Glee 1987 - Sheet Music and Lyrics
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1987 - Sheet Music and Lyrics
dc.typemusical notation
local.transcriptionClass of 1990 The Only One Introduction: You You and me Forevermore It will be You and lYre By the Millstream I say I love you and you say That you love me Verse One: We were in love So happily Then you told me You had to be free You are the only one I'll ever love, You are the only one I'm thinldng of, You, babe, are the only one for me Chorus: Darlin', hear my plea Don't say it can't be We were so in love, oh baby, Please come back to me Verse Two: Nm'l I'm alone So sad and blue I should've known That dreams don't come true You were here--now you're gone What will I do, You are the only one I'm missing you You, babe, are the only one for me REPEAT CHORUS 1 1 unison: ON ANOTHER lvl0ND.AY IS THERE ANYTHING I COULD HA\?E DONE I"iLi>~NY sen·"me'HE 'lv'HO'LL BE FREE S~dJ.TURD.lllLY NI(iHT Sm·...IEONE V'lHO'LL BE THERE WHEN THINGS DON'T (rO RIGHT i DREAl"ir OF "T HER OUT ()N A DATE ASK HER OUT ON A Di~.TE, ASK HER OUT ON A DATE ARE YOU DOING FRIDAY FRIDiJ.Y TvVHEN FRID NIGHT EARLY OR LATE HUivIN........LATE NO SERENADE .., 'II '_ !'t ,'., _ • ;. ... i. ... ~ J... ' H. fnen: ~NHY DC) I Hi' ..VE TO SING LOi·lE Sf)NG SHOULD, I.BUY GUITl1~R i\ND LEARN PLAY IT IT 'WILL BE COLD OUT UNDER THE IvIOONLIGHT ;;; IF I SERENi'J.DE YOU I YOUR LOVE 1. J. sine, CT. and H. t:)Q'etsarne time. but 'with the '..VlANNA HEAR YOUR SEREN...!.;).DE IF I SERENil..DE YOU DO IT'LL lvIAKE EV'ERYTHING ALL RIGHT YOU PRUlIISE THAT IT'LL Ivlil"KE EVERYTHING ALL IT'LL IvIAKE E'ilERYTHING ALL RIGHT RIGHT IT'LL MAKE E'lERYTHING ALL IT'LL IvL~J.KE E'VERYTHING ALL RIGHT. RIGHT tK.!rnen: I'LL STAND UNDER YOUR 'YVINDOW THIS FRIDAY NIGHT V·lomen: SERENi~~DE men: 1rVHEN THE MOON WILL BE FULL .<l.. ND THE STilJ.RS SO BRITE SERENADE I'LL BRING IvI'r GUITAR AND A SONG THAT'S TRUE SEREN...!I.. DE ..t."ND I V'll LL SING OF MY LO'lE TO YOU SERENADE 1. repeat K> 1v1. men: ...A.ND I 'NI LL SING , vv'omen: SERENADE SEREN"ll.DE men: OF 1vIY LO\'E SERENADE SEREN.<i..DE men: TO YOU SEREN..A.DE SERENADE . Music by Amy Cannon Words by Amy Cannon. Sue Lundy. Kevin Heidel, Kurt Heisler, Karla George. Janet Sheer, & Kathy Quickstad It's time for us to serenade you. It's time for us to say goodbye to Willamette, So let us serenade you one last time. Serenade; Toasting our lives, Mem'ries of you and me. Singing our song, Saying goodbye, Willamette U. Remember when we were just seven? We fought for swings and we ran for the slides. When we were seven the world was our playground; Time passed by. Remember when we were just thirteen? We discovered that girls weren't all bad. Our voices came down from the heavens; We talked like Dad! I'm sweet sixteen, And I'm going on a date! I bought a new dress-­In it I'll be looking great! I hope he kisses me goodnight; I can hardly wait! The gasoline ran out halfway to the Prom. I didn't plan it; Something must have gone wrong! What will her folks say When we're home at five to one? (Our Senior year is almost over! What are we going to do? We have to find a job before our loan repayment's due!) Our days at Willamette are over; Listen to these words we say: Study hard, but be good to each other-­Don't forget to play. The future is looming before us; Wondering where we all will be. Remembering the fun times we've shared here; Freshman Glee. Serenade; Toasting our lives, Mem'ries of you and me. Singing our song, Saying goodbye, Willamette U. It's time for us to say goodbye to Willamette. So let us serenade you one last time. It's time for us to serenade you. Goodbye, Willamette U


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