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Glee 1992 - Planning Materials and Judges' Scores
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1992 - Planning Materials and Judges' Scores
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptioni I 1992 GLEE WEEK SCHEDULE PRACTICE SCHEDULE Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors SUNDAY 3/8 8:30-1 0:30pm Cone-marching MONDAV 3/9 5:00-7:00am Cone-marchinq 3/9 12:20-1: 150m 1&'2-sinqi n~ Lounge-si ngi nq Lobb!,L-marchi nq Cone-marching 3/9 4:00-5:00pm Lobbu-marching,/ Cone-marchi nq 1&'2-singlng '" Lounge-singing 3/9 7:00-9:00om Lounge-sinqinQ 1&'2-sinQino Cone-marchinq Lobby-singinq TUESDAV 3/10 5:00-7:00am Cone-marchi na 3/10 12:20-1: 150m 1&'2-sina1no Lounge':'si n91 nq Cone-marchi ng Lobby-marching 3/1 0 4:00-5:00~m Cone-marchinq Lobbu-marchinq Lounge-sing1nq 1&'2-s1nging 3/10 7:00-9:00pm Lounoe-sinQina 1&'2-51noino Lobbu-sin01 nCi Cone-marching WEDNESDAV 3/11 5:00-7:00am· Cone-marchi ng 3/11 12:20-1: 15pm Cone-marching Lobbu-marching Lounge-singino 1&'2-s1n01no 3/11 4:00-5:00pm Lounge-singing 1&'2-s1ng1ng Lobby-marching Cone-marchina 3/11 7:00-9:00pm Lobb!,J-marching Cone-marching Lounge-si ngi ng 1&'2-s1n01nq THURSDAV 3/12 5:00-7:00am-.. Cone-marchinQ 3/12 12:20-1:15pm LobblJ-marchi ng Cone-marching 1&'.2-singino LounQe-si nQinq 3/12 4:00-5:00pm 1&'2-singing Lounge-singina Cone-marchinQ Lobbu-marchinq 3/12 7:OO-9:00om Cone-marching Lobby-marching Lounge-singing 1&'2-sinqina FRIDAV 3/13 5:00-7:00am Cone-marching 3/13 12:20-1: 15pm Lounoe-sinqinq 1 &'2-s1ng1ng Lobbll-marchinQ Cone-marching 3/13 4:00-5:00pm Lobbll-marchi no Cone-marchinJ! 1&'2-sinqiog Lounge-s1 ngi n9 3/13 9:00-1 1:OOpm 1&'2-sinoino Lounae-sinQino . Cone-marchina Lobbu-marchinQ FRIDAV NIGHT 7:00-8:30 pm Smith Auditorium Seni or Skits GLEE SATURDAX. . , l 9:00 em Cone Fieldhouse Glee Set-Up 4:00-5:00 pm Willemette Room G1 ee Alumni Recepti 01\ 5:00-7:00pm Cet Cevern Officiel Glee Benquet. 7:00 pm Cone Fieldhouse GLEE!! IIII! 1992 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY OVERALL GLEE MANAGER APPLICATION Kelly Golden E-105 '&6'2-ot ~~\~3 Michelle Halstrom C-118 ~ Kimberly Irwin A-214 ~ \,~"',~ Jeff Lippert B-I04 6593 --Eric~wright A-210 G.281l­ Willamette University is a school rich in history and tradition. The most significant of these traditions is Freshmen Glee. It is the cornerstone of the amazing unity we share here. Glee is the link between the Willamette of the past, the Willamette of the present, and the Willamette of the future. It is the common denominator that unites faculty, administration, students, and alumni. No other tradition as clearly defines the Willamette experience as does Glee. within the Willamette community there is a pervasive family atmosphere. Glee provides us with a time to join together and celebrate our common heritage. We recognize these facts and also the immense responsibility that goes along with being overall Glee managers. We also realize it will be an extremely difficult task, but we feel that to experience Glee from this unique viewpoint would be an invaluable opportunity. Prior to our decision to apply for overall Glee managers, we thought a great deal about the magnitude of the commitment. Beyond academics, we are aware that Glee has to be our top priority for the year. Our goal is to create a Glee that is unparalleled in its involvement by the Willamette community and prevailing spirit of celebration. There is a special significance related to our sesquicentennial anniversary, and we believe this Glee must be expanded in accordance. In working to create a memorable Glee, we realize this task requires our group to function as a team. To successfully perform as a team, it is imperative that we have a variety of backgrounds. We are an artist, an Eagle Scout, a Girls' state governor, an Air Force brat, and a missionary. We have a multiplicity of talents and abilities. We are personable, dedicated, thorough, and creative. Over the past several weeks, in preparing ourselves for the application process, we have found that we enjoy working together as a group. We look forward to the possibility of making the sesquicentennial Glee unlike any other. PROPOSED DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES I. Kelly Golden -­Finance/ Publicity Coordinator A. Budgeting B. Bookkeeping C. Mailings 1. Invitations 2. Announcements 3. Box Stuffers D. Tickets E. Posters II. Michelle Halstrom Off-Campus Liaison/Special Events Coordinator A. Recruit and Invite 1. Honored guests 2. Judges 3. Dedicatees 4. Alumni 5. Prospective students B. Arrangements of arrival and stay C. Responsibility of all visitors during Glee activities D. Coordinate special events III. Kimberly Irwin -­Design/ Technical Coordinator A. Development of Glee logo B. Backdrop C. Performance setup 1. Lights 2. Sound system 3. Music 4. Risers D. Souvenier development and production 1. Overall Glee t-shirt 2. Commemorative beanie IV. Jeff Lippert -­Programming Coordinator A. Thematic development B. Performance planner C. Slide Show director D. Rule Enforcement Liaison V. Eric Wright -­On- Campus Liaison/Scheduling Coordinator A. On-Campus Relations 1. Faculty 2. Administration 3. ASWU 4. Class Managers 5. TIUA B. Development of Practice Schedule This year, being the sequicentennial, we have a vision that would include alumni with the students in the events surrounding Glee. We feel our proposals could be very effective in making Glee more enjoyable for the students as well as more significant for the alumni. In our research thus far with faculty, students, and alumni these ideas have been well recieved, but they are by no means beyond improvement. PROPOSED IDEAS FOR 1992 FRESHMEN GLEE I. creation of Sesquicentennial Glee Seal to be used on: A. Overall Glee T-Shirt B. Souvenier Glee Beanies C. Performance Backdrop D. Program/Tickets/Publications II. Alumni Programs A. Recognitions 1. Class of 1942 1 s efforts in creating organized Glee archives. 2. Oldest living Glee participant B. Alumni Glee team particpation 1. Create a sesquicentennial song 2. Alumni singing and marching demonstration III. Additional Glee Weekend Activities A. Dinner for VIP participants 1. Judges 2. Honored Guests 3. Dedicatees 4. Alumni 5. Class Managers B. Re-enactment of famous Glee bets C. Friday midnight snack for student participants We would like to thank you for the opportunity to apply for this position. We sincerely hope that you will consider our merits and preparation in your decision of the 1992 Overall Glee Managers. @ Mrs. Thelma Rueppel '63 i 041.--0 t-fE­8125 SW Birchwood Rd. T(\ \aN'(}ok Portland, 97225-2737 "'Lqr -1..J.{ q 1,0 '-1.'+ 50 (""f~CJ-. <:::; C(/2:20 Mr. Gary Frame '62 @ S~\~/ eM ~'L 1347 Morningside Dr. SE Salem, Or 97302-3332 S3,5 --\ (p-;:;:-I-{ Mo.v-.r\ce.. ~('\e{') 25 gO J\.\\!) "Te.rr-u.(JL ) $. . ilMr. Reid Shelton '48 6836 Katherine Avenue ~\~S'l\/ Van Nuys, CA 91405-4039 ~,, ... -:t-&0 .... Q , \ Mr. John Welty '73 \ 6298 Belmont Way ~('S" ...1.fJ'fl West Linn, OR 97068 ~) t9~. \O1~ II }I / -~~",~~~~ ~ -,..--~.----. ~"," d~~ IIJjr. David Welch '36 v\~ ~a.\.\~ \20 260 W 52nd, #7-0 <c: \ "V~ A l-' ~cJ~\S. v New York, 10019 V ~ wO(o ~~~'1 \Ar...,,! ,L 72 and Joan '75) Cos-ro\\~)"t:)< -::r-soo(p C'2.\ '-\ ') z.Y 'i--~ ~f".tlaV\C, \.... Co~c..c-'1-'1-­\ J.~ ~c..of1\' ""1'"t)vJEr \ \\ ~t:l","",. Sv..\ ~(ZOO t>~~, &It.: q-=f'2.:0 c..t (50 3) Z-20-(0 -t&S5 FRESHMAN GLEE RULES AND REGULATIONS Freshman Glee Is one of the oldest traditions on the Willamette campus. The purpose of Freshman Glee is to bring about class unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The following rules and regulations are approued herewith by the Freshman Glee Ouerall Managers in conjunction with the Freshman Glee Committee. I. THEME Beginning in 19B1 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee would rotate according to four general themes. These themes are: Fight (1992), Nouelty (1993), Alma Mater (1994), and Serenade (1995). During a four year period, each closs will haue had an opportunity to compete in each theme. II. FRESHMAN GLEE DATE Freshman Glee will be held the euening of a Saturday prior to and in the same month as the beginning of Spring Uacation. III. EIGIUBITY Only students currently enrolled at Willamette Uniuersity or the Tokyo International Uniuersity of Rmerica will be eligible to participate in Freshman Glee. Other eligibility problems shall be resolued by the Freshman Glee Committee. IU. RPPOINTMENTS RND PROCEDURES R. The Senate of the Rssociated Students of Willamette Uniuersity (RSWU) will appoint the Freshman Glee Ouerall Managers based on a recommendation from the RSWU Elections committee. Freshman students interested in the positions may apply in groups for consideration. The Ouerall Glee Managers will be appointed prior to October 15. B. The Freshman Glee Ouerall Managers will establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Managers from each class, hauing applied as a group and elected by their respectiue classe.s. Each class will eHercise one uote on behalf of their class in committee decisions and/or recommendations where a uote is required. The Ouerall Managers will not haue a uote. This committee will rel.liew Freshman Glee rules, assist the Ouerall Managers in arranging practice schedules and other organizational tasks. It will also reuiew all complaints with regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any. C. In th~~predicted absence or resignation of class manager(s), it is at the discret.ion of the remaining class managers to appoint a replacement. 1) No alcohol will be allowed at any formal Glee practice or rehearsal. 2) No playing or practicing of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups of more than four persons in the same room, at the same time, eHcept during assigned practice hours. 3) No marching will be allowed on the circular stairway in the U.C. 4) Rny class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice, but once this is done, no make-up time will be allowed. 5) The Freshman class shall be allowed one additional practice session during Glee Week and one marching practice of up to two hours the weekend immediately preceeding Glee Week. (During the practice before Glee Week, the Freshman shall not practice their song or specific formations.) 6) Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the OlJerall Managers and the Freshman Glee Committee will be strictly enforced on the Saturday morning of Freshmon Glee. Rny closs orrilJing late will lose that portion of its time in Cone Field House. Any closs eHceeding its time will be penalized at the discretion of the Freshman Glee Committee, prolJided 0 formal complaint is registered. 7) EHcluding dress rehearsal, only appointe"d Class Managers and the OlJerall Managers may lJisit class practices, other than their own, for a period of more than fllJe minutes. 8) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of Glee practices to plan and practice Senior Skits or to assist the Freshman with their marching. R decision as to the date ond time of Senior Skits shall be made no later than the Monday before Glee Week. 9) Raids are allowed as long as they stay within the limits of all Glee rules and regulations and are in good taste. U. FRESHMRN GLEE NIGHT REGULRTIONS R. Only the following clothes will be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee T-shirst (these may lJary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks and other "essentials" The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted B. Only seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and MRRCH to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, JUniors.!(Only IilJe music may be used during entries.) v~ ,-,/"'~-." / B. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee sholl represent their closs in the compilation of final points and the possible assessments of penalty points in the euent of on infraction. UII. BLUE MONDAY The Monday following Freshman Glee shall be deSignated "Blue Monday," during which bets will be paid by the losers. The following regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, eKcept 11 :00 am classes which will be rescheduled for 11 :00 am on the neKt Thursday. f:i"\ B. The class placing fourth ~Glee sholl walk the Mill stream from Sparks Center to the Uniuersity Center during the 11 :00 am hour. C. Bets inuoluing members of the faculty, administration, or clerical support staff are eKpressedly prohibited. Faculty members may, howeuer, permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faculty member, his/her permission must be sought In aduance. ;:",p ,o"",o_,~~o,~~,::; O. Bets between two peoPI~uoluon~ third person are forbidden, unless consented to by all parties cOl'iClITfiea. E. Bets that might inuolue property damage, personal injury, or ulolation of state, federol, or municipol low are eKpressedly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful, ecologically questionobJe, or Inuolue eKcesslue use of alcohol are eKPressedly prohibited. JUDGING CRITERIA I. Song Category-50'7o of total in two ports: 1)Music and Lyrics-20% -quality of lyrics, quality of music, adaptation of lyrics to music, and adherance to theme. 2) Song Presentation-30% -rendition, eKpression, diction, and tone quality. II. Marching Category-50% of total in two parts: 1 )Formations-25'7o -difficulty, uisual impact, and adherence to theme 2) Marching Performonce-25'7o -accuracy, preCision, and technicalities FRESHMAN GLEE: Glee Night Regulations YEAR: 1992 The following Glee Night regulations are part of the 1992 Freshman Glee Rules and Regulations unanimously approved by this year's Glee Committee: A. Only the following clothes will be worn during the final performance: 1) Glee t-shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks and other "essentials" The use of buttons, stickers, pins, ribbons, etc., is not permitted B. Only Seniors will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes will enter the Fieldhouse and MARCH to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. (Only live music may be used during entries.) D. The Senior class, by virture of their longevity. may enter the Fieldhouse In any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maximum of fifteen minutes to present their previous Glee songs or to lampoon or otherwise heckle the other classes. No other class may be involved in heckling. E. Only the plano may be used to accompany the classes during the class presentation. F. No verbal or visual cues may be given during the final performance. G. No hand or body movements, including torso, will be allowed during the final performance, other than the marching itself. No vocalization is allowed during marching. Hand slaps are limited to one per formation. H. HeCkling and the use of water (or any like substances) are expressedly prohibited during the entrances of all classes or the performances. formations, and songs. I. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior class must remain in their seats. No class may physically impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All classes must remain silent during the rendition of Glee songs. J. Classes must perform the song turned In for judging. K. Introductions to each class performance as organized by the respective Class Managers shall not exceed three minutes and flagrant infractions may result in a loss of points. Every class will turn in a copy of their speech that will be read to the judges prior to the Glee performance at the time of the Saturday dress rehearsal. L. Marching shall be continuous during the performance and defined as alternating movement of the feet; there shall be no stopping of the feet except at then end of a formation. M. For the purpose of encouraging unity in Glee, solos shall not be allowed in the class songs. No fewer than five people shall be allowed to sing anyone part at anyone time during the song presentation. If there is any question as to the definition of a solo in a specifIC song, it shall be referred to the Overall Glee Managers. N. It is requested that each class performance last no longer than a total of fIfteen minutes with the exception of the Senior class, who are requested to keep their performance under twenty minutes. Overall Glee Managers!!! Kelly Golden, Michelle Halstrom, Kimberly Irwin, Jeff Lippert, Eric Wright ******~~{D~~f{~~****** To: Class Glee Managers From: THE OVERALLS Date: February 17, 1992 Re: Recording Sessions We would first like to thank·you all for helping to make the last Glee Committee meeting go so smoothly and quickly! Let's just hope we were setting a precident! I think we all really appreciated the Twister game too!!! Our next meeting will be this Thursday evening at 8:00p.m. in the Autzen Senate Chambers. Now I realize that this might conflict with some other important meetings, but this week was very busy and we had a lot of difficulty finding a time when we could even get a room. If you cannot make it and have anything you think must be expressed at this meeting, please let one of your fellow managers know so that she/he can share. Sorry for any inconvenience. Most of you will probably be happy to know that we have rescheduled the recording sessions for Saturday, February 22. Sorry we did not get this information out to you sooner, it is just that I have been swamped with tests and slacking just a bit. We hope that this will give you enough time to have your songs and singers prepared. The recording schedules will go as follows: FRESHMAN: lO:OOa.m.-12:00p.m. SOPHOMORES: 12:00p.m.-2:00p.m. JUNIORS: 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. SENIORS: 4:00p.m.-6:00p.m. Once again, sorry you did not get this information in a more timely fashion. But wee look forward to seeing you on Thursday. Office of St1llldi&nt A.ctivities WiUami&tti& University CIA Faculty andAdministration Julie Ann Carson, Dean ofthe College ofLiberalArts ScottD. GreenJ.l)(J()(/" AssistantDirectorofStudentActivities DATE: November 18, 1991 BE: Freshman Glee Planning for Freshman Glee 1992 is underway and we would like to make you aware of several significant dates associated with Willamette's oldest tradition: Glee Week March 9-13, 1992 Freshman Glee March 14, 1992 Blue Monday March 16, 1992 Since a significant number of students participate in this Willamette Tradition, we hope that you will take into account these dates as you begin planning Spring Semester. For those of you new to Willamette, Glee is a tradition which began in 1908 when the Freshman class challenged the upper classes to a contest of "wit and musical talent." 'Ibday, Glee has evolved into an elaborate week long celebration with each class responsible for the composition and performance of an original song along with the creation of marching formations that help express that song. On Glee Saturday, each class performs their song and formation for the audience and judges. Based on their performances, a winner is chosen. All faculty, staff and administration are invited to attend the performance. You will receive ticket information prior to the event. Additionally, Gle.e tradition has found individuals betting on the outcome of the Saturday night competition with "Blue Monday" set aside as the official time to payoffbets. To accommodate the losing class's march down the Mill Stream, classes during the 11:20 a.m. class period on Monday, March 16, 1992 will, as is traditional, be postponed until the Convocation hour on Thursday, March 19,1992. Questions have been raised in the past as to what behavior is permissible on Blue Monday. All university policies (standards of conduct, alcohol policy, etc.) are in force on Blue Monday, as on any other day. Students are told not to include faculty or administration in their bets without prior approval. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Activities Office at extension 6463. SDG/kas Office cf Student Activities WiBamette University TO: CLA Faculty and~ministration FROM: \~~'"\\"t.;r<"::Julie Ann Carshri; Dean o'fi'fie College ofLiberalArts ScottD. Gree'!04­tudentActivities DATE: November 18, 1991 RE: Freshman Glee Planning for Freshman Glee 1992 is underway and we would like to make you aware of several significant dates associated with Willamette's oldest tradition: Glee Week March 9-13,1992 Freshman Glee March 14, 1992 Blue Monday March 16, 1992 Since a significant number of students participate in this Willamette Tradition, we hope that you will take into account these dates as you begin planning Spring Semester. For those ofyou new to Willamette, Glee is a tradition which began in 1908 when the Freshman class challenged the upper classes to a contest of "wit and musical talent." Today, Glee has evolved into an elaborate week long celebration with each class responsible for the composition and performance of an original song along with the creation of marching formations that help express that song. On Glee Saturday, each class performs their song and formation for the audience and judges. Based on their performances, a winner is chosen. All faculty, staff and administration are invited to attend the performance. You will receive ticket information prior to the event. Additionally, Glee tradition has found individuals betting on the outcome of the Saturday night competition with "Blue Monday" set aside as the official time to pay offbets. To accommodate the losing class's march down the Mill Stream, classes during the 11:20 a.m. class period on Monday, March 16, 1992 will, as is traditional, be postponed until the Convocation hour on Thursday, March 19, 1992. Questions have been raised in the past as to what behavior is permissible on Blue Monday. All university policies (standards of conduct, alcohol policy, etc.) are in force on Blue Monday, as on any other day. Students are told not to include faculty or administration in their bets without prior approval. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Activities Office at extension 6463. SDG/kas Overall Glee Managerslll Kelly Golden, Michelle Halstrom. Kimberly Irwin. Jeff Lippert, Eric Wright ~'J ******~~~©~~®@©~****** To: Class Glee Managers From: THE OVERALLS Date: January 22, 1992 Re: 2nd Glee Committee Meeting Welcome Backl!! We really hope that you all had a splendid time over the holidays!! We sure did. But now it is time to get back to the task at hand: and, believe it or not, Glee is coming up quickly. We hope that things have been running smoothly as you prepare for your classes' individual participation. If there are any problems. please do not hesitate to call us. There are a lot of things which we must discuss as an entire Glee committee. We have scheduled our second Glee committee meeting for Tuesday, January 28 at 9:00 p.m. in the Alumni Lounge. We'll see you there. Willamette UNIVERS TY 1842 . 15fJ q~ 1992 July 1, 1991 Yukihiko Kawashima, Dean Tokyo International University of America 1300 Mill Street S.E., Salem, Oregon 97309 Dear Sensei; Thank you for your letter of June 19, 1991 with regard to TIU-A students participating in our Annual Freshman Glee. We are delighted your students are interested in continuing to be involved in Olee and I am certain Willamette students are interested in having them do so. I have turned your letter over to Scott Greenwood, Assistant Director of Student Activities. Scott will make certain that the ASWU Senate andlor the 1992 Freshman Glee Managers are apprised of TIU-A'a interest in Glee.' While this decision, understandably, is made by Willamette students, I am certain they will be glad to have the full participation of your students. If you or your students have further questions or desire additional information,. please contact Mr. Greenwood or me. ly yours, R. • Yocom E ecutive Assistant to the President Director, International Education RAY:ua . /" cc: . Scott Greenwood~ OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 900 STATE STREET, SALEM, OR 97301 (50s) 370-6209 FAX (503) 370-6148 TOKYO INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA June 19, 1991 Buzz Yocom Assistant to the President Willamette university 900 state street Salem, OR 97301 Dear BUZZ, We would like to make a formal request to Willamette University, that TIUA students be an integrated part of Glee starting in Spring of 1992. Participation in Glee has been and continues to be an honor for the Japanese students. This last Spring (1991), TIUA students were graciously given the opportunity to part in this t itional event and joined their classes with en lasm and dedication, Many students, both WU and TIUA students have sa this was a very important experience for them and at this brought the two campuses closer, In the last three years,TIUA has become the natural acement for e traditional TIU spring Program and traditionally the TID Spring Program has participated in Glee. We would like to suggest that TIUA students take the ace of the ~IU am in partiCipating in Glee. Thank you for your conslderat1on of our request. Sincerely yours, Y ihiko Kawashima Dean, TIUA 1300 Mill Street S,E P,O, Box 14040 Salem, Oregon 97309 503·373-3300 FAX 373·3399 1991-1992 PROPOSED GLEE BUDGET Catering fi! 825 Alumni Reception $ 150 Judges/Dedicatee Dinner $ 675 Class fi! 350 Senior $ 200 Junior $ 50 Sophomore $ 50 Freshmen $ 50 Commemorative Clothing fi! 300 Beanie $ 300 Decorations fi! 850 Corsages/Boutonnieres $ 175 Floral arrangements $ 150 Balloons $ 200 Lighting $ 100 Supplies $ 25 Trees * $ 200 Mailing Expenses $ 470 Alumni Invitations $ 290 Postcards $ 150 Distinguished Guest $ 30 Invitations --(Judges Packets) operating Expenses fi! 75 Long Distance $ 75 Phone Account Printing Expenses $1230 Programs $ 400 Invitations $ 250 Posters $ 200 Intro Package $ 50 Postcards $ 150 Plaques $ 150 Tickets $ 15 Judges Packets $ 15 Production Expenses $1555 Sound & Lighting $ 350 Piano Rental (2) $ 350 Video Recording $ 100 Tuxedo Rentals $ 125 Slide Show $ 400 (camera, film, developing) Audio Recording Equip $ 50 Chairs $ 180 Set Expenses Backdrop Backdrop Cleaning Changing yr of banner Banner Cleaning TOTAL REQUEST minus REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURE $ 235 $ 100 $ 90 $ 20 $ 25 $5890 S 300 ** $5590 * After Glee, the trees will be donat~d to Willamette University.** Additional revenue from sales will go back into the ASWU funds. 1992 GLEE BUDGET JUSTIFICATION SHEET catering -Mariott Food Service Class Expenses -acquired from 1991 budget Commemorative clothing -estimated costs Decorations Corsages/Boutonnieres -Accent Weddings and Floral Floral Arrangements -Accent Weddings and Floral Balloons -Balloon Kapers Mailing Expenses -acquired from 1991 budget and added change in postage (from $.25 to $.29) Printing Expenses -acquired ,;from 1991 budget (News & publications) Production Expenses Sound & Lighting -acquired from 1991 budget Piano Rentals -Harmons Piano Company video Recording -acquired from 1991 budget Tuxedo Rentals -Shryock's Apparel Slide Show -(rear-screen projection) Audio Recording -acquired from 1991 budget Chair Rental -A to Z Rental Centers Set Expenses Backdrop & Banner Cleaning -Delynn's Cleaners Changing of year -Salem Emblem GLEE 1992 Rating Sheet Summary Music and Lyrics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth= 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: Arst=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 . Marching Performance: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 S fs;1 q~ PLACEMENT .4-) ;( { 01 GLEE 1992 Rating Sheet Summary Music and Lyrics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth= 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 Marching Performance: Arst=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 PLACEMENT \ \ \ GLEE 1992 Rating Sheet Summary Music and Lyrics: First=20 Second=16 Third=12 Fourth= 8 Song Presentation: First=30 Second=24 Third=18 Fourth=12 Formations: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 Marching Pertormance: First=25 Second=20 Third=15 Fourth=10 ( / PLACEMENT FRESHMAN GLEE: Song Presentation Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1992 Judge #:3 RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) In the following category: +Vocal Rendition Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 5(high) in the following categories: +Tone Quality +Diction +Expression Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Fight: Together We Meet the Challenge Vocal Tone Total Class Rendition Quality Diction Expression Points Senior Junior Sophomore Freshmen (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign belOW, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! Judge's Signature JUDGE'S NOTES FRESHMAN GLEE: Song Presentation Official Ballot YEAR: 1992 Judge #.:L RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following category: + Vocal Rendition Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 5(high) in the following categories: + Tone Quality c+Diction + Expression Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Fight: Together We Meet the Challenge Class Total Points Senior Junior Sophomore Freshmen (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your hosVhostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! " JUDGE'S NOTES 11; FRESHMAN GLEE: Song Presentation Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1992 Judge #_ RULES: Judging shalt be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following category: +Vocal Rendition Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 5(high) in the following categories: +Tone Quality +Diction +Expression Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Fight: Together We Meet the Challenge Vocal Tone Total Class Rendition Quality Diction Expression Points Senior ego .( .5 4 ~I Junior Cf ,f 5' ·5 Sophomore .,; :J .3 Z Jz, Freshmen ;> z;.. , ~ 1" // (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. istance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! JUDGE'S NOTES FRESHMAN GLEE 1992 Words and Music Rules and Official Ballot RULES: Judging shall be made on: 1. Adaptability of words and music to theme 2. Adaptability of words to the music 3. Quality of the music 4. Quality of the words Measure each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). SCORING: Please complete the following form according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: FIGHT: TOGETHER WE MEET THE CHALLENGE Adaptability Adaptability: Quality: Quality: Total Class to theme Words to Music Words Music Points Senior r'\ . JJ :) /~ :­Junior ('\. ... tf ~ 4-/tJ Sophomore C' . Cf ~ ~ 1/ Freshman ,:;--2-/"0 "'" -.3 (Any explanatory commer 1s may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) \ After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible, preferably at least three to four days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. Thank: you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE: ~) FRESHJVIAN GLEE 1992 Words and Music Rules and Official Ballot RULES: Judging shaH be made on: L Adaptability of words and music to theme 2. Adaptabilityof words to the music 3. Quality of the music 4. Quality of the' words Measure each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). SCORING: Please complete the following form according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this ye~!s Freshman Glee is: FIGHT: TOGETHER WE MEET THE. CHALLENGE Adaptability Adaptability: Quality: Quality: Total Class to theme Words to Music' Words Music Points Senior - 10 10 8 9' 31 Junior 10 10 6 7 ,; Sophomore 10 to 7 8 ;5 Freshman 10 10 6 ! 3; (Any explanatory comments may be written onshe reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please si gn below, place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envdope and mail as soon as possible, preferably at least three to four days prior to the date of Freshmal G f':e....._---_ Thank you for your assistance in moual Freshman Glee. experience! FRESHMAN GLEE 1992 Words and Music Rules and Official Ballot RULES: Judging shall be made on: 1. Adaptability of words and music to theme 2. Adaptability of words to the music 3. Quality of the music 4. Quality of the words Measure each category on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest). SCORING: Please complete the following form according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshman Glee is: FIGHT: TOGETHER WE MEET THE CHALLENGE Adaptability Adaptability: Quality: Quality: Total Class to theme Words to Music Words Music Points Senior II' '1 I~ 4f g~ Junior 10 }O ID ID .flo Sophomore Freshman '1 If B S q 1 8 8 'If ,~ (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible, preferably at least three to four days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE: .; FRESHMAN GLEE: Marching Performance Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1992 Judge #-1­RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: • Accuracy-uniformity of lines and movement • Precision-precise pivots, turns and unison marching • Technicalities-standing and sitting in unison, moving on and off riser, moving between risers Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Fight: Together We Meet the Challenge Total Class Accuracy Precision Technicalities Points Senior Junior Sophomore Freshmen After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience I Judge's Signature JUDGE'S NOTES ) FRESHMAN GLEE: Marching Performance Official Ballot YEAR: 1992 Judge #~ RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: • Accuracy-uniformity of lines and movement • Precision-precise pivots, turns and unison marching • Technicalities-standing and sitting in unison, moving on and off riser, moving between risers Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Fight: Together We Meet the Challenge Total Class Accuracy Precision Technicalities POints Senior 7 ~ (p (f:[ Junior £1 1 i Ii 25 Sophomore Z 7 7 1?.. Freshmen 7 7 ~ . (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of thiS ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess or delivery to the ballot counters. assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experiencel Ju FRESHMAN GLEE: Marching Performance Official Ba//ot YEAR: 1992 Judge #-3 RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: • Accuracy-uniformity of lines and movement • Precision-precise pivots, turns and unison marching • Technicalities-standing and sitting in unison, moving on and off riser; moving between risers Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Fight: Together We Meet the Challenge Total Class Accuracy Precision Technicalities Points Senior - Junior Sophomore Freshmen (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experienceI JUDGE'S NOTES . ;2. z , 1. ( A JUDGE'S NOTES o I b J ( ( ./O·'t: I FRESHMAN GLEE: Formations Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1992 Judge #1­RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: +Difficufty +VISUal Impact +Adherance to Theme Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee therr.e is: Fight: Togethe.: We Meet the Challenge Adherance Class to Theme ~-----------+--~~~~~~~~~ Senior Total points /' Junior Sophomore Freshmen (Any explanatory comments maybe written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experiencel FRESHMAN GLEE: Formations Official Bal/ot YEAR: 1992 Judge #~ RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: +Difficulty +Visuallmpacl +Adherance to Theme Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. This year's Glee theme is: Fight: Together We Meet the Challenge Visual Adherance Total Class Difficulty Impact to Theme POints Senior Junior Sophomore Freshmen (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign belOW, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience I FRESHMAN GLEE: Formations Official Ballot YEAR: 1992 Judge #v RULES: Judging shall be made on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following categories: • Difficulty • Visual Impact • Adherance to Theme Please complete the chart below according to the ratings In each category. This yea(s Glee theme is: Fight: Together We Meet the Challenge Visual Adherance Total Class DiffICUlty Impact to Theme Points Senior Junior 7 Sophomore Freshmen (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided and give to your hostlhostess for delivery to the ballot counters. Thank you for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed your experience! Judge's Signature


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