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Glee 1986 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
dc.rightsFor use information see:
dc.titleGlee 1986 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionr;" ! L d es e !~. P .:~ i,-1-' ({ r-i '._" '.J 1:_:1 i I ',J ~ i a a a f t p easure ou al an e 1 , llc 1 _~J I e ~31r~%Cl ,-,' ra see rn 6 ~-, a c· li I '-' , al .j. L ('I -'_4" f ,-.' t .:::J a e 'r-J::-,rl,ud f " a ! '-' ,Ll.. 1i .W........ CV l :,.:.1-. (: }r- ~~~ () r J~."",'" , I ' e,,.-J tl (]r"! hh.A) ,'0.·,."~.'::', rf , , f~ I',"" ~ e e a !..,.) i i , e ~~< (1:1 r'!7 ":;:j n t 0 :::} .... ! L... f,.A !'-•• l ~-' j:~lj pt t'-' e a 1 n '"_if" '-' , ! t 1 .--. ~:; 1 c· <:4 c A f="; ~ C', t- ._! !:"'i -..J ....... I i '..-...,, ;. ... }i i C 2':.:.:.-11 'e--' c,,,.:..:: reh ;,-;;!=:c , .... ~i ___ •. .,J , a A "-'I. 3S:3Ut"'e nil a ~","., C v' ,,_J i ..... h~·-, , I , + u !~. -, !t-·!~ a::; U! I ! 1·i _;~i: :t ;ni r... . a::~ L a ,-, I j ri: li 1 c o_J t a , nas [) ., ...... C \ 1::J ~-.! t ''J' i 1 \a' I ! r'~ 11 j". ;'-', t' t.) ~ , ·t t r·~ rl ::~ , r-. {'-'. ,~ .::::1 ~=; ,~, 1.,.-; ~, "1 u L C \ '-' i_~ ! C, e , . e;~tl b t 1 I! P ''''{ ;."./' ( To: 1985-86 Class Coord1nators From: Glee Managers Subject: Selection of Class Managers December 9, i 985 As you are well aware, spring semester is fast approaching, and with spring comes Freshman Glee. The early planning for Glee has already begun. It is lmperative at this point that the class managers are selected. As in the past, the Class Coordlnato~re responsible for this selection process. The following are some gUl~unes that you will need to follow: 1. You must report the names of your managers to the Student Activities Office and/or the overall managers no later than 8:00 p.m., January 20, 1986. 2. All class members must have equal opprotunlty to apply. This means that you will need to provide for ample advertising and other appropri ate measures. 3. Enclosed 1S an application form. You w1l1 need to see that it is copied.9fi and distributed. If you wish, you may make addltlons to the form as you see fa, keeping in mind the characteristics required of a Class Manager. If you have any questions reguarding the selection process, please feel free to can Evan at x6622. Thank you for your help 1n this endeavor. We look forward to a smooth selection and an outstanding Glee. Evan B. Rice Christine L Duncan Scott A. Eaton me Date: 26 nov. 1 985 To: Freshrnan Glee managers 1986 Fr'eshrnan Glee managers 1 985 Katy Dernory Tony noble Holli Davenport From: Jeannette Pai-Thompson Subject: Glee rneeting Yes; it is that tirne again. Only tTwo short rflonths to rnarch (not counting Decernber--finals don't count in real timet ~Y'lhiclJ. rneans only a few short rnonths to GLEE. I have schedule.ct a rneeting for TuesdaYI Dec. 3, o.t 3:00 pnl in rny office to discuss where '\ve are and where we need to be before Christmas Break. I am asking last year's managers to come and share their experience and advice J and look forward to seeing aU of you then! Please call Katy at x6463 if you won't be able to COITle. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY SALEM, OREGON Of'F'ICE OF" THE TREASURER GLEE SUPPLIES 1986 1 Peavey PA 1000s Board w/cover 2 Peavey Voc Proj PA Cabs wi cover 4 50' spk cords 5 25' mike cords 1 Shure 588SB mike w/holder case 2 Shure SM18 piano mikes wi one case 2 Crown PZH mikes w/primids 2 Atlas mike stands 2 PX18 pwr supplies 2 goose necks 6 1t 2 50' 4-6 feeder cables w/spool 2 100' 12-6 multi cables 1 EDI NPU 4-2 dimmer pac 1 EDI control board 1 100' control cable 1 10' EDI feeder cord 4 100' yellow AC cord 1 60 amp 220V distro box 1 9 ch 250' mike snake Original receipt with list of supplies should be on file in ASvJU office. MAINTENAr\lCE/REPAIR REQUEST Job Order# ___ . ___ ..529.4.._ .•.. __ _ Charge # --______ .. ____ . ________ •.... Location: .-.. -... -.Glee.Ri-se:rs.--.. ------------.. ----..... --------------------------- Emergency 0 Routine~ Prey _ Maint _ 0 Requested by: _. __ .. __ .Elmn _______________ Phone: __ . ___________________________ Tim e: . __ . _________________ . Date: _____ ~ __ ~ .. !2~;? _______ _ Nature of Request: Repair/overhaul - want estirrate. ------ Also make neil backdrop. Use vinyl - estimate ~ -- Ass i gned to: -------------- ---- --~-Y-'Y-f.:;, ----_____________________________________________ -___ --_____________________ Date: ---lil'::".,!-G-=.2.:/::: Material Com pi eted by: ___________ j~ _____________________ . ___ . __ . ___ .. __ ... __ Total Manhours: .. __________ b .. l_'_R Date Completed: 1 , ' (,~\ (\ '\ \ \ ,., "'fAL " ,.; \ ;\ \,'\:" ,t1 \ \ ~~i\",.!'"." .. I,J,\1 J., f Vi ' ")" V 'J' K. C. Humphrey 1124 Nebraska Ct. NE Salem, OR 97301 Cathy Wade Melvin Geist 1155 Waller St. SE Salem, OR 97.302 1577 SW Highland Parkway Portland. OR 9722 1 Presentation Elizabeth Steinberg 1097 Waller st. SE Salem, OR 97302 Dr. Daniel Schulze 2695 Mendel S. Salem, OR 9730 1 Formation Ann Nathan 225 Stark St. N. Salem, OR 97303 Dr. Richard Litchfield 610 Spencer Ct. Eugene, OR 97405 Mrs. Rebecca Warren 7066 HE InTing St. Portland/OR 97213 Sen. L.B. Day PO Box .3046 Salem, OR 97302 i· ... nn Peterson 3750 Augusta National Dr. S. Salem, OR 97302 Col. Gary Lockwood 2270 Dorchester Dr. S. Salem, OR 97302 Date: To: From: marel) 19tH~, •• Freshrnan Glee (:.:)Dlrnittee 1 986 Freshrnan Glee n-lGnagers AS\',lTJ Executi",·re ()fficers RosernarrJ Hart. E,rad'lictor BearelsleT;:J -SChOOnIY1aker Tinl Pierson E,uzz Yocorn Ahrned Ta'yv-lall . Holli Davenport. TonlJ noble Kat9 Dernor:.J Subject: Post-Glee E'laluat.ion TIle 1 Glee is nO\.'.ll)ort of hist.()n:L '.i\-rl·licl-l rfl,eans it is time for the onnuol Post.-Glee E'valuotion. Pleose l)ring lJenJI' C01YlrYlents., sU9gestions one! W.eas to Al1...uYlni Lounge on Thursela~L April 3 ot Z: 1 5 prn. If you are unol::·le to ottencl.. leove TJour \Jlit.h ot x6463. H01=:.e to see yc·u there. 1 vi as I 11 cc: FRESHMAN GLEE .. 1966 RULES and REGULATIONS Freshman Glee is one of the oldest traditions on the W1l1amette University campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The following rules and regulations are approved herewith by the Freshman Glee Co-r1anagers in conjunction with the Freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee wlll vary according to four general musical formats. These themes/formats are: Alma Mater (1986), Serenade (1987), Fight (1988), and Novelty (1989). These formats will continue to rotate on this basis so that during a four-year period each class w1l1 have an opportunity to compete in each format. Freshman 61 ee Dote Freshman Glee v-till be held the evening of the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Yacation (March 8, 1986). Eligi bl1 ity Only students currently enrolled at Willamette University will be eligibl e to participate in Freshman Glee. Other el1gibility questions shaH be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee. Alu!ointments and Procedures A. The Senate of the Associated Students of Willamette University (ASWU) v-till appoint Freshman Glee Co-Managers. Freshman students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The Freshman Glee rlanagers will be appointed prior to October 15. B. The Freshman Glee Co-Managers will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Manager(s) from each class to be appol nted by thei r respecti "Ie C1 ass Councll s. These-Managers (or thei r designated representative) win exercise one vote on behalf of their Freshman G1 ee Rules, 1986 page 2 closs in Committee decislons and/or recommendations to the Glee Co-t1anogers. The Glee Co-Managers will not have a vote. This Committee will review Freshman Glee rules, asssist the Freshman Gl ee Co-Managers in arrang'ing practice schedules, contacting judges, etc. It will also review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and win determine penalties, if any. The Class Manager(s) from the allegedly offending class shall not have a vote in sucrl instances. C. The Class Manager(s) will act as the over-all class organizer for his/her class, seeing that all deadlines are met .. rules complied with, etc. The Class Manager{s) will appoint persons from their respective class to the following positions: 1) Song Writer(s): Composes original words and music eppropriete to the Freshmen Glee theme and song format. 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the class porticipating in Freshmon Glee. 3) Choreographer(s): Plans the formations (a maximum of three for the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes and a maximum of two for the Freshman closs) and movements from one formation to the next. 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of morching and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the class t-shirt to worn on Glee night. .6) Accompanist(s): Provides piano accompaniment during practices and the performance on Glee night of the class song and formations. Anyone person may fulfill more than one of these positions. D. Words and music for class songs will be due in the Office of Student Activities (University Center) no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, February 24, 1986. There will be a penalty of four(4) pOints from the final point total for any class thet does not meet this deadline, SUbject to the discretion of the Glee Committee. E. At a speciel essembly to be held the Sunday beginning Glee V1eek (Merch 2, 1986), the Freshman Glee Co-Managers or a Freshman Class representetiv8 will issue e formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other three closses. Representatives of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes will respond in an appropriate manner. {The challenge may also be issued at the University Convocation prior to Glee Week if FreshmEIn Glee Rules, 1986 page 3 deemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee and University Convocation Committees.) F. Only the Song Writers, Song Leaders, Choreographers, and March Leaders may play classs songs prior to Sunday of Glee Week (March 2, 1986). G. Glee practices shari begin the ~10nday prior to Freshman Glee (t'londay, March 3, 1986). A schedule of practices will be arranged by the Freshman Glee Co-Memagers and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week (Feb. 26 .. 1986). During the practice sessions the following regulations shall be in effect: 1) No alcohol will be allowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done btl groups of more than four persons in the same room, at the same time during Glee week except during assigned practice hours. 3) No marching will be allowed on the circular stairway in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no moke-up time will be oHowed. (In unusual circmustonces, beyond the control of the class involved, the Glee Committee may amend this rule.) 5) Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the Glee Co-Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee will be strictly enforced on Saturday morning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late will lose that portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding fts practice time will be penalized at the discretion of the Freshman Glee Committee, provided a formal complaint is lodged. 6) Excluding dress rehearsal, only apPOinted Closs t1emagers ond the Freshmon Glee Co-Managers moy visit class procUces other than their own for a period of more than 5 minutes. 7) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of scheduled Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist Freshman Glee Rules, 1986 page 4 freshmen with their morching. The Senior Skits will normally be presented at 7:00 pm on Friday of Glee V.,.'eek (March 7, 1986), but the Senior Class may choose another time at its descretlon. A decision as to the date end time of Senior Skits shall be made no later than Monday before Glee Week (Feb. 24, 1986). Freshman 61ee Night Regulations A. Only the fonowing clothes wil1 be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirts (Ulese may vary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or Jeans 3) Socks The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted. B. Only Seniors v'lill be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats Dr other headgear C. The c1asses will enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. D. The Senior Closs, by virtue of their longevity, may enter the Fieldhouse . in any manner they f eel appropri ate. They wi 11 have a maxi mum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in the heckling. E. Only piano may be used to accompany the classes. F. No verbal or visual clues may be given during the final performance of marching and/or songs. G. No hand or body movements will be allowed during the final performance other than the marching itself. {Specifically, no body movements are permitted during the renditi on of the songJ H. Heckling and the use of water (or any llke substance) ore expressly prohibited during the entrances of the classes or the performances of formations end songs. Freshman Glee Rules) 1986 page 5 'I. During the marching and rendition of class songs" all classes except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendHion of Glee songs. Rule Infroctions A. The Freshman Glee Committee will review all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. The Closs Manager(s) from the allegedly offending closs shall not have a vote in such instances. B. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the compilation of final pOints and the possible assessments of penalty pOints in the event of an infraction. Blue Monday The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 10, 1986) shall be deSignated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The fol1ow'ing regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, except 11:00 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11 :00 am on the next Thursday (March 13, 1986). B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the r1i11 Stream from Sparks Center to the University Cneter during the 11 :00 am hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty, administration, or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may, however, permit the use of pElrt of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by .rul parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injurYI or violation of strite, federal, or municipal1aw are expressly prohibited. Freshman Glee Rules, 1986 page 6 'F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol shou1d be discouraged. G. All bets must be poid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Mondoy. 7/85 FRESHMRN GLEE 1986 RLMO MOTER ... II Our Pride Carries On II Glee Menegers: Chris Duncan, Scott Eeton, Euen Rice Flnel Cless Standing: 1st - 1981 2nd - 1988 3rd - 1989 4th - 1986 Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Seniors Monday, March 3, 1986 am freshmen- Cone Field House noon-l freshmen- Alumni Lounge sophomores- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 juniors- Waller Aud. seniors- Cone Field House 4-5 pm 7-9 freshmen- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 sophomores- Waller Aud. juniors- Cone Field House seniors- Alumni Lounge freshmen- Waller Aud. sophomores- Cone Field House juniors- Alumni Lounge seniors- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 . Tl+esday, March 4, .J986 5-7 am sophomores- Cone Field House noon-l freshmen- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 sophomores- Waller Aud. juniors- Cone Field House seniors- Alumni Lounge 4-5 pm 7-9 freshmen- Alumni Lounge sophomores- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 juniors- Waller Aud. seniors- Cone Field House freshmen- Cone Field House sophomores- Alumni Lounge juniors- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 seniors- Waller Aud. Wednesday~ March 5, 1986 5-7 am juniors- Cone Field House noon-1 pm 4-5 7-9 freshmen- Cone Field House sophomores- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 juniors- Alumni Lounge seniors- l.valler Aud. pm freshmen- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 sophomores- Cone Eield House juniors- Waller Aud. seniors- Alumni Lounge pm freshmen- Alumni Lounge sophomores- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 juniors- Waller Aud. seniC':;:s- Cone Field House Thursday, 11arch 6, 1986, 5-7 am seniors- Cone Field House noon-l pm 4-5 ;7-9 freshmen- Waller Aud. sophomores- Cone Field House juniors- Alumni Lounge seniors- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 pm freshmen- Cone Field House sophomores- Alumni Lounge ... juniors- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 seniors- Waller Aud. pm freshmen- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 sophomores- Waller Aud. juniors- Cone Field House seniors- Alumni Lounge i"riday, March 7 ,.1986 5-7 am freshmen- Cone Field House noon-l freshmen- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 sophomores- Cone Field House juniors- Alumni Lounge seniors- Waller Aud. freshmen- Alumni Lounge sophomores- Waller Aud. juniors- Cone Field House seniors- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 / 8-10 pm (after senior ski freshmen- Waller Aud. sophomores- Alumni Lounge juniors- Dining Rooms 1 & 2 *seniors- Cone Field House (*8-9 marching, 9-10 song) Satl+r:day # • March ,8, 1986 ·8-9 am ) freshmen- Cone Field House 9-10 am sophomores- Cone . Field House 10-11 am juniors- Cone Field House 11-noon seniors- Cone Field House 7:30 pm GLEE NIGHT MEMORANDUM DATE: April 2, 1986 TO: Buzz Yocom and Jeannette Pai-Thompson FROM: SUBJECT: Freshman Glee Risers Two members of the Willamette University Parents Association Executive Committee, Dr. and Mrs. Quentin QuicKstad of Boise, recently called something to my attention that I thought should be shared with you because of your interest and involvement with Freshman Glee. Can something be done about replacement of, or 'at least refinish­ing of, the risers used for Glee? I understand, that because of the marching done in stocking feet, a lot of splinters were pick~d up and that the risers are generally in sad shape. Any assistance you can give in this regard will be appreciated by the Quickstads, me and probably many other Willamette persons. chit To: 'rom: Faculty and Staff Chris Duncan SCott Eaton Evan Rice •• Date: 1986 Freshman Glee Managers Subject: Freshman Glee 1986 -- "Alma Mater ... OUr Pride Carries On" We would like to take this opportunity to itlvite you to attend Freshman Glee 1986 to be held at 7:30 pm on Saturday, March 8, in Cone Field House, Sparks Center. Please accept the attached invitation as your ticket to admit you and your family. We would also like to thank you for your cooperation during this most unusual week. Hope to see you Saturday! To: 'rom: Faculty and Staff Chris Duncan SCott Eaton Evan Rice •• Date: 1986 Freshman Glee Managers March 4, 1986 Subject: Freshman Glee 1986 -- "Alma Mater ... Our Pride Carries On" We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend Freslunan Glee 19a6 to be held at 1:30 pm on Saturday. March 8. in Cone Field House, Sparks Center. Please accept the attached invitation as your ticket. to admit you and your family. We would also like to thank you for your cooperation during this most unusual week. Hope to see you Saturday! Rating Sheet Summary First = 10 points Seoond = 8 points Third = 6 points Fourth = 4 points r , Freshmen Sophornores Juniors Seniors Plaoe Points Plaoe Points Plaoe Points Plaoe Points vlords & music Judge #1 4- 4- d. ~ t ID "3 <0 Judg... e #2 C},. <6 { to 4- 4:= "3 <.0 Judge #3 ?:> <.0 I lO ~ ~ 4- 4- Total <;f t9-~ .d-d. \10 Presentation Judqe #1 \3 ~ 0( '1 ) /0 .. ~( '/ Judge #2 ,:! I ~ ,I- /0 ~ "-{ 4 <.j Judg... e #3- ~ I~ <:;;' <;{ i ~ ";~,i 'i::~ .Judge .#4 :;r ~ d ~{ J / 14 Total ~Lf 3<? ':)1 i;;;, Formation Judge:it 1 3' t.p I /0 6(' 7 4~c/ Judge #2 ~ ~ c:? "'5! / /() a .;/ Judge #3- ~~ ?: ,-.? 1..,. i ;' ~, if ",~~j, j Judqe .#4 ~ "'{ :> ~ (R ! I.:;:;:, .. ( LI Total ;<9! ~~ 3'8' SUB TOTAL ~I b '90<. C() .5 f* PEnALTIES - - '-/ - - <J( GRAnD TOTAL 1\7 '0 ;z SiQ PL.ACE 3'" C>-<.:,( / cf FRESHMAN GLEE \VORDS AND MU SIC RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: _...;;;;1..;.,.98;;;,.;6:--_ RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the music I (3) Quality of the music I and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 points (10 points being best). Please complete the chart below aQcording to the ratings in each category. The theme for this yearl s Freshma n Glee is: I ALMA MATER ..• Our Pride Carries On CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADAPT ABIL ITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORD S TO MU SIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS S19E8N6I ORS :3 --'I 5 " /8 J1U98N7I ORS g '7 8 ~ '2..'1 SOPHOMORES 1988 7 b '1 <6 '2.6 F19R8E9S HMEN '1 ~ to 2- 17- (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POI::-JTS: THI.R D PLACE: /CJ TOTAL POINTS: FOU RTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot I please sign below J place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. 2 8 THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1986 RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to music I (3) Quality of the music I and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 pOints (10 points being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshma n Glee is: ALMA MATER ... Our Pride Carries On CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADAPT ABILITY: QU.~LITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORD S TO MU SIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS S19E8N6I ORS If Cc, /Cf '.k' )'1 G. I /9 ~)'; .0 1/~~?, "r JUNIORS /" 1987 Ie; « If . '9~~,:::{; ~ l:;i& I '~ , SOPHOMORES 017)", ,;z¥ :Au :zs;: 1988 (( 'lj?"'~ . FRESHMEN /c- / ;; ,;( {J ..:20 7770 ( . 1989 ·1 I (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) TOTAL POINTS: 93 TOTAL POINTS: '17 TOTAL POINTS: TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form and the words and music for the sonas in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible! preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. 11 6f • THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience a will be a to attend the event itself! r8DG 'S SIGNATURE / (C'let) FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MU SIC RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: _1:..:;..9.,;..86"---__ RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the music[ (3) Quality of the music, and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 points (l0 points being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: ! ALMA MATER .•• Our Pride Carries On CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADA PI ABILITY: , QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME ~WORDS TO MU SIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SE~IORS '5 I 5 0 25 1986 JUNIORS 9 q 1 f] 32 1987 S19O8P8H OMORES q /0 8 l' 30 f~ffHMEN -; (p 7 b dJb (Any explanatory comments may be written on the revers e side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: 5::Jphovnoves 'Ba TOTAL POINTS: ~ SECOND PLACE: ::Jv( VI IOYS '<67 TOTAL POINTS: 3~ THI.R D PLACE: ~-~'n(nef\. \ '6 cr TOTAL POINTS: 2(0 FOURTH PLACE: S-CY} iO-YS {30 TOTAL POINTS: 23 After completing this bailot, please sign below, place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible I preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Fres n G . We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! JUDGE'S 1G. ATURE FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 19Yc;: RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 points maximum) I (3) Diction (5 paints maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of pOints I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS RENDITION DICTION EXPRESSION 5 oints maxlmu SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _Z_"-';......:l_l!: __ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THIRD PLACE: _~-:;;;....;=...::-~ ___ TOTAL POINTS:!~;:::;: FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: 17, After completing this ballot I please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided I seal it I and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experienc e! FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: ~~-::::;... __ RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 pOints maximum) I {3} Diction (5 pOints maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases f the higher the number of points f the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN DICTION 5 TOTAL POINTS (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: 2115' THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: 11,S-After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided I seal it I and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! FRE MAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES .... OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: /7'"8' 4:. RULES: shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) t (2) Tone quality (5 paints maximum) I (3) Di.ction (5 points maximum) 1 and (4) Expres sian (5 points maximum). In all cases 1 the higher the number of paints I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS no ooints} (S) (S) (5) ! (2 5 ooints maxim un:: .- SENIORS rb :l ~ 2 /2- _.JUNIORS '3' Lj /.f if I SOPHOMORES I if :3 1 FRESHMEN -& :] 3 3 j.)" (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: __ +--_ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _.L.4... __ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL PO INT S: _..:..-__ After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided, seal itt and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE' FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1911 tf= RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (lO pOints maximum), (2) Tone quality (5 points maximum) f (3) Diction (5 points maximum), and (4) Expres sion (5 points maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of points, the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION 5 5 oints maximu SENIORS JUNIORS \ SOPHOMORES . FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: J':'~ 0- f}! J I', A~J;(1t) SECOND PLACE: THIRD PLACE: FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _.!::/...i-l.lrl_ _ TOTAL POINTS: TOTAL POINTS: l'25 TOTAL PO INT S: --:;.t -.,;f'----_ After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in OUf Annual ,Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT RULES: YEAR: /9~4 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be presented from one basic for ion by each class. No more than three formations are lowed per c ss EXCEPT Freshmen, who may have only two. Participants shall not chan positions during the rendition of the song. 3. Judging be s when the participating class is announced and wi end when members of the ass have returned to the seats and are seated. 4. No sta properties or change in appearance of wearing appar is permit ed. A sta property is defined as any item other than ori costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS f EXECUTION OF THE FORHATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME. AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF 1TO 10(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEASE RA THE CLASS AFTER EACH TATION BY P-LACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATINGS IN COLUMNS BELOW: 1. 'vfuen j ud g EXECUTION consider: a. eeise pivots b. Uniformity of arm and leg movements c. Straight lines and appropriate spacing d. Uniformity as icipants move from one level of the risers to another e. Standing up sitting with precision 2. ADAPTABILITY should include: how well the formations convey the ideas and feelings the song the overa theme. 3. \f.hen judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. Uniqueness of e format s and the marching b. Level of iculty of formations and specific moves c. Variety, ovation, creativity d. Clarity the formations and effective use the risers CLASS EXECUTION SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHONORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse s ballot -- they are greatly appreCiated.) of this After completing your ballot, please sign provided, seal it, and give it to your ho THANK YOU for your assistance! the envelope ballot counters. FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT RULES: YEAR : -'-~-=-_ 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be ~resented from one basic formation by each class. No more than three formations are allowed per c ss EXCEPT Freshmen, who mal have only two. ticipants shall not chan positions during the rendition of the song. 3. Ju~ging begins when the parti~ipating class is announced and will end when members of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 4. No stage properties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A sta property is def ed as any item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; this cludes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~ ~(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEA RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUHERICAL RATINGS IN THE COLUMNS BELmL 1. vrnen judging EXECUTION consider: 2. 3. a. Preci5e ots b. Uniformity of arm and leg movements c. Straight lines appropriate spac g d. Uniformity as participants move from one level of to another e. S g up and sitt g down with precision ADAPTABILI should include: how we the formations convey ideas and feelings the song and e ove theme. When judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. Uniqueness of the formations and the marching b. Level of difficulty formations and cific moves c. iety, innovation, and creativity risers the d. Clarity of the formations and effect e use the risers CLA EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL PO TS SENIORS I JUNIORS SOPHOHORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot -- they are greatly appreciated.) After completing your ballot, please sign below, place in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your ho for delivery ballot co~ters. THANK YOU for your assistance! '"", "if'·'\ "' t F'<- JUDGESvSI GN A-TURE FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: /9-;: f.R RULES: . 1 . Any unifor\ms used by the participating c sses will count no more than their neatp.ess and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. . 2. The song will be _presented from one basic formation by each class. No more than three formations are allowed er class EXCEPT Freshmen, who rna) have only two. Participants shall not positions dur g the rendition of the song. 3. Judging begins when the participating c ss is announced and wi end when members of e class have returned to their seats and are seated. 4. No stage proper permitted. A s costumes. or change in appearance of wearing appar is property is defined as any item other than ginal 5. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE G AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~~ ~(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEASE RA CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUHERICAL RAT THE COLUNNS BELOW; 1. vfuen judging EXECUTION consider: a. Pr~ci ots b. Uniformi of arm and leg movements c. Straight es and appropriate ing d. Uniformity as participants move level of risers to another e. Standing up and sitting down wi precision 2. ADAP~ABILITY sh clude: how we the formations convey ideas and fe ings of the s the overall theme. 3. When judging TO EFFECT consider: a. Uniqueness of the formations and the marching b. Level of iculty of formations and specific moves c. Variety, innovation, and creativity d. Clarity the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS I "- r- SENIORS A ~ JUNIORS J J Z SOfHm40RES ?v I"';' ,z 6 FRESHMEN IJ !5 h yo- I (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse s ballot -- they are greatly appreciated.) '; PLACE 1 I of this After completing your ballot, please sign below, place in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your h~ ~delive~y" ba THANK YOU for your assistance! JUDGE'S SIGNA·TUnE FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION "R ULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: I C;-g (P RULES: ~~ 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song ViII be .presented from one basic formation by each ass. No more than--thrse formations are owed per class EXCEPT Freshmen y who rna) have only two. Par ipants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when members of the class have returned· to their s s and are seated. \ U No s ge properties or'S1:n9.@....~f._y!'earing apparel is permi tteii. A stage property is defined .as any fte-m'-otn-er-~f;11an--ori costumes. 5. No cohductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEASE RA THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUNERICAL RATINGS THE COLUMNS BELO\>l: 1. vfuen judging EXECUTION consider: a. Pre pivots b. Uniformity of arm and leg mov s c. ight lines and opriate spacing d. Uniformity as participants .move from one lev of the risers to another e. Standing up and sitting down with ecision 2. ADAPTABILI should include: how well the formations convey the s and feelings of the s and the overall theme. 3. When judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. Unique.nes-~:ror-th-e formations and the marching b. Level of difficulty of formations and specific moves c. Variety, innovation, and creativity d. ity of the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL PO SENIORS JUNIORS SOfHOHORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot -- they are greatly appreciat .) After completing your ballot, please sign below, place in the envelope . ovided, seal it, and give it to you~.f deliv ballo't ounters. r " THANK YOU for your assistance! JUDGES SIGNA·TURE MEMORANDUM TO: SAS DATE: 2-19-86 FROM: Taj SUBJECT: Glee & Blue Monday In anticipation of today's discussion, I tried to contact each staff member and solicit individual input. I felt a summary of the concerns will serve as a useful basis for the discussion. Unfortunately I was not able to reach each staff member. Among those whom I did reach, the following issues were raised: I. Glee Managers and Organizers: Jeannette has ?romis~d to bring us up to date II. Health and Safety Issues: Dunking/Throwing individuals Running/Dragging up and down March in Mill Stream (glass, Bets (nature and extent) III. In Residence Halls: Tension Level Food Fights Alcohol Consumption IV. General Issues: Glee vs Blue Monday The Name (BLUE Monday) Types of Bets Third-Party Bets in Mill Stream uc steps sharp objects) Intimidation of Bystanders Senior Skits (Taste, Tact ••• ) Facul ty Support? (How genuiner \ Alcohol Policy . Littering MEMORANDUM TO: SAS DATE: 2-19-86 FROM: Taj SUBJECT: Glee & Blue Monday In anticipation of today' s discussion, ,I tried to contact each staff member and solicit individual input. I felt a slli~ary of the concerns will serve as a useful basis for the discussion. Unfortunately I was not able to reach each staff member. Among those whom I did reach, the following issues were raised: I. Glee Manaqers and Organizers: Jeannette has promis~d to bring us up to date II. Health and Safety Issues: Dunking/Throwing individuals Running/Dragging up and down March in Mill Stream {glass, Bets (nature and extent) III. In Residence Halls: Tension Level Food Fights Alcohol Consumption IV. General Issues: Glee vs Blue Monday The Name (BLUE Monday) Types of Bets Third-Party Bets in Mill Stream UC steps sharp obj ects) Intimidation of Bystanders Senior Skits (Taste, Tact ••• ) _ Faculty Support? (How genuinel) Alcohol Policy , Littering UNIVERSITY Salem, Oregon 97301 TO: Student Affairs Staff DATE: February 19, 1986 FROM: Stephen and GwenEllyn SUBJECT: Today's SAS Meeting Today's meeting of the Student Affairs Staff will be held in the Parents Conference Room of the Putnam University Center at 3:30 p.m. The agenda for this meeting is as follows: 1. University Glee (40 minutes> - The purpose of this discussion is to hear from students the plans for Glee as well as their concerns with certain aspects of Glee. It is also an opportunity for staff members to share their concerns with Glee and to offer alternative suggestions, if any, that anyone may have. Perhaps most importantly, however, this time is to offer support to the students coordinating this year~s Glee and to those on our staff who work with this traditional event. If you have any ideas for Glee, please bring them with you and share them during this time. If you do not have any creptive alternatives to offer, please bring your abllity to be supportive and attentive to this issue. 2. Mark Wagner (5 minutes> [tentative agenda itemJ - As some of you mayor may not know, Mark Wagner has left our staff as a volunteer. This time is to invite him back one last ~ime to offer him our best wishes and appreciation for the time and effort he so freely gave us. If Mark can attend, we will take a few minutes to address this. Otherwise, it will be postponed or cancelled. 3. Staff R 8. R (45 minutes> - It some sort of surprise from Gwen! So lighten up gang and be prepared to relax!! See you all this afternoon!!!! Office of Residence Life


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