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Glee 1945 - Newspaper Clippings
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1945 - Newspaper Clippings
dc.typeclippings (information artifacts)
local.transcriptionVol. LV. Salem. Oreqon, Friday, lc:muary 26. 1945 No. 25 Class Sing to Begin at 8 P.M. J, Witl" ~Allna Mater' as Tlteme d ' I By' Kay Ka.rftopp ,The 37th annual Freshman former commanding officer of the Gl~ cOmpetition with "A~ma V-12 unit, who was instrumental I Mater" wii begin promptly at in making last year's first Glee f 8 ,p.m. tomorrow night in the under the navy program a sue­1 I Willamette capacity-packed gym­cess. nasium, Glee Manager Jack Stein The classes will march In pre­announces. Doors will open at cise formation before a huge 7 p.m. and, 110 seats, Will', be re­yearbook backdrop on a flood~ $erved after 7:45. After that hour, lighted stage. A", eac class begins its formation, the giant pages will turn to an . appropriate painting-a gay dancing couple for the freshmen, a studying scene for the sophomores, a puzzled youth eyeing the various major fields for the juniors and a graduate in cap and gown for the' seniors. The classes will be judged fO!!' musical composition hy Dean Melvin H. Geist and Ralph Dobbs of the College of Music and Miss Cramer, teacher of music at Les­lie junior high schooL Words will be evaluated by Ada Ross, Salem high school teacher, Marion Mor­gange and Henry Kohler, both professors at WU. Lt. Marshall WOOdell.. commanding officer of Lt. George C. Bliss, former com­the V-12 unit, and Mrs. Grace ma.nding officer of the WU V -12 W.olgamott, gym teacher at Sa­unit, to whom tomorrow's Glee lem high school will observe is dedicated: formations. Rendition win be judged by Alta Davis, directorunoccupied seats will be filled of young peoples work at the by holders of general admission First Presbyterian church, John ", tickets. Schmidt, director of music at The ceremonies ""ill begin with the First Christian church, and the traditional processional I)f Mrs. Josephine Albert Spaulding, the seniors: Followlrig the en­WU grad and prominent north. trance of the "lases, Jack Stein west vocal artist. will speak in acknowledgement 'of the cooperation received from While the judges are reachinl; businesses, organizations and a decision, Brad Young and. Dick Mallett will give out with a students in making Glee the glit­tering spectacle it is. Welcome to double boogie-woogie, and Walt the guests' will be 'voiced by Skrondal will entertain the audi­ence. with a number of his im­freshman President Evelyn Jory. l'he song competition has been ,personations,.,__~~~" , dedicated to Lt. 9<!0r.~e~9:..!?.!i.§~!._ ,.,FiDal Glee Schedule ;..' . ,. '; Today: ­Freshmen, Gym 11:40-12:30, Music hall, 5:30, Music hall 6:30·9:30. , ]' . Sot>homores,Cha.pel (-5:30, , _' .' chapel 6:30-8.' , j' Jnni01'5, Chapel 11:40.12:30. Gym 4-5:30, Ch,a.pel 8-9:30. , Seniors, Music, han 11:40­. l.Z:30, Gym 6:30-9:30. Tomorrow.: J 1. Freshmen. Gym 5-7, Gym, 11­j 12 Noon. ,. ,Sophomores, Gym 10-11. i: ,JUJtiOl'5. Gym, 8.;9. SeniOrs, Gym 9.10. Prof.·W. Herman Clark, science professor' and witness of all but five_'Glees sjnce its beginning in 1909, will present the pennant. He succeeds Dr. J. T. Matthews of the math department .in· this honor. Matthews awarded ,the hill1ner at more·· than 20 Glee programs before his death three years ago. . Phyllis Ryan, Francis .Foote. Pat .Wetstehl' and .Marylin ,Ujort wiiI present the victory banner to.· 'the '~op' class. Don, Beegle, Jack Bremer. Jack Jones. Hjal­mar' Rathe, Jim Laiky, Jack Hazelett and Ken Arrington will be the gUard of honor. Following the announcement of the winners, a juke box dance for the entire student body will be held iIi the' cardirial and gold streamered gym Closing hoU1'5 for the women's living' organiza­tions have been extended until 1 a.m. After the program the alt:tmS will congregate in Chresto cot.. tage to discuss plans forfutu:re activities and talk of Glee in "the good old days." Refresh,... ments will be served later m. the evening A large section of seats in the north end of the gym has been set aside for alums planning to attend the traditional festivities. 'l\frs. Kathleen L. Wren of the class of '24, is coming to her first Glee-this year, although she composed two winning songS while a student here. 37th Freshman Glee -.,,' -5; " , ?Tomorrow Night History of Glee Deseribed Freshman Glee has progressed a long way from its humble beginnings in 1909 wnen Fi-osh Vinton Ellis improvised on a melody heard at the theatre, his classmates took up some words, and it was 'decided to challenge the other classes to do as well at an evening chapel competition. From about 125 participants , fri' the first few competitions, the spectacle has grown to Ii coni:" pined entertainment of' OVer 500 students. When audiences grew too large for the chapel, the con­test was moved to the Aramory, iiUld with the building of the new , : new gymnasium in 1923, was transplanted there for a greater accomodation. Decorations, too, have changed~ In the beginning, the stage was richly festooned with flowers and banners. Now the backgrounds are kept sUnpler foc econo1lf.Y'S sake, though student ingenuity has' achieved startling effects. Credit for some of the uni­versity's most popu~<!r and unique songs goes to Freshman Glee. The 1918 competition produced .the traditional May Festival ballad, "Willamette Spring'Song." "Vic­tory for 'VU" won top honors for the class of 1931. "rn d ian Rhythm" and '''Cannibal King" are songs' brought forth from novelty themes. Though the freshmen are tra­ditionally the underdogs in th~ class competition, no one class has been shown more capable of superior performance. Records of past Glees show that sopho­mores and seniors' have chalked up nine victories apiece, and with last year's junior victory, the i.uniors' ,score is 11 wins. The freshman class has placed first in seven ()f the c,Ontes1:$. One ··Traditional~-Glee~s .... . Traditions ; Freshman Glee is the great ,!tradition of Willamette but with, I it go many smaller ones which . I give "atmosphere" to the. class Jcompetition. Developing throughIthe 37 years of Glee, some seem I almost to have no apparent rea­l son to them but are carried on, with new ones added by differ­ent classes.J! Of course everyone knows the 1tradition that the losing class1must test the icy waters flowing back of Sweetland field. But how many know that the members of 1J the losing class must stand withItheir heads bowed ~hile the I winning class is repeating its I performance on the stage? To accentuate the positive, the winning class must remember .. -~."~...-.. ~~ to go back to the floor and then go through the entire formation and song. Impossible as it sounds, last year's winning class was so excited at winning that it forgot to go through the :forma­tion but just stood on the stage and sang and beamed. Who wouldn't after snagging the ban­ner? No jewelry is to be worn by the women and the ban includes sorority and traternity pins. Wo­men must wear hose and color of shoes will this year be decid­ed by the individual classes. Out of respect to the seniors, the classes stand and face them whim they march in with their caps and gowns on and do the same at the end of Glee. Stu­dents should also remember to . class, the class of 1936, deserves special recognition for it is the only 'one which has won Glee .in aU four y~ars pf competition. , The original compositions sung by the classes this year, will be ,on the "Alma Mater" theme. This theme' takes its turn' this year. according to .the plan to 'alternate between "Fight,"."Nov· eIty," "Serenade,", and "Alma Mater" themes., These £'0 u r themes have been 'Used for Glees since the first program 36 years i ago, with th~ .ex~ptiol'l of the ' .centennial program commemor-' sting, 10Q years of Willamette history.' , Although the p~rticipants in Glee' change annually and the themes rotate in four-year cycles, the spirit. of Glee remains the same year after'ye<U", as tomor­row' night's performance will , show. When' e res are announc­ed, the winning class and that class only, rushes for the ban­ner. The fourth place winner is never announced and third place is announced first, work­ing up to the winning class. Preceding the actual perform­ances, the classes may yell· and sing as long as their spirit holds out but once the classes are on the stage all attention should be focused on them. At no time is there to be any booing. Bets are paid off on the cam­pus on the following Monday with chapel period the time set for payment of a majority of the wagers. At the chapel the class . placing fourth will present its parody on the song and forma­tion of the winning class and the third place holders will do the same for those taking second highest rating. Following chapel period, men. of the losing class will take their frigid swim. WHO will it be? stand when the "Old Historic Temple" .is sung.


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