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Glee 1995 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
dc.rightsFor use information see:
dc.titleGlee 1995 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionResidence Halls l,obby I Resident Assistant Phone BAXTER HALL 370-6076 ILysha Wasser Deck Rachel Egan BELKNAP HALL 370-6236 I Karen Sharp Jane LaCombe DONEY HALL 370-6048 IAmanda Strawser Kjell Moline Emily Middaugh Casey Eisele KANEKO HALL 373-3501 IRobert Tucker Shayne Martin Sabrina Webb Ryan Calkins Alisa Harvey Shanti Spencer LAUSANNE HALL 370-6049 I Anna Spalding Brian Duty Karen Hendrick Lori Yoneda LEE I-lOUSE 370-6050 I Lynette Snell MATTHEWS HALL I Slavey Tolev Stacey Caillier SHEPARD HOUSE 370-6051 I Nels Swenson Charlotte Jones TERRA HOUSE 370-6041 rroOk Gauthier WISH 370-6052 Augusta Parra Ian Burkheimer YORK I-lOUSE 370-6442 I Angella Graves Apartments IApartment RAs HASELDORF Mary Belh Payne UNlVERSITY APARTMENTS I Amy Erckson Marika Pact Phone Box # Room .316-2722 B 243 215 370-6635 F 131 309 370-66tiS C 261 325 316-2717 A 234 408 375-5491 DS 212 104 370-6020 DS 229 2Hi 370-6966 B 212 121 370-6%9 E 252 216 370-6576 E 234 30l) 370-6871 F 386 330 373-3228 H I ti2 209 373-3219 C 109 227 373-3261 DS 203 310 373-3273 B 257 327 373-3292 E 172 412 373-3242 A 199 425 370-6658 B 123 14 316-2MI DS 169 109 316-2853 F 288 206 316-2820 E 218 307 316-2884 G 132 ApI. 370-6795 F293 212 370-6883 A 227 312 370-6582 E 120 105 370-6583 F318 221 316-2788 B 175 ApI, 370-6712 G 134 6 316-2972 B 183 15 316-2993 H 190 Phone Box # Apt. 589-0659 G 164 305 370-6086 B 147 501 370-6088 A 219 301 1995 Glee Practice Schedule Freshman Thursday 3/2 5:00-6:00pm Autzen Senate Chambers Sunday 3/5 8:30-1O:0Opm Cone Fieldhouse Monday 3/6 7:00-7:50am Cat Cavern 4:00-5:0Opm Kaneko-auditorium 7:00-9:00pm Alumni Lounge Tuesday 317 5 :00-7:00am Matthews-basement 7:00-7:50am Cat Cavern 4:00-5:00pm Matthews-basement 7:00-9:00pm Alumni Lounge Wednesday 3/8 7:00-7:50am Cone Fieldhouse 4:00-5:00pm Alumni Lounge 7:00-9:00pm Cat Cavern Thursday 3/9 7 :00-7 :50am Kaneko-auditorium 4:00-5:00pm Cat Cavern 7:00-9:00pm Cone Fieldhouse Friday 3/10 5:00-7:OOam Cone Fieldhouse 7:00-7:50am Alumni Lounge 4:00-5:OOpm Kaneko-auditorium 7:00-8:30pm Senior Skits Smith Aud. 9:00-11:00pm Cat Cavern Saturday 3/11 8:00-9:00am Dress Rehersal Cone Fieldhouse 7:00pm Freshman Glee!!! Cone Fieldhouse 1995 Glee Practice Schedule Sophomores Thursday 3/2 6:00-7:OOpm Autzen Senate Chambers Monday 3/6 5:00-7:OOam Cone Fieldhouse 7:00-7:50am Alumni Lounge 4:00-5:00pm Cone Fieldhouse 7:00-9:0Opm Cat Cavern Tuesday 317 7:00-7:50am Alumni Lounge 4:00-5:00pm Alumni Lounge 7:00-9:00pm Kaneko-auditorium Wednesday 3/8 7:00-7:50am Kaneko-auditorium 4:00-5:00pm Cat Cavern 7:00-9:0Opm Cone Fieldhouse Thursday 3/9 7:00-7:50am Cone Fieldhouse 4:00-5:00pm Alumni Lounge 7:00-9:00pm Kaneko-auditorium Friday3110 7:00-7:50am Cat Cavern 4:00-5:00pm Cone Fieldhouse 7:00-8:30pm Senior Skits Smith Aud. 9:00-11:OOpm Alumni Lounge Saturday 3111 9:00-10:00am Dress Rehersal Cone Fieldhouse 7:00pm Freshman Glee!!! Cone Fieldhouse 1995 Glee Practice Schedule Juniors Thursday 3/2 7:00-8:00pm Autzen Senate Chambers Monday 3/6 7:00-7:50am Kaneko-auditorium 4:00-5:0Opm Cat Cavern 7:00-9:00pm Cone Fieldhouse Tuesday 317 7 :00-7 :50am Matthews-basement 4:00-5:OOpm Kaneko-auditorium 7:00-9:00pm Cat Cavern Wednesday 3/8 5:00-7:00am Cone Fieldhouse 7:00-7:50am Alumni Lounge 4:00-5:00pm Kaneko-auditorium 7:00-9:00pm Alumni Lounge Thursday 3/9 7:00-7:50am Cat Cavern 4:00-5:00pm Cone Fieldhouse 7 :00-9:00pm Alumni Lounge Friday 3/10 7 :00-7 :50am Kaneko-auditorium 4:00-5:0Opm Cat Cavern 7 :00-8:3Opm Senior Skits Smith Aud. 9:00-11:OOpm Cone Fieldhouse Saturday 3111 10:00-11 :OOam Dress Rehersal Cone Fieldhouse 7:00pm Freshman Glee!!! Cone Fieldhouse 1995 Glee Practice Schedule Seniors Thursday 312 8:00-9:00pm Autzen Senate Chambers Monday 3/6 7 :00-7 :50am Cone Fieldhouse 4:oo-5:oopm Alumni Lounge 7 :00-9:00pm Kaneko-auditorium Tuesday 317 7 :00-7 :50am Kaneko-auditorium 4:oo-5:00pm Cat Cavern 7:OO-9:0Opm Matthews-basement Wednesday 3/8 7:00-7:50am Cat Cavern 4:00-5:0Opm Cone Fieldhouse 7:00-9:00pm Kaneko-auditorium Thursday 3/9 5:00-7:ooam Cone Fieldhouse 7:oo-7:50am Alumni Lounge 4:00-5:00pm Kaneko-auditorium 7:00-9:00pm Cat Cavern Friday 3/10 7:00-7:50am Cone Fieldhouse 4:oo-5:00pm Alumni Lounge 7:00-8:30pm Senior Skits Smith Aud. 9:00-11 :OOpm Kaneko-auditorium Saturday 3/11 11 :OOam-noon Dress Rehersal Cone Fieldhouse 7:00pm Freshman Glee!!! Cone Fieldhouse FRESHMEN GLEE TIMELINE OCTOBER ~ASWU holds informational meeting, and selects Overall Glee Managers. ~Initial meeting with Facilities Coordinator, student Affairs, and past Overall Glee Managers. ~Begin to prepare budget. ~Advance memo to faculty and staff to inform them of the dates of Glee week, performance, and Blue Monday. Ask faculty to schedule around Glee because it is important (and consistent with a l~beral arts education) for students to be engaged in Willamette tradition and to meet other students. ~Meet with Alumni office, News and Publications office about advance publicity in Wil1amette Scene, alumni meetings. NOVEMBER ~Develop detailed list of divisions of responsibilities. This is important. Everything must be designated to someone at this time. . ~Draw up time line for individual responsibilities. !.:it" Begin selection of judges. ~Complete budget if program plans are finalized (accuracy is important) • ~Choose a sub-theme. ~Election of Class Managers and formation of the ever-popular Glee committee. ~Initial meeting with Glee Committee. [Agenda suggestions: introductions, theme, sub-theme, rules]. DECEMBER ~Confirm practice schedul~, room reservations (Alumni Lounge, Dining Rooms 1&2, Cone Field House, Henkle (or other location if one has been located). -----~Develop backdrop, (please trust us), poster, program, postcard design. It is important that this be done now. ~egin selection of dedication and Honored Guests. Talk to Alumni office, and President's office. -~Send postcards to printer. Warn Alumni. House about address labels for alumni and Registrar's office about parents. rJr Relax and enjoy Christmas break. ~tart tracking down recording equipment. JANUARY ~~inalize judges (end of month is fine). ~~onsider requirements for sound, light video recording, and chairs. ~'rwork on reservations, appointments for song taping by Class Managers. All classes must use the same., equipment. ~Ask Buzz to present the Glee banner (go over details with him). ~Ask someone to lead the Alma Mater (Paul Trueblood, if . possible) and someone to play piano for this song. -~contact TIUA students about special performance. FEBRUARY "'~Send postcards to parents and alumni (this should be done in the first week ask for help with mailing. ,---~send poster design to the printer. */Finalize plans for reception (placet timet food). -~contact Honored Guests, dedication (invitation, dates, reception, time, place, etc.). ;*/song deadline. Songs mailed to song judges along with _____ explanations of song. . _j:/Arrange rental of baby grand plano for Glee week, and for Glee ~_performance, or find alternative. ~ ~ Talk to Glee Committee about class parties after performance, ~ and about Glee Challenge. ~ake tuxedo arrangements.~alkto Mariott about sack lunches for class practices and barbecue lunch on BJue Monday. THREE WEEKS BEFORE GLEE ~Meet with Facilities Coordinator about program set-up. * Determine program layout, order of performance, start work on 2 the script. /F'nd students to sell tickets, order of performance, start work . n the script. Send out notices to faculty and staff inviting them to Glee and informing them of the logistics of Blue Monday. ~Send information about reception and performance to song ,judges. 4fSend invitation to reception and performance to campu~ administrators. TWO WEEKS BEFORE GLEE ~Finalize catering arrangements (give caterer an estimate of 5fUests). . ~Line up crews for Glee set-up. (Fraternities are great!) '._~/ Program to the printer. . ~Contact 'florist about floral arrangements. *;BACKDROP PAINTED! ~alk to Campus Safety about opening Sparks and Cone Field House ..tor 5 a.m. practices, and about logistics of Blue Monday. K'Make arrangements with Athletic Department to use office on Glee night to tabulate performance results. BEFORE PRACTICES BEGIN ~et up risers in Cone. ~istribute packets to managers. ..... .. * pet up plano ln Cone. ~Set up 100 chairs in Cone to indicate chair formation of the performance. ~Move podium to Cone. ~Tape out riser dimensions in other marching practice areas ~(include stairs and designate individual risers). ~ Order plaque for dedication. ~Send memo to persons who have agreed to help (e.g. Campus Safety, maintenance, Sparks people, Mariott). GLEE WEEK ft/Go to all practices. * Set up sound and light. * Move spotlight to Cone from Smith (if you can find more spotlights on campus, grab those too). * Compile judges' packets. * Contact Grounds Crew about Blue Monday cleanup of Jackson Plaza. * Hang background canvas and backdrop. * Talk to Class Managers about special performances logistics (cassette tapes, special sound for entrance, etc.). * Confirm performance night help from stUdents. GLEE DAY * TIUA practice. * Dry run of performance (lights off, sound and performance lights on). * Set sound level. Make each Overall Manager and Class Manager test sound level (consider added noise of audience). Pay special attention to logistics of special class requirements. * Meditate, pray, and enjoy --party of crash! THE DAY AFTER * Remove background canvas, backdrop, stack chairs, take down sound and lights, remove piano. BLUE MONDAY * Laugh and enjoy. Prepare to be Millstreamed. * Take back sound and lights. THE WEEK AFTER * catch up in classes. * SEND THANK YOU NOTES. SPRING BREAK * Rest, catch up on homework. l AFTER SPRING BREAK * Glee evaluation by Glee Committee. * Glee evaluation by Overall Glee Managers. * Final budget. * Create a file for future Overall Glee Managers. FRESHMAN GLEE: Glee Night Regulations YEAR: 1993 The following Glee Night regulations are part of the 1993 Freshman Glee Rules and Regulations unanimously approved by this year's Glee Committee: A. Only the following clothes will be wom during the final performance: 1) Glee t·shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks and other "essentials" The use of buttons, stickers. pins. ribbons, etc., is not permitted ¥" \. B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and MARCH to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. (Only live music may be used during entries.) D. The Senior class, by virture of their longevity. may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of fifteen minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in heckling. E. Only the piano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. F. No verbal or visual cues may be given during the final performance. G. No hand or body movements, including torso, will be allowed during the final performance, other than the marching itself. No vocalization is allowed during marching. Hand slaps are limited to one per formation. H. Heckling and the use of water (or any like ,substances) are expressedly prohibited during the entrances of all classes or the performances, formations, and songs. i. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J. Classes must perform the song turned in for judging. K. Introductions to each class performance as organized by the respective Class Managers shall not exceed three minutes and flagrant infractions may result in a loss of points. Every class will turn in a copy of their speech that will be read to the judges prior to the Glee performance at the time of the Saturday dress rehearsal. L. Marching shall be continuous during the performance and defined as alternating movement of the feet; there shall be no stopping of the feet except at then end of a formation. M. For the purpose of encouraging unity in Glee, solos shall not be allowed in the class songs. No fewer • than five people shall be allowed to sing anyone part at anyone time during the song presentation. If there is any question as to the definition of a solo in a specific song. it shall be referred to the Overall Glee Managers. N. It is requested that each class performance last no longer than a total of fifteen minutes with the exception of the Senior class, who are requested to keep their performance under twenty minutes. Freshman Glee '95 Willamette University February 15, 1995 Dear Ms. Gralund, Thank you very much for volunteering to be a Song Judge for this year's Freshman Glee. Being a Song Judge is an extremely important position this year because you will not only judge the song presentation during the actual performance, but also pre-judge the song itself before hand. This packet is designed to provide you with all the necessary tools needed to create the most fair and accurate critique of each song in the pre-judging stage. It includes a copy of each classes' sheet music, lyrics, and song interpretation, as well as an audio cassette of each piece. Please note that at this judging stage, the song itself is being judged and not the performance on the tape. The tape is only provided to give you an idea of what the song would sound like sung. As you know, Glee night will be very busy for all of us. The evening begins at 5:00PM in Goudy Commons for the Glee Banquet. You are not required to attend the banquet, but seats have been reserved for both you and a guest if you decide to attend. Following desert, there will be a meeting in Sparks Center at 6:40PM to pair you up with a judge's escort and to summarize the details of your judging responsibilities. If you opt not to come to the banquet, I will give you a call sometime before March 6 to tell you where the exact location for the 6:40PM meeting will be. Again, thank you for becoming a Song Judge for Freshman Glee '95. Your participation is highly valued by us here at the Glee Over-all Management Team. Remember, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me, Kendall Haynes, at (503) 370-6956 at anytime. ~Zr-- Kendall Haynes Off-Campus Glee Manager P.s. Here's a quick-reference timeline for Glee '95: March 3 -Music and Lyrics Ballot and audio cassette due March 11-Glee Day! 5:00PM·6:30PM -Glee Banquet; Goudy Commons; no cost for judge or guest; not mandatory, but we'd love to see you there! 6:40PM·7:00PM Judge's Meeting in Sparks Center (exact location T.B.A. for those not attending Glee Banquet) 7:00PM -Freshman Glee '95 Begins; no cost for judge or guest #1 ~Marcia Hauff #2 Dr. Bernice Isham #3 #4 Mr. Gary FrameMs. Moira Gralund Marching Performance & Professor Maurice Brennen #2 Mr. Malcolm Campbell .~. #y Ms. Laura Imeson v1f4 tiP! Mrs. Alice Jones V Marching Formation ~ ~ A:"I Mf. Reid ShdteR ~~ ;/!; )\-1"1 v ~ .11"1 Miss Rebekah DonigianMrs. Mary Ann Robinson \f V#4 1 Mr. B:lt'r'T 1\T~~l. THIS IS YOUR CONFIDENTIAL TELEPHONE ACCOUNT NUMBER; 18262 e-(S {Jt/L SjlCJrJ1_ 2(~--"WiZ-lrueS ------ 02-03-95 Query By Example f: 1 Home Address ................. . .. Yr. Tc -. 75 L78 ~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~--~----~~~~.--~~~~--~. Wi lamette Univers~~y Music Department ~ ~LL­900 State Street •• 02-03-95 Query By Example from PERSON file. Page 2 Home Address .................. Employer/Vocation............... Yr. Tc Salem, OR 97301-2730 900 State Street (503) 364-9817 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 370-6300 I'" --Music Instru~ ?;'J Mr. Charles KC Humphrey----· 0regon-Dept. of Transportation 7.~{1t809 Cottage Street NE 400 State Library ~I Salem, OR 97301-24271.,dL Salem, OR 97310-1073 ~Gt A\J\>01 ''''') (503) 362-637,~0L ~~ ~ftVW (503) 378-3669 ? J ;' ~ Mgr. Community Developm / Ms. Laura E. Ime~so~n~(~Snc~a~rhb~o~r~o~u~g~C~e~l~l-tt~l~~ne ~ h) 1809 NE Klickitat Street 1600 SW 4th Avenue Portland, OR 97212-2376 Portland, OR 97201 ~f~3~8~ (503) 243-3333 . r€: f~~flNc...£-External Communications M~_.~ J. Bernice J. I~a:m---~-----~ 50 ~3540 NE Surf Drive Choir Director ~incoln City, OR 97367-5031_ ~ju9t)£­( 503) 924-4167__________ _______._--~~.~.. -... M~ice Jones (Rose) . CMA Retirement Corporation 47 609 108th Place SEu.,,~09 108th Place SE 62 Everett, WA 98208 (s /. r...b~~verett, WA 98208. "fLi(_~~ (.206) 347-13Q~\\'Jc p; tv!&-' (206) 348-4917 ~.V" _~ .• c -'--'--~~_-Ma~in-SLJrep -:::. ---- Mr. Barry J. Nathan ~~--.---.-_.-73 5925 Barcelona Drive SE Grad. Student/Atkinson Salem, OR 97301~tP@?"' ¥AS\UHt\C ;;... i\fIft1)'-'!H~VA f~~i: (503) 371-3119 \1\ -/1"!tr""'411·-f· l r; ~E. Ratzlaf(Gibson) 65 3414 NE 32nd Avenue P~ivate Pi~no & Th~orr Teacher Portland, OR 97,212-2629 So\.. \" J\, if"¥: C. (7 \ WI\"" U\'l'-?,tt01~ (503) 287-6322 ~.0 ~ JUyS)t/ \ l J I ~Mary Ann Robinson (Burk) Chemeketa· Community College 77 6089 14th Avenue NE 1/I\>\KaI#. O. Box 14007 Keizer, OR 97303 ",L ~1-n Salem, OR 97309-5008 (503) 393-7 9~\~ (503) 399-5184 lish Instructor _----- 1hE1llm~UKPp~1~an ./~ f\ °I~~~M rain :r~ ~ ~\l~tl ]n~c, 0 • ! , I~~a2 -~96lf i IV2r \J j ) 9 4. \/' V'T"" 1i£4e. VV1!J~ v 1ncI al f'J L-'/\I _ ~~-------~--~------~- Mr. Reid L. Shelton 48 1240 Norwood Drive Waldport, OR 97394 (503 Or.AWilm~ F. Sher~an(Froma ) '\.spg... ': .\~Ridge Charb9'nn. a';l #D2 3 8220 SJ! Fr nch. ral 1e R ad \'V:j;'lso ille, 0 970 ~ n~5~O~3~)~6~9:4~-~2~2;80fm,~r-______--___}{GW'T'V-------------'---··--'---------~.-82 02-03-95 Query By Example from PERSON file. Page 3 Home Address .................. Employer/Vocation ............... Yr. Tc . 950 SW 21st Avenue #103 King Broadcasting, Inc. Portland, OR 97205-1513 1501 SW Jefferson (503) 243-2057 Portland, OR 97201 (503) 226-5139 ___ _ ______-~C~o::!.!n:!is;;!..!'----- Mr. Dale G. Van Wormer Dale Van Wormer Music 86 7147 SW 5th Avenue P.O. Box 8113 ~ortland, OR 97219-2229 Portland, OR 97207 (503) 246 -7440 (503) 222 -6515 Mf':John M. Welty West Linn High School 73 \,6298 Belmont Way ~ Stafford Road hest Linn, OR 9706fh.Ar d\tJv West Linn, OR 97068 (503) 650-8073 i\\l:r, P'~' ~her Mr. John A. West ----.----------------~ ----* 1444 N. Poinsettia Place, #106 Musician Los Angeles, CA 90046~4365 (213~~~~-:~~~~__~~~=-~~~__--~ y -rifJMfjhr~all f~Sburgh ar. u 0 ~~ '1 ~~s ~10R iy~h~tP' 61\-0Ja \i 70 '\J (5y> 6 1 _. . _-.--.-.-._ . . . _?§9..x::eta .,~._........'V•... Mrs;EH±Zanecn" J. Yates""(Roop) 86 ~1815 NE 45th Avenue Prof. Vocalist/Instructor rSalem, OR 97305-1810 (503) 375-2015 28 records listed wocas _-t1VloL_11UStC --==-_Ji'fi7-;_jd~ltf!lb' 1__ &GkJ f;:t;_ .-------~Or--D~ytt1.. V'i/~i c Vi ___ ._____.____._________________.__ ~_D~iL_tlj-eJi~ -V_OCc:O _.JZ~~maLil.Q\L1 -s6.:t E'l1illl __ =t=,....t>tc~:i§Z1 i9Wt-~ _L-· __ ~______._____.__.~_______ ~......~___ W LW_flVl1_r:V{t:_e'Ci1y________________ _ ________ JZ_og¢'V __ J(1 (C VlV1CV -----SVC1V1 -NOVI Koff ---.-----~----COYlC--brCH?eVlVlorst Jv~­. COLArtvrlcy TOVleJ --lq532 -____ k--y-rIC.5_/COW1 pQ$itlQYl.=_0cary' __ frt~~'1e ____________i2:0YJ__w I YLV'l _. __ _ _ _______ --------!..---C?yvy JorvwVl . 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Ay{-Ys tAV _DiW70VI.vt (7 Ot-&{ tVl__ _fr tl1-+ TVleJmtl _lZ-lAeppCJl _____~__i2~La Sjf-l£J:I:aiLl .... !.feJ _____.____ . ____.____...____.. _ ____._.__._ .__._____~______t1YlJ1j,ice. ___0l"C:J.~1k1.~0____t:1IVl __._.____ ___._ ~_'t:ZH:aJ_._g~~d=ZLcaf----_hc;.---~f2t:lYC'Vlt) ...--------.---... ----7-~~0aV~V(~~~-.~. -----.----.-.-.-.. _____.... __---+T!l-i;;I-:~..,-M~,_I_'_-....--."'..--:.---=-~vr---~--5.~9 .._---_.....---_.-----_._..•._-_...•-._­_._------_....... _.... _-...._-_._-------_._----_._-_._----..-.------­.---...-------.------.-----....------... -----~ Freshman Glee '95 Willamette University 2...10 February 111, 1991 Dear Ms. Imeson, Thank you very much for volunteering to be a Marching Performance Judge for this year's Freshman Glee. As you know, Glee night will be very busy for all of us. The evening begins at 5:00PM in Goudy Commons for the Glee Banquet. Y. t~nq e ts ave . ~deto . attend. . , . . pa . . ou L.,v/ /h 6e /~J&! up with a judge's escort and . . urh1'i1~rize the details of your judging responsibilities. <If-y~tQcome tQ the banquet, J will give ymJ a call sometime before March 6 to tefr y.ou wbere the exact location;40PM meeting will be. Again, thank you for becoming a Marching Performance Judge for Freshman Glee '95. Your participation is highly valued by us here at the Glee Over-all Management Team. Remember, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me, Kendall Haynes;-at (503) 370-69a6 at anytime. f w e:. &'"3 Sincerely, Kendall Haynes Off-Campus Glee Manager P.S. Here's a quick-reference timeline for Glee '95: For Immediate Release For More Information Contact: March 2, 1995 Michelle Howell (503) 370-6463 WILLAMETTE U. MARCHES FORTH WITH GLEE SALEM, OR-Willamette University, the oldest college west of the Mississippi, will host its most time-honored tradition on March 11. The event, known as Freshman Glee, is an 87-year-old singing and marching competition between the four classes at the university. This show, unique to Willamette, is an event that literally shuts down the campus for nearly a week each year and creates a special link with the university's alumni. This year Glee will be dedicated to emeritus English professor Dr. Paul Trueblood and his wife of more than 60 years, Helen. The university is very proud to recognize these two very important people for their endless commitment in providing excellence in higher education in Oregon and for being dedicated benefactors to Freshman Glee. Cost of this event is $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under. Seating is limited and tickets will be sold at the door. For information, please call the Office of Student Activities, (503) 370-6046. ### Alumni Announcement: Alumni Announcement: Freshman Glee 1995 For Alumni Living in: Portland Salem Eugene & Everywhere in Between * When: March 11, 1995 * What Time: 7:00 PM * Where: Cone Fieldhouse * Theme: Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home * Dedicatees: Dr. Paul Trueblood and his Wife Helen * Prices: $5 (adults) $3 (children 12 and under) Information Contact: Kendall Haynes 370-6956 Alumni Announcement: Freshman Glee 1995 For Alumni Living in: Portland Salem Eugene & Everywhere in Between When: * March 11, 1995 What Time: * 7:00 PM Where: * Cone Fieldhouse Theme: * Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home Dedicatees: * Dr. Paul Trueblood and his Wife Helen Prices: * $5 (adults) $3 (children 12 and under) Information Contact: Kendall Haynes 370-6956 Freshman Glee 1995 For Alumni Living in: Portland Salem Eugene & Everywhere in Between * When: March 11, 1995 * What Time: 7:00 PM * Where: Cone Fieldhouse * Theme: Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home * Dedicatees: Dr. Paul Trueblood and his Wife Helen * Prices: $5 (adults) $3 (children 12 and under) Information Contact: Kendall Haynes 370-6956 Alumni Announcement: Freshman Glee 1995 For Alumni Living in: Portland Salem Eugene & Everywhere in Between When: * March 11, 1995 What Time: * 7:00 PM Where: * Cone Fieldhouse Theme: * Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home Dedicatees: * Dr. Paul Trueblood and his Wife Helen Prices: * $5 (adults) $3 (children 12 and under) Information Contact: Kendall Haynes 370-6956 Freshman Glee '95 Willamette University February 13, 1995 Dear Parents, Thank you very much for your responses to my previous letter. It was encouraging to hear the enthusiasm in my peers' voices towards Freshman Glee 1995. We are expecting a record turn out of students this year because of your discussions with your children about this year's Glee. Glee this year has undergone some specific changes with regards to program length and entertainment making the show even better than ever. We, the Glee Over-all Management Team, would like to cordially invite you to come see our new and improved performance. The show starts at 7:00 PM on March 11 and will be held in Cone Fieldhouse inside the Sparks Athletic Complex. Tickets will be sold at the door for $5 (adults) and $3 (children 12 and under). I have also provided a list oflocal motels below for your convenience. If you have any questions regarding Glee, feel free to call me, Kendall Haynes, at (503) 370-6956. Again, thank you all for helping Willamette University maintain this time honored tradition of Glee. On behalf of the Glee Over-all Management Team, I am looking forward to seeing you at the show supporting your children and our school. SinC~e~? Kendall Haynesr-­Off- Campus Glee Manager Mill Creek Inn City Center Motel Execulodge 3125 Ryan Dr. SE 510 Liberty SE 200 Commercial SE (503) 585-3332 (503) 364-0121 or (503) 363-4123 1-800-289-0121 Oregon Capital Inn Salem Grand Motel Motel 6 745 Commercial SE 1555 State St. 2250 Mission SE (503) 363-2451 (503) 581-2466 (503) 588-7191 Freshman Glee 1995 Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home Song Presentation Ballot Judge Rules: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1-8, (with 8 being the highest) based upon the following categories ... 1. Adherence to Theme 2. Tone Quality 3. Diction 4. Expression Scoring Table: ass Senior Adherence to Theme Tone Quality Diction Expression Total Points Junior Sophomore Freshman *Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side ofthis sheet. After completing this ballot, please sign below and hand this form to your escort in the envelope provided. Thank you again for your assistance this year as a song category judge. We hope that you have enjoyed Freshman Glee 1995. Judge's Name (Please Print) Judge's Signature x Freshman Glee 1995 Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home Marching Performance Ballot Judge#_ Rules: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1-8, (with 8 being the highest) based upon the following categories ... 1. Unity 2. Visual Impact 3. Spirit Scoring Table: Class Senior Unity Visual Impact Spirit Total Points Junior Sophomore Freshman *Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this sheet. After completing this ballot, please sign below and hand this form to your escort in the envelope provided. Thank you again for your assistance this year as a marching performance judge. We hope that you have enjoyed Freshman Glee 1995. Judge's Name (Please Print) x Judge's Signature Freshman Glee 1995 Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home Marching Formation Ballot Judge#_ Rules: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1-8, (with 8 being the highest) based upon the following categories ... 1. Adherence to Theme 2. Visual Impact 3. Difficulty Scoring Table: Class Adherence Visual Difficulty Total to Theme Impact Points Senior Junior Sophomore Freshman *Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this sheet. After completing this ballot, please sign below and hand this form to your escort in the envelope provided. Thank you again for your assistance this year as a marching formation judge. We hope that you have enjoyed Freshman Glee 1995. Judge's Name (Please Print) Judge's Signature Freshman Glee 1995 Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home Music and Lyrics Ballot Judge Rules: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1-5, (with 5 being the highest) based upon the following categories ... 1. Adherence to Theme -Serenade: 'Cause There's No Place Like Home 2. Accuracy of Notation -melodic, harmonic, rhythmic 3. Creativity 4. Prosody -the alignment of textual rhythm to melodic rhythm Scoring Table: Class Adherence Accuracy Creativity Prosody Total to Theme of Points Notation Senior Junior Sophomore *Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this sheet. After completing this ballot, please sign below and mail this form with the tape back to us before March 5, 1995 in the envelope provided. Thank you again for your assistance this year as a song category judge. We are looking forward to seeing you on March 11 for the actual show. Judge's Name Judge's Signature __ Yes! I will attend this year's Glee Banquet and will __ bring a guest. __ be dining alone. __ No. I do not plan to attend this year's Glee Banquet. Freshman Glee '94-'95: Overall Glee Manger Application Tara Wilson x6837 Baxter 406 A-125 Kiley Simmons x6774 Matthews 208 G-215 Tyler Peterson x6908 Belknap 202 E-131 Mark Martin 364-5634 Off-Campus C-186 Kendall Haynes x6956 Doney 211 F-183 Freshman Glee has been one of the most time-honored traditions Willamette University has ever known. For the last eighty-six years, this event has brought the Willamette campus together for a show that reeks of class pride, student involvement, and overall Bearcat enthusiasm. We, the above mentioned, are applying to be overall Glee managers so that we may continue the traditions of Willamette for future generations by making Freshman Glee number eighty-seven the best ever seen. We feel our group of five is extremely qualified for overall Glee management. Among us are four former ASB Presidents, five former members of National Honor Society, and five extremely active leaders that were involved in a potpourri of activities in both their respective high schools and communities. Given our individual records of involvement, we have proven our abilities beyond a reasonable doubt that we all have excellent time management skills and are willing to do whatever it takes to complete our responsibilities. In our research of former Glees, we were able to compile a list ofjob responsibilities. We then broke the list up into five categories with each member picking the category to head that best articulates his/her strengths: L Kiley Simmons, Programming Coordinator: A. Theme Development B. Performance Planner C. Slide Show Director D. Rule Enforcement Liaison E. On-Campus Invitations II. Tyler Peterson, Design/fechnical Coordinator: A. Logo Development B. Backdrop C. Performance Set-up 1. Lights 2. Sound System 3. Music 4. Risers D. Souvenir Development and Production we have heard a number of concerns that Glee simply isn't as stimulating as it used to be. Some people have even gone so far as calling Freshman Glee a "boring formality." We feel it is wrong for such a revered tradition to gain such a negative reputation. Our hopes are to reverse these adverse feelings by creating more Glee pUblicity through a v~riety of local mediums, i.e. television, The Statesman Journal, etc., and implementing helpful changes to the tradition itself. We have yet to specify these changes amongst ourselves, but as soon as they are made we will be very open to comments and/or suggestions from outside resources. Again, we are a highly enthusiastic group that has the skills and experience to make Freshman Glee a memorable and positive experience for all. Thank you for reviewing our application and considering our ideas for a Glee that will never be forgotten. GI\~ "Y~iC~ ~~ 1r"'~) Class Managers -Glee Individual Application ________________(box 11),__ address: (school) (home) phone number: (school}_____(home),_____________ (i1n~iI code) Why do you want {o be u Class Manager? \.vhal experience have you had with musical composiLion and choral coordination? What type of marching experiences and/or coordination of marching cxpedcnccs h,lve you had? What do you think your strongest qualities are? Why do you think others will want to follow you? What are your ideas for Glee? ~ " fML dJ.,u ~~:OO p.m· (Yi Wedne::J~) t\owwnkr 2.1!'ill. Freshman Glee '94-'95: Overall Glee Manger Application Tara Wilson x6837 Baxter 406 A-125 Kiley Simmons x6774 Matthews 208 0-215 Tyler Peterson x6908 Belknap 202 E-131 Mark Martin 364-5634 Off-Campus C-186 Kendall Haynes x6956 Doney 211 F-183 Freshman Glee has been one ofthe most time-honored traditions Willamette University has ever known. For the last eighty-six years, this event has brought the Willamette campus together for a show that reeks of class pride, student involvement, and overall Bearcat enthusiasm. We, the above mentioned, are applying to be overall Glee managers so that we may continue the traditions ofWillamette for future generations by making Freshman Glee number eighty-seven the best ever seen. We feel our group of five is extremely qualified for overall Glee management. Among us are four former ASB Presidents, five former members ofNational Honor Society, and five extremely active leaders that were involved in a potpourri of activities in both their respective high schools and communities. Given our individual records of involvement, we have proven our abilities beyond a reasonable doubt that we all have excellent time management skills and are willing to do whatever it takes to complete our responsibilities. In our research of former Glees, we were able to compile a list ofjob responsibilities. We then broke the list up into five categories with each member picking the category to head that best articulates hislher strengths: 1. Kiley Simmons,Programming Coordinator: A. Theme Development B. Performance Planner C. Slide Show Director D. Rule Enforcement Liaison E. On-Campus Invitations n. Tyler Peterson, DesignfTechnical Coordinator: A. Logo Development B. Backdrop C. Performance Set-up 1. Lights 2. Sound System 3. Music 4. Risers D. Souvenir Development and Production 1. Overall Glee T-Shirt 2. Commemorative Beanies (Seniors) E. Poster Development and Publication m. Mark Martin, Finance/Special Events Coordinator: A. Budgeting B. Bookkeeping C. Glee Banquet D. Other Special Events E. Ticket Publicity IV. Kendall Haynes, Off-Campus Liaison A. Invitations & Communications With ... 1. Honored Guests 2. Judges 3. Dedicatees 4. Alumni 5. Prospective Students B. Arrangements for Arrival C. Responsible for all visitors during Glee activities V. Tara Wilson, On-Campus Liaison/Scheduling Coordinator: A. On-Campus Relations 1. Faculty & Administration 2. ASWU 3. TIUA 4. Class Managers B. Practice Schedule Development C. On-Campus AnnouncementslBox Stuffers Even though our list specifically administers job responsibilities, we are fully aware that teamwork will be our most vital asset. Given the chemistry of our group, we all feel confident that we can work together to make the '94-'95 Glee a fun and exCiting event for everyone involved, including ourselves. We are a goal oriented bunch of students that are absolutely "frred-up" about starting the Glee process as soon as possible. One of the goals this year is to make Glee an event that will continue well after we graduate. By speaking with various alumni who were involved with their respective Glees, we have heard a number of concerns that Glee simply isn't as stimulating as it used to be. Some people have even gone so far as calling Freshman Glee a "boring formality." We feel it is wrong for such a revered tradition to gain such a negative reputation. Our hopes are to reverse these adverse feelings by creating more Glee publicity through a variety of local mediums, i.e. television, The Statesman Journal, etc., and implementing helpful changes to the tradition itself. We have yet to specify these changes amongst ourselves, but as soon as they are made we will be very open to comments andlor suggestions from outside resources. Again, we are a highly enthusiastic group that has the skills and experience to make Freshman Glee a memorable and positive experience for all. Thank you for reviewing our application and considering our ideas for a Glee that will never be forgotten. Freshman Glee 1995 Tally Sheet for Sophomores '97 Placement: ----­ •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• Students cite :ids go whole·hog professor as Glee seasons n National Pig Day startsatWU ly Nate McMahon )ftheTimes English professor emeritus Paul Trueblood and his wife Helen will be alem children celebrated National Pig Day Wednesday at the honored, and the usual Willamette m Public Library, but it won't be the only opportunity to honor a University antics will unfold duringial day. Freshmen Glee March 11 and March hursday is Dr. Suess' birthday, Friday is National [ Want To Be 13. )y Day -dedicated to being thoughtful to others even wh~n "Glee" is when students challenge :s aren't going well for yourself -and Saturday starts Nattonal each other in singing competitionsSomeone To See Week. and an odd bet on the side. he depository for such events is on hand at the library. It'scalled Trueblood, himself a 1928 ,e's Calendar of Events, the reference manual librarians use when Willamette graduate and a long-timewant to find out what certain days are dedicated to. master of ceremonies at Glee, was a hase's also has birthdays, special events and other information. A professor at Willamette from 1955 to edition comes out every year. 1970 and is the author of "Lord :l! Chase, a Flint, Mich., newspaper librarian, started the manuaL Byron," a respected critical biography0came known for his collection of rare information, and along of the English poet. his brother Harrison published the first Chase's in December Bets used to involve contests like pork 'n' bean fights, but they're gen­) w, Contemporary Books in Chicago publishes th~ manual. erallv more mellow these days, ac­Eley, editor of Chase's, said the tradition of gathering informa­cording to WiIlamette's medfa rela­bout days continues. tions coordinator, Melaney Moisan. eople call us to submit entries," she said, "or we may hear of The annual student spring partyspecial day and try to track it down. We also use freelance started about 1918. The singing com­e to go the library and look up useful days." petition, billed as "Serenades ­vou want to name a day after something, it is as easy as filling 'Cause :fhere's No Place Like ;:Jostcard and sending it to Chase's calendar editor, 2 Prudential Home," will be in Cone Field House . Suite 1200, Chicago, 111., 60601. at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 11. 'ew restrictions exist, however. You can't name a day after Losers in the competition, and ;If, you can't give a day a distasteful name, and if Chase's sometimes bystanders as well, tend to v has that name set aside you're out of luck. wind up in the Mill Race -the ~e days -especially the first days of different months -are stream that runs through campus. . .ted to 10 or more things. Eley said there is no limit to how "'s cold, the poor people gen­thingsa day can be named after, but Chase's$taff have the final erally freeze," Moisan said. "So when day naming. the Mill Race walk happens at about 1995 edition has 720 special days, weeks and months named, 11 a.m. on Monday, most everyone eng national holidays and days declared special by presidential stays inside. nation. . The day is called "Blue Monday,";'re considered the standard reference," Eley said. Park fees start An expanded day-use fee season Style Cigarettes ;7/},le : begins this week at 24 Oregon state parks, including Willamette Mission, just north of Keizer. 100s : The fees, which \\iere implemented 59~~ $1 ~kO March 1, will remain the same as last Coupon Expires ISUMEOO GENEflAl:S WARNIN:l: I • year's: $3 per vehicle or .$20 for an­M. &.-Y cA i)..) l1'Jj~ 3·17·95 . Clgaiel!e smoke """""auIx>!1 """""de.. nual permits. The fee season formerlyCIGARETTE OUTLET was mid-May to Sept. 25. 1((>. i2Lv--,l\r-....; Bob Meinen, state parks depart­--- Discounted Cigarettes • • • ment director, said the fee collection 2305 Lancaster Dr. • Salem, OR • 363·2405 • is being expanded to keep all parks open despite budget constraints. In addition to Willamette Mission, the parks charging day-use fees in­rln,.. Jp <!:I,?~-, .. £,';'",11", C' .. ",4~ n~ ,1 ,. e-elect Students cite professor as Glee seasons startsatWU English professor emeritus Paul Trueblood and his wife Helen will be honored, and the usual Willamette University antics will unfold during Freshmen Glee March 11 and March 13. "Glee" is when students challenge each other in singing competitions and an odd bet on the side. Trueblood, himself a 1928 Willamette graduate and a long-time master of ceremonies at Glee, was a professor at Willamette from 1955 to 1970 and is the author of "Lord Byron," a respected critical biography of the English poet. . Bets used to involve contests like pork 'n' bean fights, but they're gen­erally more mellow these days, ac­cording to Willamette's media rela­tions coordinator, Melaney Moisan. The annual student spring party started about 1918. The singing com­petition, billed as "Serenades ­' Cause There's No Place Like Home," will be in Cone Field House at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March II. Losers in the competition, and sometimes bystanders as well, tend to wind up in the Mill Race -the stream that runs through campus. "If it's cold, the poor people gen­erally freeze," Moisan said. "So when the Mill Race walk happens at about 11 a.m. on Monday, most everyone stays inside. The day is called "Blue Monday," Park fees start .-, ,/1 ,,~_ 0,,.,...--­19 Fan The Great to help famili problems is c 11, to the Sai The free will be from at the Y, 685 The purp increase fam .. nication, pI and increasi Free. Two ph: public talk Dr. Paul Trueblood from 10 to lem Public and classes are postponed then. Dr, DocMaybe it's blue after the color of the pathologislips of the Mill Race waders. ing Alzhei "This is our one big crazy ritual," Moisan said. "For the most part, it's things now like students wearing Mo nightgowns to class." Illusions on display at Salem Library A new Discovery Room exhibit called "Optical Illusions" opens 10 a.m. Thursday at the Salem Public , Library. Children of all ages are encour­aged to experience the illusions. The Discovery Room is open to the pub­Iicfrom 10 a.m. to noon and 3-5 p.m. Monday through Saturday except for Thursday and Friday mornings, 2-4 p.m. Sunday and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings. For information call the Children's Reference Desk at 588-6088.


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