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Glee 1957 - Planning Materials
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dc.titleGlee 1957 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcription;...---­FRESHMAN GtEB RULES 1957 '. S·>d.'~'=U1ent of Purpose: The-·purpose of Freshman Glee shall be to promote unity wi<;:::..• in the indi~idual.classes, and the general welfare of the Student Body. Rule 1. Tbe theme for the 49th annual Freshman Glee shall be "Alma Mater". R'!).e 2. Each class president will act as representative of his own class to the c~ccutive committee in case questions arise and shall work in conjunction with the ticket cc~~ittee in distributing tickets to his class. Rule 30 Uniforms count no more than what their neatness and uniformity ccntribute to the jUdf:ing of the song and fOt1l1ation. Bach class will be responsible for fi~aQcing ~ts own uniforms. R~'.:.e 4. There shall be four (4) judges for presentation. j:hree (3) each for words 2.:::1 [",sic. WJrds shall be judged in relation to the music and music juc!ged in L;::' ..t:;_o:~. to the words. Points will be awarded in the following manner: 1. Y~sic----------------------------_20points 2~ Words----- 20 points 3~ Vvcal rendition--------40 points <:'0 F::>rmation----..;.. -------20 points T':;~ c.Vh1:c:" of points for formation will be broken down into the follOWing ratio; L Originality----------------lO points 2. Adaptability--- 5 points 3. Execution ~__..;...._5 .points .•r .... ,."., the total points will be : 3 music judges @ 20 points--------60 points ~" 3 ;vords judges @ 20 points-------60 points 3. 4 formation judges @ 60 points---240 points 360 p01nts il_'..".,': 5. Glee will be presented with one basic fOt1l1ation in each class, M:lr:..:-::· .. '.:.;es t:".::t will not alter the size, shape, or theme of the original f~ -'::.~:.~ .:'. 'c'C) ;;:,:.'::10 Ro·.~ever, to eliminate any dissention in regard to what cons·'::I.·~".. ~:; a ':··::.5 .. : ,J'T. v.inar change, ali formations must be submitted in their entirety in w.dting :!:c c>~ Man::.ser at 5 p.m. on Monday, March 4 for approval. Participa."lts c:1all ,..~ c::).:.. :::~ their relative positions during the singing of the song. The e=~ecutive -.:; ~.~ CG::.::ittec will be the final authority on what constitutes SU,J'L changes a::; are ';e::._'..:'., N;,::;;:dless to say, all formations will be kept in strict confid-=r!ce. , I, ~ R\1~~ 60 TI~~ entire formation must participate vocally in the presentatio~ of tha R'..!J.e 7_ ,Seven (7) copies of the words and music must be turned in to the general ::....:: ;:'::"> office by 5 p.m•• Monday, February 25. The cOluposition must be w::itten c:: st'il..'".:' :--:d score sheets with the words, melody line and the piano accompaniro~nt. O;l~ of '~"'.: seven (7) copies must be in black india ink. It is recommended that' the oE:,~:: cix copies be photostated. The title of the song will appear on each sco::e. ':,:::~ r:~n-: of the song, class, and the person(s) writing the words and music will '-:}~:.l.:C C, ..: a separate piece of paper to be handed in at the same time. No stage properties, nor change in appearance of wearing apparel ~c per­:::. --'.; .~''-': :~., A stage property any item other than the original costume o r·..:.c 9 0 Only seniors may use the center 'steps; all other classes will use the lL<.,~ 1,)~ Parodies begin only after the seniors enter and are sung in seq1..!e!lc<~; .::.::,r::, 3~:r:iors, sophomores, and freShmen. A maximum of two (2) parodies will b-:~ L"i E:'ich cl~s. Senior cut-up IIlill be-1.iJll.ited to 15 minutes. .. •'_.'.r:-Seniors will wear caps and gowns when entering the gym• R~le 12. ~r~G~Y, March 8, at 5 p.m., a completed, alphabetical list of ~~~+:~~r~tir-g ~:";.:::,; _:1·=."''"'":':s of each. class.IJlllSt be· ~ubmitted to the general manager's office ·c/ t;:c cia:',J president. Final lists must be sent by 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 12~ L:.c.e ;3. S~heduled px:actices will begin Monday, March 11. The gym will net b:') ::'.-""l.ilcl.>le bdore that date. There shall be no extra practices during the weeIt of .-·;:~':.l::Cr:1 practice for classes or any portion thereof. Scheduled practic~ time may t~ u:,:1 as the classes, in their own discretion, feel most beneficial. R'<',: ;.'~o F:.;.i1u::e to comply with the above rules will result in points being deducted L.;)::! t::: cl1l.8ses' overall total. The number of points to be determined by the Glee C'· .."'·...!·:.::vo G:::~:-::ltteeo GLEE RULES A1VIENDMENTS 15. The fourth place class shall be resftonsible for the Blue Monday convocation preceding their 'swim" in the mill stream. 16. Students should refrain from making Blue Monday bets which will physically involve members of the faculty, or, will result in damage to university property. 17. Since so many gU&3ts visit the campus for Freshman Glee, the events of the evening should reflect good taste on the part of the participating students ~ /'" '-':'('0:: " .( {/ICjI.c._....,/O/l t}'/.r. SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT YEAR'S GLEE COMMITTEE 1. Investigate possible change of Glee date so a8 not to con flict with mid-terms. 2. Have a clean-up committee for Blue Monday convocation. 3. Sing ~illamette sones to involve audience in Glee. 4. Investigate shortening len~th of Glee night. 5. Possibly limit length of individual parodies as well as number. --- .. FRESHMAN GLEE' RULES 1951 '. :::'>..'~':.;aent 0: Purpose: The-·purpose of Freshman Glee shall be to promote ur..ity wi":~... in the indi~idual.classes, and the general welfare of the Student Body. Rule 1. 'I;}e theme for the 49th annual Freshman Glee shall be "Alma Mater". RuJ.e 2. Each class president will act as representative of his own class to the c~ccutive committee in case questions arise and shall work in conjunction with the ticket ce7~ittee in distributing tickets to his class. Rule 30 Uniforms count no more than what their neatness and uniformity contribute to,) the of the song and formation. Each class will be responsible for f ::'::ai" its own uniforms. R:·.:.e 4. There sh<:.ll be four (4) judges for presentation. three (3) each for wrds 2.:::1 ["·,,:;:io:. ~~,)rds shall be judged in relation to the music and music jucged in L:lc.tio:: to the words. Points will be awarded in the following manner: 10 W~3ic------------------------20 points 2, Words--------------20 points 30 Vocal rendition-------------~~~---40points"'0 F:::>rnation ' ---u. --20 points '?:;e c.'ii''.';(.:'.. :1g of points for formation will be broken down into the following l:atio: L Originality----------------lO points 2. Adaptability-------------5 points 3. lli:ecution --:.----S.points ... r~ro, the total points will be : 3 music judges @ 20 points--------60 points :,) 3 f\Tords judges @ 20 points-------60 points 3. 4 formation judges @ 60 points---240 points 360 points R:.>~ 5. Glee will be presented with one basic formation in each class. M::r:.·:-:: .. '.,·;e[; L.::,t will not alter the Size, shape, or theme of the original f-· .. ";;~-::.~ .::'." L'2 t::;·.':1, Eowever, to eliminate any dissention in regard to what cons·~:.L·."'"~::; a ':·':5 .. : ·')To nlnor change, ali formations must be submitted in their entirety in w.::iting '.. ~1::c C2c ~ Man;:.ger at 5 p.m. on Monday. March 4 for approval. Participantc ::;;1a11 '.'; c:a:::~ their relative positions during the singing of the song. The e~:ecutive :.::~..,! c·:::_.:i.t'(;ee will be the final authority on what constitutes SU'it~ . changes a::; are .~C' ::._'::., Ne<:dless to say, all forma.tions will be kept in strict confid~nce. . ", .- Rn~~ 60 !J:~ entire formation must participate vocally in the presentation of tha R~11e 7, S~ven (7) copies of the words and music must be turned in to the general ::":.=:;:'::"~ office by 5 p.m•• Monday, February 25. The composition must be w::itten c:: sta.r~:::::d score sheets with the words, melody line and the piano accompaniro.~nt. O;j~ of ~.:,: seven (7) copies must be in black india ink. It is recommended that" the O'f;::,~:: ~ix ccpies be photostated. The title of the song will appear on each sco::e. ':'::l: r:~n:-of the song, class, and the person(s) writing the words and music will ):-~:C c,.' a separate piece of paper to be handed in at the same time • .... 13. No stage properties, nor change in appeat:ance of wearing apparel i:; per­:: . '::'~"::'<. A stage property any item other than the original costume. r>.::.('; go Only seniors may use the center 'steps; all other classes will use the It:_~,~..~ 1'J~ Parodies begin only after the seniors enter and are sung in s,equenC:02; . ·.:,.::.r::. j·.:r:iors, sophomores, and freshmen. A maxi..mum of two (2) parodies will b~ ;.~"j e:;.ch Senior cut-up will be-l.iJlIited to 15 minutes. .. Cl .:.. ~_ ~eniors will wear caps and gowns when entering the gym• Rc:1.e 12, :'r:'d<:.y, March 8, at 5 p.m., a completed. alphabetical list 04' :-?"+~ ,:,;~r?·ti!:g ~:>..:,~ .:l-?"·:"!;:S of each.class.llll1St be· submitted to the general manager's office C,/ tl:c r:J:t:j.:; president. Final lists must be sent by 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 12~ R·cc.c.e 1.3 0 So:heduled pJ:actices will begin Monday. March 11. The gym will net b::: ::>:'·'l.i1.c.b1e bdore that date. There shall be no extra practices during the week of : ·;1"'.::.t.:~.r:1 practice for classes or any portion thereof. Scheduled practic~ time may be UG:1 a.s the cla3ses, in their own discretion, feel most beneficial. H":," =.·fn F:J.ilu::e to comply with the above rules will result in points being deducted :~02 t:," cla~se3' overall total. The number of points to be determined by the Glee r:.... ,':'". ~.. ~!.~:: V~ c..c::-:;;.:~ tte~ ~ ........_..._._....._---_._-------­ FRESHlillN GLEE PRACTICE SCHEDULE 1957 1?7. 12£( ; i=; fI, //.-f{-uJ == l~nday, I'larch 11 'Ihursday, Barch 14 5-7 Freshmen Gym 5-7 Seniora Gym JUt;0.ej­6- 7 Seflei"B 1faller 6-7 Freshmen Heller 12-1 Seniors Gym 12-1 Seniors Ualler Juniors l'laller Juniors Q1resto • Sophomores Chresto Sophomores L. Ree. Freshmen H. Ree. Freshmen Gym if11i10A-'j 4-$ lm!e~B H. Ree. 4-5 Seniors H. Ree. Sophomores Gym Juniors Gym Freshmen Iialler Sophomores Ualler Freshmen Chresto Seniors Gym 6:30 Seniors Chresto Clf f:Jo ?'30 ,Zt1tOL; 1-te Juniors II. Rec. to Juniors llaller (, 9:30 Sophomores Ifaller 9:30 Sophomores Gym (.)t1t(l i<J- Freshmen Chresto Freshmen II. Rec. :>w ricA. Tuesday, l-iareh 12 Friday. lfareh 15 5-7 Sophomores Gym ~~7 SophoJl¥)res Gym 6-7 Freshmen I-laller 6-7 Seniors llaller 12-1 Seniors II. Ree. 12-1 Seniors Gym Juniors Gym Juniors 1:lal1er Sephomores l1aller Sophomores Chresto Freshmen Chresto Freshmen Ii. Ree. 4-5 Seniors lJ'al1er 4-5 Juniors Gym Juniors Chresto Sophomores II. Ree. Sophomores Ii. Ree. Freshmen Haller Freshmen Gym 6:.30 Seniors II. nee. 6:,30 Seniors N. Rec. to Juniors Gym to Juniors Chresto 9:30 Sophomores Chresto 9:30 Sophomores Haller Freshmen l'laller Freshmen Gym llednesday, Hareh 13 Saturday, Hareh 16 5-7 Juniors Gym 5-7 Freshmen Gym 6-7 Sophomores Ualler 6-~ Sophomores Gym 12-1 Seniors Chresto 9:15 Juniors Gym Juniors H. Rec. to SopholllOres Gym 10:15 Freshmen Haller 4-5 Seniors Gym 10 :30 Seniors Juniors lrlaller to Freshmen II. Ree. 11:30 6:30 Seniors llaller to Juniors Chresto 9:30 Sophomores II. nee. Freshmen Gym " RULES FOR FRESHI·UI1; GLEE TICKETS 1957 rllo gets a ticket: . 1." Zvery holder of an ASHU student body card is entitled to one (1) t~c~~t•..., .. . ::..1.'--. , " ._' 2. Pcrt:t.cipants, including members of the Glee committees, have the first ·;ch.:mcc to si~ up for ..a s~cond t~cket. . .'.. . .; .'" ."J 3. 'In ·a.dili.tion to these, mo ticket~ arc allocated to the President, the BonrEl"of. Trus.te~sd ...~d Fa~,ty, ,and. thel\l.ur.itrl... .., " "::' 4. APproximatelY. 40' tickets··i-1i.ll ciao be al1oc:.tcd to judges, house mothers, and miscellaneous indiViduals. Hol'T to get your ticket: Participating Students 1. Each student may sign up for his first ticket at any of the Glee practices during lbnday, lIarch 11. 2. On Hednesday, lIarch 13, students may Ii en up for an additional ticket at any of the Glee practices. 3. Students may pick up their tickets on Friday, Barch 15, dlr ing Glee practice. Non-participating Students 1. Students may siGU up on Ibnday, lIarch 11, in the Student Body Office upon presentation of ASlJU student body cards. 2. La"H students may siGJl up at the LaH Building on the Salm dC\V. 3. On Thursday, liarch 14, students may submit a vJI'itten statement for their failure to par ticipate in Glee and their need for a second ticket to the Student Body Office. A special cornrnittee 't-Jill con­sider these requests and ticl~ets uill be distributed according to the committee's decision on Friday, liarch 15. 4. Tickets may be picked up on Friday Barch 15, in the Student Body Office. Extra tickets Hill be allocated to classes on the percentage of participating stucents in that class. 'lhese dead lines must be kept and no one may si[;Il up after their respective deadlines. ~~:t;gslro~ to ,Head ~57 GI~e; Constitution Changes Pa~s~ Voting in unusually large num-ward to -paying more m~ney, but leI'S" Willamette students this week certainly these' were very much Jected John Bergstrom Freshman needed changes," he commented. ::lee manager and app,rov~d by an "I am very pleased with the way lVerwhelming majority the ..passagethe Willamette Student Body re­If the two amendments to the Con-sponed,' 'he commented, "both in ;titution. '. ,file way the voting.went and in the The freshman class went all out' ·}~out." " ! CAl)ncil ASI{S , "~'.r' ToKeep Glee Dead Week Meeting under the watchful eye of Erasmus, its official mascot, Stu­Glee Rules to n its voting for Glee Manager, ~';"l~~ecO?d vice presid~nt Doug Hou­Jer cent voting in the primaries anq;7;ser: pom~e.d. out that despite Col­33 per cent in, the runoffs ~;Wee " an .cI'ltiCl~m of. the lack of ballot Bergstrom and Kevin Kincaid)J!''':~ , ; xes In the. JIlUSlC school, a check .. , ,.~. ,,, __,the fre.shmen music majors voting ", .. sho~dthat the' percentage was ex­. .\the same" as the rest of the ~~~:~~4e~~eea~~~~: Jones .in ,the handling of the 'oPliIld. J3eta Alpha Gamma ~. Sigma r!.lPha: ..chi. sophJillore ,onoraries 'Whose members manned e boxes. " ? • Bud Mull,· Student Body treas­urer" also expressed his pleasure at the' number of people turning out to vote, commenting that he felt that most of them were well in­formed on the"issues involved in the Student Body fee raise proposaL "So many people," ,l,J.e •concluded, "vote down tax. ~el\s~s ~just be­cause it will cost:,)l.ltWl :roore, but here they saw the ?teed'.and cor­. rected it." )'~~~:1J:r,;:~' John Bergstrom In the general vote on the con­, titutional changes, the .vote of 51 l)cr cent of the Student Body and 1)1.1 per cent expressed their prefer­' nces. Out of this, 77.4 per'cent ,-oted for the amendments while 22.6 per cent were opposed, Commenting on the election. Stu­jent ,Body preSident Neil Causbie ~xpressed pleasure in the results, calling .the changes revisions long !1eeded. "None of us ever,looks for-Freshman Glee, 1957, will be graced by the presence of shiny new risers. This was the decision of Stu­dent Council in Wednesday's meet­ing. 'It was also the decision of Council to move the date of Glee forward a week, from March 23 to March 16, and it was pointed out that this might cause a little diffi­culty in delivering the risers on time. In spite of this, it was the con­sensus of Council that the risers should be purchased and it was generally felt that enough time was being allowed for their delivery on time. The reason for the change in the date of Glee is that Prof. Don Gleckler of the music school re­quest~ that the song fest be moved to some time when it did not con­flict with choir tour. He pointed ouf'that many of his singers had, no voice left after the rugged week of Glee. - I . Remain Same Freshman Glee rules will remain substantially the same John Berg­strom, Glee manager, reported to Student Council Wednesday. For­mation plans will be dueS' p.m" March 11 and will be turned in to Bergstrom while words and music will be required Monday, Febru­ary 25. The) will be left with Jerry Whipple. Words and music will have to be in to the judges a week earlier this year than they have been previously in order to give the judges three we~ks to score their copies and re­turn them, March 15 has been set for the deadline for preliminary lists of participants and final lists will be due the 19th. Practice may begin March 18. Passing from Glee to the Oregon Federation of, Student Leaders con­ference scheduled for February 8 and 9, Don Peterson outlined the tentative schedule. ;Willamette rep­resentatives to the Conference have not as yet been chosen, he reported. Next the question of why no petitions have been submitted for the position of assistant Concert Series manager came up for discus­sion. St\.ldent Body president Neil Causbie painted out that any stu­dent is elegible for the position, Petitions for the post will again be accepted, noon Tuesday, February 5, being the deadline. In other business Council con­sidered the problem of falling re­ceipts in the Cat Cavern but came up with no positive solution. One proposal considered was to put a juke box in the Cavern to attract customers sin c e students cannot smoke there. dent 'Council Wednesday discussed the faculty action in abolishing dead week before major social events. A letter from Dr. Martha Springer, chairman of the educational policies committee of the faculty, was read outlining faculty reasoning in drop­ping this rule. WHILE MOST of the represen­tatives were willing to drop the dead week before Parents Weekend and May Weekend, they protested abandOning it before Glee. A mo­tion to go on record as opposing dropping of dead week for this event was proposed and carried by a substantial majority. In other action, Council decided the method of choosing Model United Nations delegates and elect­ed a selecting committee which will determine who will go as dele­gates. Anyone interested in being a delegate to the Model U.N. may pick up a petition in the Student Body office Monday, THIS PETITION will be turned in at a date to be decided later to the seleCting committee. Elected to this committee, consisting of three faculty and two student members, were Dean Robert Gregg, Prof. Richard Gillis, Dr. Theodore Shay, Doug Houspr, and LouAnn Mergler. Student Body president Neil Causbie announced the members of the Freshman Glee advisory coun­cil have been appointed. Serving on the committee will be the Glee manager John Bergstrom, Bud Mull, Peggy Buckley, Nancy Groth, and Royal Keith. . , 'i ~". ! t'" ,:,l. ;c.'as$es March, Sing_~leefullyTOlpig~f ~Old Glee Be~s ~ively Stunts ~k .... '; -/' ; , With members of every class inore confident every day that their class will win, more and more Glee bets are being made, at the rate of about two per student or over 2000 bets. Many amusing spectacles may greet the eyes of any visitor on campus next Monday, but mem­bers of the student body will have t<J think hard to outdo some of the stunts carried out bv students in tlw past. ­What present student has enougl> confidence in his class to promise to swallow a live goldfish if it loses? It's heen done. Everything from publicly proposing to a fa­vorite professor to wearing a sarong to a tarring and feathering have been the prices of misplaced l::onfidence. One student body presi­dent had to stand on a pedestal wearing a toga in front of Waller Hall and pretend to be a statue for many long hours. Other students have carried out less lengthy, but no less conspicuous, stunts snch as cutting off professors' ties, playing the bugle in chss. taking raft trips down the mill stream or dyeing their hair green. Next Monda\' will tell the tale, and if it foll~ws the pattern of Blue Mondays of the past, there will be stunts and strange sights abound­ing to the amusement of the win­ners but to the horror of the losers. , --_. s Presidents Issue' Final Challe4ge Note: Feeling that all oUId be well represented, The Collegian asked the presi­dents of the four classes to issue .,,/ one last statement of opinion before tomorrow night's Glee competition. Accompany Barney Senior as he strolls the campus and muses about Alma Mater: « 'That Old Historic Temple.' Take it easy, Alice-that Sigh was for Jason. He sure has been good to '57. YQu 'know, last year he let us borrow his bathtub. Guess there 'Di.'il;~~.bunch. on campus that really _ ~ a bath; never had one. That s '·sad. !' _~at Old Historic Temple.' Say, .that Waller is a structure for you! Ever notice? I hear some crew on campus is all enthusiastic about it. Hope they don't get crossed up. "'That Old Historic Temple.' Hey, Rook-where's your copy of the Chronicles? Look fella-this is the majors. Hey, don't get wise­if you have to make a Glee bet talk to that guy right over there! The Junior class is looking for­ward to Freshman Glee with a great deal of enthusiasm this year. Sev­eral articles have recently appeared in Salem newspapers predicting that our class, tlle class of 1958, would again conf forth in its _winning form. We certainly appreciate the support the Salem Citizens have r· Ber~rom to Post Lists Soon lor Glee Workers .. .. : Newly' elected FresImlan Glee manager John Bergstrom began work early by explaining to a freshman class meeting; the func­tions of the various Glee commit­tees. Committee' sign up sheets will be posted in all liVing organizations. Chairmen of the several commit­tees will be chosen from these lists Bergstrom said; thus giving some­one with a particular interest in . one part of.-Glee~ a chance to work in a responsible.. position in that shown us; furthermore, we have been working extremely hard to fulfill.their highest expectations. L 0 0 kin g over the competing classes, we find that we have facing us last year's third and fourth place winners and the freshmen who are having some .organizational diffi­culties. We are anxiously awaiting the results of Saturday evening's performance. It is our hope that this years Glee will continue to be a spectacle worthy of the interest it has created in the past. It is up to you freshmen, sophomores, and seniors to provi& us with compe­tition. . The class of 1959 has arisen. The fate of the other classes is un­deniable. The sophomore cla;s is going to win Glee. We have sympathetically listened to the boastings and trite egotistical smugness of the perverted petal pluckers for "two" many years. Their spirit wilted with the rose which they still cling to this year. \Ve have observed the wide­eyed, damp-diapered younger set as they gaze naively at the excel­lence of the class which precedes them. Our feelings are only of pity when we think of these wet-behind­the- ears urchins. Wi~ tongue in cheek, we have abstaiiled from laughing openly at the clumsy· efforts of the balding summer squash set. This.'ttcguaticly­.... . minded class deserves to be ·com­mended for its vain but valiant efforts of the past. W~ smile at smugness, we laugh at naivety, and we only have pity for the well-washed seniors. The result of this year's Glee is in­evitable. I believe I can speak for the Freshman class as a whole when I say we are all looking forward to Glee. You see, we all anticipate a victory for the Class of '60! We accept the fact that there will be competition. One class has won for the last two years; others are supposedly strong. We've got a great song and a good formation, but mainly we want to win! I know that this spirit will carry through the final night, and emerge in a great victory for the Freshman ~ass in Freshman Glee, 195;'. area. . «:;nt. e ..n . . .' ,.;~all IUld ~.or or Missing Rhymes and Bets-~ ,provide Glee Complica£fl,ns ._,:~ ,By C~ROL McMINIMEE : ',\VITH nilS yeais ~heme: Alma . Glee lY~l~ composers ar~ compar-' Mater, antonyms and sY!10nyms mg the dlfflculty of rhymmg words. \came not so easily. An alma jnater to a serenade song to the rhyming at' WillameUe practically requires of words for an alma mater. A look ';:.,;jl mention of Waller, historic at the !ubje.ct matter brings the temples, and other grand and great pro~le~ .to light. Last yea.r. typical traditions. But try and find a rhym­posslbil1ties of the moonlIght ~c;l ing word. roses variety were love, dove, trU~; However, with word and music blue, and -on and on. ;;f: deadlines already a thing of the , past, committees are no longer rack­~ g the brain, but hoping., The tIcket committee is looking forward to reading the sad tales of students who did not participate in Glee TuesdayChallenge,Acceptance I but need ten extra tickets for Aunt parations for the 49th annual Glee practices beginning Monday. Fit-! . tamination the freshmen eagerly with a short, "impartial" speech de-tingly, the freshmen are the first: await. their first mor:rJing practice. livered in the challenge assembly class to start practice at 5 a. m. Unfortunately in past years the Tuesday morning. Berg~trom wm (Glee practice schedules may be good doctor's investigation of the be followed by the freshman class found on page 2). mill stream has shown the stream president who will issue the official Lists of those participating are to . be swim worthy. There does challenge. The other presidents will, due Monday, With any student eli­seem to be the pOSSibility that the with varying degrees of scorn and gible to participate if he has above owners of the stream might not condesension, accept, and the battle a 2 point average, is not on aca­lend it to the University for the will be on. ..'J demic or social.probation, and has day but is cheerfully assured one 'signed up. ·t that it has always been made avail­able in past years. A report from THOSE ELUSIVE items'", Glee the weather bureau is also encour­tickets, may be reserved by signing aging. They predict below freezing lists which will be available at all temperatures for the Monday after. practice sessions Monday. Second But sophomores assure the class ,~tifdline Nearing tickets may be requested by sign­of '60 that everyone live~ through ing another list Wednesday during ."'*"~Glee Petitions it and seniors assure everyone that practices. the charming creek behind the ~hman interested fu being Those not participating may sign campus is as warm as toast. Ah, yes, lee Manager is urged to up for a ticket Monday in the Stu­and next come the bets. ering it. now, according dent Body office upon presentation ouser, Student; Body first of an ASWU Student Body card. . Manager Bergstrom emphasized that all deadlines are final in regard to ben~fitof all new stu­Glee tickets, and no late requests is an annual song con­will be accepted. the cla$ses, sponsored Students will also be given a ed by the ,.. treshmen. chance to secure records of this s theme is'Wma Mater." ,j.. ," year's Glee during practices and ee ,manager ii'the co-ordi­following the challenge assembly. ~,.G~~~inittees_ The price of $1 must be paid when ~teJ~ted'".~~~ljing ~r the order is madt'o The records will ;.$J.loll)a o1;>taID" a peti-be 4.5 speed only this year. . ':. S.~~~B04yoffice. tiomng.the, office at.,J.• , ,:trtenty-five gnatut:~~d"'will .be s~',<lt .convocation 'her 25:' 'All petitions are ay, .:November 23, at 12 ',~iing additional infor­contact Bill Wheat, Del Cummings, past ers, consult the student information on past see the annual Glee ks in the library. OfficialBeginningof49thGlee Freshman Glee manager Jolm ACTUALLY, GLEE preparations Bergstrom will officially begin pre-are nearing the final stage, with Josephine and Uncle Homer who are coming all the way from Mossy River~ Oklahoma, for the weekend. AS DR. PURVINE checks the mill stream for possibilities of con­ 49th Glee Shows ExpansJ9n" By WYATT KERSH In the fall of 1908 two fresh­men, unknown to each other, were seated together in chapel. During the hymns each noted that th~ other sang with a particularly fine voice and when the service was over they struck up a friendship that was to have far reaching ef­fects.. BoJA .of them had an active interest in music and they formed a small vocal group among the freshmen men. AS THEY harmonized walking home from their first meeting, the idea of challenging the other classes to a singing contest crept into their heads. At one chapel, soon after, the president of the Freshman class extended the chal­lenge that became a vital part of Willamette's history. The upperclassmen we r e, of course, appalled-but ~what could they do? Freshmen could not be allowed to show this sort of impert­inence, there was a lesson to be taught, and the challenge was ac­cepted. ON 'FEBRUARY 19, 1909, in the eternal and venerable Waller' Hall the first Freshman Glee was pre­sented. The mles then were practically as they stand now. The words and. music were to be original and the manner of presentation was also to weigh in the judges' decision. THE ORDER was thus: The senior song had words by a stu­dent and music by the Italian com­poser Donizetti. History records that their presentation was able, though their understanding of the rules was confused and when they returned to their seats the usher presented them with a large head of cabbage. The juniors were next and their original song was humorous in con­tent and presentation-even with masquerade costumes. The usher presented them with three carrots. WE ARE TOLD that the pro­gram .was' here broken, and that "Clark Belknap, who won the State Oratorical Contest at Corvallis, gave a reading entitled 'Morning ~ail'." The sophomores received a bunch of onions on the completion of t}y,ir song. _ Finally the freshmen presented theirs, with the members of the original singing group forming the nucleus. AS A CLIMAX to the program "Miss Nellie Casbere delighted the audience with a reading 'The Day of Precious Penalties'." Or'course the freshmen won. And after the "College Glee" a recep­tion was given in the halls of the Websterian S"ociety by the ircsh­men and "college songs were sung, punch was served, and a general good time was enjoyed by all." THE DAILY Oregon Statesman records, for February 20, 1909: "In the first annual glee contest held at Willamette University the Freshmen won the glee pennant, which was given by the Freshmen to the class which the judges de­dded had the best college song. The songs were all good and typi­cal of college life, and filled with humor, and love and loyalty for Old Willamette. The Freshmen had a good song and deserved to win, yet the other classes had excellent compositions and made the race a warm one." And so the first glee was under way. Class rivalry existed then, as now. Side bets appeared and with the wild spirits of t$dergraduates, the bets bec'\me zanier and zanier. Goldfish swallowing, serving as a valet, perching in a tree and all the other foolish and funnv bets became an important part of glee. BLUE MONDAY-the day of the paying of bets-is nO\'1 an integral part of the Glee traditions and we, the students, look forward to it as the icing on the cake. Tomorrow night marks the 49th in this series and, I presume, it will be as successful as its 48 predecessors. Perhaps Mr. Clark Belknap won't be present to give • "Morning Mail" and Miss Nellie Casbere will not have an oppor­tunity to delight us with "The Day of Precious Penalties" but the tradition of musical creation will continue itself in the spirit from' which it came. THE WORDS of the winning song will ring in our ears as it did in the ears of the freshmen of 1909. Theirs were: !, "New Willamette, New Willam­ette, hail, hail, hail. Ever '\vel} be true to thee, hail, hail, haill" The winning words tomorrow night will be: ". .?" class president Jack Jones, warmly dressed against the chill air, dem~trates Olsen the correct technique for diving into the millstream-just in case. ~. "­C:'- e-eReally Spells 'Work~~· i; f ·d EARLY PRACTICES are rule for Willamette Glee. Here strom, shown climbing out of his warm bed in pre-dawn 5 a. m. comes mighty early for Chairman Johnny Berg-hours for pre-breakfast sessions of four classes compet­- ing for '57 hCilOrs. Monday Glee Deadline Cau~s , Hard Song, Formation Work', With the 49th annual Freshman Glee only three weeks away, four sets of song-writing and formation committees are settling down to business; the words and music are due Monday at 5 p.m. Scheduled practices will begin March 11. Barbara Pfaff, publicity chairman for Glee, announced that Freshman Glee will be publiCized on many Portland radio and television shows. On March 5 the University Singers will appear on Connie Worth's "Telerama" show singing last year's winning Freshman Glee song, "Rose Magic." The hostess will also inter­view John Bergstrom, Freshman Gle~ manager on the show which is being broadcast over KGW radio and KGW television channel 8. Studio West, KLOR television channel 12, will feature the 16­man chorus from the Willamette chapter of Beta Theta Pi singing the Winning Freshman Glee song of 1955, "Jason Daddy," March 7. Ann Fields, assistant ba~kdrop chaUnuan, reports that the backdrop is deSigned, the materials for it are purchased, and the committee is ready to start building it. The "Welcome Alums" banners and the arm bands will be new and ~fferent this year, reports Sue Palmer, decoration chairman; gay and colorful, the decorations will add a lot to the spirit of Freshman Glee. Willalnette U. musical event calls for pre-dawn 'workouts This coming Saturday is "Willamette Glee" day again. . That might not mean very much to the initiate, but to any Willamette university alumnus it's "the" traditional event of the year on the Salem school's campus. It's a musical affair unique at Willamette. Each class writes original words and music for a new song, then stages and presents it. Next Saturday, March 16, will see this year's renditions. ·Nearly all practice ses­sions are early-morning affairs. Another unusual thing about the "Glee"-it's or­ganized by the freshman class, which serves as host for the other three classes. Johnny Bergstrom, Wi!­lamette freshman from Portland's Cleveland high school, is chairman this year, and here are some pic­tured portions of this hustlin~ student's busy ·days of preparatiol1, I ~ IHonor Plantld , ""i#;;'? B'y Willamett~ WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, IS~lem f(~pecial) ...::.{2r. g., Her~ bert Smith, pre sid en t: of 'Willamette:' unIversity, will be :honored by;the' student body March 16, when tpe 49th annual Freshman Glee, aU-school song­fest, will be dedfcated to him. The student council unani­. mously adopted the resolution I presented by glee manager John' Bergstrom to dedicate this year's Fr~hman Glee to Dr. Smith in .observance of his 15th year as ~president of the WU~, versity·: . . :;'Ii'.::. I; Freshman Glee has been a tradition at Willamette since 1908. Frosh Threaten Upper Classes The ominous freshman threat will soon appear at the annual Challenge Assembly which is scheduled for March 12, according to freshman class president, Ted Cook. Bob Clark has been chosen as the freshman song I eader and Ron Walker is formation leader. Chair­man of the song committee is Rod Bemklau with Jan Hansen assisting him as secretary. The formation committee is headed by Gary Holmes with Myrna Mangels as secretary. Glee Manager John Bergstrom re­minded all c I ass e s that words music, and formation are all due,by February 25 so they can ~1>rintt:d in tpe, ,programs. He added -that ticke~, 'for Glee arc on the press and' the .other committees are now in full Swing. BEAUTY SLEEP goes by boards in weeks prior to "Glee" as students wandering in early morning's darknes indicate. Each class is determined to win. PLANNERS AND PLOTTERS for "Glee" hold weekly meetings in effort JUST TESTING here for Chairman Johnny to make. {'57 event banner affair. From left, Babs Pfaff, publicist; Boss is Ann Shepherd, toeing frigid waters of Jommy Bergstrom; Terry Kent, assistant; Ann Bercaw, sec~tary; Sue mill stream on campus. Last-place class in Palmer, _decorations. All but San Matean Ann Bercaw livet Portland. "Glee" will be dunked here next Saturday. ,. Ex:ecutive Board January 8, 1957 '!he meeting was called to order by JohDI.lY Bergstro:zy., Glee Mansge:;-, 'Who reported that the progress of Glee so far consists of the selection of .chairmen and their committees and the formulation of many ideas. Johnny said that he 1-Tould neea cY.,ot of help fz:oom this gro.up. '!he first item of business was to revise the 1956 Glee rules. The outcome of this revision was sent to Student Council for approval. The following list of judges vTas then tentatively agreed upon by the conunittee pending the adVice of an informed professor. Nancy Groth will check these names: nmsic -T. S. Roberts, C. Robert Zirmnerman, Professor Brye; Hords -Professor Clark, .Al Loucks, Walt Erickson; presentation -Virginia Ward Elliott, John Evans, Dean Kratt. Johnny then informed the board that there were possibilities of obtaining p'lblicity time on T. V. It vTaS suggested that the University Singers represent the school. Since it is not convenient for the comnittee to meet on 'lhursday as planned, no future meeting date 1'-TaS established. There will, however, be a meeting every week. Because there was no further business, the meeting 'Has adjOl.:trned. P",'111 BerCali Secretary Executive Board January 15, 1957 The meeting was called to order. Johrmy said that the Student Council had made some minor changes in some of the rules that we had approved at the last meeting. The revised rules were read:a.nd again approved. We discussed the question of 'Whether to deduct points from the classes if they did not meet the necessary deadlines. It was suggest­ed that they be docked 10% of the total points in the category in "Which the deadline was not met~ but no action was taken. The meeting Has adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary , / Executive Board January 22, 1957 Johnny called the meeting to order and said that a problem had present­ed itself concerning the date of Glee. As the choir is going on tour the end of March, its members will not be able to participate in both the tour and Glee if Glee is held on the 23 as planned. The alternative date would be Harch 16. During the following discussion it 'tV'as pointed out that some group vd11 have to sui'fer no matter on 1,ffiat date Glee is held. It was agreed to base the decision on the scheduling of the midterm tests. If they begin on the 25, we will suggest to Student Council that Glee be held on the 16. If, however, they begin on the 11, it is our sUE:.gestion to hold Glee the 23. Because the recordings of Glee have not ~en too good in the past, Johnny presented the suggestion of making the recording before the actual performance. Station KOCO has offered to make the recording on the Friday before Glee if the students will run through it for them. It was the con­census of feeling, however, that the record should represent the actual performance and should be made Glee night. Johnny announced that the next meeting 'WOuld be held the first week after the semester break, c-nd the meeting was adjourned. An.11 Bercaw' Secretary Executive Board February " 19,7 Jolmny called the meeting to order and said that its purpose was to set up a penalization code for the classes tihich would be presented to Student Council. 'lhe following code was devised: 1. ,% of the total points for either words or music iull be de­deducted if either of the above mentioned are turned in late; if the formation in its entirety is not submitted on time, 5% of its total points will be deducted. 2. Penalty will be inflicted if the lists of participating class members are not subrnitted on time. 'IDe number of points wi...ll be determined by the Executive Glee Comrr~ttee. 3. The formation must te submitted in its entirety and followed. 4. From, to 2,% of the total points will be deducted if extra practices, as defined in the Glee rules, are held. The purpose of the next meeting will be to discuss the ticket rules and to set up a practice schedule. '!he meeting was adjourned• .Ann Bercaw Secretary / Executive Board February 13, 1957 'lhe meeting 'Was called to order, and the question of who the recipi~t of this year's Glee dedication should be was discussed at great length. As the only suggestion that came forth was Waller Hall, the members of the board were asked to look into the subject more thoroughly before a decision was made. The Glee practice schedule was set up after which the meeting was adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary Sunday. News is being sent to the Glee representatives in the various high schools, and newspapers and magaztines are being contacted. Programs Committee '!he programs vr.Ul be done is two colors. '!he meeting was adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary ElCecutive Board February 19, 1957 '!he meeting was called to order. Jerry rmipple was present at the meeting to ask that we' the. number' of' tickets to 'be aJ.lotted'oo the faculty, trustees, and alumni. Last yearrs ticket rules were read and, after much discussion, the accoITq?anying rules set up. Again the subject of a lJOrthy individual to whom Glee could be ded­icated was discussed. The names of both President Smith and T. S. Roberts loTere suggested. It was decided that the 1957 Glee should be dedicated to G. Herbert Smith for his 15' years of service as president of v1.illamette University. 'lhere being no further business, the meetiq; was adjourned• .4nn BercaH Secretary Executive Board February 26, 1957 After the meeting was call'ed to order, Johnny presented three ideas for possible Glee program covers. '!he board deci.ded that either of tID would be fine. 'ilie Glee budget was then submitted for approval: lighting $ 10 records 170 decorations lQ programs 111 tickets 16 souvenirs 130 stage 10 publicity 40 backdrop 5 piano 90 total $592 .After the approval of the budget, it was decided that if for some reason Glee did go in the red, the defecit would 00 made up by solliciting donations from alumni, the classes would be billed for any reIi'.aining loss. Johnny suggested that a Golden Anniversary rook of Glee songs be made up for sale next year. 'ilie conmrittee agreed that it lfas a good idea and a terrific money maker. Don Gordon said that he had lined up t1fO acts so far for entertainment, Tom and Barbara Larsen signing, and Tom Gail's comedy act. He asked for ideas for a third act. 'iliA following sug[~estions were givEm: another comedy act, a professor leading the alUIi'ni in a song, professors singing themselves; and the Romeo and Juliet act that was given for Varsity Varieties. 'ilie meeting "Tas then adjourned. Ann Bercaw \ Secretary \ i Executive Board March 5, 1957 .,J ~ Johnny called the meeting to order. Since there were some complaints as to the scheduling of Glee practices, a slight revision was made. A13 the Seniors had three early morning practices, and the Juniors only one, the two classes sw.i.tched practice times for one meeting. George Hoyt, Junior Class formation leader, asked that We approve his request to change a Hard in their song from "threads" to "hands". There is nothing in the rules about changing words after the deadlines. Since the fuard is the final authority, it was our decision that the change would violate the thought of the rules as there was a deadline for them although there was no specific words to that effect. Consequently, the change cou~d not be made without incurring a penalty. '!he follO't-Ting three stz.tements i-Tere dra"m up as a result of this decision: 1. All words and music vrere to be turned in February 25 for final judging. 2. '!his I·lould be a major change in effect on the words and the formation (see rules). 3. This rule sets a precedent for other changes that other classes might wish to ma.'I(e. The dedication to G. Herbert 8.mith was discussed and the final wording formulated to read: We, the Class of 1960, dedicate the 49th Annual Freshman Glee to Dr. G. Herbert Smith for his faithful fifteen years of ,',' { /,f leadership· and semce to Wil1amette University. • Representatives from each of the four classes submitted their for­,. mations for final approval. The Seniors ,vil1 present a white graduation diploma, bound by a red ribbon on a black background. No Change in for­mation will take place during the singing of the song. 'lhe Junior fS ff fOl~ation will be a clock, and their request to use football jerseys numbered 3, 6, 9, and 12 to designate time on the clock was granted. The Sophomore's formation of a red cross and a "White dome on a black background was approved. A wite background ' a black lamp base and red fla-ne was O.K • .'d for the Freshmen. 'llie students in the name can sway, but not move their feet, as taking a step constitutes a change in relative position. Another change in the practice ::chedule was suggested, but not entirely worked out. 'lhe final solution was left up to Volney Sigw.und and George Hoyt, subject to approval by Johrmy. 'llie meeting was adjourned. An.11 Bercaw Secretary ·! :~ Elcecutive Board Harch 14, 1957 '!he meeting was called to order by Johnny. The publicity cormnittee was granted permission to bp.y 12 tapes at a discount to sem to 12 major stations in Oregon. The cost vdll be $26. l1arty Wolf said that the senior song had 11 !llistakes in the music and asked permission to correct them and have the music rejudged. The board decided that since a deadline had been set, it must be kept. Therefore, no change was permitted in the judging. The senior class 't.,ras allO'tred, ho..vever, to correct the pia.'>lo accon~animent for the performance that night. '!he subject of the Junior's request to change a word in their song from lfthreads IT to IThands" "vas re-opened as their representative, Nancy Grothe, had been absent at the previous discussion. 'lhe arguement pre­sented , that since 11 music changes had teen allowed in the Senior's song, the Juniors felt that they should be able to change one word. '!he decision was based on rule 7 against the Junior's change, and, if they persist in making the change, they will be penalized 5% of the 360 toial points. In accordance with this rule, the Seniors agreed not to change their nmsic. They, too, -rdll be docked 5% of the total 360 points if the melody line in their piano accompaniment is changed. 'Ihe meeting Has adjourned. Arm Bercaw Secretary Tickets Committee ~oo have already been given out to various people leaving 1087 for the students. Nonday' the students may sign up for their first ticket and Tuesday for their second. Non-participants can sign up for a second ticket on Wednesday. 'lhis reciuest must be accompanied by a petition. All .... tickets w.i.ll be distributed on Friday in the Student Body office. lrRecords Committee I No decision as to whether to make the recording during the actual Glee or beforehand has been reached. AS there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary ._----~~~---_._-------_ ... Executive Board March 16, 1957 The purpose of this meeting was to set up rules concerning ffiue Monday. After much discussion the following rules were established. 1. All mee bets must be paid off between 6 am and 12 midnight. 2. All Glee bets be paid off on campus. 3. Attire should not be indecent. 4. The losing class should 'tiea' shoes in their liade through the M:i.ll Stream. >. Dunking of an individual should not occur. Johnny armounced that a meeting Hould be held next Tuesday at 6:30 to revise the rules for next year's Glee. '!he meeting was adjourned. Ann Berca'tv Secretary Executive Boord March 19, 1957 The meeting was called to order. In relationship to the improvement of the rules for the 1958 Glee, Marty 1'101£ made the following suggestions concerning the judging: 1. Former formation leaders, ()nes who have lead their classes but are out of school noVT, should judge the formations. 2. The same should be true of the nmsic judges. 3. '!he judges should be paid. A suggested amount, possibly $10. 4. All nmsic should go to one school v-.1flose nmsic department would do the entire judging. The meeting lias postponec. ul1til after Spring vacation on account of studies. .Ann Bercaw Secretary ---- Executive Board April 9, 1957 After opening the meeting, Johnny suggested two types of reconunenda­tions: one for next year's Glee as a lfu.ole, and one for the rules. J / , I. Rules 1. 'lhe theme for the th annual Freshman Glee shall be II II. 2. Each class president will act as representative. qf his own class to the eJtecutive cormnittee in case questions arise('and shall work1_nl conjunction with the ticket cormnittee in tickets to hisJ ern,ot Class) . 3. Un.i.forms COlmt no more than what their neatness and uniformity contribute to the judging of the song R'1d formation. Each class will be responsible for financing i tSOloffi uniforms. 4. Th.ere shall be four judges for presentation, three each for words and music. Words shall be judged in relation to the music and music judged in relation to the Hords. Points will be awarded in the following manner: 1. }fusic----------------------------20 points 2. Wbrds----------------------------20 points 3. Vocal rendition------------------40 points 4. Formation------------------------20 points '!he awarding of points for formation will be broken down into the following ratio: 1. Originality----------------------lO points A.JJ 2. Adaptability(to theme and song1---5 points '""" 3. Execution-------------------------5 points 'lherefore, the total points will be: 1. 3 music judges @ 20 points or---60 points 2. 3 words judges @ 20 points or---60 points 3. 4 formation judges @ 60 points 240 points 360 points 5. Glee lnll be presented with one basic formation in each class. Hinor changes that '1'1111 not alter the size, shape, or theme of the original formation may be used. H01-rever, to eliminate alW dissention in reGard to 14hat consti~ltes a major or minor change, all fonnations must be submitted in their entirety in '\orriting to the Glee Hanager at ,I·larch for arproval. Participants shall not change their relative positions during the singing of the song. '!he exec­utive Glee committee will be the final authority on what constitutes such changes as are decided. Needless to say, all formations w.i.ll be kept in strict confidence. ---- 6. '!he entire formation must participate vocally in the presentation of the song. 7. Seven copies of the words and music must be turned in to the general manager's office by --'pm, , March _.F·~·lJhe com..'·.· .. positi6n must be·witten on standard score sheets with the words, melody line and the piano accompaniment. One of the seven copies must be in black india ink. It is reconunended that the other six copies be photostated. 'Ihe title of the song will appear on each score. The name of the song, class, and the person (s) writing the words and music will ~l)pear on a separate piece of paper to be handed in at the same time. ~'llie words must be typed and no ch~es in the) otItI words or music can be made after they have been turned inl J 8. No stage properties, nor change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property shall be any item other than the original costume. ,9. Only Seniors may use the center steps; all other classes will\ 0 n11 t· ( use the side steps. i 10. Parodies begin after the Seniors enter and are sung in sequence; Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen. A maximum of two parodies 1nll be sung by each class. Senior cut-up will be limited to 15 minutes. 11. Seniors will wear caps and gowns when entering the gym. 12. Friday, Harch ,a completed, alphabetical list of participating class members of each class must be sublllitted to the general manager's office by the class president. Final lists must be sent by pm Harch • 13. Scheduled practices 1-.1.11 begin Honday, Harch the The gym will not be available before that date. There shall be no extra practices during the week of scheduled practice for classes or any portion there­of. Scheduled practice time may be used as t.he classes, in their orm discretion, feel most beneficial. 14. Failure to compl;)T 1\ the above rules will result in points being deducted from the classes I overall total. The number of points (to 00) 1fill be determi::1ed by the Glee executive committee. II. Next Year I s Glee 1. Glee manager try to get more qualified judges. 2. Cha.n.r,e the practice schedule. t\.S there Has no further business the final meeting Has adjourned. Ann Bercaw· Secretary v, t'~eitement Gro~Ts as Glee Date Draws Near Glee Sche~qle • . ~':1-ft'~ . ~ . !<•.d,.•<By DOT.MANKER Bob Clark; formation leader, Ron The music for the ,junior song .".'~ ... Collegian Reporter Walker; Sonja Peterson and Rod ~as written by Ron Kingsley who ToBePa~ked The songs 'are written, formations Bemklau who wrote the music for is also song-leader. Muriel Miet­Tomorrow night, against a back­are due Mon~y, and all Freshman the freshman song, and the com-tunen wrote the words, and George drop of the gate in front of Eaton Glee committees m-e hard at work. mittee that Wrote the words: Cath-Hoyt will lead the formation. Hall in black silhouetted on yellow, With only two weeks until Glee, erine Casper, Jan Hansen, Kathy RECORD COMMITTEE chair­Jean Pritchard, Diane Rhoeding, the Willamette campus is hovering Harris, Ralph Litchfield, Janet man, Sylvia Quiring, announced Virginia Cain, and Toni Folsom, with excited activity. Perry, Sara Pope, Sherry Ifutledge, that orders will be taken for the guarded by' Larry Sterling, Dick ON THE grfat day, while judges and Lynn Wilcox. records of Glee following the chal- Hill, Jin Brentlinger, and Tom Cay­meditate on the great decision, en-And then there's the senior song lenge assembly, March 12, and lor, will present the coveted Glee tertainment Will be provided by leader, Barbara Anderson; and the f h l' . a ter re earsa s on Wednesday, banner. Tom Gail doing "a comedy act, sing-formation leader, Volney Sigmund. COMPETING FOR the 1957 ing by BarJ:vrraand Tom Larson, Their words were written by Flos-Thursday, and Friday. Thlf records Freslllna~ Glee banner will be first 'and a presentation by the Varsity sie Hodge and Larry Lister, and will be 45 speed, and $1 must be the senior class offering "Alma Ma­Varities' Romeo and Juliet, Dave the music by Marty Wolf. The song paid when the order is made. ter," written by Marty Wolfe, Johnson and George Nelson. Then was arranged by Barbara Anderson The shortage of tick;ets for Glee Flossy Hodge and Larry Lister, and an alumna. will· lead the audience and Barbara Freitag. . ~ even more acute this year, and presented in a formation-featuring I, in a' favorite Willamette song. As in LARRY WILLINGHAM is the each student will receive one tic- a diploma. . past years, Dr..Schulze will delay sophomore formation leader, and • Next, in the formation of a the,~llncement of the winner. Del Cummings is the song' leader ket, with Glee committee merilbe~s clock, the junior class will sing --':TiIE nOSH who will be hailed who also wrote the music; Marga-having first chance for another tic­" The Golden Threads of Ti1nc," (or ,oonderimed) are the song leader, ret Lowe wrote the words. keto written by Ron Kingsley and Mu­riel Miettunen. THE CRIMSON tross of Wallet, with "A Song for You, \Villamette," .Four-Day Manager Elections written by Del Cummings and Marg Lowe, will be the sopho­mores' presentation. Start.Glee Prep~~tions:-~arly Newcomers to Glee, the fresh­man class will sing "Tribute," writ­Preliminary pkirmishes in the bat-Purcell. Run-offs will be held Tues­ten by Sonja Peterson and Rod tIe for, the 49th. Annual Fr~shman day, and 'Wednesday, the results of Bernldau, in their formation of the Glee banner begm today With pri-wWch will be published ill next Fri­flame of knowledge. rna:>, el~ctions. for· Glee Manager, day's Collegian. WHILE THE judges arc (lclib-whICh will contmue Monday. Candi-Campaigns were 'touched off . erating their choice, Tom Gail wil,~ ,dates for the position are .John. Be~g-convocation Ttfesday where ea~ present "The Talc of a Tramp: strom, Tom Caylor, Kevm Kmcald, candidate presente.d gave a short ad­Following this, Barbara Larson. wII,~ Terry Kent, Steve Hone, and Chuck dress. A desire for 'both magazinesing "It Might as Well Be Sprmg, and television publicity and the in­and brother Tom Larson will sing adequate seating facilities for the "Rock-a-hye Your Baby to a Dixie scores of people who wish to attend Freshman Named. \1 e lad y , " accompanied by the Glee were most frequently stressed \larty \Volfe Combo. in the candidates' speeches. To Work on Glee N~xt, George Ke~ 'on and Dave Freshman Glee is to be held next Johnson will perform their "Shake,~ John Bergstrom, .Freshman Glee spring, but preparations for one of spcare; presented hy two losers. manager, this week announced the the most outstanding of Willam­1~ he ',villamcttt' Alumni Quartet, ette's traditions began with the c.hairmen of the Glee committees consisting of Ronald Craven, '30; and called the first meeting with opening of the fall semester. This ~lilton Gralapp, '25; Paul True­the newly appointed heads Tues­year's theme is "Alma Mater." With blood, '28, and Ervin Potter, '40, day. the. election of the Glee Manager,will present winning Glee songs vanous committees will be set up, Bergstrom announced that the from previous years. but actual J;r~parations by the fresh­committees will begin to function AFTER GLEE is over the win­man class will not begin until sec­immediately, and will continue to ning class will serenade campus liv­ond semester. . act d uri n g Christmas vacation. ing organizations, for which the T~e position of Glee Manager is Members of .the freshman class will girls in that class will be given conSidered extremely important, as be notified as to which committee 2 a. m. late permissions. All other he will build the entire preliminary they will serve.­girls will have 1 a. m. late pers. foundation for the event. Because Glee will be rebroadcast Sunday Kevin Kincaid has been appoint­of this, Doug Houser, second vice­at 1:30 p. m. over station KSLM ed assistant Glee manager, and Ann president, urges all freshmen to ac­for all those who missed the actual Bercaw, Glee secretary. tively support their candidates. performance. J 0 h n Bergstrom, Committee chairmen and co­Freshman. Glee manager, has an­chairmen are: Decorations, Susie nounced that a tape of the high­Palmer and Ron Walker; Souvenirs, lights ot Glee will be sent to all the Jane Dedrick and Chuck Purcell; radio stations in Oregon. Tickets, Ted Cook and Truman Baird; Lighting, Dave Men and Steve Hone; Backdrop, Ed Johnson and Ann Fie 1d s; Entertainment, Don Gordon and Ron Hespe; Puh­licity, Gary Holmes and Barbara Pfaff; Programs, Nancy Daly and Harriett Randall; U she r s, Ann Shepherd and Jean Gimba; Chairs and Floo.r, Tom Weston and Rusty Beaton; Rebords, Sylvia Quiiing and Rod Bernklau; and Stage Crew, Wendell McLinn and Pete Blewett. . ...._._.....-...=...=_.-==..=...=.....=......=.._...:.....--~=----"-'=============== Committees Decorations Susie Palmer* Ron iofalker Sue Tripp Ed Grosenbacker Rosalie Reddecopp Step Hargler Souvenirs Jane Dedrick* Chuck Purcell Eleanor Knoll Bob Bausch Jim Hubbard Tickets Ted Cook-::­' I'ru.lllan Baird Sonja Peterson Carol r-~lfinimee Ron Gerbing Lighting Dave r-1erz-::­Steve Hone Tom v~i tehurst JOr-ill Sweeny Backdrop Ed Johnson-l:­Ann Fields Arta Lee Weber l-1ary Owens John Galbreth Jim Brenlinger :Elltartainment Don Gordon-:!­Ron Hespe Darlene P..ose P~ph l~tchfield Publicity Barbara Pfaff* Gary Holmes Dot Hanker :Hickey Daum Elaine Freedman John Frederick Programs Nancy Daly~­Harriett Randall Jan Hansen Phyllis Thompson Nettie Hansen YJaI'ilyn Cochran UEilers Ann Shepard~,(­Jean Gimba Gappy Gasper Jean Pritehard Jan Robison Janet Ferry Chairs and Floor Tom Weston* CharJ-ie Beaton Keith Pailthorp HOVTard Stroebel. Jack Wilcox Darrell Rainsforth Larry Lynn John Jelderks Records Siebie Quiring* Rod Bernklau Cynthia Shaw l1ike Fahey Laurel Tiller Stage ere1-T vlendel1 NcLin-::­Fete Blewett Ralph Ingle :;'like Graydon Bob Youngblood Jack Berkey Committee Chairmen December 18, 19.56 The meeting was called to order by Johnny Bergstrom, Glee Manager, 'Who said that the purpose of the meeting was to inform the committee chair­men of the work to be done. He read a list o:f the various chairmen and their assistants and asked that they have their committees chosen before the next meeting. He suggested that they consi~t of from 3 to .5 people. It was agreed that meetings would be held every Tuesday at ?:30. Assist­ant chairmen are not compelled to attend, but should keep in close contact with their respective chairman. Johnny then introduced Del Cummings, 19.56 Glee }1anager, vmo told us the histo~J of Glee and of the necessary preparations. He stressed the importance of reading the reports of the 19.56 Glee chairmen, of getting the jobs done of time, and of attending all meetings. He said that re­cordings of past Glees co-_:lc: be obtained from the Student Body office. Johnny asked that the publicity chairmen_ start work immediately by contacting nei-Tspapers, radio and television stations, and alumni. He also urged the progral'Jl chairmen to get the programs started over the vacation. '!he meeting was adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary Connnittee Chairmen January 10, 1957 '!he meeting was called to order , and Johnny asked each chairman to outline his proposed plans and the duties of his job. Ticket Chairman Ted Cook reported that he had appointed the members of his connnittee. His duties are to number the seats and delegate tickets to the different groups. Decorations Chairman Susie Palmer said that she also had chosen her committee, but that no further progress could be made until the backdrop theme had been de­cided upon. Records Chairman Sylvia Quiring saio. that she had arranged a meeting with last year's chairman to make plans. Program Chairman It liaS reported by Nancy Daly· that the colors and design of the program had been determined, and that the committee was in the process of contactirg different printers in order to find the most reasonable. Souvenirs Chairman Jane Dedrick said that she had appointed her com:nittee and that their duties consisted of lining up the pictures, making up the layout, and then distributing the souvenirs. Ushers Chairman Ann Shepard informed the committee that her duties consisted of numbering the sections and having the necessary ushers. Publicity Chairman Babs Pfaff said that she had picked a committee and that they would get as much publicity as possible. Ehtertainment Chairman Don Gordon reported that he was in the process of getting suggestions for filling in time between the end of the signing and the announcement of the results. Stage ~ Chairman Wendell 11cLinn said that he was trying to get a good committee to set up the backdrop. Lighting Chairman Dave Merz said that his committee had been chosen and that they would take care of all the necessary lighting. Johnny then told the group that station KGW, T. V. had offered us time for advertizing. He asked that all the chairmen contact the chairmen for 1956 and together l-rork out an approximate budget for their commit.tee. We have a total of $750 to spend. He urged everyone to ge:t started as soon as possible. It was agreed that the meeting day would be changed to 'Ihursday, but that the time would remain 6:30. The meeting was adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary Conmdttee Chairmen January 17, 1957 Johnny started the meeting by the group for their suggestion as to 'Whether Glee should be held March 16 or 23. The problem arises because the choir members w.ill not be able to participate in both their tour and Glee if Glee is held on the 23. If, however, the date is moved to the 16, they will be able to sign in both. It was the concensus of opinion to have Glee on the 16. Johnny they informed the chairmen that they must turn in a complete report of their work after Spring vacation. He also asked for a progress report to be due on r'bnday, l-1arch 4, two weeks befor Glee. He suggested that 'When they meet with their committees they set up a schedule of deadlines to meet. In regards to obtaining money the follolnng procojure lias outlined: A requisition must first be secured, it must then be signed by Johnny, and taken to Jerry \-lhipple's office for the cash. Johnny suggested that the chairmen combine their items into fewer requisitions. '!he budget for each committee 1~11 be set'in a few weeks. Johnny made the following requests: 1. Chairs and Floor and Stage Crew CoIlll'i'ittees check on the risers. 2. Siebie should contact station KOCO to see if we can still use their tape recorder. Check to see if we can use the Fine Arts Building one day for practice. 3. Babs Pfaff should check on the Studio \V"est program. 4. All chairmen should meet with their comrnittees before the next meeting which will be held in three weeks. Johnny then introduced the new assistant Glee manager, Terry Kent. It seems Kevin Kincaid isn't in school any more. Some old Glee reports were handed out to the various chairmen, and the meeting was adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary •.. Committee Chairmen February 7, 1957 Johnny called the meeting to order and announced that Glee would definitely be held on l1arch 16. 'Ille Challenge Assemble is I-Ia.rch 4. He then made the following requests: 1. All budgets should be handed in at the next meeting. 2. Each chairman should have a progress report ready I1arch 4 consisting of a co~~lete rundown on everything that has been done and an outline of what is to be done. 3. Anyone with suggestions for the Glee dedication should see him. Concerning specific committees, Johnny asked that the Souvenir com­mittee turn in their dummy copy at the February 21 meeting. At this meeting the pictures of the chairmen and their assistants will be taken. The follov~ng co~~ttee chairmen then reported: Backdrop Committee Ed said that a copy of the design for the backdrop would be ready next week. Record Committee Siebie reported that the first record will cost $36 and each copy thereafter will be 32¢. She estimated that a 40% profit could be made. The meeting was adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary Committee Chairmen February 14, 195'7 The meeting was called to order. Jolumy asked that both the chairmen and their assistants attend the next meeting as a group picture lilll be taken. '!he subject of Glee dedication was then discussed. Both the Executive Board's suggestion of Waller Hall, and Babs Pfaff's idea of the founders of Glee were thought to be good. 'Ihe chairmen made the following reports: Lighting Committee 'Ihe lighting is all lined up. Record Comrnittee A 102% proftt should be made on each record. Decorations Committee '!he letters will be put on the banners tomorrou. Ushers Committee There will be 35 ushers. Souvenirs Committee '!he du.rnmy will be ready at the next meeting. Jane asked that the committees '\-mo were doing work that Hould make an interesting picture notify her. Johnny suggested that the Executive Board IS picture be taken. Publicity. Committee So far there will be 2 T. V. announcements and 1 on radio with a pos­sibility of another. Station KOCO will rebroadcast the performance on \ \• records 170 \.\ decorations ~lO programs 111 tickets 16 souvenirs 130 stage 10 publicity 40 backdrop 5 piano .. '9G \ total ID2 " Johnny said that the risers ~uld be up Sunday, March 10. '!he meeting was then adjourned for picture taking. Ann Bercaw Secretary Cormi1±ttee Chairmen February 27, 19,7 After the meeting was called to order, Johnny announced that the Executive Board had agreed upon President Smith as the recipient~f this ~.. year IS Glee dedication. 'Ihe following cormnittee reports were made: Ticket Committee Com.'nittee members don It automatically get two tickets, but ,dll\have , .' a cha...l1ce to si~n u; for the extra one. Publicit;;r Committee KSL¥ will broadcast Glee, and the possibilities of Portland stations and Honitor are ~ng looked into. '!he idea of making! hour tapes and sending them to various radio stations is also being considered. Programs Comlnittee Barch 2 is the deadline for material. Fntertainment Committee '!he entertainment w.:i..ll last for 15 minutes and consist of three five minute acts, two of vmich have already been lined up. Tom and Barbara Larsen have agreed to sing, and Tom Gail will present a comedy act. The master of ceremonies for the evening lnll be Pete ffie'Witt. Johrmy announced that the following students will be in the honor guard: Larry Sterling, Dick Hill, Jim Brentlinger, Tom Gaylor, Jean Pritchard, Virginia Cain, Diane Reeding, and Tony Folsom. '!he folloHing budget l-laS then presented: lighting $ lC Committee Chairmen February 28, 1957 Johnny called the meeting to order and then read the practice schedu1.e. The following reports were given: Stage Crew Committee Wendell said the old rise:cs wou1.d be repaired if the new ones didn It arrive in time. Backdrop Committee The painting will start soon. Chairs and Floor Committee Rusty said that most of the chairs can't be moved until the day of Glee. Ushers Committee The list of ushers ~d11 be turned in by 11arch 2. Tickets Connnittee Ted explained how tickets could be obtained, and Johnny read the pertaining to this procedure. Entert~~nt Committee Don said there will be four acts. 1. Barbara and Tom Larsen accompanied by the Harty Wolf combo. 2. A faculty quartet singing old Glee songs. 3. A monologue by Tom Gail. 4. Romeo and Juliet by George Nelson and Dave Johnson. The meeting was then adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary Committee Chairmen I'1arch 7, 1957 '!he meeting was called to order. Johnny asked for oral report's of the work still left to be done. Chairs and Floor Conmrl.ttee The canvass must be laid and the chairs carried in. As the chairs must be brought from Waller, the Fine .Arts Building, and Eaton, there was some question as to hOH to transport them. Stage Q!'ew Com.w.t tee '!he nel-1 risers have come and they will be put up as soon as possible. Progra."llS Committee Everything is done but the printing. Backdrop CoI1'1_"llittee 'ilie frames have to be assembled and painted. They ldll be put in the gym on the 14. Ed asked for more moneJr as there Here a few in­cidentals upon which he hadn't counted. Publicity Comwittee Tapes of Glee have to be rnade for the radio stations. Ushers Cormnittee l-bney is needed for signs to designate the different sections, Decorations Committee Boys are needed to hang the barmers. Entertainment Committee A dress rehearsal must be held. Committee Chairmen March 20, .1957 Johnny called the meeting to order. He reminded the chairmen that they nmst turn in a complete report which should include everything that next year's chairmen should knoli to facilitate them in their Hork. Because of some unfavorabl{;. repercussions of this year's Glee, a public hearing for students, alumni, and teachers will be held at 4 0 'clock at Waller Hall on March 28 to deterrnire the destiny A discussion was then held on having a part:r for the committee heads. It was decided to hold the party the first Sunday after Spring vacation. All those going ldll meet on the steps of Lausanne Hall. Don Gordon is in charge of the re~shments, Ted Cook of getting transportation. Johnny thanked the chairmen for all their outstanding help, and said that President Sn:ith thought that the Freshmen had done an outstanding job in Glee. 'ilie last meeting of the 1957 Glee chairmen was adjourned. Ann Bercaw Secretary JUDGES Words Iris Gray Alfred Loucks Fay Sparks M1sic Professor T. S. Roberts Professor Joseph Brye John C. Peery Presentation John Stark Evans Rein E. Jackson Virginia Wark KLliott l'fark O. Hatfield HEADING March 19, 19S7 To non-attending Judges: We wouJ.d again like to thank you f6r playing such an important part in Freshman Glee this year. Of course we Freshmen are overjoyed at the outcome of the judging, as we won the 49th Annual mee with a total of 312 points out of the 360 possible. '!he Juniors, who have taken top honors for the past two years dropped to second place with the Sophomores and Seniors coming in behind them. '!hose of us who participated had a wonderful time, and we hope that the audience enjoyed it. Sincerely, Ann Bercaw Freshman mee Secretary HEADING l1arch 19, 1957 To Judges who attended: ~ 'Would again like to thank. you for playing such an important part in Freshman mee this year. Of course we Freshmen are overjoyed at the outcome of the judging, but I tm sure the whole school is ap­preciative of the time that you have spent in helping us. We hope that you enjoyed the performance, because I know that everyone who participated in it loved putting 1t on. '!he moments were tense, and Dr. Schultze did his part in prolonging the agony, but, all considered, it was a successful evening, and we thank you for your help. Sincerely, Ann Bercaw Freshman Glee Secretary HEADING March 6, 1957 Tb Presentation Judges: Enclosed please find your two tickets for Freshman Glee, 1957. '!he Glee Committee certainly appreciates your interest, and it is our hope that you will have an enjoyable evening. On the night of Freshman mee, Harch 16, the mee Manager, Johnny Bergstrom, and Mr. Jerry Whipple would appreciate meeting with you not later than 7:30 p.m. in order to explain the judging procedure and answer any ques­tions that you may have. This meeting will be held in the Physical Education office of Hr. Sparks, on the main floor of the gymnasium near the entrance. Sincerely, Arm Bercaw Freshman Glee Secretar,y HEADING February 26, 1957 To Music Judges: Enclosed in this envelope you will find the music of the four classes for the 1957 Glee contest. Also, please find your ballot for judging the music. '!he songs should be considered as follows: adaptability to theme -five points(maximum) originality -five points(maximum) adaptability to group singing -five points(ma.xi.mum) quality of music -five points(max:i.mum) It is not necessary to return these copies of music and words. Please mail your completed ballot in the enclosed envelope and return it to Willamette University by March 14. We certainly appreciate your time and effort in judging the music. \ok are enclosing your t1iO ticket.s for the performance March 16, and we hope that this evening is very enjoyable for you. Sincerely, Ann Bercaw Freshman Glee Secretary --._--"._--------­ / HEADING January 23,19.57 To Music, Words Judges: On Saturday evening, March 16, 19.57, Willamette University is presenting its annual Freshman Glee. In case you are unfamiliar with this event, we will give you a brief outline of its history. In 1908 the Freshman class challenged the other three classes to a song contest, the words and nmsic to be original and written by members of each class. Each class, after a week of practice amounting to over forty hours of singing and marching presents their song to parents and friends of Willa1'11et:te University from a special stage set up in the gymnasium, and in a formation symbolizing a selected theme; this year to be "Alma Mater. II In thiS, as in any contest, judges are needed. '!he words, music, and presentation are all judged separately by three, three, and four judges respectively. It is our hope that you will be willing, along with two other people, to help judge the (words, music). If you do feel that you will be able to devote some of your time and talent to us in this judging, we will be very grateful. 'ilie (words, nmsic) of the four classes 'i'rl.ll be sent to you by February 27. 'lhese should be judged and scored according to the instructions sent with them, and returned to Salem by March 14. We cannot offer you any monetary reward, although, it is certain that if the individual classes knew who you were they would be more than free with s orne ''bribe'' money. We wuld be more than happy to give you two tickets to the performance if you would care to come. A prompt reply as to your decision in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Please use the eliclosed card. '!hank you. Sincerely, Ann Bercaw Fres~1'11an Glee Secretar,y HEADING February 12, 1957 To Words, M.1sic Judges: We are so glad to hear that you 'Will be able to devote some of your time to judging the (words, music) for Freshman Glee. ']he four classes are now working diligently in hopes of preparing the winning song. '1he (words, music) will be sent to you by February 27 as mentioned in the previous letter. '1he Freshman Glee Committee certainly appreciates your interest, and we will gladly forward two tickets for the performance to you as soon as possible. (or) '1he Freshman Glee Connnittee certainly appreciates your interest, and we are sorry that you are unable to attend the performance. Sincerely, .Ann Bercaw Freshman Glee Secretary HEADING February 12, 1957 10 fresentation Judges: We are 50 glad to hear that you will be able to devote some of your time to judging the presentation of Freshman Glee. '!he four classes are ~ow diligently in hopes of preparing the winning song. '!he Freshman Glee Connnittee certainly appreciates your interest, and your two tickets for the performance will be sent to you as soon fls possible along with sorne further information. Sincerely, .Ann Bercaw Freshman Glee Secretary ~~-~_.~-------~--------­ '.~~~>~,;', 'jt 'J ;\ Of.. HEADING January 23, 1957 To Presentation Judges: On Saturday evening, March 16, 1957, Wll1amette University is presenting its annual Freshman Glee. In case you are unfamiliar with this event, we will give you a brief outline of its history. In 1908 the Freshman class challenged the other three classes to a song contest, the words and music to be original and w:ritten by members of each class. Each class, after a week of practice amounting to over forty hours of singing and marching presents their song to parents and friends of Willamette University from a special stage set up in the gymnasium, and in a formation symbolizing a selected theme; this year to be "Alma Mater. " In this, as in any contest, judges are needed. '!he words, music, and presentation are judged by three, three, and four judges respectively. It is our hope that you will be willing, along with three other judges, to attend the performance the night of Glee and help in the judging of the presentation. If you do feel that you will be able to devote some of your time and talent to us in this judt;ing, we will be very grateful. We cannot offer you any monetary reward, although, it is certain that if the individual classes mew 'Who you were they would be more than free with some "bribe" money. We will, of course, send you two tickets to the performance. A prompt reply as to your decision in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Please use the enQlosed card. Thank you. Sincerely, Ann Bercaw Freshman Glee Secretary '\ \' .,. " \":t HEADING February 27, 1957 To ~rds Judges: Ehclosed in this envelope you will find a copy of the wo~s and music from each of the four classes. Also enclosed is your ballot for judging the words. '!bey should be considered regard to the mdsic as follows: originality -ten(maximum) adaptability to theme -ten(maximum) It is not necessary to return these copies of the Imlsic and Words. Please mail your completed ballot in the enclosed envelope, a:hd return to Wi.llamette University by March 14. l1Te certainly appreciate your time and effort in judging the 'WOrds. we are enclosing your two tickets for the performance March 16, and v~ hope that this evening will be very enjoyable for you. Sincerely, Ann Bercalll Freshman Glee Secretary \ , HEADING February 12, 1957 To Judges who have not replied: We are very interested to mow your decision concerning the judging of the (presentation, nmsic, 'WOrds) for Freshman Glee here at W.illamette. A:s we have not yet received an answer from you, we would like to remind you of the post card for this purpose enclosed in the previous letter. It is our hope that you will be able to be with us on l-1a.rch 16. Sincerely, Ann Bercaw Freshman Glee Secretary I HEADING }farch 4, 1957 Regina Ewa1t Dean of Women Willamette University Salem, Oregon Dear Dean Ewalt: In accordance with the past years it has been traditional for the closing hours of the women to be extended on the night of Freshman Glee. I would like to ask that the hours for the women of the 'Winning class be extended until 2:00 a.m., the night of March 16, 1957. '.Ihis will enable the winning class to serenade the living organizations. I would also like to request that the hours for the women of the three losing classes be extended until 1:00 a.m. would appreciate your approval of these extended hours. Thank you. Sincerely, Johnny ~rgstrom Freshman Glee Hanager ------_._-_._-_._-----­ FRESiI1tA ~J GLEF~ Rf~Tm1NS \ J.909 Fre8hmen 191,:) Sophomore. 1911 Sophomores 1~12 Seniolt 8 1913 Sophomores, Fr~8hmen, Juniors, Seniors 1914 T~~re8hm.n 1915 FreshJr:,en 1915 Junior. 1917 Fre.hmen " 1918 Juniors '" 1919 Sophomore. 1989 Sophomores 1921 Sophomore., Seniors, Freshmen, Juniors 1922 Senior., Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen 1923 Junior., Seniors, Sophomore•• Freahmen 1924 Seniors 1925 Freshmen 1926 Senior., Sophomores, Freshmen, Juniors 1927 Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Fre.hmen 1928 Juniors 1929 Junior., Sophomores, Fr••hmen, Seniors 1930 Juniors, Sophomore., Senior8, Freshmen 1931 Juniors 1932 Fr••hmen, Juniors, Sophomore., Seniora 933 Fr••hmen 1934 Sophomores, Junior., Senior., Fre.hmen .~1935 hnibrsi' , Sophomor•• ~936 Seniors, Sophomores, Juniors, Pr••r~en 1987 Senior., Juniors, Fr••hmen, Sophomore. 1938 Sophomores Fr.ahmert 1939 Junior., Seniors, Fr••bmen, SOPhomore.) 1940 Senio..cts. 30pllOr=lOreS, Freshmen, ,-Tun1or~ 1941 S.nJO~8. Juniors, Sophomore., Freshmen 1942 Fr.8l1U1en. Seniors, Sophomox·eu _ Juniors 1943 Junior., Seniors, Sophomores, Freshmen 1944 Juniors, Senio,,"'., Freshmen, Sophomore. 1945 Sophomore., Junior_, Senior. j Fre"hmen 1948 Sophomore., Juniors, Pr••hmen, Senior. 1947 Senior., Juniors, Sophomores, Fr••hmen y' 1~48 Pre.amen, Juniors, Sophomore., Senior. 1949 Seniors, Sopllomor••, Freshmen, Juniors 1960 Junior., Fr••hmen. Sophomore., Seniors 1951 Preshmen, Seniors, Juniors, Sophomore. I /)' l L" 1952 Sophomores, Fr••n.en, Seniors, Junior. 1953 Juniors, Sophomores, Pr••hmen, Seniors ), ~, 1954 Senlora,Ju,?tore, Freshmen, Sophomore. '}}>-_5 ~4.".4 .-., I ....,..-.:-. 11\'f..'.~'" I ';; ,;,....-~u__,-:.-C-9-"1-~1"'" s·L (. C-. ~~ 5-7 d'/~,-<_..-.".,... C~~1~ I GLEE WINNERS BY CLASSES 1909 Freshmen, 112 19mO Sophomore, '12 1911 Sophomore, f 13 1912 Seni..or, '12 1913 Sophomore, '15 1914 Freshmen, '17 1915 Freshmen, 118 1916 Junlor, t 17 191'7 Freshmen, '20 1918 Junj.or, f 19 1919 Sophomore, '21 1920 Sophomol"le, '22 1921 Sophomore, 123 1922 Senj.or, '22 J ~ 1923 Junlor, 124 ! 1924 Sentors, I 24 1925 Freahmen, '28 1926 Sanj.or, I 26 1927 Sentor, I 27 1928 Juntor, t 29 1929 Junlor, '30 1930 Junl.or, '31 1931 Sentor, '31 1932 Freshmen, '35 1933 Freshmen, '36 1934 Sophomore, '39 1935 Junlor '36 1936 Sentor '36 1937 Senior, '37 1938 Sophomore '40 1939 Junlor '40 194Q Sentor, '40 1941 Senj.or, '41 1942 Sanior, t 42 1943 Junj.or, t 44 1944 Junlor, 145 1945 Sophomores '47 ~I'"'''''''''' ; ,.( b I C1t~\ "'{ r' :; <:, , (1U If.5 ( i s"tt l'f SL JcpL 1:;...-/ ! Y.J "~ Qu~W/0 [~~ v A . !.c-LJ 115 Y /~~~.t¥'tt) J-1 /7) -, .' -:t'I1~~ .S-b ~ -d{--pfw-'4,~ .j./LI~ ·.Jb{) / G;) ~7 ­I


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