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Glee 1993 - Planning Materials and Judges' Scores
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1993 - Planning Materials and Judges' Scores
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcription~\JVl)D!:> S1Vb€NT AC11Vl11.E5 1993 OVERALL GLEE MANAGER APPLICATION Heather Beebe Shepard 8 G-232 x6938 Stephanie Hamrick Shepard 14 F-132 x6970 Lisa Pennington Baxter 302 G-119· x6565 Kenneth Ray Doney 233 F-354 x6690 Willie Smith Kaneko 212 B-276 x3237 Tye Stallard Kaneko 334 C-125 x32S:0 princess finalist, Eagle Scout, National Merit Finalist, regis­tered CNA, and Quill & Scroll Award of Honor recipient. We have conducted research of previous Glee events and as­sessed the different responsibilities associated with planning Glee. We have broken down the responsibilities into six specific areas and divided them amongst us as follows: I. Heather Beebe --Publicity A. Mailings 1. Invitations 2. Announcements 3. Box Stuffers B. Tickets C. Posters D. Responsibility of All Visitors During Glee Activities II. Stephanie Hamrick --Programming Coordinator A. Thematic Development B. PerformancePlanner C. Slide Show Director D. Rule Enforcement Liaison III. Lisa Pennington --Design/Technical Coordinator A. Development of Logo B. Backdrop C. Performance Setup 1. Lights 2. Sound System 3. Music 4. Risers D. Souvenir Development and Production 1. OVerall Glee T-Shirt 2. Commemorative Beanie (seniors) IV. Kenneth Ray --Finance/Special Events A. Budgeting B. Bookkeeping C. Glee Banquet D. Coordinate Special Events V. Willie Smith --Off-Campus Liaison A. Invitations & Communications With••• I." Honored Guests 2. Judges 3. Dedicatees 4. Alumni 5. Prospective Students B. Arrangements for Arrival We feel we have the background and skills needed to make this Freshman Glee a memorable one for the students, faculty, alumni, and Willamette community. We thank you for your time in giving consideration to this application and our ideas for a great Glee for all. group expenences are very diverse, and, in the short time we have known eachbther, we have learned to adapt to one another's ideas and opinions. ! Rath+ than coming together as a group out of a need for members, this team \ evolv~d from our ability to work together and through asking others' \ opiniori~ for who would be an avid contributor to the group. Many factors were tak~n into consideration including enthusiasm for Glee, organizational abilities, work ethic, and the amount of time members would be willing to commit to such an important project. As Overall Managers, we hope to continue the traditions of Glee and to successfully plan ~~ event so it will continue to be an affair the Willamette community looks forward to all year. We would like to organize an event that encourages everyo~e to become involved, meet people from their class as well as learn more about the traditions and history of Willamette. We believe that extending invit~tions to all distinguished alumni; holding an informal lunch for all Glee p~ticipants after Saturday's practices; organizing a dinner for all judges., distinguished guests, and the Glee dedicatee; and having t-shirts (which we understand did'pot go over well last year, but feel that if this year's were more colorful, had ~·~impler design, and were publicized more they would be a success) made a~~ilable to all will add to the excitement \ for the event. Our group has a great deal of diversity and we believe this is demonstrated through our past achievements and activities, which have taught us the importance of balancing a busy schedule while meeting numerous deadlines. We also feel our willingness to accept. new ideas as well as meet and work with new people would prove to be a major strength. Looking ahead to March 13, 1993, the day of this year's Glee competition, which also marks one team member's nineteenth birthday--the first spent LUISBAEZ HONORS National Spanish Exam (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place over three years) First Team'All-League Soccer Award (two years) Soccer Mosf\~aluable Player (Valley League) Second TeamlAU-State (Soccer) Soccer Player of the Week Award (Statesman Journal) Academic Athletic Award Lantern of Leat:ning Award Willamette Minority Scholarship Willamette Athletic Grant Josefina Botta Spanish Scholarship POSITIONS OF LEADERSHIP Sprague Soccer teain captain Spanish Club President Food drive Chairman HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES National Honor Society\ \ \ Sprague Soccer team (yefU'-round teams) Spanish Club \ Spanish tutor \ COLLEGE ACTIVITIES \ \ Willamette Varsity Soccer ream Willamette Tour Guide . COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Little League Soccer Coach and Referee Community food drive participant WORK EXPERIENCE Waiter at Los Baez Restaurant ALLISON KOTSOVOS HONORS Outstanding Senior in Journalism Outstanding Junior in Journalism American Association of French Teachers' Award for Nhtional French Exam Sunset Apollo Award St. Vincent's Volunteer Service Award Achievement in Journalism Award Presidential Academic Fitness Award National Fren~ Honor Society Willamette A1\lmni Honors Scholarship Suzie A. McLoughlin Memorial Scholarship Oregonian Publishing Company Scholarship posmONS OF LEADERSHIP Yearbook Editor-in-Chief Newspaper Photo ~ditor French Gub Activities Chairman mGHSCHOOLA~S Yearbook Staff Newspaper Staff Newspaper Distribution Manager Natural Helpers French Club NationalHonor Society Amnesty International COLLEGE ACTIVrTIES Willamette Connection Phonathon COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES St. Vincent's Hospital Volunteer (candy-striper) Community blanket/clothing drive manager WORK EXPERIENCE Metro Washington Park Zoo Visitor Services Employee JOSHUA J. RUDD HONORS Mr. Future Business Leader; National Leadership Conference (2nd place) Mr. Future Business Leader; State Leadership Conference (1st place) State Leadership Conference Finalist: "Who's Who in Oregon FBLA" Various Awards at District Level of FBLA DECA State and District Conferences, Various Awards (1st, 1st, 4th, and 5th) Job Inteview; Rogue Skills Contest (1st Place) South Medford ~ghScholar Athlete POSITIONS OF LEADERSHIP { FBLA South Medford ~hapter Treasurer FBLA Oregon State Secr~tary/Treasurer Bank Branch Manager for, an FBLA Bank Amalgamation Secretary of the South MeClford Business Advisory Committee Various Chairmanships wit1.\i,n FBLA, DECA, etc. HIGH SCHOOL ACTNITIES FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Varsity Swimming , DECA (Distributive Education Clubs ofAmerica) Oregon Business Week Participant AT&T Investment Challenge Participant WILLAMETTE ACTIVITIES Crew Team Matthews Hall Treasurer COMMUNITY ACTNmES Children's Miracle Network Volunteer "Presents for Senior Citizens" Project Participant DECA Campus Clean-up Project Participant Member of Security Pacific Bank Securi-Team WORK EXPERIENCE Office Clerk Lifeguard and Swim Instructor 1993 Freshman Glee Practice Schedule IFreshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors SUNDAY 3/1 8:30-10:30pm !cone-marching MU'lDAY 3/8 5:00-7:00am jeone-marching 3/8 12:20-1:15pm 1&2-singing Lounge-singing Kaneko?-marching Cone-marching 3/8 4:00-5:00pm ~aneko?-marchi!1g !cone-marching 1&2-singing Lounge-singing 318 7:00-9:00pm ~ounge~singing 1 &2-singing Cone-marching Kaneko?-marching TUESDAY 3/9 5:00-7:00am Cone-marching 3/9 12:20-1:15pm 1&2-slnging lL.ounge-singing Cone-marching Kaneko?-marching 3/9 4:00-5:00pm !cone-marching Lounge-singing Kaneko?-marching 1&2-singing 3/9 7:00-9:00pm ~ounge-singing Kaneko?-marching 1&2-singing Cone-marching WEIl\IESDAY 3/10 5:00-7:00am Cone-marching 3/10 12:20-1:15pm jeone-marching Kaneko?-marching Lounge-singing 1&2-singing 3/10 4:00-5:00pm !,-ounge-singing 1 &2-sing ing Kaneko?-marching Cone-marching 3/10 7:00-9:00pm p<aneko?-marching Cone-marching Lounge-singing 1 &2-singing THURSDAY 3/1 1 5:00-7:00am Cone-marching 3/11 12:20-1:15pm Kaneko?-marching Cone-marching 1 &2-singing Lounge-singing 3/11 4:00-5:00pm 1&2-singing Lounge-singing Cone-marching Kaneko?-marching 3/11 7:00-9:00pm ~one-marching Kaneko?-marching Lounge-singing 1&2-singing FRfDAY 3/12 5:00-7:00am leone-marching 3/12 12:20-1: 15pm !,-ounge-singing 1 &2-singing Kaneko?-marching Cone-marching 3/12 4:00-5:00pm ~aneko?-marching Cone-marching 1&2-singing Lounge-singing 3/12 7:00-8:30pm Ismith Auditorium Senior Skits 3/12 9:00-1 1:00pm~ &2-singing Lounge-singing Cone-marching Kaneko?-marching SATURDAY 8:00-9:00 am Freshmen Conefield House Dress rehearsal 9:00-10:00 am isophomores Conefield House Dress rehearsal 10:00·11 :00 am ~ uniors C onefield House Ofess rehearsal 11 :00-12:00 am iseniors iconefield House Dress rehearsal 5:00-7:00 pm Goudy Commons OffICial GleeI3anquet 7:00 pm Cone Fieldhouse Freshman Glee! 1993 Freshman Glee Praetiee Sehedule Lounge = Alumni Lolmge, 3nd floor UC building (singing) 1&2 (Cat) = Dining rooms 1 and 2 next to the Cat Cavern (singing) Matthews = Mattllews lounge (marching) Cone___ ~_=_C=o=n=e"-,F,,,-,i=e=ldh=ou=s=ec-. ____{marching} Freslnnen Soplnnores Juniors Seniors SlThTDAY 3/7 8:30-1 0:30pm Cone MOl'41)AY 3/8 5 :00-7 :OOam Cone 12:20-1 :15pm 1&2 (Cat) Lounge Matthews Cone 4:00-5:00pm Matthews Cone 1&2 (Cat) Lounge 7:OO-9:00pm Lounge 1&2 (Cat) Cone Matthews TUESDAY 3/9 5:00-7:OOrun Cone 12:20-1 : 15pm 1&2 (Cat) Lounge Cone Matthews 4:00-5:00pm Cone Lounge Matthews 1&2 (Cat) 7:OO-9:00pm Lounge Matthews 1&2 (Cat) Cone WEDNESDAY 3/10 5:00-7:00am Cone 12:20-1 :15pm Cone Matthews Lounge 1&2 (Cat) 4:00-5:0Opm Lounge 1&2 (Cat) ~1atthews Cone 7:00-9:00pm Matthews Cone Lounge 1&2 (Cat) THURSDAY 3/11 5:00-7:00am Cone 12:20-1 : 15pm Matthews Cone 1&2 (Cat) Lolmge 4:00-5:00pm 1&2 (Cat) LotUlge Cone Matthews 7:OO-9:00pln Cone Matthews l.1ounge 1&2 (Cat) FRIDAY 3/12 5:00-7:00am Cone 12:20-1 :15plTI Lounge 1&2 (Cat) Cone Matthews 4:00-5:00pm Matthews Cone 1&2 (Cat) Lounge 7:00-8:3Opm Cat Cavern Senior Skit" 9:00-11 :OOpm 1&2 (Cat) Lounge Matthews Cone SATURDAY 3/1 3 8:00-9:00 am Freslnnen Cone Fieldhouse Dress rehersal 9:00-10:00 am SophomoreslCone Fieldhouse Dress rehersal 10:00-11 :00 run Juniors Cone Fieldhouse Dress rehersal 11 :00-12:00 am Senoirs Cone Fieldhouse Dress rehersal 5 :00-7 :00 pm Goudy Commons Official Glee Banquet 7:00 pIn Cone Fieldhouse Freshman Glee! Freshman Glee Timeline i. ,AS'WU !)ol,js informational rneeting. selects ee r-ianagers Initial meeting Witrl Student .Activities and ASWU Officers 1'1eet with Pubiicatons Office and Food Service to determine budget 4. Advance memo to Facul ty and Staff givinq them the dates of Glee Week, nle Giee Performance, and Blue r--10nday. i. Budget proposal to Finance Boanj for approval 2. Selection of Class '·'langers .. formation of Glee Committee December 1. Selection'of theme (inform Senate) 2. Confirm practice scrledule/cl"leck. room reservations 3, Develop backdrop, poster, program, postcard design 4. Crloose honored guest'S, dedlcat ion 5. Send postcards to printer; mail no later than first week of February Christmas Break ,.January l. Begin soiicitation of judges Draw up 1ist of requirernents for sound.. lighting, recording, and cflairs ..'W February 1. Ser!!j letters to honored guests and person( to whom GleE' is . dedicated poster design Freshman Glee Timel ine page 2 Four Weeks Before Glee I. Poster sent to printer Finalize list of .Jiudqes _ Three Weeks Before Glee Song deadline/songs and tapes mailed to jUdges Have Tony make arrangements for necessary work orders '..... ..J. I"leet with Food Service to discuss reception menu, lunch flours during Glee Week 4~ . "Set 6rder:~ofperf6rmance/prograrn layoue·" 5. Take Glee Banner to Salem Emblem Shop to have date crlangeej 6. Contact Dean, have him send out Blue f10nday notices 7. Ask Buzz to present banner 8. Locate someone to teach and lead A.lma r'1ater Two Weeks Beror'e Glee i. Tick.ets printed (i f necessary) line up work. crews for set-up, moving piano, get names to Tony .. .... . ., "3. Program to printer 4. Confirm Reception menu, give Saga guest count 5. Information about Glee, reception & judging to .Judges 6. Invitations to words/music jUdges with tickets for performance I. Send memo atlout rerlearsal hours to Custodians/Safety 8. Contact florist about flor'al arrangements, corsages and boutineers 9. 1"1ake arranaements for Tuxedo rental .j Before Practices begin 1. Set up stage/wire risers together 2. Tape out riser foota(~e in Waller Aud. t'-1ove piano to Sparks 4. Hang up posters, post practice times/locations 5. Glee Challenge ·,;{ Freshman Glee Time line page 3 Glee Week 1. Letter to Faculty/Staff invitin9 them to Glee ~~2;~.;i,~:PrQ,gr~m~ back from prfnter 3. Complete backdrop ,,,,,,",4. Instal' lighting .,,~. Move spotl ightlpodium to Cone Make arrangements with Atrlletic Dept. to use office to tabuiate results on Glee night 7. Locate staff for Glee night (ticket takers, jUdge assistants, vitjeo operator, etc.t give names to the Student Activities Office 7~·8. Order video equipment for Saturday night 9. Pick up tuxedos 10. Contact Grounds about Jackson Plaza clean-Up on Biue t10nday Friday Before Glee Set up chairs Tune piano 3. Compile Judge's Packets 4. Hang Backdr·op Confirm al1 Glee Night help (spotlight/video operators, ticket sellers/takers, judge assistants) Glee Day 1. Install sound/recording equipment; any additional equipment required bv classes for entrances / 2. Dry run of evening program, including all persons introducing classes ~x Post-G lee Entertainment Sunday I. Remove backdrop, chairs, stage, sound/recording equipment & piano L Freshrnan GJee Timeline page 4 'Week Af ter Glee 1. Send out Thank You notes 2, Remaining clean up, return all equipment 3, Evaluation of Glee to ASWU Secretary and Office of Student Activities 4. Fi les, remaining supplies and unused printed material to Student Activities By Apr!! I Final budget (expenditures & revenues) to Finance Board FRESHMEN GLEE TIMELINE OCTOBER ~ASWU holds informational meeting, and selects Overall Glee Managers. ~ Initial meeting with Facilities coordinator, student Affairs, and past Overall Glee Managers. ~Begin to prepare budget. ~Advance memo to faculty and staff to inform them of the dates of Glee week, performance, and Blue Monday. Ask faculty to schedule around Glee because it is important (and consistent with a liberal arts education) for students to be engaged in willamette tradition and to meet other students. ~Meet with Alumni office, News and Publications office about advance publicity in Willamette Scene, alumni meetings. NOVEMBER ~Develop detailed list of divisions of responsibilities. This is important. Everything must be designated to someone at this time. ~Draw up time line for individual responsibilities. iJr" Begin selection of judges. ~Complete budget if program plans are finalized (accuracy is important) . ~Choose a sub-theme. ~Election of Class Managers and formation of the ever-popular Glee committee. ~Initial meeting with Glee Committee. (Agenda suggestions: introductions, theme, sub-theme, rules]. DECEMBER ~Confirm practice schedule, room reservations (Alumni Lounge, Dining Rooms 1&2, Cone Field House, Henkle (or other location if one has been located). ~Develop backdrop, (please trust us), poster, program, postcard _~sign. It is important that this be done now. <tYBegin selection of dedication and Honored Guests. Talk to Alumni office, and President's office. ~Send postcards to printer. Warn Alumni House about address labels for alumni and Registrar's office about parents. drBelax and enjoy Christmas break. ~start tracking down recording equipment. JANUARY G}Finalize judges (end of month is fine). ~onsider requirements for sound, light video recording, and chairs. ~lWork on reservations, appointments for song taping by Class Managers. All classes must use the same equipment. ~Ask Buzz to present the Glee banner (go over details with him). Ask someone to lead the Alma Mater (Paul Trueblood, if possible) and someone to play piano for this song. ~Contact TIUA students about special performance. FEBRUARY ~Send postcards to parents and alumni (this should be done in the first week ask for help with mailing. * contact Grounds Crew about Blue Monday cleanup of Jackson Plaza. * Hang background canvas and backdrop. * Talk to Class Managers about special performances logistics (cassette tapes, special sound for entrance, etc.). * Confirm performance night help from students. GLEE DAY * TIUA practice. * Dry run of performance (lights off, sound and performance lights on). * set sound level. Make each Overall Manager and Class Manager test sound level (consider added noise of audience). Pay special attention to logistics of special class requirements. * Meditate, pray, and enjoy --party of crash! THE DAY AFTER * Remove background canvas, backdrop, stack chairs, take down sound and lights, remove piano. BLUE MONDAY * Laugh and enjoy. Prepare to be Millstreamed. * Take back sound and lights. THE WEEK AFTER * Catch up in classes. * SEND THANK YOU NOTES. SPRING BREAK * Rest, catch up on homework. AFTER SPRING BREAK * Glee evaluation by Glee Committee. * Glee evaluation by Overall Glee Managers. * Final budget. * Create a file for future Overall Glee Managers. From kray@jupiter Sun May 2 01 :33:14 1993 Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 17:33:51 -0700 (PDT) From: "Kenneth H. Ray" <kray@jupiter> To: Willie Smith <wsmith@jupiter> Cc: Heather Beebe <hbeebe@jupiter>, Stephanie Hamrick <shamrick@jupiter>, Lisa Pennington <Ipenning@jupiter>, Tye Stallard <tstallar@jupiter> Subject: Glee Chronology , have tried to compile an interesting little chronology of events related to Glee in the last five months: Monday, November 9, 1992 --Heather, Stephanie, Lisa, Tye, and I attend the informational meeting put on by Marci Ellsworth for prospective Overall Glee Managers. Eric Wright and Michelle Halstrom, two Overall Managers from 1992, describe the duties and give insight into the demanding roles. Following the meeting, Lisa and Tye and I go to Willie's room to discuss a plan to get one or two more involved in our quest to become Overall Managers. The goal at that point is to find someone with artistic talents. Several names come up, but Stephanie and Heather are not among these. I go to Wardeh Bisharat's room later that evening to ask her if she is interested. Tuesday, November 10 --Willie, Tye, Lisa, and I meet with Scott Greenwood in his office in the University Center to gain more insight into the duties of Overall Glee Managers. We are given Crayton Webb's folder from 1991 and also loaned videotapes of previous Glees. Still no fifth or sixth persons for the team. Thursday, November 12 --Tye, Willie, Lisa, Wardeh, and I meet with Crayton in the Baxter Study Lounge to discuss the matter further. We examine Crayton's notes and materials and talk about the jobs of the Overall Managers. Wardeh decides not to join -her heart isn't in it. Later, Heather and Stephanie, who had been recommended to us by Marci, arrive and decide to join us. Sunday, November 1 5 --The six of us meet in a group study room in the library to write out our application, which is due the next day. Tuesday, November 17 --The six of us have dinner at Goudy. Wednesday, November 18 --The six of us appear before Elections Board. Thursday, November 19 --It's official. The six of us are confirmed by the Senate as Overall Glee Managers by voice vote with six abstentions. We celebrate at the Bistro afterwards. Saturday, November 21 --After much nagging from my fellow Overall Glee Managers, I get an e-mail account. In my first message, addressed to Willie and Lisa, I write "I don't know how often I'll use this -I doubt it will be very often" (famous last words). Tuesday, November 24 --The six of us meet with Scott for lunch at Goudy to discuss our immediate duties. (I believe this is when I made my famous '" have a bladder the size of a pea" quote.) Monday, November 30 --With World Views over, we begin our first of five meetings during the former World Views time slots. Monday, December 7 --The first Glee Committee Meeting is held in the Cat Cavern at 7 p.m. I'm in charge. Afterwards, former Overall Manager Eric Wright tells Scott, "This meeting went a lot better than our first meeting last year." Wednesday, December 9 --The proposed budget of $4065 is presented before Finance Board. Thursday, December 10 --Finance Board recommends that Senate approve $4000 for the Glee budget. Kappa Sigma Senator George Guyer makes an amendment to give the Glee Managers the full $4065, but it is defeated on voice vote. The Finance Board proposal of $4000 is approved. Friday, January 15, 1993 --Five of the six Overall Managers meet at Lisa's home in Eugene (I'm in Northern California on the choir-band tour) to have a good time before returning to "The Real World ... n on January 18. Monday, January 1 8 --The six of us meet back on campus once again to assess our situation and our progress and prepare for the next two months. Wednesday, January 27 --The second Glee Committee Meeting is held, this time in the SOC at 6 p.m. Tye is in charge. Several of the seniors present are consuming beer, which later leads to a mild controversy and a memo from Scott, warning of disciplinary actions to be taken if such behavior continues. Tuesday, February 9 --Heather and I have lunch with Scott in Goudy at noon to tell him where we are in the process and find out what we should be pursuing currently. At 10: 1 5 p.m., the six of us, at Willie's suggestion, meet in Tye's room to air some of our frustrations and concerns over Glee. Wednesday, February 10 --Another Glee Committee Meeting at 8:30 p.m. in the SOC (did Heather run this one?). Saturday, February 1 3 --Several of us go to Black Tie Affair together at Montgomery Park in Portland. Some of us are the dates of other Overall Managers. Monday, February 15 --The first recording sessions are held in Geist Recital Hall. The sophomores record during the 6-8 p.m. slot, while the freshmen record from 8-10 p.m. I participate in the recording of the freshmen's too-simple-for-words-so-we'lI-just-count song. Wednesday, February 1 7 --The juniors record at Geist from 6-8 p.m. and the seniors from 8­10 p.m. Monday, February 22 --The six of us meet at the SOC at 5 p.m. to discuss just how the hell we're going to get through the next few weeks. Sunday, March 7 --Glee Week begins! The Overall Managers (minus Willie) transport the risers from Spec Keene Stadium to Cone Field House, where Tony Noble's work crews set up the risers for the marching practices and performances. The freshmen have their first practice that evening, with Tye supervising. Monday, March 8 --The first full day of practices gets underway, with a 9: 15 p.m. Committee Meeting in the Alumni Lounge to finish off the day in style. Tuesday, March 9 --More practices, another Committee Meeting. Wednesday, March 10 --Still more practices and yet another Committee Meeting, and the Overall Managers dine out at Denny's afterwards while ASWU picks up the tab. Thursday, March 11 --Just like Monday and Tuesday. Friday, March 12 --Morning and afternoon practices go on as usual. The Class of 1993 dazzles the student body with their Senior Skits in Smith Auditorium at 7 p.m. Stephanie Hamrick survives the event unscathed, while Tye and Lisa win the cutest couple award, and Heather, Tye, Willie, and I are identified with our natural birth buddies. Also, the diamond brokerage firm of Ray, Smith, and Stallard opens for business. Following the skits, the usual two-hour evening practices run from 9:45-11 :45 p.m., and the Committee Meeting begins at 12: 15 a.m. in order to allow the seniors to decide their fate. After some filibustering, an agreement is reached and the meeting adjourns at 1:30 a.m. Saturday, March 13 --The big day finally arrives. Dress Rehearsals are held from 7:50 a.m.­12: 30 p.m., and the final touches are put on the program. At 5 p.m., several judges and honored guests arrive for the annual Glee Banquet, held in Goudy Commons for the first time. Shorty thereafter, scores of excited class members assemble in Henkle Gymnasium to prepare for their performances. At 7 p.m., with Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" booming loud over the speakers, the immense voice of Eugene Berger opens the Eighty-Fifth Annual Freshman Glee. Glee goes as it normally does, the event is dedicated to none other than Buzz Yocom, and, when all is said and done and Buzz has presented the banner for the very last time, the Class of 1994 has walked away with its first-ever Glee victory. Following Glee, ASWU Vice President Crayton Webb puts on the annual Glee Dance in the Cat Cavern, which runs from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Natella Svistunova, the distinguished Kaneko Senator, wins a nice little getaway south of the border. Meanwhile, the six Overall Managers are at Kappa Sigma celebrating the end they thought would never come. Monday, March 15 --The six of us do our duties as freshmen and join our class in walking the Mill Stream. As Overall Managers, we also do our duties of going along with the wishes of the seniors to dunk us in the Stream. Tuesday, April 6 --The Glee Committee meets for the last time in the Alumni Lounge at 8 p.rn. to discuss comments about Glee and make recommendations for next year's Overall and Class Managers. Well my friends, there you have it. There's all of Glee documented chronologically. If I've left anything out (ie. the day Tye and Lisa started going out, the day Willie decided to run for ASWU Vice President, etc.), let me know. THANK GOD IT'S ALL OVER. (As I said earlier, my book should be on the stands in October.) 1993 FRESHMAN GLEE PROPOSED BUDGET Catering Alumni Reception Judges/Dedicatee Banquet Classes Senior Junior Sophomore Freshman Decorations Balloons Corsages/Boutonnieres Floral Arrangements Supplies Long-Distance Phone Account Postage & printing Expenses Brochure Printing Introduction Package Invitations Judges' Packets News Releases On-Campus Publicity Plaque & Trophy Engraving Postage Postcards Posters Programs Tickets Program Expenses Audio Recording Equipment CCTV (Video Recording) Chairs Light Equipment Piano Rental Security Slide Show Sound Equipment Tuxedo Rental Set Expenses Backdrop Backdrop Cleaning Changing Year of Banner Banner Cleaning TOTAL EXPENSES MINUS REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 825 150 675 $ 475 250 75 75 75 $ 405 50 175 150 30 $ 50 $1245 175 50 200 20 90 135 50 150 75 90 190 20 $1500 50 100 200 140 400 200 150 140 120 $ 235 100 90 20 25 $4735 -750 $3985 \ '1/22/9 FRESHMRN GLEE RULES RND REGULRTlONS Freshman Glee is one of the oldest traditions on the WUlamette campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other beUer. The following rules and regulations are approued herewith by the Freshman Glee Ouerall Managers in conjunction with the Freshman Glee Committee. I. THEME Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of freshman Glee would rotate according to four general themes. These themes are: fight (1992), Nouelty (1993), fUma Mater (t 994), and Serenade (1995). During a four year period, each class will haue had an opportunity to compete in each theme. II. FRESHMRN GLEE DRTE Freshman Glee will be held the euening of a Saturday prior to and in the same month as the beginning of Spring Uacation. ~ 111.£lGjUBITY \"".--/ Only students currently enrolled at Willamette Unluerslty or the Tokyo International Uniuersity of Rmerica will be eligible to partiCipate in freshman Glee. Other eligibility problems shall be resolued by the freshman Glee Committee. W. RPPOINTMENTS RND PROCEDURES A. The Senate of the ASSOCiated Students of Willamette Uniuenity (RSWU) will appoint the Freshman Glee Ouerall Managers based on a recommendation from the ASWU Elections committee. Freshman students interested in the positions may apply in groups for consideration. The Ouerall Glee Managers will be appointed prior to October 15. . B. The Freshman Glee Ouerall Managers will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Cla$$ Managers from each class, hauing applied as a group and elected by their respectiue classes. Each class will eHercise one uote on behalf of their class in committee decisions and/or recommendations where a uote is required. The Ouerall Managers will not haue 8 uote. This committee will reuiew Freshman Glee rules, assist,the Ouerall Managers in orranging practice schedules and other organizotional tasks. It will also reuiew all comploints with regard to rule infractions ond will determine penolties, if any. C. I n the ~'Predicted absence or resignation of class manager(s), it is at the discretion--of the remaining class managers to aP{loint a replacement. O. The Closs Managers will oct as the oueroll closs organizers for their closs, seeing that all deadlines are met, rules complied with, etc. It is suggested that the managers from each closs diulde the following responsibilities appropriately. 1) Song Writer(s): Composes original words and music appropriate to the freshman Glee theme and song format. 2) Song Leoder(s): Teaches the closs song to those members of the closs participating in Freshman Glee. 3) Chore0.9ropher(s): Plans the formations (0 mOHimum of three for each closs, although the Freshmen sholl not be penalized for performing only two) and transitions, and marching to and from the seats. 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of mon::hing and formations. 5) T-Shirt Oesigner(s): Designs the class t-shirt to be worn on Glee night. 6) Rccompaniist(s): Prouides piano accompaniment during practices and the performance of Glee night song and formations. Rny one person of the c'ass may fill more than one of these positions. E. Music, lyrics, and on eHplanation of the song are due in the Office of Student Actiuities (Uniuersity Center) no later than the date set by the Ouerall Managers (suggested dote, one month before Glee performance. Subject to the discretion of the Glee Committee, there will be a penalty of up to four points from the final point total for any class that does not meet this deadline. F. By the Friday night of Glee week, it sholl be at th'e discretion of the Class Managers if a partiCipant from their closs who has not been present at one half of the total practices shall partiCipate on G'ee night. G. At a specio' assembly to be held on the Sunday beginning Glee Week, the Freshman Class Managers or representatiues will issue a formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other classes. Class Mtlnogers or representatiue$ from the Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes will respond in on appropriate manner. (The challenge may also be issued at the Uniuersity Conuocation prior to Glee Week if deemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee Committee and the Uniuersity Chaplain.) H. Only the Class Managers may ploy or practice closs songs prior to the Mondtly of Glee Week. I. Glee practices sholl begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee Night. R schedule of practices will be arranged by the Ouerall Managers and opproued by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week. During practice sessions, the following regulations shall be in e(fect: 1) No alcohol will be allowed at any formal Glee practice or rehearsal. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups of more than four persons in the same room, at the same time, eHcept during assigned practice hours. 3) No marching will be ollowed on the circular stairway in the U.C. 4) Rny closs may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time will be allowed. 5) The Freshman class shall be allowed one additional practice session during Glee Week and one marching practice of up to two hours " ( the w.eekend Immediately preceeding Glee Week. (During the practice before Glee Week, the Freshman shall not practice their song or speciflc formations.) 6) Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the Ouerall Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee will be strictly enforced on the Saturday morning of freshman Glee. Rny closs arriuing late will lose that portion of its time in Cone field House. Rny closs eHceeding its time will be penalized ot the discretion of the Freshman Glee Committee, prouided a formal complaint is registered. 7) EHcluding dress rehearsal, only appointed Clau Managers and the Oueroll Managers may uisit closs practices, other than their own, for a period of more than flue minutes. 8) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist the Freshman with their marching. Rdecision 0$ to the dote and time of Senior Skits sholl be mode no later than the Monday before Glee Week. 9) Raids are allowed as long as they stay within the limits of all Glee rules and regulations and are in good taste. They will lost no longer than flue minutes. U. FRESHMRN GLEE NIGHT REGULRTIONS R. Only the following caots will be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-irst (these may uary in color and design) 2) Dark b nts or Jeans 3) Socks and other "essentials" The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted B. Only seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Weor hots or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse ond MRRCH to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. (Only liue music may be used during entries.) '> D. The Senior Closs, by virtue of their longevity, may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maKimum of fifteen minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved In heckling. E. Only the piano may be used to accompany the classes during the closs presentation. F. No verbal or visual cues may -be given during the final performance. .. G. No hand or body movements, Including torso, will be allowed du.ring the final performance, other than the marching itself. No vocalization is allowed during marching. Hand clops are limited to one per formation. H. Heckling and the use of water (or any like substances) are eHpreS~y prohibited during the entrances of all classes or the performances, formations,~ songs. I. During the marching and rendition of closs songs, all classes eHcept the senior closs must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other closs during the performance. 011 classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. ­J. The score and the lyrics must be performed on Glee night the some as it was turned in for pre-judging. K. Introductions to each closs performance will be gilJen by the respective Class Managers. Every class will turn in a coPy of their speech at the time of the Saturday dress rehearsal, that will be read to the Judges prior to the Glee performance. L. Marching shall be continuous during the performance and defined as alternating mOlJement of the feet; there sholl be no stopping of the feet eHcept at the end of a formation. M. For the purpose of encouraging unity in Glee, solos sholl not be allowed in the closs songs. No fewer than five people shall be allowed to sing anyone part at any one time during the song presentation. I f there is any question as to the definition of a solo in a specific song, it shall be referred to the Overall Glee Managers. N. It Is requested that each closs performance lost no longer than a total of fifteen minutes with the eKception of the Senior Closs, who are requested to keep their performance under twenty minutes. VI. RULE INFRRCTIONS R. The Freshman Glee Committee will review all-(;omploints with regard to rule infractions and determine penalties, if any. In the case of tI tie lJote, the Overall Managers will cast the deciding vote. B. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee sholl represent their class in the compilation of final points and the possible assessments of penalty pOints in the event of an infraction. UII. BLUE MONDAY The Monday following Freshman Glee shall be designated "Blue Monday," during which beb will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, eHcept 11 :20 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11 :20 am on the nea.t Thursday. B. The class placing fourt~Jee shall walle the Mill Stream from Sparles Center to the University Center duri'n-gihe t 1:00 am hour. c. Bets infS.ving members of the faculty. administration, or clerical support staf.f are eHpr se ly prohibited. faculty members may, however, permit the use of port of the cia om time for the paying of bets. Since this Is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought In advance. D. Beb between two people Invol~ a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties conce~ , E. Bets that might inlJolve property d~age, personal injury, or violation of state, federal, or municipal law are eHpre~edlY prohibited. :~. f. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or iOl,ollJe eHcessive use of alcohol are eHpre~sed(y prohibited. ~....// JUDGING CRITERIA A. All Glee jUdges must be at least fiue year alumni. B. There will be a totol of four judges in the Song Cotegory. These four judges will be sent the music, lyrics. ond eHplonotion of the song one month prellious to 6lee. They will judge on music ond lyrics at this time. The same four judges will judge song presentation on the night of 6lee. I. Song Cotegory-50% of t1ltal in two ports: 1 )Music and lyrics-20% -quolity of lyrics, quality of music, adoptation of lyrics to music, ond odheronce to theme. 2) Song Presentotion-30% -rendition, eHpression, dittion, and tone quality. II. Morthing Cotegory-50% of totol in two parts: 1)Formotions-25% -difficulty. lIisuol impoct, ond odherence to theme 2) Morching Performance-25% . -occurocy, precision, ond technicolities r .'" ~ , .".~ 1992 FRESHMAN GLEE COMMITTEE RULE CHANGES ..,.{''''''.'''\ On rMrac~ 31, 1992, the 1992 Freshman Glee Committee passed the following rule changes/ \.",'-,-,/~ An explanation of the song, the score, and the song lyrics are all required to be handed in at the\time of the song recordings. Raids will only last 5 minutes. There will be a total of four judges in the song category. These four judges will be sent the music, lyrics, and an explanation of the song one month previous to Glee. They will judge the music and lyrics category at this time. The same four judges will judge the song presentation category on the night of Glee. The score and lyrics must be performed on Glee night the same as turned in for pre-judging. The time limit on the introductions by the class managers was removed. 1992 FRESHMAN GLEE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS On March 31, 1992, the 1992 Freshman Glee Committee made the following recommendations to the 1993 Freshman Glee Committee: Sub-theme: "Bye, bye Buzz" A historical explanation of Glee is recommended at the beginning of the year so the Overall and Freshman Class managers can get some ideas. Keep the meetings confidential. FRESHMAN GLEE RULES AND REGULAT IONS Freshman G 1 ee is one of the 01 dest traditions on the Wi 11 amette campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The fo ]lowing rules and regu 1 ations are approved herew ith by the Freshman G 1 ee Overall Managers in conjunction witll the Freshman Glee mmittee. I. THEME Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee would rotate according to four general themes. These themes are: Fight (1992), Novelty (1993), Alma Mater (1994), and Serenade (1995). During a four year period, each class will have had an opportunity to compete in each tr'leme. II. FRESHI'1AN GLEE DATE Freshman Glee will be held the evening of a urday prior to and in the same month as the beginning of Spring Vacation. III. ELIGIBILITY Only stude s currently enrolled at Willamette University or the Tokyo International University of America will be eligible to partiCipate in Freshman Glee. Other el igibility problems shall be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee. IV. APPO I NTMENTS AND PROCEDURES r' A. The Sena of the Assoc ated Students of Wi 11 amette University (ASWU) will appoi nt the Freshm an Glee Overall Managers based on a recommendation from t ASWU Elections Committee. Freshman students interested in the positions may apply in groups for consideration. The Overa11 Glee Managers w j 11 be appOinted pri or to October 1 B. The Freshm an Glee avera11 Managers will estab1ish a Freshm an Glee Commit e composed of the Class Managers from each class, having applied as a group and elected by their respective classes. Each class wi11 exerc ise one vote on beha If of their class in comm ittee deci sions andI or recommendatio'!s w re a vo is required. The Overall Managers will not have a vote. This committee will review Freshman Glee rules, assist the avera11 Managers in arrangi ng practi ce schedul es and other organ izati ona 1 tasks. It wil1 also revie'vv all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any, C. In the unpredicted absence or resignation of class manager(s), it is the discretion of the remaining class managers to appoint a rep1acement. D, The Class 'v'anagers win act as the overall class organizers for tneir class, seeing that all deadlines are met, rules complied with, etc. It is suggested trlat the managers from each class divi de the f 011 oW'i ng responsibilities appropriately. 1. Song Writer(s): Composes original words and music appropriate to the Freshman Glee theme and song format. 2, Teaches the class song to those m em bers of the class partic pating in Fre man Glee, 3. Plans the formations (a maximum of three for each class, although the Fres an shall not be penalized for perform ing on ly tIN 0) and transi t ions, a marchi ng to and from the seats. 4. March Leader(s ): Coordi nates practices of marching and formations. 5, Accom Dan i st(s): Provi des pi ana accompani ment duri ng practices and the performance of Glee night song and formations. Anyone person of the class may fill more than one of these positions. E, Music, lyrics, and an explanation of the song are due in the Office of Student t vi ties (Un ivers i ty n ) no 1 ater than the date set by the Overa 11 Managers (suggested date is one month b ore the Glee perforrrance). Subject to the d'scretion of the Glee Commit e, there will be a penalty of up to four pain from the final point total for any class that does not meet this deadline, F. By the Friday night Glee Week, it shall be at the discretion of the Cl ass Managers if a partici pant from their class who has not been present at one half of the total practices shall participate on Glee night, G, At a special assembly to be h ld on the Sunday beginning Glee Week, the Freshm an C1 ass Managers or representatives wi 11 issue a form a 1 Fresrlman Glee Cha 11 enge to the other classes, Cl ass Managers or representatives from the Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes will re ond in an oropri e manner. (The cha 11 enge maya1 so be issued at the University Convocation prior to Glee Week if deemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee Comm i ttee and the University Chap I ai nJ H. Only the Class Managers may play or practice class songs prior to the Monday of Glee Week. I. Glee practices shall begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee Night. A schedul e of practices will be arranged by the avera11 Managers and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week. During pra ice sessions, the following regulations shall be in effect: 1. ~~o alco I will be allowed at any formal Glee practice or rehearsal. 2. No playing or practicing of class songs or marching form at j ons may be done by groups of more than four persons in the sam e room, at the same time, except during aSSigned practice hours. 3. No marching will be allowed on the circular stairway in the University Center. 4. Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time w"ill be allowed. 5. The Freshm an class sha 11 be a11 owed one additi ona I pract ice session during Glee Week and one marching practice of up to two hours the weekend immediately prec ing Glee k. (During the practice fore Glee Week, the Freshman srlall not practice their song or specific format ions,) 6. Dress rehearsaI hours as planned by the avera11 Managers and the Freshm an Glee Com mi ttee w ill be strictly enforced on the Saturday morning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late wil1 lose that portion of its time in Cone Field House. Any class exceeding its time will be pen a 1 i zed at the d i scret ion of the Freshm an Glee Com m i ttee, prov i ded a formal complaint is gistered. 7. Exc 1 udi ng dress rehearsa' J only appo i nted C I ass Managers and the Overall Managers may visit class practices, other than their own, f or a peri od of more than f ve minutes. 8. Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of Glee pract ices to plan and pract i ce Sen ior Sk its or to ass ist the Freshman with their marching. A decision as to the date and time of Senior Skits sha 11 be made no Iater than the Monday fore Glee Week. g, Raids are allowed as long as they stay within the limits of all Glee rules a regu1ations and are in good taste. Triey will last no longer than five llinutes. V. FRESHMAN GLEE NIGHT REGULATIONS A. Only the following clothes will be worn during the final perform ance: 1. G 1 e e t -s hi r t s ( t hes e may vary inc0 lor and des i g n ) 2. Dark blue pants or jeans 3. Socks and other "essentials" The use of button stick pins, r'lbbons, etc., is not perm itted. B. Only seniors will be allowed to: 1. Use U',e center steps to the stage 2. Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes w ill enter the Fi e 1 d House and MARCH to the ir sea ts in the fol1ow'l ng orde~: Fre man, Sophomores, Juni ors. Only 1 ive musi c may be used during entrjes D. The Senior class, by v'irtue of their longevity, may enter the Field House in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of fifteen minutes present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heck'ie the other classes. No other class may be involved in heck 1 ing. E. Only the piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation F. No verbal or visual cues may be given during the final perform ance. G. I\Jo hand or body movements, including torso, will be allowed during the final performance, other than the marching itself. No vocalization is allowed during marching. Hand claps are limited to one per formation. H. Heck 1 i ng 2nd the use of water (or any like substances) are express ly aroh i b i ted duri ng the entrances of all classes or the perform ances, form at ions, and songs. I. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the senior class mu remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J. The scol~e and the lyrics must be performed on Glee night the same as it was turned in for pre judging. K. Introductions to each class performance wi 11 be given by the respective Cl ass Vanagers, ery class wi 11 turn ina copy of the ir speech at the time of the Saturday dress rehearsa1, that w ill be read to the judges prior to the Glee performance, L. Marching shall be continuous during the performance and defined as alternating movement of the feet; there shall be no stopping of the feet except at the end of a formation, M. For the purpose of encourag i ng unity in g1ee, so 1as sha 11 not be a11 owed in the cIass songs, No fewer than five peop1e sha 11 be a 11 owed to sing anyone part of anyone time during the song presentation. If there is any question as to the definition of a solo in a specific song, it shall be referred to the Overa11 Glee Managers. N. I t is requested that each class performance last no longer than a total of fifteen minutes with the exception of the Senior Class, who are requested to keep Uiei r perform ance under twenty m i nu s. VI. RULE INFRACT IONS A. The Freshman Glee COi1nlittee will review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and determine penalties, if any. In the case of a tie va ,the Overa11 Managers w ill cast the deci di ng vote. B. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall re sent their class in the compilation of final jnts and the possible assessments of penalty paints in the event of an infraction. VII. BLUE MONDAY The Monday f 011 ow i ng Fre man Glee sha 11 be desi gnated "61 ue Monday J" during which bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, with the exception of 11 :20am classes which wi 1 be rescheduled for 11 :20am on the next Thursday. B. The class placing fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center ring the 1 1 :OOam hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty, administration, or c 1 eri ca 1 support staff are expressly proh i bi ted. Facu lty members may, however, rmit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, un 1 ess consented to by a 11 parties concerned, E. Bets that m ght j nvo ve property dam age, persona 1 i nj ury, or violation of state, der2l, or munic:pal law are expressly prohibited. F. ts that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol are expressly prohibited, CONFIRMATION OF FACILITIES USE --(confirmed 2/23/93) Date Building Room Start End Event Set-Up Tem Feb Fine Arts Geist Recital 6:00pm 10:00 pm Freshman Glee 15, Hall (231W) Recording Session 1993 Feb Fine Arts Geist Recital 6:00 pm 10:00 pm Freshman Glee 17, Hall (231W) Recording Session 1993 Mar 7, Sparks Cone Field 8:00am 5:00pm Glee Set-up 1993 Center House 8:30pm 10:30 pm Freshman Class Glee Practice Mar 8, Sparks Cone Field 5:00am 11:00 pm Glee Practices 4:45 am 11:15 pm 1993 Center House University Alumni 12:20 pm 9:00 pm Glee Practices 8:00 am 11:00 pm Center Lounge Dining 12:20 pm 9:00pm Glee Practices 8:00am 11:00 pm Room 1 &2 Mar 9, Sparks Cone Field 5:00 am 11:00pm Glee Practices 4:45 am 11:15pm 1993 Center House University Alumni 12:20 pm 9:00pm Glee Practices 8:00am 11:00pm Center Lounge Dining 12:20 pm 9:00 pm Glee Practices 8:00am 11:00 pm Room 1 &2 Mar Sparks Cone Field 5:00am 11:00pm Glee Practices 4:45 am 11:15 pm10, Center House 1993 University Alumni 12:20 pm 9:00pm Glee Practices 8:00am 11:00 pm Center Lounge Dining 12:20 pm 9:00pm Glee Practices 8:00am 11:00 pm Room 1&2 Mar Sparks Cone Field 5:00am 1 1:00pm Glee Practices 4:45 am 11:15pm 11, Center House 1993 University Alumni 12:20 pm 9:00pm Glee Practices 8:00am 11:00 pm Center Lounge 1992 FRESHMAN GLEE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS On March 31, 1992, the 1992 Freshman Glee Committee passed the follow'ing changes in rules: An exp 1 an at ion of the song, the scoreJ and t song 1yrics are all requi red to be handed in at the time of the song recordi ngs. ~aids will only last five (5) minutes. ,here will be a tota1 of four jUdges in the song category. These four jUdges will be sent the mus ic, lyri cs, and an exp 1 anati on of the song one month previous to Glee. They will jUdge the music and lyrics egory at this time. The same four judges will judge the song presentation category on the night of Glee. The score and lyri cs must be perfarm on Glee night the sam e as turned in for pre juoging, The ti mel i:li it on the introductions by the class managers was removed, 1992 FRESHMAN GLEE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDAT IONS On March 31, 1992, the 1992 Freshm an Glee Comm ittee made the following recommendations to t 1993 Freshman Glee Committee. Sub thelle:" e, bye A historical eX;J anation of Glee is recommended at the begi nn ing of the year so the avera11 and Freshman Class managers can t some ideas. Keep t e meetings confidential. Glee 1993 To: Class managers From: Overalls Date: 2/8/93 Hi everyone! The night we've all been waiting for is approaching rapidly, and the first deadline is almost here. We hope that all of you are as thrilled as we are about the upcoming event! The next Glee Committee meeting is going to be on Wednesday evening, the tenth, at 8:30 in the SOC. We're going to be talking about a lot of important stuff, so we need some input. If you've got any suggestions or anything to add to the agenda, contact us anytime. So keep this note 80 you have aU of our phone numbers. S~ you soon! Heather Beebe #6938 box 0232 Stephanie Hamrick #6970 box F132 Lisa Pennington #6.516 box G119 Ken Ray #6570 box F354 Willie Smith #3237 box B276 Tye Stallard #3230 box Cl25 GLEE COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA December 7, 1992 I-Welcome and Introduction/Icebreaker --Ken LWCirculate Form for Spring Schedules, Box Numbers, Phone Numbers --Heather ",.What We Want to do with Glee --Ken -Sub-Theme: 'tIn the Real World ... " --Lisa -Chat about Rules --Stephanie -Nominate Class Rep. to Serve as Liaison to Overalls --Tye -TIUA Involvement --Willie -Practice Schedules --Tye -Scott's Time --Scott Greenwood -Question-and-Answer Period --Willie -Meet with Senior Class Managers at End of Meeting --Heather 1993 OVERALL GLEE MANAGERS HOME ADDRESSES Heather Beebe Ken Ray 1400 32nd Avenue SE 7924 SE 35th Avenue Albany, OR 97321 Portland, OR 97202 967-7716 775-1016 Stephanie Han1rick Willie Smith 19605 SE River Road, No. 19 3718 La Branch SE Gladstone, OR 97027 Salem, OR 97301 650-8529 585-9042 Lisa Pennington Tye Stallard 490 Dartmoor Drive 2038 Jordan I-lill Way Eugene, OR 97401 Gold River, CA 95670 344-9328 (916) 852-6026 Scott Greenwood 650 Bliler Ave NE Salem, OR 97303 364-0577 (home) 370-6463 (Student Activities) 370-6340 (University Relations) GLEE ELECT ION T I HEll NE OVERALL MANAGERS Monday, November 9 Monday, November 16 Wednesday, November 18 Thursday, Novem ber 1 9 CLASS MANAGERS Fri day) November 20 Friday, November 30 Wednesday, December 2 and Thursday, Decem ber 3 Thursday, Decem ber 3 -Informational m ing,7pm, Autzen Senate Chamber am applications available -Team applications due by 5pm in the A5WU office ignup for in t e rvie w time -E1 ections Board i ntervi ews 7-9:30pm J Harri son Conference Room Announcem ent of se 1 ection duri ng Senate meeting, 6:30pm, Alumni Lounge lass manager app 1 i cations available, lOam Class manager app 1 i cations due 5pm Campaigning begins m -Voting 1 Gam 3pm, Lower Lobby Announcem ent of winners, Senate meeti ng, 6:30pm, Alumni Lounge GLEE ELECTION TIMELINE OVERALL MANAGERS Monday, November 9th Monday, November 16th Wednesday, November 18th Thursday , November 19th CLASS MANAGERS Friday, November 20th Friday, November 30th Wednesday, December 2nd & Thursday, December 3rd Thursday, December 3rd Informational meeting, 7pm, Autzen Senate Chambers Team applications available Team applications due by Spm in the ASWU office Sign up for interview time Elections Board Interviews, 7-9:30pm, Harrison Conf. Room Announcement of selection during Senate meeting, 6:30pm, Alumni Lounge Class manager applications available, lOam Class manager applications due, Spm Campaigning begins, Spm Voting, lOam -3pm, Mailroom Announcement of winners, Senate meeting, 6:30pm, Alumni Lounge Recommendations (cont'd) * Don't do the sing language unless someone in the audience will directly benefit from it -too much of a hassle -maybe invite the deaf school though to increase attendance and get the rest of the Salem communityinvolved ~.! Organized activities where the class managers will have to , V-· do stuff together (suggested by a class manager..think about it, but don't do it if it is any inconvenience... ) 7 J£g;;~gf~'" .. "d~~'c;:rbethe f'ormations ,~br have a diagram for t G'-better audience-understanding '"-' . .. . " * More publicity -announcements about Glee * Recommendation to ASWU about THEM advertising Recommendations by the Overall Managers, 1993 To the Overall Managers, Whenever * Hopefully you've been appointed before Halloween, if not, get moving NOW!!! * Make sure the backdrop doesn't need mended, cleaned whatever asap..•it'll be a pain 1ater if it does -: check with Tony Noble about this one... ~ _ "-'-:'':{i_:-~{t'~_tz~~_~_:Tf}~~~':~S~~·:?~~~''Jt,.,;,,,_~, , " .. .. j ,'* DC? ,need _the 'grand piano. ready o~ the friday before ~lee ~ " . , '+­* Confirm-all the work .ordersI especially, c~l1.ose. wJ:lic=h go to j ~-"". maintenance '';''~4Jhey', re J?AS~,' peop,le, but:. you won It .think so }\Then they don' t dell.v~_~q"tl_;-,.£~a~l.rsJ~l,le day;yoll ~~t;d.~t_l?:~~ ~,. :­* Gets lots of work crews for set-up and take down -suggest doing so in February and rechecking in March -Sigma Chi is really helpful about these things * Maintain separate accounts (monetary that is) for each class * Make sure not to step in on the class managers boundaries ­it r s the whole territory thingI and the~:~'ll be your worst nightmare if you go over them on something you have no real authority on * Talk with Scott about the recording session rules to make sure you understand them clearly * Be realistic Recommendations cont'd (again.... ) \ ~~:~'!IrlEely·y;rpoR]5if;Q-the.!ft1l~s~:~o;r:~"~iho ~~"t;~.~thesong I ~'4:£'?f;;i:'0':-,:-,~"'>' "" , '.;.,.,.""c''"'"7-'. -'>-••-'.-";r~:l/~'-·_;::.''7<::;:::,~''''~'! f2-;~b£b.angeany~~~iL~~ the FIRST•.. f z. ~,t:~;;.~~~·,~~~~~g~~ ~~;*-=Pi:nd ."someoneE?at;J,;~<t:o ,present .1;ll,~_,:bannerI 'i' or at least make yY\~sufe4"that",iit':~li£s'W:been' taken'"ca:re~of. .:. * Always have back-ups for judges ~~Talk to Betty Starr Anderson about singing the alma mater ,~ Find a different place besides Matthews Lounge for marching practice -do this before Christmas, because it will be difficult * Publicity is extremely important -use the Collegian, Willamette Scene, etc. * Make sure it is known that students get in for free fl\",~,;k,i;Q.z$cott Gr~,~I,:l~£od about using the Scene, and notifying :~l,:~~(:ulty, staff, etc * Make a UC banner to publicize ., * Do nice things for your advisors & BE NICE TO THEM!!!! * be relaxed ~",~emember'its'F'freslifuen'glee; not senior, junior, or sophomore J,,~.g-!eie:. . *111oh't reinvent the 'wheel, but als'o'don't be afraid to '~.'.In~ove'''''·'Qron'''--e>f''~ia.d . ,'::1:''&'' , l:' I . 0 ~ * Maybe don't have honored guests t:::aoii't beafraicf'to"''9all us, or to tell us to shut up and go''''''away either, because we will talk your ear off when asked about Glee ';""~~E;;,;~~~ends ..:wit;:.hj;.ciott. Green,?,og?-,end;1i7:ony .:No:t:>*~,.the day you ~te~'·appointed~:!tn. will be your rink to life for the' next '''~''5'''mbnths .'< .~.' -. .... GLEE NIGHT SCRIPT Willie -It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to Willamette University's 85th Annual Freshman Glee. This year's theme is "Noveltyll, with the sub-theme "In the Real World ... II to remind us all that although we tend to get caught up in our lives here at Willamette, there is also an outside world which we ought to consider a little more. We would now like to introduce to you the classes who make Glee what it is: The Freshman Class of 19961!! [Freshmen Enter] Lisa -The Sophomore Class of 1995!!1 [Sophomores Enter] Ken -The Junior Class of 1994!!1 [Juniors Enter] Stephanie -And now, ladies and gentlemen, the Senior Class of 1993! ! ! [Seniors Enter and perform Farewell Rendition] Tye -We have some special guests in our audience tonight. Please help us welcome our honored guests from the class 1988, the Secretary of the democratic PartyI Mr. Marc Overbeck, and from the class of 1962 1 the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Oregon, the Honorable Wallace Carson. Heather -We' would like to take this opportunity to recognize some of the people who made this year's Glee possible. Our thanks go to Tony Noble, Jim Booth, Erica Scheller, who helped us immensely by signing tonight i s performance, and the class managers who worked so hard. We would l Heather (cont'd) -especially like to thank our advisor and friend, Scott Greenwood. [Lisa and Heather rise and begin walking toward wherever Buzz is sitting. The spotlight will be following them, but another will be on the speaker.] Willie -Each year, Glee is dedicated to someone who exemplifies the spirit of Glee. We are proud to dedicate this year's Freshman Glee to a man who has embodied the spirit and ideas of this tradition since 1972, Richard A. "Buzz" Yocum. Ken -Buzz, a 1949 Willamette graduate, has worked for the university since 1957, during which time he has served in various capacities including his present position as Executive Assistant to the president and Director of International Education. Stephanie -A participant on Glee during his own college days, he has been a vital source of help in organizing successful Glees tear after year. involvement in Glee goes far beyond his yearly appearance as the presenter of the illustrious Glee banner, as anyone involved in the production of this event knows. Tye -His unofficial guidance and advice has been invaluable, not only to Glee '93 I but to numerous Glees from years past. His enthusiasm and encouragement will be greatly missed after his retirement this year. Ladies and gentlemen, please join us in recognizing Buzz Yocum. [Buzz will undoubtedly give a speech] Stephanie -At this time, we would like to invite from the freshman class, from the sophomore class, from the junior class, and from the senior class to lead us in singing the alma mater. Willie -The classes have prepared songs and marching routines based on this year's theme and sub-theme. They have had only this week to prepare the performances you are about to see. These dedicated students have practiced three to four times a day from as early as 5 in the morning, to 11:45 at night. Their hard wok culminates tonight, not only in performing their routines for you, the audience, but also for the judges as well. We would like to introduce you to this year 1 s Glee judges: [read from a separate sheet with judges names listed] Heather -Our judges will be rating each class in four major areas: music and lyrics, song presentation, marching formation, and marching performance. The class earning the most points will be awarded the Glee banner at the end of the evening, while the class placing last will be marching down the Mill Stream next Monday -Blue Monday. And now ...please welcome, in their final performance, the class of 199311! [Managers presentation, then class performance] ~.isa The class of 1994!!! t..:)-V\\lie.,.; [Managers presentation, then class performance] Ken -The class of 1995!11 [Managers presentation, then class performance] Tye -The class of 19961!! (Managers presentation, then class performance] Willie -Let's have another round of applause for all the classes. We have compiled a slide show of the past week of Glee practices, so while we tally the results, sit back, relax, and enjoy! [Intermission, tallying, etc.] [After cuing Scott, or Buzz, or Drew for lights.. ] Lisa -For his final appearance, please welcome Buzz Yocum to present the Glee Banner! [We hold banner while Buzz talks, then when we are rushed, drop it and run!] "QUITE ANNOYING" Di, Walter, Chris M., John, Maura, Trina, Marci Scene: semi-circle of chairs, each member has a Bible **singing Kum-Ba-Yah** (enter Di) Excuse me, is this the Koinonoia meeting? (John) No, that's next door. This is Quite Annoying. (Di) Oh. Um ... ok, thanks. (Marci) Brothers and sisters, I'm so glad you could make it to the meeting tonight. Wasn't that a lovely song we just sang? Before we get to the confessionals and scripture reading, does anyone have any announcements? (Trina) I just saw the latest figures from the Chaplain's Office, and it looks like our numbers on campus are growing! We're going to have to rename the "God Quad" because there are simply far too many of us now! (ohs and ahs) (Marci) Any other announcements? Ok. I have one. Our very own Eric Wright and Julie Webster have just been named as Awards co-Chairs. (Congratulate them; John does his Eric face) They're going to start a new tradition this year. (John) Yes, we're going to have the Jim and Tammy Faye Baker Lifetime Achievement award. We'd like to get some nominations from the group to take back to the committee. Does anyone have any suggestions? (Walter) How about Dan Ryker? (Maura) Amy Seawell? (Marci) Lesil McGuire? (John) Um . . . good thought, but why don't we stick· with Dan & Amy. (Marci) Any other announcements? You know, Eric & Julie, why don't you start thinking now about being in charge of . Senior Skits in two ye~s? We definitely need a change (Walter) This is a Methodist university, after all. I think we should take steps. We could all boycott the activities or something. (Chris wanders offstage) (John) (turns to Walter) You dumbshit. Like that would work. (Trina) (thumps John with her Bible) What in the hell, Eric. Have some manners. Would Jesus act that way? (Walter) God damn it, would you two quit bitching at each other! (Maura) (thumps Marci with her Bible) Shit. started! All hell's breaking loose! Look what you've (Marci) (thumps John with her Bible) you. Let's get back on task. Jesus! Knock it off, would (at this point, the shit has hit the fan. Bible thumping is running rampant. People need to be yelling "quit thumping me with your Bible" and so on. Finally ... ) (Marci) (throwing her Bible to the floor) Well, hell. Let's just go to the RAM and have a few beers. (everyone throws their Bibles on the floor and walks offstage) FRESHMAN GLEE: Glee Night Regulations YEAR: 1993 The following Glee Night regulations are part of the 1993 Freshman Glee Rules and Regulations unanimously approved by this year's Glee Committee: A. Only the following clothes will be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee t-shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks and other "essentials· The use of buttons, stickers. pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and MARCH to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores. Juniors. (Only live music may be used during entries.) D. The Senior class, by virture of their longevity. may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of fifteen minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in heckling. E. Only the piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. F. No verbal or visual cues may be given during the final performance. G. No hand or body movements, including torso, will be allowed during the final performance. otherithan the marching itself. No vocalization is allowed during marching. Hand slaps are limited to one per formation. H. Heckling and the use of water (or any like substances) are expressedly prohibited during the entrances of all classes or the performances, formations, and songs. I. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J. Classes must perform the song turned in for judging. K. Introductions to each class performance as organized by the respective Class Managers shall not exceed three minutes and flagrant infractions may result in a loss of paints. Every class will turn in a copy of their speech that will be read to the judges prior to the Glee performance at the time of the Saturday dress rehearsal. L. Marching shall be continuous during the performance and defined as alternating movement of the feet; there shall be no stopping of the feet except at then end of a formation. M. For the purpose of encouraging unity in Glee, solos shall not be allowed in the class songs. No fewer than five people shall be allowed to sing anyone part at anyone time during the song presentation. If there is any question as to the definition of a solo in a specific song, it shall be referred to the Overall Glee Managers. N. It is requested that each class performance last no longer than a total of fifteen minutes with the exception of the Senior class, who are requested to keep their performance under twenty minutes. JUDGING CRITERIA 1. All Glee judges must be at least five year alumni. 2. There will be a tota1 of four jUdges in the song category. These four judges will be sent the music, lyrics, and explanation of the song one month prior to Glee. They will judge on music and lyrics at this time. The same four judges will judge song presentation on the night of Glee. I. Song Category -50% of total in two parts: Music and lyrics -20% -qual ity of lyrics -quality of music -adaptation of lyrics to music -adherence to theme Song Presentation -30% -rendition -expression -diction -tone qua 1 i ty II. Marching Category -50% of total in two parts: Formations -25% -difficulty -visual impact -adherence to theme Marching Performance -25% -accuracy -precision -technicalities GLEE 1993 Rating Sheet Summary Music and Lyrics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth= 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 Marching Performance: First=25 Second=20 t~q.b Third=15 Fourth=10 i ('-icty 45 Sf b9 ~I so PLACEMENT -5 GLEE 19~3 Rating Sheet Surnmary Music and Lyrics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth= 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 Marching Performance: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 PLACEMENT GLEE 19S3 Rating Sheet Summary Music and Lyrics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth= 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: Firsl=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 Marching Performance: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 PLACEMENT 3 GLEE 1993 Rating Sheet Summary Music and lyrics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth"" 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 Marching Performance: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 !5 o PLACEMENT L GLEE 1993 . Rating Sheet Summary Music and Lyrics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth= 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 Marching Performance: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 PLACEMENT GLEE 1993 Rating Sheet Summary Music and Lytics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth= 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 Marching Performance: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 45 ( PLACEMENT I 5 FRESHMAN GLEE: Song Presentation Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1993 Judge #J:.!. RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following category: • Vocal Rendition Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 5(high) in the following categories: +Tone Quality +Diction +Expression Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World Vocal Tone Total Class Rendition Quality Diction Expression Points Senior /a ).3 ~==~--~--4-~-+--~-r~---j~O XL ~H-e-Sh~m-e-n~--------~~-4--~~--~--~~-t-t--------1 l7 . (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. We hope you enjoyed your experience! FRESHMAN GLEE: Song Presentation Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1993 Judge #_' RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following category: +Vocal Rendition Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 5(high) in the following categories: +Tone Quality +Diction +Expression Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World F--=--------r------~------~--~----+_--------,_-----------~\ Vocal Tone Total Class Renditioo Quality Diction Expression Points _ ~~DIAI\-f>A-+ '\ Senior 1 ~. .. 'r D ), 11 l\ _5 E: J 4 "Junior 8 1-\ y 1+4f ~() . (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. ance in ur annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! FRESHMAN GLEE: Song Presentation Official Ballot YEAR: 1993 Judge #~ RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following category: +Vocal Rendition Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 5(high) in the following categories: +Tone Quality +Diction + Expression Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World Vocal Tone Tatal Class Rendition Quality Diction Expression Paints Senior 6 5 3 ; ~~\::t/ '1 l~ "Junior :---­3 '3 ­.._.. ­:: iopnomore .­£) '3 ..3 ~ Freshmen ­9 S 4 Ll ­. (Any explanatory comments may be wnffen on the reverse side of thl~ ballot.) "\ ,r Sat;JlC?~,\ -::-, ~-r-C1ln-r ~~~'\.d.\.~y ;:C-R-VC::>IVlq pr~((cuvd~)dur1l\\\ \lov¢l RexI-t:)I 41ON , A \.::zo KAZOOS, After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! ~ t " WAwk \(ou ? i FRESHMAN GLEE: Formations Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1993 Judge #_1 RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: ..Difficulty ..Visual Impact ..Adherance to Theme Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World Visual Adherance Total Class Difficulty Impact to Theme Points Senior r 7 7 "2-3 .'JlJnlor 1 CC ~ '--'t !~opnomore 1 'f 1 2J<!' IJ-resnmen 7 T ? 2-3...... (Anyexplanatol) comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! f!~~ Judge's Signature FRESHMAN GLEE: Formations Official Ballot YEAR: 19j.3 Judge #_;,L RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: • Difficulty • Visual Impact • Adherance to Theme Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World Visual Adherance Total Class Difficulty Impact to Theme Points .' Senior ~ & 1­I) ["Junior 7 ; 1 }-~ I~opnomore \l-resnmen i .c\ <1, ~ 1 ~ 2J ,L2~ ~ '(Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below. place this form in the envelope provided and give to your hosUhostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you lor your asSista~~;reShmanGlee. We hope you enjoyed your experiencel FRESHMAN GLEE: Formations Official Ballot YEAR: 1993 Judge #~ RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: +Difficulty +Visual Impact +Adherance to Theme Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World Visual Adherance Total Class Difficulty Impact to Theme Points Senior ~ q lO ~l ~untor Cj b (3 2.S ~opnomore Jk; Cj q' ( it-resnmen 1 1 ~Y ~ (Anyexplanatorj comments may be written on the reverse side of this 'ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! FRESHMAN GLEE: Marching Performance Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1993 Judge #d.. RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: • Accuracy·uniformity of Ones and movement • Precision·precise pivots, turns and unison marching • Technicalities·standing and sitting in unison, moving on and off riser, moving between risers Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World , Total Class Accuracy Precision Technicalities Points Senior \ /0 /,0 /C> ~o% emI-I Junior Sophomore Freshmen I .,... '" I '9 g J>.~~~~, T 9 I : .f.­I~ q I I /0 t '1 :;-t .1s-' ,::Jt, I '-An ex Janato comments ma be written dn the reverse. Side of, this ballot. f~~~ y ~~~)~~~,~ .. -/'~ )~~~~ ~~~ .:~:J:-~~r ~ ~rlcompletingthis ballot, please sign below, place this forrrCM tb envelop~iveto your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! FRESHMAN GLEE: Marching Performance Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1993 Judge # 3 RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: • Accuracy-uniformity of nnes and movement • Precision-precise pivots, turns and unison marching • Technicalities-standing and sitting in unison, moving on and off riser, moving between risers Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World , Total Class Accuracy Precision Technicalities Points Senior i 71 e & &~ Junior l'J 1 1 Z-L Sophomore r ) I I '6 I 7 L"Z­... ~~.c~ ~ Freshmen ~ I ~1 I J &:/ ~Z, (Any explanatory comments may be wfltten on the reverse side of thiS ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! Judg~'S Signature FRESHMAN, GLEE: Marching Performance Official Ballot YEAR: 1993 Judge #_ RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: +Accuracy-uniformity of lines and movement +Precision-precise pivots, turns and unison marching +Technicalities-standing and sitting in unison, moving on and off riser, moving between risers Please complete the chart below according to the ratings In each category. This year's Glee theme is: Novelty: In The Real World Total Class Accuracy Precision Technicalities Points ,-<6 ~.<6 Senior '6 2f I ("> I/)tf..., . Junior Cf.t' ~7 ~{ Sophomore 7 S u2 7 Freshmen -~~~'() '/ ,<;> b'FfY u, # ~ b (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ball~ rtfit1 Z ~if/4~:' I~ c1~'r~\f:f~(..t:o After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided arid ~to your hosVhostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! Judge's Signature 3> FRESHMAN GLEE 1993 Words and Music Rules and orricialBa110t Rules: Judging shall be made on: 1. Adaptability of words and music to theme 2. Adaptability of words to the music 3. Quality of the music 4. Quality of the words Mea.sure each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). Scoring: Please complete the following form according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this yearts Freshman Glee is: NOVELTY: IN THE REAL WORLD ... Adaptability Adaptability Quality: Quality: Total Class toth~e Words to MuSic Words Music Points Senior B '1 7 11 ~L b 7 Junior 8 .e I!) 3/ Sophomore 0 I> 9 9 9 ~~ Freshman 7 8 ~ S .L~ (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this baUot) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the self-addressed stamped envelope, and mail as soon as possible, preferably by March 3. Thank you for you assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the first half of your Glee judging, and we look forward to seeing you on March 13. Judge's Signature:~ ..~ . ~t!,~ I FRESHMAN GLEE 1993 Words and Music Rules and Official Ballot Rules: Judging shall be made on: 1. Adaptability of words and music to theme 2. Adaptability of words to the music 3. Quality of the music 4. Quality of the words Measure each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). Scoring: Please complete the following form according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: NOVELTY: IN THE REAL WORLD ... Adaptability Adaptability Quality: Quality: Total Class toth~e Words to Music Words Music Points Senior /0 9 /D q 38 Junior CJ 1 9 ~ 3a Sophomore 9 g 8 B '3~ Freshman ~ C, Co S QS­( Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the self-addressed stamped envelope, and mail as soon as possible, preferably> by March 3. Thank you for you assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the first half· of your Glee judging, and we look forward to seeing you on March 13. Judgets Signature:· 2. FRESHMAN GLEE 1993 Words and Music Rules and Official Ballot Rules: Judging shall be made on: 1. Adaptability of words and music to theme 2. Adaptability of words to the music 3. Quality of the music 4. Quality of the words Measure each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). Scoring: Please complete the following form according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: NOVELTY: IN THE REAL WORLD ... Adaptability Adaptability Quality: Quality: Total Class Ito theme Words to Music Words Music Points Senior /0 10 )0 /0 40 )( Junior (j Sophomore 9 Freshman 8 7 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the self-addressed stamped envelope, and mail as soon as possible, preferably by March 3. Thank you for you assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the first half· of your Glee judging~ and we look forward to seeing you on March 13. Judge's Signature: fRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTA rnJY'{ RULES-DFFfCfAl BAllor YEAR: i 990 .~_1-.1' __ _ R!Il j:~ 11 be rn80e on (1) \/oc8i tion ~~10 pOints iT,urn'i (,)'I I • ".' '.-J (5 point~; rrn5xirnum), (3) Diction rnm<irnum). In en c ion. L{ _'l )..j ~ 5 -LZ- Junior Cf t.f tf ;)..0 Svphomvre 7 S Lj Fr~stman i 5 L{ /-A?> j1f :" 1"'''••;-; ;~.:_.:_,.'-,.;.,!;::. -l...,,'1,... + ...... '1 .......... ..-........ _.; ,. .' . __ ;. _. .:: Ut-:ill_i!_~l p;\:;1....i;:.::; ::1 pr-O\"1tjEnJ" seal it.. unlj qi\t€ it un:' ' ....'1 '",1.


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