Glee 1965 - Sheet Music
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
dc.rightsFor use information see:
dc.titleGlee 1965 - Sheet Music
dc.typemusical notation
local.transcriptionf,,-, 1"""'0 dI I c: * rtl= ! c! "j Iht L..f!t 'j \ .. '"" A 1 , ,I, I I -t>- f: ~,. ? ';) ~ r · f) "" / l # r .... ! r -;r r- J 0 ""€J J .J- j ~ """ 1- ~ ~ / I I 1'7 D ~ :7 " r:I ! a Ii .J 1::;; )1 . II IU -<; I --',r..~- ~ I • Ot<.CON ThQMa~ M<1-+&'Ic.$-e~ d#J C 1;:./01.) NorMs -6). -0- C - I ::l I • (':;I - ~ 1-;.":).. I .... , f b I ,,") r I ! I~ -"- ~ , '" ~ i'') ! V' t Y t"- I I I . I-f,- r,J I:) \ I <: - f I I j. 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Or y e. cI. -r h. e b()rd~t" o..Y'otAr-td -tJ...e. c.,o..p w; I{ be! b/ac..-k Or wh;te de..- peVld;l"1j Ott wh;(!..h ,"'.$ -ft>lAV'ld -to he.!p :ShcVv' t)"r-r -the.. ca p ... ct , , ,. o ~) e , OYtr'a. I OY' To Liberty is a song that contains much more than appears on the surface. It has been written with a tremendous amount of feeling on the part of all involved. The initial idea was based upon a book entitled Men to Match My Mountains by Irving stone, and from this has come our Glee song. The serenade is sung to Liberty, not only as Liberty, the woman) but Liberty, the symbol of America. Through her is seen the land to whom we pledge our alle~iance and devotion. It begins with a description of the statue, keeping nightly vigil over her land. It then leads into three analogies of the land as reflected by her image. Each analogy ends with an expression of devotion as her qualities are revealed. The conclusion of the song summarizes all that America is reflected in Liberty, bringing together the oceans, the prairies, the mountains with her torch, her robe, and her crown. The formation will correspond to the song in that it also is a lasting symbol of all for which our country stands. The statue of Lady Liberty, which is the main formation, will show various images of some of the analogies used in the middle section of the song, an ocean wave, a sheaf of wheat, and a mountain top. These images which are closely associated with a view of our country will be mirrored in the face of the statue of Liberty. Karen Reppun Spphomore Class Songleader I 9 5~Jr--'~ - ({ J\ '~:/ I U I ..;- , ;;:: , , i'tJ, r f'-, i, " v " " , \ ',> J.v , ~ I, ., ~ ,,) I I /,# I oJ ..... \..J ,/:--- c.;y 'VI 0 I;l. S ~:t A -r Iii: "I"G:.-"I.\ "'0 f --)',''-.-' -~ ", ,( =f~- ., 0 ':) ~o I..t;.. I""", I (. 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S'(.'c-",'.. ,.J)J ,,: /01..11 ) ,......., I r .........., r r - ~ ; \ , If> " , , , ::::. , I \ ~:I "" , '; H ,.,. ,., -I ".. , , of L, .- "'" ~ .!. -.1.-:- ..- , .L ~ "--l" 7"' I ."1- -I " ( ( , \ ( J I I " ~ H A \ . . \ I .,. I , ...j \. I \ I ;- '''''' + --..,. , -"7 I I" 0 :4' "" ... ~ , A l. .- 0 ... , Jt~\ 1:7:/""" I • ~ Q r -'J:I:: \ - .... - '0 ~. -<r 'e> \J I \.7 \ ., . ! - - 0- .1 .' --'-~:.- ..~ ",.' --• "'I :: '. . ... .;,. u -,J-) \ -," \ (~ ;: :;w; J" \rw.~ 1.. .. , 1"'1 , 1 - " ~ ,"i-' I I ..... ..." I' 1/ , I . o . ~ . - ~.,.'" \ u ( II y A"" - 1 -n .!~ o {1 n , ,,, " I ( : r'J ! I' ", J V L •, I TO LIBERTY INTRODUCTION: CHORUSt FINALE: . We serenade of QUI' love to you" While still your Vigil goes on .. You shelter land and people you love By watching them safely itil d~wn. You see the star~ that wink in the sky; You watch the moon that floats slowly qy This is America you love} This is oUr serenade to you. You beckon dawn with lifted arm, Land waking fresh and warm. In brilliant light that beams oter the ocean, Your glory shines in far distant blue To guide man's heart in a song of devotion. Fair Liberty we sing to you. ~our flaxen hair blows in prairie fields Where grain grows rich and strong; Wide sv~eeping plains are carressed qy the shadows; Winds carry strains of a song. Clear mountain lakes brightly shine in your eyes; Mirror the eagle1s swift golden wing; In spirit true, ever free, ever faithful, Grateful allegiance we bring, Your flcWing robes drapes mountains with snow; Your naming torch renects sunset I s glow; To Liberty is a song that contains much more than appears on the surface. It has been written with a tremendous amount of feeling on the part of all involved. The initial idea was based upon a book entitled Men to Match My Mountains by Irving Stone, and from this has come our Glee song. The serenade is sung to Liberty, not only as Liberty, the woman, but Liberty, the symbol of America. Through her is seen the land to whom we pledge our alle~iance and devotion, It begins with a description of the statue, keeping nightly vigil over her land~ It then leads into three analogies of the land as reflected by her image. Each analogy ends with an expression of devotion as her qualities are revealed. The conclusion of the song summarizes all that America is reflected in Liberty, bringing together the oceans, the prairies, the mountains with her torch, her robe, and her crown. The formation will correspond to the song in that it also is a lasting symbol of all for which our country stands. The statue of Lady Liberty, which is the main formation, will show various images of some of the analogies used in the middle section of the song, an ocean wave, a sheaf of wheat, and a mountain top. These images which are closely associated with a view of our country will be mirrored in the face of the Statue of Liberty~ Karen Reppun Spphomore Class Songleader I Cf (6@i--- .. 71 j 1\ : J f ::~~:-i -) ----/1--.," I Ifl v~..,"_ •• _._ I \ -.:;;;.. 1._ n I f"'1 I § ~\ " I.f. --;: ,~ ~ J 1 ! ! \ ,·r .: .- ------.. " lJ -/2 , ' J .' .- ---..-, I -~ ---'-.. . ;"'. - ~ t ( -o -~ ..£ - I .) \ \ I 1='(1'0- I ...... -A I (1 < o I ,I I I b~ J • I f I I..:::::::...J I ! \ ! ! , '\; "I l? I;; rI- ';'T/ (..1 II.; , I i a \ I' , I, CD n (I r1 \ i =~~~-~1~~~;~~{ ~;~~i~' ~~\~~!~r~\~i~,~r~§~~~\~~I~!~,~l~'~~f~I§~~~~~J~I~i~~~~~;;~r~·~~~~! ~ J i J "j" I L" J,,; d I ... </#> - C J> '" '" ~l.l;., Jd 1,/ f\ n I \ \ t , t1 11 n .u.4 L I _Ie ,/: If\ L _ k"lf"" _ v , , , , .f _/ \ U R'4- l •. \\ , -( .. ,.,.. , U r .. .. .0.- -( .. . . \ , \) \Jt u ( (1 ,. l .J J- I! { , .,..r; , .L .,.. 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Clear mountain lakes brightly shine in your eyes; Mirror the eaglets swift golden wing; In spirit true, ever free~ ever faithfUl~ Grateful allegiance we bring. Your flOWing robes drapes mountains with snow; Your flaming torch reflects sunset's glow; ~Otl d,el·h,- k,"d {wd Yf6,K..'/i".!IMby W'IIOi?:h-I\'I~;~f'"" :)a~flt +11\ .. , ./. I ..... ""lfll( loll fi-,e. you wc+o. .a,e. mOofl\ ~,C(,t~ ~\eu.l't l:;Y j liW /, !~ ~ ~ '1 ' .. ~ O(Jl.~ \"'I1).IV\tr.Ul" kA~tS b\'lji,~lish,I'C.~r:..: . ~~ Nh~~e.. el1~lel-s • / ~ -,-"' j , , n \. I { -- -- 7 I 6 .e> lIP I \.} \!(!;, be~~ii .;,t',..,.--:, t.It wt -, s;uld ... ""/I .. I~ k~, '" 0, L v1 .° A ~ .9 (.-:Y 11" .,. , J'" J .l '--f l , i i' I::. L T" -+ 1',." - 4' -- ~ tt;t:? ~. W\~\k b:~e. ~ I< \ \~ r i 1 ' I( ll.I 11'101(: ~,c. W't\ l'll\-" aJ !:ff f f I t- ~(;t\~J c- .r - v,. ~11 r I ... \;:- ('r'- i .Nt!:. ~,,, ~i c "" "., J ,', I 4' t? I ~ e!I:" ! .l 1 T f-J.-. I /' .~,...~ .\, !_ i '._' ,~ -\J' r 'lou _., i '--- ! - .~ I I I oo~----__________________________________________________ __ - {tH· -e '9 1 (),A"'C e W<!. ... . . ..-... . -', ~==-+--IcJ---f._:_= _ -!:-'-":"-+-f----,r-+---"""""'-r--r-c. Je':,... l'n()tlrill'r'I I WI-M • IQI<(I!I~ bnJltf1t -S1111'1e ."n~, (!Y'~ '''1;'''' ror e. ;'" '" .It __ ...... . ~ .....~< - 'CY G"'-9 ""'",--- --- I < I' I ,4 -' f (\ ( I ---I \..-\ \ \'---- I I \ ~ - "To Liber ty" Freshman Glee ',! Sophomore Class Formation With gleaming torch and crown of gold stands the Statue of Liberty, to whom the Sophomores serenade is dedicated. As is portrayed in the song, she is much more than just. statue; rather through and within her is seen the land and spirit of America. Thus within the face of Liberty beneath her crown of gold can be seen the three principal aspects covered in the song, Oceans, wide pra~ies, and mountains so free, Crowned by our serenade to thee. To represent the oceans, her face first contains a wave formed by girls in blue whose movement will portray its undulating movement. These girls will be drawn un from the base of the statue as shown in the diagram. Second, Liberty's face will show a sbe.f of golden wheat blowing in the wind, representing the wide pra~ies. These people will be drawn down from the crown. Thirdly, her face will show a snow-capped mountain, strong and steadfast. These people will again be drawn from the base of the statue. Thus through Liberty we see America. If possible, at the close of the song, Liberty's crown and torch will be shown in flourescent lighting, emphasizing her glory as it shines over the land. 1 jJ.J ~ ~ 'I' i " II ,.t?- j '" • c(j!> "'. I II J. ! r ,. 2[ .1" /I "-" '. h c' til . . 'I1:r' Ii' . ,",,1 • ! I' I.J t' I"" ~: -- - • ....,r .- " ~ ,. Ld f - I " I .3- • , ..,.R. . , :Wil l~ ~ I • \ -.l I I I y , "" c::~- :.r ; I... 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