Glee 1965 - Planning Materials | 2022-07-28T21:20:11Z | | | 2022-07-28T21:20:11Z | | | 1965 | |
dc.identifier.other | | |
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dc.relation.ispartof | Willamette University Archives | |
dc.rights | For use information see: | |
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dc.title | Glee 1965 - Planning Materials | |
dc.type | Presentation materials | |
local.mastercopy | Archives_Glee_Volumes20/Planning_Materials1-0.pdf | |
local.transcription | FRESHMA1~ GLEE RULES - 1965 1. The date for Freshman Glee shall be March 13, 1965. 2. The theme for the 57th Freshman Glee shall be Alma Hater. 3. Each class president will act as representative to the Executive Glee Committee. They will work in conjunction with the ticket committee to distribute Glee tickets to his class. The remainder of the voting members on the Executive Glee Committee will include the class song and formation leaders, the student body treasurer, the Glee recording secretary, past Glee managers, the Glee manager and his assistant. 4. Judging of {nee shall be as Follows ~ I. Words and Busic: Judged together. There will be three judges. Each judge will rate the four classes according to first, second, third, and fourth. II. Vocal Rendition: Four judges. Tone quality, diction, and expression shall be considered in this area. Each judge will rate the four classes according to first, second, third, and fourth. III. Formation: Three judges. Each judge will rate the four classes - - - - .- -,..: - -...... _ .C"'.! ___ .. _____ ... -' ...... 1-...; .... ..J _ .. _....l .r_ .... _.l..t- IV. Points will be assigned after judging is completed. Words and MUsic: First place will receive 5 points; second place, 4 points; third place, 3 points;, and last place 2 points. Vocal Rendition . and Formation: First place will receive 10 points; second place, 8 points; third place 6 points; and fourth place, 4 points. This yields a grand total of~n judges and a possible 85 points. 6. The presentation by each class much be done with one basic formation. Minor changes that will not alter the size, shape or theme of the original formation may be used during the formation. To eliminate any dissention or confusion in regard to formation, the follovnng procedure will be foIl ovJed ? A. A tentative formation must be turned into the Freshman Glee Nanager by Friday, February 19, 1965. B. A final draft, with explanation in writing must be submitted in its entirety to the Glee Nanager by 5:00, Honday, Harch 1, 196.5. C. Participants shall not change their relative position during the singing of the song. The Executive Glee Committee shall be the final authority on what constitutes such changes. D. There will be no more than three formations used by anyone class during its presentation. E. All participants in the formation must march, or count time, until the formation is completed. F. After the formation is complete, the participants may stop but for no more than 10 seconds. This time will be determined qy the judges. G. The entire forma~~oL must participate in the presentation of the song. At least one third of the class must be singing at all times. 7. There shall be seven copies of the words and music submitted to the Alumni Office by 4:00, Friday, February 199 1965. The composition must be written on standard score sheets and must include words, melody line, and piano accompaniment. One of the seven copies must be in black india ink. The others may be photostated. Each score must contain the song title. ~he name of the song, class, and person(s) writing the words and music must be handed in at this time on a separate piece of paper. No change in the words or music may be rnade after they have been submitted. 8. No stage properties, changes in appearance, nor wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is any item other than the original costume. 9. The presentations will be in order from seniors to freshmen. 10. Parodies will be sung before the competition in sequence of freshmen to seniors; one or two parodies depending on the time element. 11. There shall be no noise or movement among the seated participants until after their presentation has been given. However, judges may use their disgression to subtract points for any noise or action for which the class should be penalized. 12. The wearing of caps and gowns when entering the gym is left to the senior's disgression. 13. B,y noon, Monday~ March 8, 1965, a completed alphabetical list of participating class members must be submitted to the Alumni Office by the class president. Additional names may be submitted to the Freshman Glee Manager until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 11, provided that they have been cleared by the Dean. l~. No class may hold a practice before Monday, March 8, 1965. The gym will be available only after that date. No class may hold any extra practices during the week of Glee~ March 8 to March 13. Scheduled pr~cticing time may be used in any way the class feels it beneficial. A practice is defined as consisting of ten or more persons. 15. The events of the evening of Freshman Glee should reflect good taste on the part of the stUdents. The Executive Committee and Student Senate will be the ultimate arbitrating authority in this matter. 16. Any violations by individuals or classes of the Freshman Glee rules will be handled by the Executive Cm®littee for evaluation and possible penalty. BLUE 110NDAY RULES I. Glee Bets A. Blue Monday will be considered a regular academic day. B. No bets are to be executed that in any way would disrupt the academic atmosphere. 1. This rule applies to the disturbance of any classes. 2. The Blue Honday convocation will be conducted at 11:00 A.M. and is to be considered the appropriate time and place for the payment of Glee bets. 3. Students should refrain from paying Glee bets which will physically involve members of the facultJT~ or which will result in druaage to University propertyo 4. Glee bets necessitating men entering women v s living organization and/or women entering ~hose of the men should not be paid. 5. Indecent clothing (or none) is to be avoided. 6. Glee bets are to be restricted to the Willamette University campus. 7. All Glee bets are to be paid before 12:00 midnight on the day of Blue Monday. II. Blue }londay Assembly The losing class of Freshman Glee will be responsible for presenting the Blue Monday assembly preceding their swim in the Hill stream. All arrangements for said assembly will be the responsibility of the losing class. III. Concerning the Nill stream A. It is recommended that the losing class wear shoes during their swim in order to avoid lacerated feet. B. The losing class is to take their swim and leave it at that with no attempt to bring members of other classes into the Mill stream. C. Due caution should be exercised on the part of all classes to avoid any undesireable results as a result of the swim. IV. Enforcement: these proposed rules should be followed when disciplinary action Seems appropriate in vlo::Lation of the above rules. A. Reporting of infractions should be made by auy stUdent or professor? but must be made di~ectly to a member of Student Senate, or Executive Freshman Glee COlillnittee. B. Senators will brbg all infractions lmder their attention before Student Senate no later than the first Senate meeting Blue Honday. Conduct and dress of vio:::"ators will be taken into consideration in any decision. C. Students are subject to disciplinary probation upon decision of Student Senate. ------------,-------' Hr. Dennis Cole IT"ma~~er, Freshm;m Glee Ea tthe-HS Ib 11 Hillamette Cniversity 3alem, Oregon De3r l:r. Cole, Hr. Fred Schmale lii02h S:: tI2rrison Portland, Ore0:on Farch 6, 1965 It has ")pen a pleasure to q(:ujciicate tl:e "loros and music from the four classes for Fres;~;mm Glee ')1' 1965. PleasE" Dass on r:cy i~O'1fTatulations to t,'')se that >,rote t'"e mrsic and lyrics. Each piece slJ.bmitted sr'm",s both mus~'.c31 3:1.0 lyrical excellence. Ho"rever, since reting:s must ">:lC ~iven, I h'lve rated each selection on the basis)T its tnvsi"al comnosttion anr1 31):",ronriate":less of the T,ITorc4s to the the:re of Alma ;f;ater and to the trwiition of lrl:i.11arnette Universitv mc1 Fres>man Glee. The folloltJing is my ,-"lee is ion. First place: Fresh'ilan class Second D13~:e: SOphoMore class Thil~ ~13ce: Senior clRss FO'].rth pla,-;e: Junior cLoss GLEE PRACTICE SCHEDULE 1965 Monday, March 8 5:00- 7:00 Frosh.w ••••••• ~Gym 12:00- 1:00 Frosh., •••••• L. To Sophs ••• co ••••• Gym Juniors.o.,.Waller Seniors •• , 0 " "Choir 4:00- 5:00 Frosh. ","'''' .w&.ller Sophso ••••••• L. T. Juniors ••••• ,Choir Seniors •• < 0., , c Gym 6:30- 9:30 Frosh,. .... ,.Choir Sophs •••••••• Lo T. Juniors ••••• , •• Gym Seniors ••••• lval1eT Tuesday, March 9: 5: 00- 7: 00 Sophs •••••••••• Gym 11:00- 1:00 Frosh •• o ••••• Choir Sophs, ••• " ••• Lo T. Juniors •••••••• Gym Seniors ••••• Waller 4:00- 5:00 Frosh.o."'L.L. T. Sophs ••••••• Waller Juniors •••• coChoir Seniors •••••••• Gym 6:30- 9:30 Frosh •• o ••••••• Gym Sophso •••���••• L. T. Juniors •••••• Choir Seniors ••••• 'Haller Wednesday, March 10 5:00- 7:00 Juniorsc •• , •••• Gym 12:00- 1:00 Fl'osh ��•••• "".Lo To Sophs ••••• , • Waller Juniors •• -, 0 • ' Ch'Jir Senio!'s, •• 0 •• , c ,Gym 4:00- 5:00 Frosh •••• o ••• Choir Sophs. " e· ~ • , 0 •• "Gym Juniors ••••• "Haller Seniors.,·" •• L. T. 6:30- 9:)0 Frosh" reo. 0<"" • Gym Sophs •••••••• Choir Juniors ••••�� Waller Seniors., •••• L. T. 6;30- 9:30 Frosh •• oo •••••�� Gym Sophs ••• o •••• Choir Juniors 0 •••• Waller Seniors •••••• L. T. Thursday, March 11 5:00- 7:00 11:00- 1:00 Seniors •••••••• Gym Frosh •••••••••• Gym Sophs •• ".,.Waller Juniors •••••• Choir Seniors •••••• L. T. 4:00- 5:00 Frosh ••••••• L. T. Sophs •••���•••• Choir Juniors •••••••• Gym Seniors ••••• Waller 6:30- 9:30 Frosh ••••••• Wa11er Sophs •••••••••• Gym Juniors •••••• Choir Seniors •••••• L. T. Friday, March 12 5:00- 7:00 Sophs •••••••••• Gym 12:00- 1:00 Frosh •••••••• Choir Sophs •••••••• L, T. Juniors., •••••• Gym Seniors ••••• Waller 4:00- 5:00 F'rosh •••••••••• Gym Sophs ��•••••• Waller Juniors •• " ••• Choir Seniors •••••• t. T. 6~30- 9:30 Froshe, •••••• L. T. Sopns ••••••• Wal1er Juniors •••••• Choir Seniorso ••••••• Gym Saturday 9 11arch 13 5: 00- 7: 0:) Frosh ���••••••••• Gym 8:)0- 9:30 Sophs" ......... Gym 9;45-10;45 Jmliors •••••••• Gym 11~00-12:00 Seniors •••••••• Gym ri.r. Dennis Cole rf.anager, Freshman Glee l\T.atthews Haml Willamette University Salem, Oregon Dear Mr. Cole, March 2, 1965 The results of my judging: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sophomore Junior Senior Freshman Willamette, Hail Our Airn~ ~ater I Am Willamet te Good Cheer To Willamette Praise To Wl11amette I am so sorry that a previous engagement will keep me from the actual performance. Best wishes for a great Freshman Glee •••• Sincerely, )~~ J:.:t ,~ Merle C. Lotz 1) Choir Director ViiI son High School Portland, Oregon OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MONMOUTH, OREGON 97361 March 5, 1965 Ml'. Dennis Cole lyfanager, Freshman Glee Matthews Hall \olillamette University Sal em, Oregon Dear Mr. Cole: Herewi th are my ratings of the four song entries in the WIT Freshman Glee. 1. "I.Am Willamette" 2. IlWillamette, Hail Our Alma }'f/3,terfl 3. IIAlma Mater" 4. IlGood Cheer to Willamettell <;) I) ". V3,~ Thank you for inviting me to participate in the judging of the contest. I trust that the performances will be as enjoyable as the music. Thank you also for your invitation to the dinner and the Glee itself. However, I find that I am otherwise engaged that evening. David Wallace Music Department GLEE 1965 JUDGING OF PRESENTATION In judging the prescnt~tion, of vocal rendition, tone quality, diction, and expression should be considered. Please Tate thR classes and havp the results ready five minutes upon comp1p.tion of the final class. 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place GLEE 1965 JUDGING OF PRESENTATION In judging the prescnt~tion, of vocal rendition, tone quality, diction, and expression should be considered. Plcaoc rete the classes and have the results ready " five minutes upon completion of the final class. 1st place ~..£.-V~ 2nd place ~~L<.~ 3rd place r,:'~= 4th place J f3~~_x3~; Judges GLEE 1965 JUDGING OF PRESENTATION In judging the prescnt2tion, of vocal rendition, tone quality, diction, and expression should be considered. Please r~tc the classes and have the results re3dy five minutes upon complp.tion of the final class. 1st place \ 'Ie< ,~'k (~".< k' 2nd place 1<~_~~! .~~~'- I,: ;L , r'~ r I 3rd place >! ,/ ( r ¢-( .. ~-J- / i, ,. ;~~ " , ,~ ,- I 4th place I- - ( J • ,.-.}.-/ . ',-- GLEE 1965 JUDGING OF PRESENTATION In judging the prescnt2tion, of vocal rendition, tone quality, diction, and expression should be considered. Please T~tc the classes and have the results ready five minutes upon completion of the final class. 1st place 2nd place 3rd .place 4 th place tijs~ ~ ~ SVt\. len... Judges/5igna~ ~- GL!::E 1965 FORMATION JUDGES In judging the formations, execution of the formation and its ~daptability to the song and theme should be considered. 1. Any uniforms used by the participation classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the judging of the song and formation 2. Glee will be presented with one basic formation in each class. 3. PClrticipants 5hall not chanrJ8 their reli1tive position during the singing of tho sung. ~. All participants in the formation must march, or count time until the formation is compl~ted. 5. After the flOrmation is complete, the l;cJriicipants may stop for no more than 10 seconds. 6. Judging will start when the p~rticipation class is annoonced and the judging shall end when they return to their seats and all have been sC8tcd. 7. No stage properties, nor change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property shall be any item other than the original costume. 1st place 2nd place 3rd pli3cB 4 th plil ce GL-EF 1965 FOfli"',ATION JUDGES In judging the formations, execution of the formation and its ~daptability to the song and lheme should be considered. 1. Any uniforms used by the participation classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the judging of the song and formation 2. Glee will be presented with ono basic formation in each class. 3. Participants shall not change their relative position during-tho singing of the song. ~. All participants in the formation must march, or count time until the formation is completed. 5. After the fonmation is complete, the I;ariicipants may stop for no more than 10 seconds. 6. Judsing will start when the purticipation class is annoonced and the judging shall end when they return to their seats and all have been seated. 7. No stage properties, nor change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage properti shall be any item other than the original costume. 1st place 6~ 2nd place ~ 3rd pli3ce d~ 4 th place r-.~~~-~/ ! GLEE 1965 FCR~ATION JUDGES In judging the formations, execution of the formation and its ~daptability to the song ~nd theme should be considered. 1. "'J <-0 3. I) • 5, 6. 7. Any uniforms used by the participation classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to tho judging of the song and formation Glee will be presented with one basic formation in each class. PQrticipants shall not change their relative position during the singing ur the ~ung. All participants in the formation must march, or count time until the formation is completed. After the fCJrmation is complete, the 1:3riicipants may stop for no"more than 10 seconds. Judging will start when the participation class is annoonced and the judging shall end when they return to their seats and all have been seated. No stage properties, nor change in o?pearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property shall be any item other than the original costume. 1st place 2nd place 3rd pldce 4th pl,'lce |
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