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Glee 1977 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1977 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionMliPL 1. ftRUb(O - (Sl;-O~ CJ - ~_~~,~9~o~~~S VEt; NlJ U EO MU! lC IA R() «.0' NAMIDAetA KOBl>REIIIAr Yo I'a \ o MO ! DA S() HAR,lJf\tO HI. aocH1NOYOR )1 ~H,LAWA~E....WA KOKONOOENL l<A~A~HtMrWA HO~iNDK~ENt HUITT: ARV NAMIDAu-.A ~DiBO t lYoNl ) o tPft HARuN,D ttt ttl TDI<I~o cHLNb ,(oRu I _ L -Cf'Af}\ TTG. - . ~ --- ~EM~D~A eoK RHWA M~R~ ~t;N~D 0 ~ktRA Nt ~o wA SoP~TIA ~ TD N NI ~ATrE. ARl)~t Mit.:) M I~ tTTA KUeHr MINA&Ap~. pO l<V ~N.D NAMA E B6E.t"S H.o~ t ___._ S~ N$ 1) 0 is-Htflfl NA r po ~ TAdtt ~t! . ~t<A~Uq.I RV f<4ii4n> VV AARENAIN"'M. kArt! (\10 KE. crANAGAIT'D YV RU ~A RE. NA NAPA IMA MD WATA~\1I tio{(Om !.~ONt) w4. MMtD4 kD RA £TE. t>TA f;J> PAKEtSA. eVJ(U RAtto NAKAE.D o,~oE$H()fiHr \SEN &0 0 ,;>H,tRANA Ko 00 MoTA cH I AA fRESHMAN liLEE 1911 PHOTOGRAPHS AND MEMORIES Glee Managers: Eric Morrison,Mary Jaeger, Kristin Frost Final Class Standing: 1st - 1917 2nd - 1918 lrd - 1980 4th - 1919 Seniors Juniors freshmen Sophomores WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY'S 69th ANNUAL FRESHMAN GLEE Dear Alum: It is once again time for that week of mad marching, no sleep, 5 a.m. practices, attempts at harmonizing, and Blue Monday bets. It is time for the 69th annual Freshman Glee competition. We, the class of l~~, cordially invite you and fellow alumni and families to be part of this exciting tra-dition. . The event will be held Saturday, March 12, at 8 p.m. in the Cone Field House of Sparks Center on the University campus. The theme of this year's Glee is "Photographs and Memories" with emphasis placed on the Glee songs to encourage an evening of interaction between old and new members of Willamette and an evening of nostalgic memories. For Glee tickets, please send two dollars per person (children u~r 12 free) to GLEE TICKETS, BOX 49, MATTHEWS HALL, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON 97301. Tickets will be held for you at the door. A special alumni section of seats will be reserved so that you may enjoy Glee with your alumni friends. We promise this evening to be one that is fun filled and an enlightening experience for all. We, the Freshmen c!ass,will be delighted to see you on March 12. Cordially, ~\\' _ c... . '~~' ric Morn.son We would like __________ tickets for the Freshman Glee competition and we No. are enclosing $ __________ ($2 per person). Signed ______________________________________________________ Class ______________ _ Address ____________________________________________________ Phone. ______________ _ Alumni Relations Salem, Oregon '17301 Phone: (503) 370-6356 GLEE 1977 RATING SHEET SUMMARY V First:::: 10 points; Second:::: 8 points; Third:::: 6 points; Fourth:::: 4 points 5et 61J I ~ OTt-ptev 1rf~ 17K - < FRESHMAN . SOPHOMORES JUNIORS SENIORS . Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points WORDS AND MUSIC Iudge #1 ~C. 2- i> if 'I 3 b I 10 Judae #2 IIJ 3 In l./ L/ 1- Ii'" , I 0 Iudge #3 'OW 2- K. L/ , !.l I It:) 3 ~ TOTAL - ~:;t. 12- ;t.l/ ;1.6 i PRESENTATION Judge #1 £~ ~ /? I{ I If "'3 ~ , I 10 ; Judge #2 w'r LJ tj '3 1 " - , I /!J e2- ~ Judge #3 . 'P, 4 II j ! I D 3 ~ '2- >?" Judge #4 I 1 TOTAL 1& I ~O ~~ ~.~ 1 , FORMATION Judge #1 C t; "1- g 7> I (p g 1/ I ID Judge #2 C 'S'" 4 Lf 1 i b 1- fI I I 0 Judge #3 .(\1 I 1 (j 1 to Jd " 2-. 8" :A" I /Y it, I A? I I TOTAL I I c,~ t (yO ,Sf) I I gO GRAND TOTAL , I , I : PLACE I • , " i I ; i I ; I I 1 , I I I ) QLEE 1977 RATING SHEET SUMMARY --~" First ~ 1 0 points~ Second = 8 points; Third := 6 points; Fourth := 4 points I~O -1<j 17K' '71 FRESHMAN SOPHOMORES JUNIORS SENIORS Place Points Place . Points Place Points Place Points WORDS AND MUSIC Iudge #1 AlcL 2- ~-~~~~'L ¥ ~_~3 b I 10 Judge #2 NJ 3 ~ "~" 'I l- ~-"" I i/O Iudge #3 f)vJ 2. g L/ , , 1./ I 10 3 t:::, -- I TOTAL - ~:;;t, Ii I ,"2- .).,1{ ;J.b - f----" " t , i PRESENTATION I I I I(~ Judge #1 ·2 ;t 4 I 4- 3 6 /- Judge #2 4 -4 3 ,! G ! / (12~ .:2 ~ Judge #3 " ..,: 4- / ,I to ,.;;:: e- ...:;! Iudge #4 I -- TOTAL 1ft? ~C )cQ i FORMATION Iudge #1 .2 15 3 I b 4 f t ?@ - Iudge#2. 4 4- .5 ! b ~ ~ .. / ~ Tudqe #3 t In -< i b , 4 4: d 0 I '-/ I TOTAL J~ I lR 16 ~'? I I \ 5- I GRAND TOTAL , i PLACE -:3 4 , I ! . II FRESHMAN GLEE 1977 GLEE "FORt\1ATION "RULES This is not the official scoring sheet. It is for your per­sonal use only. When making your decision, please refer to this as a guide. Rate the classes on the accompanying sheet marked, t10FFICIAL FORMATION BALLOT. n GLEE FORMATION RULES 1. Any uniforms used by the participat classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the judging of the song and formation. 2. Glee will be presented with one basic formation in each class. (Not more than three formations allowed per class.) (Seniors allowed four formations.) . . 3. Participants shall not change their relative position dur­ing" the s.inging of the song. 4. All participants in the formation must march, or count time until the formation is completed. 5. After the formation is complete, the participants may stop for no more than 10 seconds. 6. Judging will start when the participating class is announced and the judging shall end when they return to their seats and all have been seated. 7. No stage properties, nor change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property shall be any item other than' the original costume. S. No conductors are allowed (This includes class song leader and pianists.)~ In judging the formations, execution of the formation, adaptability to the song and theme and total effect should be considered. Using a scale of one (1) to ten (10), (ten being the highest) please rate the classes after each presentation in the above-mentioned areas. Execution Adaptability SENIOR JUNIOR SOPHOMORE FRESHMAN II l \I Please all comments on back side of this sheet. FRESHMAN GLEE 1977 OFFICIAL FORMAT! In judging the formations, execution of the formation~ adapta­bility to the song and theme and total effect should be con­sidered. FIRST PLACE SECOND PLACE THIRD PLACE FOURTH PLACE ---J- u- ------------- FRESHMAN GLEE 1977 GLEE FORMATION 'RULES This is not the official scoring sheet. It is your per-sonal use only. When making your decision, please refer to this as a guide. Rate the classes on the accompanying sheet marked, "OFFICIAL FORMATION GLEE FORMATION RULES', 1. Any uniforms used by the participat classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the judging of the song and formation. 2. Glee will be presented with one basic formation in each class. (Not more than three formations allowed per class.) (Seniors alloHed four • ) 3. Participants shall not change their relat position dur-ingthe singing of the song. 4. All participants in the formation must march, or count time until the formation is completed. 5. After the formation is complete, the part ipants may stop for no more than 10 seconds. 6. Judging will start when the participating class is announced and the judging shall end when they return to ir seats and all have been seated. 7. No stage properties, nor change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property shall be any ,item other than the original costume. 8. No conductors are allowed (This includes song and pianists.). t In judging the formations, execution of the formation, adaptability to the song and theme and total effect should be considered. Using a scale of one (1) to ten (10), (ten being th~ hi t) please rate the classes after each presentation in the above-mentioned areas. ------.---~ Execution Adaptability ~~i:~t "911.2. :- T SENIOR JUNIOR SOPHOMORE FRESHMAN Please write all comments on the back side of this sheet. FRESHMAN GLEE 1977 OFFICIAL FOR1'l.ATION BALLOT In judging the formations, execution of the formation, adapta­bility to the song ~nd theme and total effect should be con­sidered. FIRST P'tACE SECOND PLACE THIRD PLACE . FOURTH PLACE FREStLNLA.N GLEE 1977 GLEE FORMATION 'RULES This is not the official scoring sheet. It is for your per­sonal use only. When making your decision, please refer to this as a guide. Rate the classes on the accompanying sheet marked, t'OFFI(;IAL FORMATION BALLOT. tt , GLEE FORMATIONRUL~ 1. Any uniforms used'oy-the participating classes will count no more·than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the judging of the song and formation. 2. Glee will be presented with one basic formation in each class. (Not more than three formations allowed per class.) (Seniors allowed four formations.) 3. Participants shall not change their relative position dur­ing- the s.inging of the song. 4. All participants in the formation must march, or count time until the formation is completed. 5. After the formation is complete, the participants may stop for no m'ore than 10 seconds. 6. Judging will start when the participating class is announced and the jUdging shall end when they return to their seats and all have been seated. 7. No stage properties, nor change in appearance of wearing apparel is p~rmitted. A stage property shall be any item other than the o~iginal costume. , 8. No conductors are allorred (This includes class song leader and pianists.). In judging the formations, execution of the. formation, adaptability to the song and theme and total effect should be considered. Using a scale of one (1) to ten (10), (ten being the highest) please rate the classes after each presentation in the above-mentioned areas. Total Execution Adaptability Effect SENIOR Iv 7 I 3 JUNIOR / 7 0 I?- SOPHOMORE f( ~.~ 1/ FRESHMAN l? 4- I :Please write all conments on the back side of this sheet. GLEE 19 11 _ In judging the formations t execution of the formation/enS; ifMs adaptability to th.e song and themel\should be considered. . a,f\d -toto.' @. f1 ~ t-t £0" HlJ 1'11/'1 /I.. V L . 1. Any uniforms-used< oy the participation classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the judging of the song and formation. 2. Glee ill be presented ~iJ:h one basic forma. t;i.on in Eiach class ~N""" 'f"PV""m .... t~~ C4.'lOUl~· t}i 3. Participants shall not change their relative position during the singing of the song. 4. All participants in the formation must march I or count time until the formation is completed. 5. After the formation is complete I the participants may stop for no more than 10 seconds. 6. Judging will start when t~e participati21. class is announced and the judging shall end when they return to their seats and all have been seated . . ~ 7. No stage properties I nor change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property shall be any item other than the original costume. 1st 2nd 3rd place _______ . __ _ 4th place ____________ ~ __ ·~- Judge's Signature F SHMAN GLEE 1977 ""p,etf.;:s &1t/("ttTlt;A! JUDGING OF V.(§Iilhi LUll; I I H~NS This is not the official scoring sheet. When making your de-cisions, please refer to th as a guide. It is for your personal use only. Rate the classes on the accompanying sheet marked, 1l0FFICIAL VOCAL RENDI ON BALLOT.I! In judging the presentation of the vocal rendition, tone, quality, diction, expression and total effect should be considered. Using a scale of, one (1) to ten (10) (ten being the highest), please rate the classes a er each presentation the abov~-mentioned areas. e Quality Diction ession ~ ~iO 4 7/r SENIOR -""".-----~-- {' '17 2../ JUNIOR v <{ It .;;to SOPHOMORE "'7 '?- SHMAN Please Hr'l.vl. e all cOIi',Jllents on the baclr side of this sheet. t FRESHM.l\N 1977 JUDGING OF VOCAL RENDITIONS This is not the 0 cial scoring eet. When making your de-c ions, please refer to is as a guide. It is for your personal use only. Rate the classes on the accompanying sheet marked, IIOFFICIAL VOCAL ITION BALLOT." In judging the presentation of the vocal rendition, tone, quality, diction, ression and total e t should be consider Using a scale of one (1) to ten (10) (ten be g the highest), please rate the classes after each esentation in the above-mentioned areas. a , Diction ession \. Effect ~ /6 '-''If S ~o 7 ,q .3r- JUNI NJ._'f 9 g ..;t3 9 ~ 7 3/ FRESHMAN PI eas e 1-lri te all comments on the -back s ide of this sheet. FRE GLEE 1977 OFFlC ITION Please rate the classes and have the results re pletion of final class presentation. FIRST PLACE ~~ (7 COND P 0~~_ IRD PLACE _ .. ~-0 FOURTH PLACE ~=-----=:.......; __ upon com- F SH~~N GLEE 1977 OFFICIAL VOCAL RENDITION BALLOT Please rate the classes and have the results ready upon com-pletion of the final class presentation. FIRST PLACE SECOND PLACE THIRD PLACE , FOURTH PLACE FRESH:t-1.AN GLEE 1977 JUDGING OF VOCAL RENDITIONS This is not the official scoring set. When making your de cisions, please refer to this as a guide. It is for your personal use only. Rate the classes on the accompanying sheet marked, "OFFICIAL VOCAL RENDITION BALLOT.!! In judging the presentation of the vocal rendition, tone, quality, diction, expression and total ef ct should be considered. Using a scale of, one (1) to ten ClO) (ten being the highest), please rate the classes a er each presentation in the above-mentioned areas. Dicti ession SENIOR JUNIOR / SOPHOMORE FRESHMAN Please write all com~ents on the back side of this sheet. I ( ! FRESHlVlAN ~ VOCAL REN'oITION Tone Quality Diction Expression Total SENIOR JUNIQR SOPH r---------------~--------~--------_+----------~ FRESH. F£~~e3·~~ r SENIOR I· JUNIOR S6jUilVIORE FRESHMAN {jJ-1£~~ ~~ :b-.~ . (~ -<t. ~J!uL~ f 3 ~ ,.1 FRESHMAN GLEE 1977 OFFICIAL FORV~TION BALLOT In judging the formations, execution of the formation, adapta­bility to the song and theme and total effect should be con­sidered. FIRST PLACE SECOND PLACE THIRD PLACE FOURTH PLACE ·"!'akin.e; My Fears Away" Class of 19'17 KC H.umphrey, Larry fackson yesterrtay J I walkerj alone mountain trails ann rnoonbright stone I -..Ton I t know why r' m here sO t~:~ ~~~y a~~a~n ~:ll my ruune takir:.F" my fears away sooner or later. pictures .fade bet deeper in me they stay. on our way. you walk beside starless nights, a river side I don f t know where the river leads somewhere past the I~ve cl"iei1 then you appear and call my name takinf{; my fears away sooner or latert pictures fade but ,-leeper in me they stay. tir;.e for thinking over the trails that we have travelled here's a. photograph just taken yesterday time was never better for the storms or cloudy weather can't ar.'as€: the sunli~ht in the picture frame. now! nOW that all the 'paths for me new 1 have the memory of the day when you came to me a.nd calleil my name. yes'::eroay, I wa.lke": alone some things neWt the river i!lowen ~ rlon't know how it cane to be was lost, you shared my load then you ap"pe-ar an'; call my name takin;;t if'..;t fears soOner or later, b"Jt deeper in J'l'ie my fears a.way, 19T~ "Picl'tureboQk breams" Claas:;;f 1978 Andrew J. Gregl! 'l:homas ~. !:Jpivey A,g,K. n.B. 'Aih!U'l r'm feeling lon;;;;ly and the .cun on the wint'lo.w 1s running down r open my picturebooi{. dusty a.nd 'tQ-rn an" let myself fly_ With rlJ;"e8i'11.6 gone by.- The sun wae still shinin~ 'then. storm., clouds al"l~ heartbreaks still far out of sight The .faoes anti plaoes long gone I 1'ime was ned them away tike waves on the beach-eo far out of reach. Tnose- orazy old "reams we I'd'lilrerl, we thought "'they WGlulrl never come ·true 1'r.e and promises~ broken and kept now lost in the ye-ars_ Be tween laughs and tsars- The time:s we had together. now all r have are phvtographs'"'"- Fragments of ditfer-en"!; ::.ives $cat"tst'en 1111:8 1(,9,v85 But 'they never fo:row 011, always mine to hold. ,CHORU3 Ahh-PICtUR.2:BODl\ DRbA!!lS! ra-living my life on many a Day. now I know ""hat It means to loved and to have lost. Still I keep hol<iing On My ye"ter.-tays have aU ger," by o 1917 "Passinr: Time" Class of 1979 ~llen Baldwir. 'Benjie Bra-1forn 5ittinp" at hOT'le a.lone. tlJrninr.- back th~ hands of time. Lettin.e: the roeMor-iee of your yester­tiays float through your min;; Rememberin~ tnat you nan so nuc~ time dreal'llinR of the person tc An'" the thinJ!:s you wante'; to tio. Time passe" so slowly. Ahh-totiay your nreams aren't so many anrl the time that once passerl slowly I is now speedin;r ri~ht on by. The worln you want to conquer is still turning. You realize that you're not the per­son you wanted to be. but you I re still goin~ 1;0 make it th!"ouy,h. One day, man,.v tomorrows trom now. When our dreams have been ful­filleti, we'll sit and recall "the hopes of our yesteryears. ..Not see-in;' W'oat we want to see f wanting to ('10 it again. our hopes ann (lreams of the past Bubsirle as tomorrow becomes yesterrlay t anA yesternay is no mOre. Be all the thinFs you want to be. Let yourself be yount; ann free, for life is youthful anri 80 are we. The enemy we selves, but nity. "-:;ollecte~ Memories" id.chael G. C'Brien Trailine: Sailin.e: riown Ann you An,=, you know. 11 11 keep T"lreaJ'tl Let's look our Let's the An": If I hao 1'("1 save an i-'.!1.'i s"Oen0' my Class Of times" haunt me U,,,,,"",,,, for­ever~ for- But you're so far away. You"re so far away~ I'll :;ayinp: Anr1 I I I \'-2 been thif'lkinFt wishinr yOU were here are you. and Sukiyaki Song (ueomuite aruko) Let's walk watching the sky. Happiness is on it. Sadness is behind the star ••. Let's walk watch~ng the sky So that tears never fall down •.• Peace Chilrlren who Don't Know the vlar (Sensa 0 shiranai Kodama tachi) Children who don't know the war We were born after the end of the war Please remember we are children who don't know the war. "com'ERSTOtiES" 1916 Sophomores Ancirew J. Gregg '!'om Spivey Ie all stann here t.ogether, each one of us alone.. tooking nOWJ1, the long. long road tbat leads away from nome. We dontt know where it's taking us, but then, who·s ever known? You say gooff-bye, you close the door, IUld then you're on your own. The bl.ood-n~ dawn before 'tile, fighting all around ~ • ~ Friends I' ve known and loved, now lost lying on the ground. We march no" to a new day. the tigh'ting dying down~ But bow much pain does freedom cOat. for now our hearts are bound. CHORUS Listen 'to our folklore. like ec:}loes from the past; Listen to our families wno·va made our ft'ee11om last; Listen to the other I cross the saa of tears they've oried. To a life of liberty for which our ne ighbo1"S died. Be proud of 'What our fathe:re: earnett to keep us free~ R-ealize just how they yearned. there" no one pLtBbing me. And a"t the prifl they had to pay I i3e gure It never slips away. INSTRUMEIITAL So nOW we })ave our f'reedoin. we had enough to win~ Now another struggle is waiting to "b~1n. Brothers will see brothers dle~ but hope will no-t run thin. If another war besieges us, we'll join as one again. REPEAT CHURUS "SoMwhere Along the Way" KC HUt'l2PhreY~19?5 Sophono:res: We !!Itand alone and watch the world roll o-n Wonder if' they notice us Or JDies us when we' 'N gone 't ou f re aslting me "when do we go from here'?" In the sparkle of your eres I thtnk I a_a a tear. SQ this is my specIal song: to you AmI with a st'Gile to e:hare \'le' U see the new year through So many troubles tha:t rush us day today But we can find some rest Souwhere along the way CHORUS Somewhere along the way 'lie must learn how to lOVe There' $ no time :tOl" nbmay \Ie must learn how to care How to shan SOl'l1ewnere along the way I know you're worritd the t\aye t.Q come ' ~'ie can face them side '!:wo in&tea~ of one Tomorrow is a mystery we oannot ~eJ.ay There will ba more sunny days Somewhere al('mg the Ylay. ~HORo; Sunshine - blue sky­Shine in - your eyes You laugh - ! tt'Y Sunsnine .- blue sky Come 51 t beside me Ltsten to the winti Let your 'Worries fall away Enjoy the times welre in Let the worlfl roll on ahearl I'll staY' here with you Hare with you r'll stay with yQU !Ill. Stay, today. CHORU$ do this is my specia.l sol'<ft to you 3lrw it when you nee-it a fr ien~ To see the new year thrQup:h To snare: the new year through To lo,,~ the new year through, recording by Milliken Sound Service engineered by Paul Milliken produced by KG Humphrey technical assistance by Boyd Milliken 'l'he PrbaFe men are stri. ... inr The garbaAe l'm not 1 ikinr.:~ It's sitting in the hallway and creating quite a stink. The streets aren't safe at nipht -Con i!:rl turned orf my liphts- I think 1 '11 hear' rlown to the bar ant'! get somethi~ to rtrink. OHORUS I ·-ve been pusherl into B corner 1 've been bea.ten to the ground Oh. it·s hard to Keep smili~ With tbe-se troubles all arounn; 1 can't hold them off no more The, t re breaking down tbe rlorr. It do&sn~t ~(,IQk like there~s much nope And I think l*m. at tbe enl"'! of my rope. My creditors: still hound me~ My ex-wife has just tounrl me Sbe' s look~ for the money that the judge tol~ lIIe to pay t K<rN can ! say "-It's gonat .. To the aIel Nevada eon'? I lost it all in Reno In twe nighb ann a I.iay. CHORUS: ImEfU,lIDE My horoscope is lousy ~e tlfkSr j!:~t~h~~:('1 fake. r owe them three- t.i:mes what I make. My boss thinks that Pm I 've clog~ ~ the ki tehen N.y psychiatrist says Pm cra~y He can~t s~em to help mY' brain. There's paIlle dOWn on ',Jall -'t:r"eet I ean·t afford to buy mea.t The eat got all my ltol,1fi.nh So I han cat stew for luncf(; These til!le~, the!'e';; ,,0 t"u~r. to them~ I hone that 1 -th~"'. 'To YOu, t; iar::' I just :'av .•• thanr,·" years aF,O when the twist was hot lcn~ before they riis¢overed rock we rtance"l all nitrnt in the middle of town the ki!4s all pot tO~8tner just to haM arounrl and the music they playetl really Shook the tn"ounrl fri day niF;ht at the soda shop:pe everybody's how to twis"t an~ hoP jan and dean on the radio soupe~-up ears at a drive-in show it all began twenty years ago. Ooo •• ~ CHORUS those were the days of tbe bOOg.lil.loo the bunny hOp and elvle too restless kil'1s in a golden age when !,!,ood times were the rat':e fi!;oorl times were the r~e the -wa:y we live tnakes. parents ery they watch us and wonder why but home" a a drag on s. friday night wef-t rather go out an" trip the H,mts goin' dDwntown to the hop tonight. oeoo •• ~ CHORUS those 'Were the days of the boogaloo the bunny hop. anti elvis too restless kids in a golr!en age when good times were the rage gooll times were the rage goon times were the rage years ago when the twist was hot long before they discovere" rock Vffl- ~aneed all night ln the midiU.e of town the kids f'.:ot tos:ether just to hang arounll anI) tht;e music playa'; really shook the yrount\. 000 ••• we ha-"l seemed to flyaway the worn-out were the nays" "Takinp: :'~Y KG Humphrey t Away" Class of 1977 Jackson ~~~~~~1~Y tr!i~:l:~~ :~~~~right stone I tl'on't know why Itm here so far away an'" en my own then you appear and call my ne.rne takinll my fears away sooner or later. pictures fade but deeper in me they stay. on our way t you walk beside starless nights.- a riv~r side I don· t know where the river leads somewhere past the tears I've orie~ then you appear and call my name taking my fears away Boone r or 1a ter l pi ctureS fade but ri'!!eper in me they stay. time :for thinking over the trails that we have travelled here's a photoe.:raph just taken yesterday time was never better for the storms or cloudy weather can't erase the sunli~ht in the picture frame. now, t',ow that a: 11 the paths for me now I have the ::nemory of the liay when you came to me and callen my name. yesterday, I walked alone somethings the river glowen 1 non't know it Call'l9 to 'be I was lost. shared my load then you a~o call my name takintr '!!ty or my fears away, "Piotureb<:lolt iJreant$" Class 1975 Anrirew 1. GragE! Thomas S. :Jpive:y A.E+.iLfI.B. Whet', r' In feeling and the ::S,ln Or; the win.1ow iii! running down I open my pictuubook. t!usty and tern anti let myself fly- ,'lith lireams gone by- The- sun was $till shining then, storm­clouds and heartbreaks still far out of si.ght The faoea an" 1'1&.oe19 long gone, '!ime washed them away Like waves on the beach-sO' far out or reaoh. Those eraz,y old nl"$1.ll'IlG w-e share!'!, we though t "the:; woulti never come true 'llhe plans and promises t broktlh and kept now lost in the yeara­Between laughs and tea,rs- The -tinsee we had together. now all I at'1)" ph,;.tographs- Fragments 0:' di.fferlHlt lives scattereri 1i"a le.!lIv-es Bu't t:htly n~ver grow 01rl: j always mine to hOld, ,CHORUS Ahh .. PIC'l'UREBOGh. DRt::A.NSl reliving my life on many a Rainy now r know "'hat It meanf;. to have: and to' have lost. Still 1 keep hcl:iin;< on I!;y Y€$ter~.,ys have all ,Q'on-e bY' ,A. C:HCHUS Ahh- PIC<?:':REHCCl\ r-:emories ca'ptureti to in my haons for a while NCn...- I know what it means td see 1'ace-s and plaoea lost to the world ley are still l'lere w: th !::cl. o 1977 "Passinp: TiMe" Class of 1979 !!llen Baldwin Benjie Brarl'forl1 3ittin, at hOl"le alone, tl.lrnin;: back: the hanris of time. Letting the mePlories of your yester­t: lays float throuF!:h y~ur minrl Rememberin(t that you han so much time dreaminp: of the person tc.. be ~ AnA the thiny,s you wan1:erl' to <"lOt yet_ Time passe'; so slowly. Ahh-tonay your tfreams aren J t so many al1r'l the time that Once passe<1 slowly, is now speeiHn{! ri~ht on by. '1'he worlrJ you want to' conquer is still turning. You realize that you're not the per .... son you wanted to b€ t but you' re still going to make it through. One day, many tomorrows from now ~ when our dreams have been ful ~ filler'l, we t 11 sit and recall the hopes of our yesteryears. _Not seail1€" What we want to see. wanting to (io it a.gain. our hopes anrl dreams of' the past subsitie as tomorrow becomes yesternay. a.n'; yesterday is no mOre. Be all the thinj?:s you want to be. Let yourself 'i)Q YOUfU';' ann fl':'ee. fot' life is youthful ann 80 are we. The enemy Wf! f'ip:ht selves, but the nity. Class Of 19bO j.~other Nature she sent :Hth -only the shirt on my An ... thoup:h me1'1ories 0:: the I can never eo on back 'to where I 've ccme from. timer-I< haunt me Trailing nown from Cl<'len Rivers Sailin~ riown to ";ol:ien Rivers Anti you know~ I'll keen travelinp: for- Ann you know ~ If 11 keep If I hart a wish. you know~ you what I'd ':>"11 :'11 ,!" t kno'i', it 1 J of with are you. anr:: Sukiyaki Song (ueomuite aruko) Let's walk watching the sky. Happiness is on it. Sadness is behind the star ••• Let's walk watching the sky So that tears never fall down ••• Peace Children who Don't Know the War (Senso 0 shlranai Kodomo tachi) Children who don't know the war We were born after the end of the war Please remember we are children who don't know the war. "CORKERS'l'ONES" 1976 SopOOROreS Anrlrew J. Gr~gg Tom Spivey ie all stan<* here to-gether, each one of us Look~ down the long, long road that leads away from hOlD. We don~t know where it*s taking us, but then, who's ever known? 'iou say goorl-byel you close the door. tu"ld then you're on your own. The blood-NI'i dawn before me. fighting all around ~ •• Friends Pve kM'Wl'l and loved. now lost lying on the ground. We marc:h now to a new day. the fighting dying down. But how mueh pain does treedl)m coat. for now our hearts are bound. CHORUS List.n to our folklore. like ech();M; from the past J Listen to our families who lye made aur rree~om last; Listen to the other 'cross the sao. of tears they've cried. Ifo live a 11£e of liberty for ltbich our neighbors died. Be proud of what our fathel'S earne<l to keep 'US free. Realbe just how they ye8.1':"n8d, there's no one pushing me. An/j at tne price they had to pay. Be it never slips away ~ INSTRUMENTAL So now "e have o.ut' freedt>m. we had faith enough to win. NO'W another struggle is waitill{t to begin~ Brothers will see brothers die I but hope will not "tUfl thin. If another war besieges us, we'll Join as one again. Rl!PSAT CHORUS "SomewheN Along the Way" KC Kumphrey .. t915 SepbO/WlrEl$ Wt) stand alone and watch the world roll On tlonder if they notice us Or misa us when we' re goM Youlre ultlng me -Where do we go £rom here'?" in t~~~ sr;:;e a °ie:~:n- eyes So thie: ia my special song to you And with a smile to ahara We'll gee the new year through So: many troublee that t'usn us day to ~s.y aut we can find some- rest oS Qmewbere elong the way CHORUS Somewhere along the way We must learn how to love TfieHeS no 'time fol:' tiismay Ue must learn how to oare HoW to share Somewhere along the way I know you' re worried about tha days to Gome :,ie can face them side by side 't'WQ insteari of one. Tomorrow is a mystery we cannot rtelay l'lier'e will be InQre sunny' days Some ..... here along the way. 8HORU8 Sunshine ..... blu. Shine in - yOur You laugh - r try Sunshtne - blue sky COtH sit beside me Listen to the win<'+ Let your worriee fa.ll away Enjoy the times wetra in Let the worl'" roll on ahean 1 t 11 stay here wi til you Hare wi th you 1'11 stay with you 1111 stU$, tOday. CHORUti 30 thia is my special son~ to you . :.Hnp- it when you nee" a frienil 1'0 see the new tnrough 10 share the year through To love the neW year through. recording by Milliken Sound Service engineered by Paul Milliken produced by KC Humphrey technical assistance by Boyd Milliken 'l'he I!s:rbaPE men are 3tridni" The garbtu:;.e I'm not 1 ikinv.. It"s si'tting in the hallway ~~ ~~:!~ng ai!!:i :a~!i~. nipht -Oem Eri turned urf my li;mts- I think I'll hea('t flown to the bar anrl get- somethi.n~ to "rink. CHORUS I 've been pushed into a corner I 've bee..~ bea.ten to the ground Oh, it's hard to lteep smitirli': wi th these troubles all arounn; I eantt hold them. orf no more The;rre 'breaking down 'the (lorr. It doesn' t l.ook like there' s much hope And I think I-m at the entl of my rope. Py erertitors st.ill hound me, My e:J;-wi.fe has just tounn me She.' s lookin~ for the money that t.he judge to1('1 me to pay; How can I say "It"s gonel" '1'0 the old Nevada eon? I lost it all in R.eno In two nights ant! a day. CHORUS Il'TERLUTlE My horos:oope is JQy upper teeth are fake. 'rhe IRS just phonel1 I owe them three times what I make. My bQss thinks that pm lazy I've clol'~el'l the kitchen ~rain. My psyehiatrist says I'm craz.y He can I t seem to hel p my brain. There 7 s pantc tJown on ',fall ~treet I canlt af:f'orrl to buy meat The eat got all my p;olriHnh So I harl cat stew for lunch; These times. there'n u·o "l"1)t'.!r. to them. 1 hot'le that T,!'!,,'1lJf'!: the~ .• 'to {.,. '~r' I ;'<lr.k'~:; ~'.m!:f.~ ',:at'''! fhe Rage 1974 FrcshJl'l&! years a{':o when the twis,t was hot loni"" bafore they rlisoovereri rock we :iance'" all nieht in the middle of t!»tn 'the kiAs all ~Qt together just to hanu; aroun~ ann the music they p1ayefl really shook the /lTouno friday nlp;bt at the soda everybody·.s learni~ how a,nrl hop jan an(l dean on the radio BOUpe~-UP ears at a Odve-in show it all began twenty 'Years ago. 000 .•• CHORUS those were the days of the boog~lQc. the bunny hop and elvb too restless kids in a r,olden age When ItOnd times were the rage ~I)t.)f~ times were the rage tne way we li"le makes parents cry they watch us leave and wonder why but home'S a drag Dfl a f:rirlay night we'" nt.her go oU"t ann tt'i p the li/lhts goinl downtown to the hop tonight. OCOO ••• CHORUS those weN the the bunny hop restless )Lids age when gtlod times rage goon: times were goort times were: years ago when the twist was long before tney discovere" we "anced all night in the of town t.he kids ,,-at tOlrether just to hang aroun~ an" the music playeli really shook the yt'Outv+ ~COO~ •• seeme" to flyaway can I t finn much to the


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