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Jetty Rocks

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Hallie Ford Museum of Art



Louis Bunce, the best known and most prolific of Oregon's veteran modern painters, was born in Wyoming. In the 1920s, he and his friend William Givler were in new York, where Bunce studied at the Art Students' League and developed his interests in radical modern painting. In 1937, he came to Salem to teach art at the WPA art center, where one of his students was Clifford Gleason. During this period, Bunce and Gleason met Lillie Lauha, the future collector of modernist Northwest art. In 1949, Bunce and his wife Ida opened the Kharouba Gallery, Portland's first gallery devoted to experimental modern art, which operated until 1955. 'Jetty Rocks' was painted at Newport on the Oregon Coast.


Abstract paintings, Abstract works, Jetties, Oil paintings, Painting, Rocks, Sand
