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Glee 1990 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
dc.rightsFor use information see:
dc.titleGlee 1990 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionSunday March 4 8:30-10:30 Monday March 5 5:DD-7:DD ;~rn '1 7:00-9:00 9:30-1 ·t :00 Tuesday March 6 5:DO-7:00arn 12:20-1:15 4:00-5:00 7:00-!~:OO Fr~shnl~n FrestuTien ·:;:~·-,r)· .l;,.-...-.1',......:;::::.•.~ &..Ja..~~ 'Jh"'J.J~I ..,.'J"*'~ ..."'" .Juniors Frestirnen <",,~..., b..... ~~"'.,"~,r. t ... J{~1I{·'r1J').q'll{4 ~,I,.." :'~llif¥S Juniors Frest',fnen 7'::';~t?1P..1n'I'.e-s ,u...!unlor J.:-:.·...1r) ':'i}~-J.t"";,·p."'1 ""'p'-~ """""7-"'/' ,,-w .'~ .. /) ",.;:t ,Juniors Freshmen <;:' 'b~} h ?"~"'') ".:::,r· -"{'f" ,}{.,-l" ... '/~.~, ..Junior~; ... Con~ Fi~ld Hous~ Fjr!€' i~Jts (]aBertt DlrlJ.t;,!;1 ,<p"")(¥"Jj'S' ;t&2 Henkle Dining Rooms '1 {;~'IP& .F.h~' A.lunmi Lounge a{l'J/~'l,t:;t)(:.!ll'lS ht·2 {:{?/~F.H Cone F.H. Cc·ne F.H. H,:!:}IJI.~~ Dinin9 Rooms l&2 Fine Arts (lei.IleI)' Dining Rooms'1 [{')j~ F.l-l Ce·ne F.H. l I' .• All#~I~j~fl/~1 L {?tl'i.~7& Dininq Rooms 1 9:30-11'00 Wednesda,' March 7 7:00am 1 7:00-9:00 9:30-11 :00 Thursday March 8 5:00-7:00a,m 12"!0-1'1 c:_""'" _ ..J 4:00-5:00 :00 9:30-1 '1 :00 , Friday March 9 7:00am ,juniors Fre:::hnwn ':;~'v'J/h'''h''''I''j:,')'1''''A''-' o -"-li} .........'" ,..-.-......, Juniors '"'-:....... h,·)I'·{"£,·-,r,.!:J"-' _I ....i .. /J ... -....:1,} .1..... ",.J "....' .Juniors ,"-,n "x.~I"';-'''''~''-'''-' ~t{~~~i$"~YJ i{·-Y z:-~, ,Juniors Fre-shrnen Freshmen Si~t)I}{?l'}{?l-;PS' Juniors Freshrnen JI.Jniors Freshrnen Freshrnen Cone F.H. Henkle Dininq Rooms 1':)<.2 J;S~"}.~ AltS'(i=i)~t.~/}·, Henkle " Alumni Loun9;: D/~'1I.iJ:;l Cone Dining Room '1 ffllJf;/& Cone F.H. A$~Alt.:;. f..'7..'iJRlY C(H-Ie F.H. i-l.. ·'NlAie Fine ,A,rts GalIerv, Dining Roorns 'I C::()ne F.H. : I • ~ .All/lrl.lJ:/ L Cone F.H. 7:00-8:30 9:00-11 :00 Saturday t"iarch 1 0 8:00-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:00-'11 :00 11 :00-'1 2:00 Freshrnen 5{?p/;t'Yi}{~l-"Jf:';';' .Juniors Freshrnen ~')c" .1-.'-'''),.';':::' ~ _ {.~;;t.'JJlli'.. .... ~ Juniors .Juniors S&ll.k'>IF Frest"irnen ,;--~n ~*.-. .:;--;'t .... "''':,.::l...-• ....:r{1{.·l,n...·..'1 }-"..;.-I'"I ....'"1 .Juniors Henkle O;)lh?.F.H Fine Arts Gallerv, Dillli?;l,Q.'(;fiJ'5: l c";:2 Dining Roorns 1cx.2 AIllI.l""hlJ'iL{.?llllSl& Con€-F.H. Hi?lJkJe Cone F,H, f"·1;~r 4 ~ .. -~ .;. 1990 f1-~r 5" 1990 pm (:one field arn Dining 1& 2 day pm 1990 pm i 1 , , am 1:00 prn 5:00 Mar 7; 1990 pm 5:00 i • , I Practlce 60 Practice Glee Praetice Practices Practice Practice Practices Glee Practi(:e Practice Practice Date l"-lar 7.. 1990 1&2 1990 ne prn Core field am nrf!r ~ .. ~ 1990 De ~Im field am faculty Center am No. Pra(:tice:~ Practice Practice Prflctice 1 1 :[H] 1:00 5:00 dalJ 10:30 Practice 1:00 5:00 '{, ;';o_/"n, 11:00 PI'1 1:00 prn 5:00 ~ifn 1l:lU] pm day • ri."7$~! l,i~~.J :i.J prn 5:00 pm V1Et]( 199(J 10:00 prf~ fre3hrf~fi 1990 Center !~1ar 12, JaebOD II am 12:30 pm Bl ue t'1ond8y: 1990 & tvlill Strearo Overall Glee Team Managers Midlelle Fro.lei9h TIU E-204 X32S4 Scott Gerber \>\IIS H "15 8-"175 X~~2G \o~ _._:tI i7 P~ri:'.::::..........._ TlLl 3D3 C-"J 7$ X32S4 f t U,-" ....... --. 'l •• w.z..s- Clark Rice LA ;::..! I .j 8-24"j l\ Cathi \'tfoods LAUS 214 F-250 X6902 &frevor \'v'entlandt lAUS "109 E-2S1 ~ b t FHES HivlAN GLEE TI~i1ELINE OCTOBER ::i. 8e;Jin to ~)ret)a~re a [)!jl:j(let ....,. ; i ...&~ 4. A(Jvanc€? rn€?rno to faeull:l and sta.ff to inr()t1-n th€?tY! of th€? dat€?s of GI€?€? 'l'V€'€?k, th€? p€?tfotynanc€?, and 81u€? Mc.nday. !~,sk: facul~}.' ~:) sehedule around GI€?e 1--.,;;:::."-",,, u...·;;:::. it Ii,... j"'nr>,r.,.t-..,. .-,t Ii..,. "'-.1 f-·("'·i-·!~;st;;:::.nt \.'-"th·;; !'r-·,;;:::.r::< I :;.}ttr· ;;:::',-{j •..-...:;,ti,...·.n·l ':Ii-'It­=-......... -_-Q'. ;::....-... ~:,\: .! ~ !g.,;' .... ~ t .. Q. J: h. f.o. ~ h.~ ..... t..'" "_ !'Io.o: ....... ; ... .$'Y! _. • v. u·.,,--_" ~.!"_.f ._~ oJ 'l.:i ..,h,,·G\ ....v , *.l--..-. S. r....t;;:::..:::.r '"vitI.-. J:. '!I j·...~i,..l· (\>+-I,'/,.;;:::. ~c i;;:::'V,,.,..·iill '~-'I!j··~·~i";r.r·-';::: i ....ff.j-·;;:::. ..,j.-.",-", It ·."dv"" n,'-';;:::' ni '!.-1iii~i!-v ;... .. ;ll·.... •.... ·.. 1; ...11 * ; t.A!1 1t :.rl! "-....-,..,..: .'I:f ...... ",·:::Iry.~ l~....:;;.\.J·..... ~___ ·.1'.11-...··.,., ;:4.L··JY-.. I!:~-.nIC.l\..;....••....,;V:-"!I~ i "'I'Villarn€?l:t€? Sc€?n€', alumni rnailings. NOVEMBER '1. D€'v€?lop ·:j€?tall€?d list of di'y'is!ons of f€?SPO flS iN i iti€?s. Tt"!is is important. E',;,'er)'thing must b€? d€?si9nate-d K) som€?(:'n€? at this time. 2. nr;:;VJ "1) tij-n':::'!I'!'1I':::' f..~.r !:nA;'...'!·{'i";:;I·-~'-'r)rlt-'~I:hl;ilti'-··'-' _ _~ ~A .. i !,AI"" ~..; ~ -.... ~ 1-.-.. v ,~'\.~! .. --=W';'=o. J "·-::Sr" V" $-_ ..... ;. _;o;;:,:.,;:t~ DECEMBER '1. Confim1 ixacti(:€? sch€?dule, room r€?ser1atie·ns (Alumni LOi.~rKt€? DinirKI Hooms 1 .. ~ ....-.1" .-..­1~> 1.2., C()i1€? Field HouS€?, H€?nkl€? (or oth¥ lo(:ation if ()i!€? has been located». :/. ru··':::"'i{:;.I..~,t'l H·1,'·I.··,.-.I...(1..... {·-.. i~""''''·~ tru,..·t II;:::'" no,....t~t-r·,t-,..,.,,'·....~t--I~i PijCI-,..,...,tT1 "-~~;:;I'{"'I'''' l,t_ i~_: -.... ~ OJ ."'r--__:C ......f'\.-...II' ... t..J \t---IJ"'~-~--"-ii .':; .............}.= r-.--~""'.II} t-"I v~'!Gu ..= ......:Ji'........ Q.= """'......4_~ .....• ::; I. irnportant that this b€? de·n€? no'...\". '1 8.:::.,'-· i, n ;:::;;:::.Itlo("ti,.-; "'I '-if •.-~;;:::...-.! '(";:1Il-iri "1 .., '11'~ H"'In..-)r.:::.(-.i C.:;, ';;:::'C-\:,:;' T;__"fj·i.,. t_o ,A. !,IU,"-;,-; r-Il' ()l>+-i,(_:~., ~.F,-j'(-_; "__ ! ......::; ........~ .....~ v _~_!~__ [j .~..... ~ ~.d ....... "'_-iI .........~J_~~~!; *.. ! 2·..-1 _~_. _ 2 ....-.... -..,.( ·_.. u~v_·~. i,~ f":.: _ iil .. Ii .... ""'" "l' Pmsid€?nt's ()ffic€'. 4. S€?nd post:anjs t~) ~)rinte-r. 'vVam Alumni Hous€' abc·tit address labels tor , , .., I~ '·-0.... i·::. "'lei ri.-. (11',::.h.-.:;, .-,,-••-.,,>+-',' .~;;:::. •.,. hi.... ' '!-.-).~ r;;:::. fit.::: :CJ.. '.AI. i!:1 v.l '"-'II: Mt::f:::: -_=U tAl ~ .,.,. I ~... Q .. =-.......... l...It.. t-·:~.l,.~ ....... _\.-::=. Consider and ·:.:hairs. 3. \Noti< on r~s&t\''i:ltions} app()lntrn~nt~ for class managers, class;&'s rnust us& sarn& e-quipment, h·:;, '1n6 r {rir-, {'i VG:>r 4. Ask Buzz to pres~nt ~PA~,.-; "~,, ~t.~:;1-·.t ..J ~ 'W" this with hirn). 5. Ask SCJIT!MOO to Alrna Mater (Paul uet)IOI()O, if possible-) and this song. " GontactTIU special perfoiTrlanc~. .,. flA .;; !jl.........)·llthis-· 1, Se-nd postcards Q •• ?,-~ 00.1-.••1111. \'-done in the-First ¥reek-­I -';t,..,.I •• fi-:..::. r;.·-:!s riO) h~""' ~~::.f..~ f ~ r~· ~ i'""...r_ ...~_ .. ::. v ,...,.~ mailing iabeis on cards or prepared to spe-nd an entire da.",J doina , -.' S~ndposte-r d&sign Finalize plans 4. etc.). Song deadline. Govp!~vA t1~rif)i1~..... ~..,. J _ i"1f-'::"-·'r'-·g-I ~ .C.f".; ~... "Vi _v an alternative. about c! parti~s alter r.""'I'TA.I'l"l!'l,~ and aJ)·:)ut Glee­Crifl. lleng&. l\, tuxede· 9. Talk to Marriot about lunches for class RI! I;;:' ~",1{Y-lii::;.!'" _I .."'f''''' ;IF'l.: !«....":I'Q~J. THREE WEEKS BEfORE GLEE 1. ~Aeet¥rith Fa..:::ilities prcu:;;ram set-up. Detei'iTIine-program ofperforrnance., start on Find students to sell (!O(&C3. A,r"Y."·,-"tT judges.. 'y\"ork I~Jhtand out prv.;!i"ams.. and take (iCI<:ets plead and bribe people <1 <'::;;;:'fili'i {)lit i"/C·f-i ...·;;:.,-. 1-(. f-:;,,"p!k, l ~ ~_. ~..~ "on \,; -",-I ... ~ ......-_f\... ·.,-j t.V ;"C'I:. ..... \,;i ly thern ,~the Ic'g~stics of Blue Se-nd info!"rnation jUtjiJlng to ,.....ul,","'''''_ Send invitation pe-rfOi'iTIat1Ce to song ~.......,.,.~.., '1"0:. f~' """"l'YII"'oUS r.ol'i i\'~ I! IQ_~ =I.... ~_~ -_~J'~ ".,.,..Q.i!i.,....­...., L TWO W'EFKS BEFORE GLEE ·<.1. Cin-:;, 1,17':::' i··;:;jr,:::.ri.·jfi ?iT2 ...,·..,:::.rr1,:::.rlk l(:;i"'e f··~I-,:::.r,:::.r "1 t'l ,:::.e:t!·~I·Yll-,:::. ;~'f·· fi!!,:::.'~to:;:) 1 ~~ ~;.7.. ~~_....... _ ••_.~. d ::i O..ll,.. ...:1.1 I::;".... : 'P..." I -..rJ J,,:..o:. 'f _" ·-"cJ~·_·_ "_'" G.; --"~J i ~Ci.i","""J ::J. ~V~::SVJ•• 2. Line Ul) creW'S for Glee-set-Ul) {Fraternitie-s are (ire-at!!. a I' ~ ::2 .; 3. Proqram tc· the ~)rinter. -J' :; 4. Contact florist about fioral arrangements. s. B.l:.,CKDROP PAINTED! 5. Talk: to Camnr~'us Safet\-' about')Deninq SDarks and Cone Field House for five­~ 1 ... • ~, and about i09istics of Blue tv"Jnda,'. 7. Cardboard for risers. B. r-."i-:;'l.,,:::. .-;'1"1"-:;' ""!,ig,:::.n-j':::"j"l!-c· 'Mith !.rt-,',,A r·1ep,;4>tt-"'i,:::.nt l-r·, •!S':::' ;,ffl;f~':::' r·· ... r~I,:::.,:::. ~lli,-,,;L'II-riA, _ .. t. f~.;I,.r~·..... (""r! :....=.. ;.......... "V ,..!"..,;} "'fl ....i l r)o•.i I •..".~..... U ." ...-GU·... i j "_" .... t; • ..f" Jw'i't..; ........-u ............ -J! f -_"! ".... "..." ,.."::;1 .'... "'_...~ t;3.bulate nerfonTlance results. I BEFORE PRACTiCES BEGIN ·1. Se-t-up risers in (;:':)i1~} cover v1ith cardboard and tap~. 2. Set up, ,[;:·iano in COi1~. .-, .-.::",:::.t· 't'i ·1 U-n .~ ....~ ;~.~ ; • .., c·", "',,:::, j,~. inAi,-··-"'-~· """"1-:--it· f'··'Tr..,·;i!-io··, ·~f r·'f-·~ ..;... ..-f.~ ...........-...u',· ."a ..J .... -_-lir-. !.J 'vi !~ji ~ ii i .....·•....}i ~~ !J.l f! ,s...4 t 'f.J (' 1....... § .Or." i~·li!!;: !:.:--.·..ii ! t,}l1 .. it::.:' f... t.11 !'JI!;: !:::1.; l-.;....~~ 4. Move podium to Cone. s. Ta~)e (iiJtrjserd~Tiensj':xls in ()thermarchinq j:)ract~:~e area (include stairs and ; "..-1 ~. de-skmate Indi'.,.' j·:juaIrisers"'!. y ; 1. Send rnemo b) p~ople who agreed ~:) help (i~. campus safe~/1 rnaintenance.. sliat"ks peo_,t)Ie,iv1~.tT10t'!. !! ;: • .: GLEE WEEK i-~{·, f.') 2 !! ·v-·... (~!..~,:::.,-. 1... •_"'l ......*_ -_ •• ~~; o. :J'I!_! ........ ~. ::J. S':::'f-np' e:,~., I i ..,;.~ .... n,,~J I' i"<i''t,~ _ *_ OJ .. =..'t .... v·""Uii·.,A:c~ p.l =yI1:..o'-I'_ :3. Move Sootliqht !Torn Srnith b) COne fif YOU C;:Hi find more sr:r.;')tiiqhts on 1 .... I. .l' : ~-" camnus1 qmb those toot r ~ , .:1 . c·'lin"')i !.,:::. ii i.'~i"'':::''~' t~.-:;,;--It,:::.t,-.. t ~..... _ It"! 'V J ....:i~.A:='.~--~ f.... v~~.,.,.~·~·.... -~. S. C:onta.d Grounds Cr~v1about Blue iv1onda~:l cleanup of ,Ja·::i:son Plaza. Ei. Han9 bac~::9ro!j!1d ca.nvas and backdmp. -.l. -':,.:;\ il... ho ;~i;:;j<:'S r 1.....a ...,."',••""....-. -:;,i.-}{')ul: '-·t,,:::.r·j·:;\ j' p,,:::..-;,A,rT.-l? ~1("':::' I......i'i!'e:rico:;: l··..-·-;,,...·o:;:,,:::. :'-"··1eC· «.t~~ _, ·.... I~.·J'"ooI. I ... ! !t!:-\~ •..rt.;:: v.L '.. ... ·:>r..... .............Qt. •..·1 h.n!! .v"ll _'J".' '.' ::' -.,.11 ..5 _~_ -:.......c.;,.v·_''l.·-.....·_· lCJ..~ 'J'''';.I 3 GLEE DAY '1 _Till practiee. 2. Dr)' nm of p€'tformanee (!i9hts (:;if.• sound and p€'tforrnan(:e !i9hts on). :3. Setsoun(:j !€'v€'L i"llake each Overali ~,Aan;::1.geran,:j €'; CI;3.sS fv1anaq��'rtest C'(-'l It-.rC!· j",v~1 {"'(lV1,c. ir-J'....r F.;""t-l r·-Ir-~ic·"" ')f "" i !,-ij·,.:;,t-,,·ji:>·i p.".',} ·-.t"'lA<~j-:.> I ·;}rrA.-.i-i""'j t,-, ~_" .•. _i: E 3V; .. " i \ '\or ..~ i ~:!·..1~1I !;;i"-_i-..-4,,.I' w_~ ~._. ~.-,~_. "" II Q.~_; .... 1: ".."V ~... CJI"l .:ar--.......... ;I::,!i.: G..._"v 1 i="il·v~! ........l I()gistics ()f Sf)€'Cia.I class re(~ujrements. 4. Meditate, pra~:l and PARTY OR CRASH. THE DAY AfTFR '1 n""t">-"jC"'l',,'··.... ~"'l;~,~i,.-(-.·yl! 'f-If...! ,''':'j n\j?c' ~"'I-:l(~i(!-Jrni"y ·::t?(-·!:· C-r'-,·". i",::-· r"ll:'ji:> (~()V."'1 S()I ;....,-i "" r-"...! ; .. ra·..~i i .....· I t:=' i-... "Ioi .......i·•. ~i "_":..; ;;.".i: ".."=..-.. : i: ';;:~....t;. L·:v.. ·_·~ ... ·_-I: """r-".: ·_~W.·A';:·. .. Q.U ;_"; ..;;~r.......· ..i ... :!!:. ..... ........if I-a.. foAl i .....~ liqht; t"€'r(lO',"€' ~)iano. {aqain, fraternities are ig:reat to help dean-u!:)). ,.~ * ! ~. -.,.s * '1'~~ BLUE MONDAY '1. Laugh and €' Drink heattil~1 (this is not tr~) sa~~1 that "Ne corK~one (onsurnption of a k:oholic: b€","€'rages). Pr€'paJ"€' to b€' t'l1i!1 Strearn€'d. 2. T;3.i<:e back sound and light. THE WEEK AFTER SPRING BREAK '1. Rest., catch up on hO~\f'tork. AFTER SPRiNG BREAK '1. GI€'e €"faJuatj()n b~:l gi€:€' cornrnil:tee. *") f-~*!"'.r... ·..!*v,.i:/-~!,·-t:.t" io"" ~11 f!;.;~t~ j-I·-...i....~~... Vln-io"'!~ "'-At"':-" ~. ·_1 leo::; 0::; ! i;:l•••Ji:::I. It)Ii ~)}' '_. T .~ ..::1.! t_1Io::;o::;! i ;:;1. Ii,...9~-" ::._ :3. Final budg€'t. 4. Create a fii€: for future Overall G!€'€' managHs. 4 TO: ALL CLA STUDENTS FROM: BRENDA FREEMAN &: sm ELLIOTT STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE DATE: MARCH 10, 1989 RE: GLEE DANCE AND BLUE MONDAY On Saturday. following the Glee performance. there will be an all campus Glee Dance sponsored by ASWU from 10:30PM to 1:00AM at the Elks Lodge. With the exception of a one hour gathering for the Senior Class. there will be no approved parties this weekend. Though your class managers have already informed you of the Blue Monday rules unanimously approved by them, to stress their importance we have listed them below. All University policies will be in effect on Monday. For safety reasons, we urge that students walking the Mill Stream wear an old pair oftennis shoes to avoid any injuries to your feet. BLUE MONDAY RULES The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 13, 1989) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, except 11:OOAM classes which will be rescheduled for ll:OOAM on the next Thursday (March 16, 1989). B. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11:00AM hour. C. Bets involving members ofthe faculty, administration, or clencal support staffare expressly prohIbited. Faculty members may, however, permit the use ofpart of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, hIs/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden. unless consented to by all partIes concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury, or violation of state, federal, or municipal law are expressly prohIbited. F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable. or involve exceSSive use ofalcohol should be discouraged. G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00PM on Blue Monday. BF/ka FRESHMAN GLEE 1990 RULES AND REGULATIONS Freshman Glee is one of the oldest traditions on the Willamette University campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and tCI enable students to get b:, knc.w ea.:h other better. The following rules and regulations ar~ approved herewith by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in conjunction with the Freshman Gl ee Cc,mmi ttee. THEME Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee wi 11 vary ac.:c,rd ing to fOLl'"" general musb:al fOl"mats. These themes/formats are: Fight (1'388), N'Jvelty (1989), Alma Mater (19':30), and Serenade (1'3'31), These formats will cc.ntinue t.:, rc.tate on this basis so that during a four-year period each class will have an opportunity to complete in each format. ERE§HMAN GLEE DATE Freshman Glee will be held the evening of the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Vacation March 10, 1990. ELIGIBILITY Only students currently enrolled at Willamette University will be eligible tel participate in Freshman Glee. Other eligibility questions shall be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee. APPOINTMENT AND PROCEDURE~ A. The Senate of the Asscll::tated Students of Willamette University (ASWU) will app.:<int Freshman Glee Co-Managers. Freshman students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The Freshman Glee Managers will be appointed prior to October 15. 8. The Freshman Glee Co-Managers will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Managers from each class to be elected by their respective classes. These Managel"S (Or their designated representative) will excercise one vote on behal f of their-clas~.; in Committee decisions and/o>(> recommendations to the Glee Co-Manager-s. The Glee Co Manager-s will not have a vote. This Committee will review Freshman Glee yules, assist the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in a'((anging practice schedul('?s, contacting Judges y etc. It will also i"evie\.... all complaints with r-egard to lrul£~ infra!:tions and will determine penalties, if any. The Class l'1anageFs fFom the alledgedly offendilig class shi:':\ I I not have a vote in such i nstances. C. The Class Managers will act as the over-all class organizerS fo,>-thei'r-class, seeing that all deadlines are met, rules complied with, etc. The Class Managers will appoint persons from their respective classes to the following positions: 1) Song Writer(s): Composes original words and music appropriate to the Frsshman Glee theme and song format. 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the class participating in Freshman Glee. 3) Choregrapher(s): Plans the formations (a maximum of three for each class, although the Freshman class shall not be penalized for pErforming only two) and movaments from one formation to the next. 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of marching and f.:,rmat iClns. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the class t-shirt to bE worn on Glee night. S) Accompainist(s): Provides piano accompaniment during pra.:ti,:es and the perfo)'mance on Glee night of the class 9:rg and format ic.ns. Anyone person may fill more than one of these positions. D. Words, music, and a tape of class songs are due in the Office of Student Activite~ (University Center) no later than Noon ~ on Friday, February 17, 1990. The submitted audio tapes must be recordEd on equipement whcih will be pr.vided for by the Glee Committee. (Up to one voice per part may be included on the ,judge1 s tape.) Sub,ject tel the dis,:retion of the Glee Committee, there will be a penalty of up to four (4) points from the final point total for any class that does not meet this deadline. E. At a special assembly to be held the Sunday beginning Glee Week (March 4, 19'30), the Freshamn Gle~? Co-Managers or a Freshman Class representative will issue a formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other three claSSES. Representatives of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes will respond in an appropriate manne'(. (The .:hallenge may also be issLied at the Univeysity Convocation pl"i':lr to Glee Week if deemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee Committee and the University Chaplain. ) F. Only the Song Writers, 8eong Leaders, Choreograpr·fers~ and l"lal'ch Leaders may play class songs to Monday of Glee Week (March 5~ 1'3'30:> • G. Glee practices shall begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee (Monday, March 5, 1990). A schedule will be arr the Freshman Glee EYS and approved by the Freshman Glee Cc.mmittee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week (February 281 1'390). During the practice sessic.ns the following regulations shall be in effect: 1) No alcohol will be allowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups of more than feur persons in the same room r at the same time except during assigned practice he.urs. 3) No marching will be allowed on the circular stairway in the University Center. 4) Any class m~y choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time will be allowed. (In Llnusual cin:umstan.:es, bey.:.nd the .:.:.ntr.:.l of thf? class lnvc.l ved ,the I3leEt C.:.mmi ttee may amend this rule.) 5) n.e Freshman Class shall be allowed Cine additic.nal pra.:tice during Glee W~ek arid one marching of up to two hours the weekend immed iately pl'"eced ing Gl ee Week. (Dur ing the practice before Glee Week, the Freshman shall not practice theil'" song or specific formations.) 6) Dress l'"ehearsal hours as planned by the Glee Co-Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee will be strictly enforced on Saturday morning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late will lose its portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. Any class ex.:eeding its p'r"actir:e time will be penalized at the discretion of the Glee Committee, provided a formal complaint is lodged. 7) Excluding dress rehearsal, only appointed Class Managers and the Freshman Glee Cc.-Managers may visit class pl'"actices other than their own for a period of more than five (5) minutes. 8) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of scheduled Glee practice to plan and pl'"actice Senior Skits or to assist the freshmen with their marching. Senior Skits will normally be presented at 9:00 pm on Friday of @~ Week (March 9 , 1990), after Glee practice, but the Senior Class may choose another time at its discretion. A decision as to the date and time of Senior Skits shall be made no latel'" than Monday before Glee Week (February 26, 1'3'30) • FRESHMAN GLEE NIGHT REGULATIONS A. Only the following clc.thes will be WOl'n during the final per f.:Jl'"mance: 1) Glee T-shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2) Dark bluse pants or jeans 3) Socks The use" of buttons, sti.:kers, pin!'s, ribbons~ et.:. f is not pe'r"mitted. B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats of other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the following order: Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors. D. The Senior Class, by virtue of their longevity, may enter the F iel dhouse in any manner t h*2Y feel appY" opr i ate. They wi 11 have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in the heckling. E. Only piano may be used t.:. acc.:tmpany the classes during the class presentation. F. No verbal or visual .•:luesmay be give/i dLtring the final performance of marching and/or songs. G. No hand or body movements, indluding torso, will be allowed during the final performance other than the marching itself, at the discretion of the Gl~e Committee. (Specifically, no body movements are permitted during the rendition of the song.) No vocalization is allowed during marching; hand slaps are limited to one (1) per formation. H. Hec kl ing and the use c.f watey ((:or any substance:> are e!t:pressly prohibited during the entrances of the classes or the performances of formations and songs. I. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede c.r c.therwise heckle any other class dUYing the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J. Classes must perform the song turned in for judging, at the discretion of the Glee Committee. RULE INFRACTIONS A. The Freshman Glee Committee will review all complaints with regard to yule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. In the case of a tie vote the Overall Glee Managers will cast the deciding vote. B. The me.mbeY's of the Freshman Glee C()mmittee shall represent theiY class in the compl.laticm of final points and the possible assessments c.f penalty points in the event of an in fy ac t ion. BLUE MONDAY. The Mcmday 1'011c",.,IiIl9 Fl"eshman (lIee (Mar-eh 12, 1990) shall be designated "Blue Me,nday" dUlring which day bets ',.,Iill be paie! by the losers. The following l"egulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, exe 11:00 am classes which will be rescheduled fOl" 11:00 am on the next Thursday (March 15, 1'3'30)" 8. The class which pla.:ed f'Jurth at Glee shall walk the 11il1 Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11 : 00 am hour. C. Bets invl;:Jlving member-s clf the f,acuIty, administration, c.r clerical sLlppeort a'ree:y;pressly p·rQhibited. Faculty members may, however, permit theDse of a part of the classroom time f.:.t the paying of bets. Since this is detel'"mined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought in advance. D. Bets between two people invil~ing propel'"ty a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage r personal injury, or violat i,::.n .;:Jf st,ate, federal, .::.r munic ipal law are expressl y pr.:.h ib i ted. F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. G. All bets mLlst be paid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. From the Office of Student Activities Willamette University TO: College ofLiberal Arts Faculty FROM: Sallie Suby-Long, Director of Student Activities&GJ-. Scott D. GreenwoOO., Assistant Director of Student Activities A'iI.:LJ Michelle Fraleigh, Scott Gerber, Liz Parks, Clark Rice, Cathi Woods, and Trevor Wentlandt, Overall Glee Managers DATE: March 5, 1990 RE: Glee and Blue Monday Glee Week 1990 is in full swing at Willamette. Classes will be practicing all week leading up to Saturday nights perfonnance. We have received several questions about "Glee tradition" which we would like to clarify: 1. Monday, March 12, 1990 is designated as "Blue Monday." Blue Monday is a time for the "paying off' of Glee bets. As in the past all CLA students have been notified of Blue Monday rules. These rules prohibit bets involving members of the faculty, administration, or staff. Furthermore, they prohibit the paying off of bets during class time unless specifically approved by the faculty member. Additionally, bets which violate the law, involve property damage, or the excessive use of alcohol are prohibited. 2. To accomodate the traditional march of the losing class down the millstream all classes scheduled during the 11:20 a.m. Monday class time will be rescheduled during the 11:20 Thursday, March 15, 1990 Convocation time. Generally, Glee is a time for camaraderie and fun. You are invited and encouraged to take part in the tradition by attending the Glee performance, Saturday, March 10, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in Cone Field House. As in the past Faculty, Adminstration, Staff, and their families are invited to attend the event free of charge. Please let the ticket takers know that you are a staff person when they ask for your ticket! Ifyou have any questions concerning Glee or Blue Monday please contact us at 6463. -- TO: COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS FACULTY FROM: SID ELLIOTT, STUDENT ACTIVITIES SUBJECT: FRESHMAN GLEE AND BLUE MONDAY DATE: FEBRUARY 24, 1989 The season of GLEE will soon be upon us! Practices for Willamette's most conspicuous and enduring tradition will begin at 5:00AM Monday, March 6, and will culminate in the actual performance on Saturday evening, March 11. The "paying off" of GLEE bets will be on Monday, March 13 (Blue Monday). To accomodate the losing class' march down the Mill Stream, classes during the 11:20AM class period on March 13 will, as is traditional, be postponed until the Convocation hour on Thursday, March 16. Questions have been raised about University policy regarding student behavior on Blue Monday. As any faculty member who has been at Willamette longer than a year knows, Blue Monday is a time of good-natured and sometimes tasteless activity associated with the "paying off" of GLEE bets. Some questions relate specifically to students bringing alcohol to the classroom. Be assured that activity illegal in the State of Oregon also violates University policy and that faculty efforts to deter illegal and/or offensive student behavior, e.g., use of alcohol or other controlled substances and assaults on property or persons, have the complete support of the administration. GLEE rules also prohibit the involvement of third parties (you) in GLEE bets, unless prior consent is given. Students who engage in such activity will be subject to university disciplinary procedures. Generally, GLEE is a time for camaraderie and fun. You are invited and encouraged to take part in the tradition by attending the GLEE performance, Saturday, March 11, at 7:30PM in Cone Field House. If you have any questions, or complaints after the fact, concerning GLEE or Blue Monday, please contact me at Extention 6463. SE/ka From the Office of Student Activities Willamette University TO: All CLA Students FROM: Sallie Suby-Long, Director of Student Activities s.:w..-­Scott D. Greenwood, Assistant Director of Student Activities ./fAl! DATE: March 5, 1990 RE: Blue Monday Rules Glee week is here! As you enjoy the fun of Glee week we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the Blue Monday rules unanimously approved by your class managers. In addition to the rules outlined below please be aware that all University policies will be in effect on Monday. For safety reasons, we urge that students walking the Mill Stream wear an old pair of tennis shoes to avoid any injury tou your feet. Blue Monday Rules The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 12, 1990) shall be designated "Blue Monday" during which day bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, except 11 :20 a.m. classes which will be rescheduled for 11 :20 a.m. on the next Thursday (March 15, 1990). B _ The class which placed fourth at Glee shall walk the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11 :20 a.m. hour. C. Bets involving members of the faculty, administration, or clerical support are expressly prohibited. Faculty members may, however, pennit the use of a part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, her/his permission must be sought in advance. D _ Bets between two people involving a third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties concerned. E. Bets that might involve property damage, personal injury, or violation of state, federal, or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionable, or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. G _ All bets must be paid in full by 10;00 p.m. on Blue Monday_ Good Luck and have a great Glee Week! From the Office ofStudentActivities Willamette University TO: All Glee Class Managers FROM: Michene Fraleigh., Scott Gerber, Liz Parks, Clark Rice, TrevorWentlandt, CathiWoods -Overall GleeManagers ScottGreenwood-AssistantDirectorofSmdentActivities Sallie Suby-Long -DirectorofStudentActivities DATE: February23, 1990 BE: Expectations regardingalcoholduring GleeWeek Please remind/announce to your classes that Glee Week does not pre-empt the university alcohol policy. Students should be mindful that they will be held accountable for any violations of the alcohol policy or any other University policy. Alcohol-related events for the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes will not be approved. The senior class may choose to schedule an alcohol-related event providing all regular alcohol event registration procedures are closely followed and they have the approval ofthe host residence. Ifyou have any questions about these expectations, please contact Scott or Sallie at Extension 6463. Ik w~[L[L~Ir1nEiifE l!JJoo~~[Elm~~i\1 OFFICE OF FACILITIES SCHEDULING MEMORANDUM TO: Cathy Woods --F-250 DATE: December 14, 1989 FROM: Holli Davenport SUBJECT: Enclosed reservations Hem am copies of all of the facilities reservations I have on the computer for Freshman Glee. All of them are at least somewhat negotiable at this point. You and Tony will need to make specific arrangements with Gordie James about set-up time in the Field House on Sunday, March 4. Please let me know those times as soon as they are finalized. These reservations only give you two practice spaces. Please let me know if you and Gordie come to an agreement on the use of Henkle Gym so I can get it on the computer. I am still waiting for an answer from the Music Department about the use of the the Fine Arts Gallery, There are events on stage three nights out of five that week (not counting Senior Skits), so the Gallery will not be available for the evening practices. I am working on another possibility for those practices, but it would require including the rental of an upright piano (or an electronic keyboard) in the Glee budget. Is that a possibility? Hope you have (or had, depending on when you get this) a happy and restful break. Next semester will be '!N busy! hd cc:· Scott Greenwood Gordie James Tony Noble From the Office ofStudentActivities Willamette University TO: Overall Glee Managers -Michelle Fraleigh, Scott Gerber, Liz Parks, ClarkRice, TrevorW~ntlandt,Cathi Woods k " U FROM: Sallie Suby-Long ~~ DirectorofStudentActivities DATE: March 12, 1990 BE: Glee 1990 Congratulations on a very successful Glee 1990! You did an outstanding job of coordinating all the details and organizing an event that was enjoyable for the participants and the audience, as well. I hope you all have a chance to catch up on your sleep during Spring Break. You certainly deserve it! Again, my sincere congratulations on a job well done! SSLlksa 4 @ -Wil&tte UN IVERSITY March 14, 1990 Liz Parks Box C-17S Dear Liz, Congratulations on the great job you did in coordinating the judging and the reception for Glee. These "less visible" jobs with Glee are so very important for it to be successful. I appreciated the professional way you handled your responsibilities. Your work helped make Glee the success it was! Additionally, your willingness to help in whatever ways were necessary during the final hectic days was a huge help. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you again in the future! Have a great Spring Break -you've earned it! Sincerely, Scott D. Greenwood Assistant Director of Student Activities UNIVERSITY March 14, 1990 Scott Gerber Box B-176 Dear Scott, Congratulations seems such a small word to express what a great job you did on Glee -but it is the best word I know of! You should be very pleased with the effort you put forth to make Glee a huge success. Your dedication to detail, your persistence in seeing a project through to the end, and your ability to keep a sense of humor throughout the program are all qualities that served you well for Glee -and will serve you well in whatever else you choose to become involved in! The backdrop itself looked great. As much as I hate to admit it, it looked a lot better than the one I did ten years ago (although I won't admit this publicly). Scott, one of the side benefits of my job is that I get to work with great students like yourself! I look forward to working with you on future projects. Have a great Spring Break -you earned it!! Sincerely, Scott D. Greenwood Assistant Director of Student Activities UNIVERSITY March 14, 1990 MicheJle Fraleigh Box E-204 Dear Michelle, Congratulations on a job well done! I thought that you did an excellent job on all the preparations for the honored guests and dedications. It was a very nice part of this years Glee. In addition, I appreciated, and congratulate you, for all the "little extras" that you worked on to make this years Glee a big success. I really enjoyed the opportunity to work with you, and look forward to working with you on other projects! Have a great Spring Break -you've earned it! Sincerely, Scott D. Greenwood Assistant Director of Student Activities ~,,~~ Willamette UNIVERSITY March 14, 1 Clark Rice Box B-241 Dear Clark, Congratulations on a successful 1990 Glee. Your help in the preparation of the publicity and program was a big part of making Glee the success it was! You should be pleased with the work that you put into helping out with the program -including the long hours in the final hectic days! Have a great Spring Break you've earned it! Sincerely, Scott D. Greenwood Assistant Director of Student Activities ."",~~-"i4---~-,,,,,,---'_;_._:;w. ZJl4P_¢JiiiiJlWiWihl -_......----____________ _________ ______ , * ,:' Ni UNIVERSITY March 14, 1990 Cathi Woods Box F-2S0 Dear Cathi, Great job!!!!! Your hard work for the past 6 months has finally paid off. From day one you took charge of this project and made sure that nothing was going to get in the way of it being a success! I appreciated your hard work and dedication. You are a major reason that Glee 1990 was a success! The work you did on the publicity, brochure, and most importantly the schedule was first rate. I also appreciated the way you "picked Upll the slack whenever it was needed. You performed your duties in an extremely professional manner. I look forward to working with you in the future! Have a great Spring Break in Minnesota -you've earned it! Sincerely, Scott D. Greenwood Assistant Director of Student Activities UN IVERSITY March 14, 1990 Trevor Wentlandt Box E-251 Dear Trevor, Congratulations on a successful Glee! Your work with the finances, minutes, and some of the equipment needs for Glee was great. In addition, your willingness to do whatever was necessary during the last few hectic days was greatly appreciated. Have a great Spring Break -you've earned it! Sincerely, Scott D. Greenwood Assistant Director of Student Activities UNIVERSITY March 12, 1990 Michelle Shultz Rob Patridge Dave Bertholf Dear Michelle, Rob, and Dave: Thanks to all three of you for coordinating a very entertaining evening of Senior Skits! You did a very good job of making the event fun and in good taste. We appreciate the leadership you showed in managing the entire event. Congratulations on a very successful evening! Sincerely, .~'q-- Sallie Suby-Long Scott Greenwood Director Assistant Director Office of Student Activities Office of Student Activities SSUksa j~U1!ll1;m & J4i!\$( %41 ; * -¥ Sf? Rating Sheet Summary Words and Music, Formation: First =30 points Presentation: FIrst ;:: 40 points Words & Music Judge #1 Judge #2 Judge #3 Total Place Points Presentation Judge #1 Judge #2 Judge #3 Judge #4 Total Place Points Formation Judge #1 Judge #2 Judge #3 Total Place Points SUB-TOTAL PENALTIES GRAND TOTAL PLACEMENT Second =24 p.::lInts Second == 32 p.::lInts Freshmen Raw Score 2i-\ 2-\" ').~ 5 71,5 /.f /::1. '2.L.\ 2.0 2.C) 3'1 j'o 3 ) .i.J.-l:> 20 2.~ 2.3 1 1 e:<., 02/ 'l .-1 1 '"2­.~ J'f93 Third =18 points lhlrd =24 points Sophomores Raw Score 2.'1 ~q :'0.5 (l~ ~5 r 30 \' 20 7..3 35' qs -«;; JJ. 2\ 2.,\ 2-\ .--, i .,.7 c:JJ :3 0 ~3. I Fourth =12 points Fourth == 16 points Juniors Raw Score 1.0 24 ?-9 73 c>( .::J..tI \S 2'2. . \ '\ 2-~ ~::z. ~ }"" 2"" 2" "2'1 7(P I :1'4 'CO _I bet s J 9'11 Seniors Raw Score ICj 2, 2<C 7 2­J' )X \~ Z\ t it!> 31.\ g~ ..7' ~<£ \3 ,"\ \,,\ 5 \ ~ Ja '</ -4 5 . ) Glee IqqO Rating Sheet Summary Words and Music. Formation: First =30 points second =24 points Third =18 points fourth::: 12 points Presentation: First ::: 40 points Second ::: 32 points Third =24 points Fourth =16 points Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Raw Score Raw Score Raw Score Raw Score Words & Music Judge #1 2q f{)..o ..,,11 :21 Judge #2 ;;27 2/ 2n :21­Judge #3 2b,5 go,t; 2& :21 Total 11 ,7 CJt ,7 13 7}- Plcce t;;" 30 :l+ /8 Points Presentation Judge #1 ?-f 17 ;, 15 I~ Judge #2 ;10 21) 22-:11 Judge #3 ?-t '23 1'1 ,jl Judge #4 :;q ?f5 :<6 :it Totcl /0 j 9'5 02 tI 8 h Place ':44-If 30 1)­Points , /' /' I Formation Judge #1 j20 '11 ,} Jftl 2 fa Judge #2 "g :ltt ;:lit, 11 Judge #3 {l.?; :21 :<.4-19 Toiol 11 '11 'Ill. 5' I ..".". Place .~. ,.;; JI& .:::IV' Points <feJ SUB-TOTAL 7£ . S~ 1~ 6 ....~ ./"" . PENALTIES \ b ( \\W I ~~ GRAND TOTAL .'12-fo 9 JjJ~~.d PLACEMENT 1---I 4~~~~fl IV \. Gle.l1.-.J[2. R«ting Sheet Summary Words and Music, Formation: Rrst = 30 poln1s Presentation: Rrst = 40 poIn1s Words & Music Judge#l Judge #2 Judge #3 Total Place Points Presentation Judge #1 Judge #2 . Judge#3 Judge #4 Total Place Points Formation Judge #1 Judge #2 Judge #3 Total Place Points SUB-TOTAL PENALTIES GRAND TOTAL "l-'f ~ Second =24 ~lrd= 18 poln1s Fourth = 12 poIn1s '7 l Second = Sf poIn1s Third = 24 poin1s Fourth == 16 pain1s Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Raw Score Raw Score Raw Score r , \ 7-'1 :Z~ 20 Ai 3Cf ?-'1 U.C;-.gaq-2'7 71 'c:;-q~ C ""2.2 I ~ S ':z ,~. :SO Zy f 'I 1tf 17 15 "La 2-D '1-2 2-0 2z rq ~1 35:" 2C (0 -Z --q S --e-~ 1 "Z.-. -C/­U/'?{ -;;2-"1-t ( ( ( 7-6 7-( 26 2{5" 2'1 26' 23 21 ztf ---I --:::;{ -~-h '--, ( I { 7_ Z ~ Z-I 30 ;(1 f63 /0 ( 0 ( 7?J;-~ c:;q ,J Seniors rG- Raw Score . t, !'cr 7-7 f=r At: b :z (ft ~. (1 7.~ 2i ~ - 71 (, i-; 2) :3 It 'f. 30 32­7/' 6' ~ \ v~y:) g ­~ "t r:;:­l3 fC( tar ~ I . .. ~{ 2'f -~ 16 ~J ~O ~f(V -;; L( _Z;Z[) PLACEMENT '2-( 3 f \ Glee_j,"",-'0'---_ VV1/"'\ I)~tin"'. Sheet Summary v Words and Music, IJ?t7V % Formatlon: First =30 points Second ;: 24 points Presentatlon: First :: 40 points Second =32 points lhlrd =24 poInls Fourth =16 points Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Raw Score Raw Score Raw Score Words & Music Judge #1 Zt+ zq 20 Judge #2 zi 24 3Uj Judge #3 zh.S 3.0.S Z"1" Total "1 I . S t11~ ..5 '7 ~t-? Place I 2 4­Points ~f? :gO 24 Presentation Judge #1 2t4-Ii (6 Judge #2 :z...c ZC ZZ Judge #3 20 Z_=5 rq Judge #4 361 36 2& Total /0 ;3 t4~ ~L PI~ I Z -"'-I-Points', 4-0 5~ Ir,e, Formation"'''-''',,", f', ~ Judge #1 'zo 2-( ~ Judge:fF2 Zr;>;-",-zq' .-/V-::2..& Judge #3 ~~ "'" Zi/ Zi-f- Total 1 I. 'Xf '1<':' Place .,.2-/ 7'", J Points '1-\ / 2.\ "-''', =~t:) SUB-TOTAL ~7 ~~? ,-1'0""."", PENALTIES / /-1 -/ GRAND~L ,S h1 e3 PLAC~E~'I Z 1 .3 Seniors Raw Score 1'1 27 z-h IiL ~fLS .t.L::2. ... ~ 13 2!.t II? ~L.t­~ fa .3 "'2-tf­~. '3 . rPI' I 61 4-1 Lf -f2-+p I·"-''<~.H­iB: t""~ Lf I Glee / 1'() I Rating Sheet Summary Words and Music, Formation: First = 30 points Presentation: first =40 points Words & Music Judge #1 Judge #2 Judge #3 Total Place Points Presentation Judge #1 Judge #2 Judge #3 Judge #4 Total Ploce Points Formation Judge #1 Judge #2 Judge #3 Total Ploce Points SUB-TOTAL PENALTIES GRAND TOTAL PLACEMENT Second:: 24 points Second = 32 poInls Freshmen Raw Score z'i 21 1.&,!;;' 'I i ., I.( /7,.. "l..l-\ 20 '2.0 3t:t i 01­I db qo '?-O ?, 25 11 2.-1 't9 1 -( ,~ 7"'2­lhlrd =18 points lhlrd =24 points Sophomores Raw Score 21 3cf 50i~ q 8, l I .,30 17 '2..0 'G.$ "56" q <\ Z 32 Zl 2'1 z" 7 1 'It 63 ¢5 81 Fourth:: 12 points Fourth = 16 points Juniors Raw Score &0 z.i.f 2'1 ~3 z., I'd IS' 2.2... JCj 2~ & 2­: 3 It</ Zb ,,' ~ll 1(, i $'" ?'­- I ~1~ Seniors Raw Score Itl( 2.7 ~, 7tz. 3 12 , 13 2 I I, ~4 t!l~ Lf 1(.­" 'S iGf It:{ .rt 'l /2.. ~y .­jO Rating Sheet Summary Words and Muslc, Formation: Rrst = 30 poInis Second = 24 poInis lhlrd = 18 poInis Fourth =12 poInis Presentaflon: First = 40 polnis Second = 32 poInis lhlrd =24 poInis Fourth = 16 poinis Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Raw Score Raw Score Raw Score Raw Score Words & Music 1 l , 7 Judge #1 2-4 '2-'1 2. C tt1 Judge #2 2-tJ '2-\ ~c, z.J Judge #3 AD r 2-'1 '2-(p 130 . C; . '" '0 Total • ,) l/ ~ EL ( ...'J.. :3 fil-Place t,j \ ?L '3 Points !.L 'EO 'L Ll ('6 Presentation , Judge #1 7..'i II lS-13 Judge #2 7.0 7-0 Z'L -z..! Judge #3 'LO 'L~ let 18 Judge #4 '6'1 3) -Z-L., 3'-+ Total t;<:,. iD 3 t:YZ. {l,(..". I v Place q < ~l ~ -/ • .., "7 Points 'L'f t.tO :;; ~-( (.I' Formation 1 L \ Judge #1 LO 2-\ LCo l3 Judge #2 2<6 Z-~ ZJ-R \~ Judge #3 2-3 2-\ LA l'1 Total ''If 1\ 'Ie ) ( l.e' Place .-;,-, q; "-c i Points "7....\ L( 3d l'L SUB-TOTAL /3 83 ~~ SL( , PENALTIES ---( ~ L( ( GRAND TOTAL bJ t1 ~~O I trl PLACEMENT i \. Lf \ ROl.ES-urrn.:rAl GLEE 1990 presentation. )../ 7 on ~ ~ ;: j _.r ¥,,", , ... " 'f'­t r ~".j :.A>1 ee. RULES-unrc fRESHMAN YEAR: 1990 Judging Tone Please aass Junior tten on reverse -;j G 28. r FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSiC RULES-OFFiCIAL BALLOT VEAR: 1990_ RULES ,Judgi sh;jll be rn8Ge on: (1) Adoptability of words and music to theme, (2) A;j;3pt;3tdll of words to the music, (3) Qua1Hy of the music, and (4) Quality Df 'NDrds. of these categories 1S to be measured on a scale of 1 -10 lllJ~! hCling '"h . .., O,",··f') , t~t L.f.__ tlw1.. !iC :::~ •• Please complete the chart belo'1\" according ot the ratings in each category_ The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: Alma Mater: Remember When ... IAdaptability !AdaptabHity:. IQuality: IQuality: Total ito theme Words to MUSic i Words IMusic Points I I Senior 51 71 27 Junior 8 6 24 Sophomore /6 10 It) 31 Freshman s s 2 J ! (Any explanatory comments mey be vy'ritten on the n::verse side of this benot.) Aftsr ng 1.1"11:;: ballot, pIsas8 gn belovv' J place thi:; form and the V-lOrds -rld rr-'U'··l·l~ fr-'r tf-·c; "'·'·'i"'qc-1,,\ r.,.,lt" od ct;:;..(",,-cc1 1 ;:;c: i:!I. ;:: I.-~ .....tJ: ...... ;:':W; "."",,:::::' t'~ ..:;;;;:::t ...... -..:,..;.;ij i-'ll .r-<~-~ -­sODn as possibi preferably at least ten lJays prior to Glee, THANK "IOU qour ossisttlnce in our annua1 hODe qou , '. '. J,,~c~~{(t[i2~ ,.:.; T", ;~.;~ 0",­ r FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUS i C RUL BALLOT YEAR: 1990_ RULES ,Judoing shall be made on: (i)' A;jantflOHitt.l mU~;lC to ~ p ­. ,-,nc' (.,1\ f)!t:::,l'+p Adaptability of v-/orcs to the rnu8ic.. \ ~..-;;~..1~": i.::; 'J~!:.J -!'/ i of the words. Each of these categories is ema 8Dfl-10 (10 being the best). Please complete the chart belo"tv according ot the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: A1mtl Mater: Remember When ... IAdaptability IAdaptability: Quality: iQuality: I Total I IClass to theme Words to Musie Words IMnsie Points I ISeruor ~) ~ I S-I if /9 I I I Junior .if 6 'S 5 dJ-tJ ~ I I I I Sophomore 7 7 g I '1 I~? ~ tf; 1 I 6 ,~y " ! I (Any er.:plenetof!J comments mey be written on the reverse side of this benot.) ow, pLj,::g this: forni =:.....:::..:...:::.....:..:.::::.z...:::..:::: £!:!1 siarnp8d 11 :=>t 1 p,::,ct t AI·j l1""i IC' Pt-i Ot-t.-, P'p:; ~ 'J .. {,_"y", ~ _" :..Ji.-Id.,;;} r" . *' .",l,.} .l.~· 88. in our annua1Freshrnan G188. V'le hope r FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES-OFFiCIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1990_ RULES Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and rnusic trleme, (2) Ad.jptabHity of words to the music, (3) Quality of the rnusic:, arllj QualitlJ of the .,,-vords. Each of these categories is to be measured on a 1 -i 0 (10 belng the best), Please complete the chart below according ot the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshmen Glee 1S: AIma Mater: Remember When ... I IAdaptability rdaptability: IQuality: IQuality: ITotal I Class ito theme ,Words to Mnsie Words I Music i Points I ..­Se- nior ~(S ~ -h~ ~ II t.o ! I I I I I 1 I I Junior I' I ~ ~ I I :L~ I ~ Sophomore '/,,> ~ 1; ?:,a.C;; I 1 freshman -:-;. , l..o ( ~ ~tS:­( Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this beHot.) rn8i1 as Glee. THANK VOLl for your f.lssi t".t"';1: .-fhn o~.}r!.-~r·"it-'''''d·.t'''t -o. ..... ri ,.t..'il1 ht"": CII j 1..1 ie vhl-'C:i i Cl it"..t:; Ul ;l.J "C( if' 1..1C f f \


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