernie Carter. All money matters must go through the Business manager, rlobbie Steeves. It was explained that the 1968 rules must be approved by the Glee Executives Committee and then the committee chairmen will recieve copies. A regular meeting time every Tuesday at 6:)0, was established. Glee l'1anager, Kathy Hartman, then turned the meet1ng over to i-iobble Steeves who explained that he needed •. a budget to be approved by the Student Body Finance Committee by wednesday, Jan. 31. He said that this year we will have to sell tickets to Glee due to lack of funds avallable from the Student Body. Approximately 950 tickets wlll be available. Freshmen will get f1rst chance to buy. (Last years budget should serve as a guideline for this years committees.) The manager explained that the Photography Committee and the Souvenle Ed1tion Comm1ttee would work together. She also encouraged all to part1clpate 1n Glee. Any questions or problems should be brought to the attention of Skip Nacy at Baxter, Bobble Steeves at l'athews, or Kathy Hartman at Lausanne. Hinutes from General Committee Neetings to be sent through intercom within two days after meet1ng. For any additions or correct1ons contact Sue uarr1son at Lausanne. Kathy also expresses her appreciation of the interest shown by those who attended the meet1ng. £{espectfully submitted ~I c' (,,' • ::::;1(... r i .'} .. ~. 1./ ,:1 ,.--,V Sue Garrison, Corresponding Secretary Freshmen Glee 1968 Please note: Darin Goln called lt to the attention of the Executive Secretary that h1s name had been horribly misspelled on the list of Committee Cjairmen. l.d. belo/l..e. Be /.1U/l..e to /.1end invcraTWn/.1 to eVPA/lone '1ifendw:l lite ban( lud. (7lLW wJJ be cL,wCU/j/.1ed ledpJlj. I [lad /lUJt one cenie;tlJiece on :tILe lcead la61e. (,1hwJ'j cu-c 1 duln 'f ·~[lVe en.owlL lTlonelf fo c/o ot~_emlj(~<Je). 1 /.1UtJc-I)e/.Jt eLt'l.e/l.. t~e y/te en T IwlTl6 0 f .II f'J:d ')'/.1 lj O/l..,w 1/1. f2a'71e W no.! on .i... f, ".[-1.,., I !"J"J-I' (lOT! .~ .>L Tel?? '£011. /.1'10U/I(u'7 L U1vc.ce · ... '7.em • • J So'ne '.leo ')j e IJ/tei L.i...e/.Jf (mo' new&.Ji.] !WON on CCL7!pIUJ;if you can I :t~ILve Lt .t~eIle, 1 /.1uqqe-JttlYlf ttz.e1U-Bel~nap;. /toom. llw.'Je i~e p/l..eceed wJJ 6e 0 l /.1O'71e ~e1p io JOU. :1/.1 I'm W/l..uwq ttz.,w noie, 1 ex.')ed 10 he !nch at WUJamette ne>d ffLtA., /.10 pJervJe t ··eJ fJ/ to conta r-:t71e if !l0u~ave an.'} 'iiue/.J{Wrl/J Oil. p!WbJerr0 concvm.wr; 1969 r /t01/unan ylee &m6uet. 8e/.J:t of L uc':! S V£. ,LCDrE~ Sue Lodell n6R yJ ee ~h..zUvnrm ,r: wi ot al), ]'((! J.;)'!e to~noU) wILy !/ou 'lielLe /.Jtupu-L enougA io /.Ji.r;n U,D foil. i~i.A co'n"tLi.tee. SecondJ.~h ]' d. ) io {elJ 'IOU ;{!If"U ijou' one 0 P ilce h.:J..JUieAt and '7lO/.Jt /U?JiXuuJWrJ job/.J 0 t Flz.c/.J~'1?O.n g) ee. Thi.AdJ. '/1 I'd li..'<e t.o wi.A~ IfOU t~e beAt 0/ iuc'? on a /.JuccVJ/.JFuJ ban ud and. 1767 yJ ee. And. J.::vJ-t, ww' Cellii wi:! not ) (yMi, ]' m 9J).Lng- 1..0 flVU /.Jome poin.-tVlA wuch ] lwpe IOJ) be of /.Jorne,,1e io you. c,nclo/.Jco' w a )i..1t. of. ihe mTl.01ffI.-t of 'nonell 1 U.1eo/ and .tWiLl Lt u; '/.J /jpeni. It, .!fOil can /.Jee, 1 went OVeIL my Imdr;;e:f, bux] could noi /.Jee pu /iiJl9- on a /JUC"'e1.d "ui ban ;ue,l oihVUJJuJe. The lwt Uerr0 on the li.At rMe i--/i.,~ne~/.J. ,; e ~J: GrLked poiedo l/Ju.h.. w/z..L,oped bu{feIL and .{)Oilll. CIl.earn Cjll.een l)ecvJ, mU.{)~orn <Jfll7flW l~ II o~ Mil/j and. ImLLeIL ?cUl.{;1.Lf Cor Pee, tea, ano'. mJ,~ 7he pll..LCed welLe $1.90 {Oil.. non-Sag.a people and $.5.5 {all.. SWj.a. The pll...Lce wJJ plWbabJ.ff 90 up ned :;eo/l., rj/.j oJl 5ar;;.a pll..iced a/l.e;;- ILXl:! up. 1J0u /j,4.DIJ.d liA/.Ji o.nt. fa iSo6 ScUeJ.cLt-;; io /.Je.:t u,o i~,e cii.nnell... 'Ie wJi tAen /.Jenc{','oufo oi~eIL men io out. ite rLni.A~ ioud.eA on. ] 6oug.Vt'w, /Jiace C{]JW~, and blac~ in..!? rmd pen/.J ai ·LE.~~ Ine 1.:,\:;: ano~1b the :il~Et to corlgratul::tt;:: .IOU orl Hin.rlirli; t~lis po~ition. Before the ~ob i:s over ~'Ou :!1aJ feel th~,t the rr..arl2.gershi;:> should be ,~~ OOO::":l f1ri'Z,(;' to th8 lO~)f=;r Ol'1 that GleE' is SO[[18 stUflid 01' tra·Jition l\ept '.live by only OE~ person on this hnole C81El'US - ,{ou. But bt::fore .lOU find that out. let ,n8 tell. you;:; little :':"it ,~bout E;lee. First of all. Glee is the biggest thing to a.rmually :-li t ·,'IElar'J.ette Campu3. You; 'Ie :probably he;:;.rd hQ1..[ exci tiD'::; and cool Glee is and EtC. t but what I found strange and. at tin::'es pret'.;.y -::epressin,; b that I wo::kc,'l. for J l1hole mO:lths gAtting all the thousand. of d.etails t"tken care of .,n1'5 ~10 one knew it or eVer~ gat excitoo about Glee. Glee to them is the one-week .:le".l ::w:J. they I,r-on' t 612t too her aoout it much 0cfore thEm. So, it.' s your shol', fer \Il. v,hile t until OnE: glorious daJ tr.e whole c arnpus gets excited and t!1sn Gle~ is tl1f'irs! I ::;.uGgGst before you do an.Y1.rung that ,:/ou find 0Ut ':Jhat Glee i::;. Reaj a.ll the folders you'll fird in tile Studfmt Eody office t read the scra::boo~s 0: GlE>2 on file in the reselTITC rOOJl of the Library and come talk to Jle. It's important that you knolN Hhat Glee is like and whCtt j::lCS are C",-vai18ble so that YOti c an fill th2m \-Ji th the right people. Next, pick 8::1 assistant man3.ger and ;;n exectuivc secretary. I can't begin to tell .IOu l10H valuable theSE t~vc peo pIe >~ere to me. The rr1.~-or~ fl of Glec is ~aostl.'/ their:". Important thir~gs to con3idcr in picking these perSOES; get a repres(Or.t'ltive s;'1.mpling from -:;[18 frf;shri1an class, i. co. people from differcmt dorms, that are: leadors in different circles than yourself t 3.rc of different. housp.s on cam;us and people ~;ho you can ,wrx Hith. It is irllportr~t that these two peoplE; and. yourself know the greatest portion of freshman on campus. The three of you meet. right away (before Christman if possible) and decide to >-Thorn. you Fant to vJri te let tel's asking t.o be judges. G·ot ting juGlges b Jrour biggest headache and you must start asking early. Refer to those peopli'o we had year and also the sccl'.:::tar;/' s file for all those we asked but ;.;ho couldn't make it. Some people are traditionally asked to be judges Sen. Haffield and perhaps t.he Hajor Genera1 of the Oregon Armed forces. Seven of the ten m.ust attend Glee night - pick them from. a relat.ively close vicinity because they don't get paid to come. The three judges of words and music can be :from any,qhere beccn~ss t~e scoros are mailed to them. You ca.'1 talk to the music faculty to get ideas for judges and also addresses of all the schools of music and their heads of departments. (see the sec. in the music building for that list.) The next big job - usually done right after Christmas - is picking COITID"1 J.: L. C,n"all "Inen. I'ji ll convul".C-c,1..< tha '.t t1.r.. £ J"O1o- .0.:.':.' manaGer 1".S kwor" J. ng your-self out of a job - putting all the work on others. Ideally, you shouldn't have to worr;/ about :my of the cOlllmi ttees. THis is "Jhere you ¥'knowledge of the freshman class comes in. I Kent around to each living organization and gave a little talk about Glee - because most of the freshman don't know' 'IJhat in the hell Glee is or hOl-! big a deal it is on this campus - aud at that tirll'2 I told them of the committees available t explained them briefly ard posted a signup sheet. From this signup sheet you pick the people for ch.s.irment. If you knol-J someone who's really t:ood at something or vlho ~ s a good leader, talk to him privately about Glee an:1 this way .Iou can get some pretty fine people. The three of you pick the chairmen. I recorruncnd 2 that again you get a good sampling of thE: freshman. ~fe really "\Vorked to get people from the different dorms and different houses on these committees. Especially not having the two co-chairmen from the same group. I had cochairmen for each committee because I felt it would aid the committee and also I wanted one of them at each meeting. It's also a good idea because it gets more people involved in Glee. Once these people are decided upon, distribute to them th6 packet from last years chairmen and if you -wa.'1t to use one for this year too. They should have a list of the other chairrn.en, the Glee officers, last Jears chairmen, etc. I had each of m.y chairmen contact last'years's chairmen to find out what their job is like. Schedule a meeting ancl ma.l<e sure everybody is there. At this first meeting I told them more detail about Glee t made introductions, etc. For a more complete report of what went on at every meeting consult the secretaries file for the minutes of the meetings. At this time you should a.lso have a financial director. It can be your assistant manager or anyone you like. You'll have to prepare a budget and meet ",ith the budget committee. Consult the studnet body treasurer. J From here on out t Glee just grows and develops. It's a good idea to schedule regular committee meetings - let's you keep tabs on what's going on and keeps you in touch with the problems. The committee chairment will help you pick a theme of Glee (otl}er than the general one - one which you can decorate around), the person .0 whom Glee is dedicated and the speaker j or armouncer of Glee - traditionally Dr. Trueblood. Once the classes have met a.11Q have elected their song leaders and formation leaders and presidents, call these people together plus your officers, myself and. the treasurer of the student body. These people form the "E..-x:ecfa.tive Com.m.ittee" and vJill undoubtedly be your biggest headache. They are hard to t-lork with, uncooperative, and real bitches during Glee week. I didn't meet ,-lith them too ~requently. They ,vill ifant a practice schedule. Check out all the rooms and times first. Balance the times spent in the gym so that the freshmen get the most, sophomores the nxt most and the Jr. and sr. about the Saln€. Consult last years schedule. t tifore Glee vleck arrives f most of your committee chairmen should be ready o ro • Try not to leave any details to Glee week and encourage your chairmen to participate in Glee. You can't and you have to remain rather neutral. Also, just for the record, you have nothing to do with the Senior cut-up asserribly in which tLe Freshman class president formally challenges the other caasses to the challenge of Glee and the seniors get up and gros everybody ou:rl. Nor do you have anything db de with the dance usue.lly held after Glee. (you'll pro'::Ja~lYHant to sleep anyway .•. or get drunk ••• ) During Glf;o Heck, assuming th::l.t mos t things are taken care of, you'll find SOlile time to yourself. For onc e since you started this whole deGl f ever;:;'boJy is involved in it and is getting as little sleep 8nd stud~/ing as little as you have beEn all semester! It's a neat feeling! You are llpolicemantl too. The Executive committee has the flO'I·Tor to er...force the rules and penalize an;), clas:::; for noi::, abiding by thSJrl. They can c:::l1 0. n;eeting at Ciny timE an(1 ~..rhat I di::J is I situate~1. rrvself hI. Lhc cat afLer their last, practice so if they h;:-;.u "".n;:;r problems tr1C;)r could talk tb me them. I also ,;.;ent to soml;:; of Lhe practices every decy. You'll enjoy it. If the;:/ have sonlE; big gripE then, they'll tell you ani ;;,'ou'll have to call an exec. meeting to discuss it and - rcll, .. ~ on it. To ;;void. alot of discension, it is \.,risc to h2ve gone over the FultS 2:11d the c1eacllines before Glei=' i,;eeh (likE. at first meeting Kith theIr!) and expecially impress their ir.1l:ori.'?nce upon the freshmen. Also, lLmit the parodies to T,!C 8t glee and also it "Tas suggested after Glee this year that you m3k2 i3. ruling about the amount of time the seniors c.s.n take Glee night in the: g:)'-:ll. Glec night - You ,vi 12. give a speech. Dler8 isn't actua.ll;r a mCister of ceremonies, but keep close by incCise you're needed. Your speecl: is to givR a short history of glee, to :,relcome the people, to thCinK the persons ,.rho've helped you, to L"ltroduce the judges and the person to \-Thoro. Glee is dedicated and then to be funny. It'll really help to the tension and make the evening more intc:;resting if you tell a few of the funny events that have gone on during the Heek. Keep your t8lk relatively short - about 5 minutes. .',t the conclusion of your speech, youw-ill introduce the formation leader of the senior class lilho Hill give 2, short explanation of iis formation. The follmving fomation lea::lers "lill give their little talk 1-lithout intr~luct1on. I'd like to say that that's abo ut it •.• but it's not. That's just a brief outline. There's so much to it and so much that I can't tell you about - 30 many lit.tle problems that ,vill be 1j.nique to just your Glee. Your most valuable sources cf information and help thro1:i.ghout Glee "rill be the people 1,,;ho 'vc b_~n in Glees before. The past managers on ca.mpus are Bill Bennet - S~E, jon Roberson, ind ependent and myself. DG. Also, anc..Pther peDson you'll work very close Kith is Dr. Whipple - vice president in charge of student affairs. And Er. Lewis, of the ahhletics department. I'd lLlt to Hish you all the success and fun that Glee is (hope you get a better typist than I aYfl!) and I'd like to help you get started and be someone to consult if t'1.'fi problems or questions arise. I knov~ I've forgotten to tell you some im .. portnat tfuings t but somehow they'll just arise anyvlay and you'll take care of t.hem. Nost of all - enjoy yourself and keep ~our Cool. . • Best of Luck, Kathy Hartman FreSf.iI!1an Glee Hanager 1968 FRESHMAN GLEE RULES - 1968 I. The date for Freshman Glee competition shall be March 30, 1968. 2. The theme for the 60th Freshman Glee shall be SERENADE. 3. :rne Executive Glee Committee shall be composed of: a'. Each clas s prsident of the current school year. 'b. The class sohg and formation leader from the four classes. e. The studeht body tl'easurer •. d. The Glee Recording Secretary. e. The current Glee Manager. f. The current Assistant Glee Manager g. Past Glee Managel's still attending Willamette Undergraduate University~ All members of the Executive Glee Committee shall have voting power. E~ch menber will have one vote. There can be absentee ballots provided for those unable to attend meetings, but no other voting procedure for absences will be allowed. Ballots must be picked up prior to the meeting and returned before the meeting. Committee Chairmen of Glee shall be ~llowed one vote ea~h and be allowed to vote on the issue of the specific theme for Glee only. The class presidents will work with the Tickets Committee in the distribution of tickets. L'. Judging of Glee shall be as follows: I. WORDS AND MUSIC: Judged'together. There will be three judges. Each judge will rate the four classes according to first, second, third, and .fourth. II.. VOCAL RENDITION: Four Judges. Tone quality, diction~ and expression shall be considered. Each judge will rate the four classes ~cording to first, second, third, and fourth. III. FORMATION: Three judges. Each judge will rate the classes according to first, second, third, and fourth. IV. POINTS: Points will be assigned after judging is completed. WORDS AND MUSIC: 1st place Will receive s-points; second place, L points; third place, 3 points; and fourth place, 2 points. VOCAL RENDITION AND FORMATION: First place receives 10 points; second place, 8 points; third'place, 6 poin~ fourth place, L points. This yields a total of ten judges and a possible 85 points. V. JUDGES: All judges except those judging musical scores and words 'must attend the night of glee competition. -------,-------- - page II 5. The presentation of each class must be done with no more than three formations. To eliminate any dissension or confusion in regard to formation, the following procedure will be followed, - . ' A. A final draft, with explanation in writing, must be submitted in its entirety to ~. Whipple, Vice President for student affairs, at his office no later than 5:00 P.M., Friday, MaTch 22) I968. B. Pa.rticipants shall not change their relative postition during the singing of the song. The Executive Glee Committee shall be the final authority as to what constitutes such changes. C', All participants in the formation must march or count time, until the formation is completed. D. After the formation is complete, the participants may stop, but forw more than ten seconds. This time will be determined by the judges. E. The entire formation must participate in the presentation of the song. At least one third of the class participants must be singing the words of the song. F. Seniors only may use the middle stairs to the risers for their formation • 6. There shall be seven copies of the words and music submitted to Dr. Whipple at his office no later than 4fOO,P.M., Friday, March 8, I968. The following procedure must be observed: a. The compostition must be written on standard score sheets and must include words, melody line, and piano accompainment. b. One of the seven copies must be in black india ink. The others may be photostated. c. Each score must contain the song title. d. The name of the song, class, and pepson(s) writing the words and music must be handed in at the above time and place on a seperate piece of paper. e. No change in the words or music may be made after these copies have been submitted. 7. No stage properties, changes in appearance, nor wearing apparil in the form of costume is allowed. The song or formation leader (whoever is in charge of the apparel) must submit the outfit design to the Executive Glee Committee by Wednesday, March 27, 196B~ B. The presentations will be in order from Seniors to Freshman. 9. Parodies will be sung before the competition in sequence of Freshman to Seniors. Classes should plan on two parodies if time requires that we run through the cycle more than once. IO. There shall be no noise or movement among the seated participants until after their presentation is given. However, the judges may use their disgression to subtract any points for any noise or action for which the class should be penalized. ------------,-------_ .. pge III II~ The tradition of Senior Signs will be conti~uG~ this year as it has been in the past, 12.. The wearing of caps and gowns is left up to the disgression of the seniors. IJ;. By noon~ Monday Maroh 25, 1968, a. completed alphabetical list of participating class members must be 'submitted to Dr.Whipple, Office of Student Affairs, by class;presidents. Additiona1 names may be submitted until $:00 P.M" Thursday, March 28, 1968, provideEi they have been approved by the Dean. 14. No class may hold pra-ctice before Monday, March 25, 1968. The gym will be available after that date. No class may hold any extra practices during or before the week of Glee begining March 25 through March 30. Scheduled practice times may be used in any way the class feels they need it. A practice is defined as any group of IO persons or more. 15. The events of the evening of Freshman Glee should reflect good taste on the part of students. The Executive Committee and the Student Senate will be the ultimate arbitrating authority in this matter. 16. Any violations by individuals or classes of the Freshman Glee rules will be handled'"by the Executive Glee Committee for evaluation and possible penalty by fine. 17. A penalty of 5 to IO points will be levied on any class who fails to make the specified deadlines. Executive Committee wilL have final say in such matters. .. BLUE MONDAY RULES 'I9~8 I. Glee Bets A. Blue Monday will be considered a regular academic day. B. No bets are to be executed that in &ny way will disrupt the ~cademic atmosphere. 1. This rule applies to the disturbances of auy classes on or off campus .. 2. The BLUE MOJIIDAY convocation V1ill be conducted a't II:OO A,M. and is to be considered the appropriate time fo~ the payment of Glee Bets. 3. Students should refrain from paying Glee Bets which will physicaily involve any members of the faculty or which will result in damage to University property. 4. Glee Bets necessitating men entering women 1s living organizations and/or women entering those of men should not be paid. . ,. Indecent clothing (or none at all) is to be avoided. 6. Glee bets are to be restricted to the Willamette University campus. 7. All Glee bets are to be paid before 12 :CO Midnight on the day of BLUE HONDAY. II. Blue Monda~ Assembly The losing class of Freshman Glee will be resonsible for presenting the Blue Monday Assembly preceding their swim in the Mill Stream. All arrangements for said assembly will be the resonsibility of the losing class. III. Concerning the Mill stream A. It is recommended that the losing cl~ wear shoes during their swim in order to avoid lacerated feet. B. The losing class is to take their swim and leave it at that with no attempt to bring other members of the other classes into the Mill Stream. C. Due caution should be taken by all classes to avoid any undesirable effects as a result of the swim. IV. Enforcement: These proposed rules should be followed when disciplinarian action seems appropriate in violation of the above rules. A. Reporting of infractions shouJld be made by any student, or member of the faculty, but must be made directly to a member of Student Senate or Executive Glee Committee. B. Senators will bring all infractions under their attention before Student Senate no later than the first Senate meeting after Blue Monday~ Conduct and dress violaters will be taken into consideration in any decision. C'. Students are subject to disciplinary probation upon decision of Student Senate G LEE PRACTICE SCHEDUlE ... 1968 Honday, 1farch 2$, 1968 ,:00-7too A.M .. Frosh •• ,.'!.Gym 12tOO-ItOO P,M. Frosh •• ~~,~~.T,! Sophs ••• ~ •• q.yrn Juniors ... "i{a ller Seniors ••• q~oir 4:00-5:00 P.M. Frosh ••• Waller Sophs ..... L,T1 JUniors,.Chior Seniors •••• Gym. 6tJ0-9:lO Frosh.l .... ~GY.M Sophs~.; ••• J;,fIIT, Juniors'~: .. Choir Senioie:"Waller Tuesday, March 26 j I968 ,:00-7:00 A.M. &ophs~~l,.~Gym I 2:00- Frosh •••• Choir S~phs •• ~ ... L~T~ Juniors •• ~.Gym Senic-2t'.W, Frosh~ ... aL.T,! . Sophs •• ~ ~ Walller Juniors •• ~qhoir Seniors •• ~ ~ ~G.YM Frosh ••••• "!"!q.ym Sophs ..... ~~.L~T. Juniors ••• Choir Seniors •• Waller Wednesday, March 27, I~8 5:00-7:00 A.M. Juniors •••��• Gym 12:00-1:.00 P.M. Frosh ...... l .. T. S'ophs ••• WlflJler Juniors ... O~iolr. Seniof.8 ••• Gym 4:00-5:00 P.M. Frosh •••• qhoir Sophs ••• ~".Gym Juniors •• Waller 6:30-9t30 also Wednesday IO:OO-I1.:OO A.M. I2:00-1:00 P.M. 10:oo-n:OO A.M~ Seniors.uL.T. Frosh ••• Waiier Sophs •• :.' ~Chior Juniors ••• ~ •. G:ym Seniors •••. L •. T., , Frosh ••• , ~ •. Gho1r Sophs •••••• L.T .. Juniors • ~ • ~GYm . Seniors •• WaiJleJr 'tQOi..7rOO A.H. I2': 00-1 ,oop .M. Thursday, Uarch 28, ~968 Seniorre. •••• Gym Frosh •.•• , ~ •• q.ym. Sophs &. •••• Wa-J.].er Juni()rs.~.Choir Seniors •••• ~ .. T •• Frosh •••••• l;..T~ Sophs ii •••• Cl}oir Junior., ••••• Gym Seniors •• Waller frosh •••• W8JlJler Sophs ••••••• Gym Juniors ••• Choir Seniors •••• ;L.T. Friday, March 29, ~968 ,,00-7:00 A.M, Frosh •••• ~.QY.JIl I2t()().,.ItOO P.M. Frosh ..... Choir Sopha •• f.·.L.T~ Juniors'. ~ • .,t:)sp Seniors •• ~\TL"'Iietr 4roe-StOO P.M~ ~osh •• ~ •• ~Gym Sophs •• " ,W~1lar Juniors •• P9ney Basement Seniors •• ,,~L~T. 6:30-9t30 P.M" ~osh •• ~" •• L~T. Sophs .... W~l1er Juniors •• ~ql:lo1r Seniors •••• qym. Saturday, March 30, 1968 ,,00-7:00 A"M" Sophs •• ~~ •• ~GY-m 8:30-9JOQ A.M. ~iorS' •• " .... (}ym 9:45-IO: 4,A .M. Seniora:._ •••• GIM 11tOO-I2:oo A.M. Frosh •••••• "Qym Baclrc1rop Banquet Dec 0 l~,.~t ions Isnt ertainment Lighting Photography Programs Publicity Hecording Secretarial ~xpenses ,'jouvcnir Edition Stage & Floor Tickets Ushers TOTAL TOTAL DEBT:; 3ubmittcd 1/31/68 50.00 125.00 250.00 33.00 50.00 300.00 35.00 25.00 10.00 45.00 140.00 35.00 ~i;l, 090.00 ~"i' I9 (0) . 0 0 '~' ,bb,9-etJ.3toev,os , -', l?((:ire\;U; 0 ,se, \ '-~ usiness r,~~ |
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