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Glee 1987 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
dc.rightsFor use information see:
dc.titleGlee 1987 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionPrt,S1lm an Glee Kight IttUlations A. Only the following clothes will be wOrn during the final performance: I) Glee T-shirts (these may vary in color and design) 2) Dark blue pants or jeans 3) Socks The use of buttons., stickers.:pins., ribbons., etc... is not permitted. :6. Only seniors -will be allowed to: 1) Use the center steps to the stage 2) Wear hats or other headgear C. The classes wi11 enter the Fieldhouse and march to their seats in the following order: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors. D. The senior Class, by virute of their longeVity" may enter the Fieldhouse in any manner they feel appropriate. They will have a maJimnm of 15 minutes to present their preViOUS Glee songs or to lampoon or othef'\ll1i5e heckle ~other d.asses. No other d.ass may be involved in the heclcling. E. Only piano may be used to accompany the classes. F. No verbal or Visual clues may be given durin gthe final performance of mardling and/or songs. G. No hand or body movements~ il:ldl1dit:tg A'rsq will be allowed during the final performance other than the marching itself. (Spedfiailly" no body movements are permit:ted during the rendition of the song.) M? ~tif.1IJisaJkJJfiJfId t1lJfirJgJ'.lJa.f'cJJirJg.-lJa.tJd slaps are1im.itM A' '-'De (J)perfor.trlatian. H. Heckling and the use of water (or any like substance) are expressly prohibited during the entrances of the d.asses or the performances of formations and songs. I. During the marching and rendition of class songs, all classes except the Senior Class must remain in their seats. No class may physica11y impede or otherwise heckle any other class during the performance. All d.asses must remain Silent during the rendition of Glee songs. F'. only ttle song Writers# song Leaders, Choreographerss and MarCh leaders may play class songs prior to Monday of Glee Week (March 9~ 1967). . G. Glee practices shall begin the Monday prior to Freshman Glee (Monday~ March 9~ 1967). A schedule of practices will be arranged by the Fresbman Glee Co-Managers and approved by the Freshman Glee Committee no later than the Wednesday prior to Glee Week (March 4~ 1987). During ttle practice sessions ttle fol1o'W1ng regulations shall be .. in effect 1) No alcohol will be allowed anywhere on the campus grounds. 2) No playing or practidng of class songs or marching formations may be done by groups of more than four persons in the same room. at the same time during Glee week except during assigned practice hours. 3) No marching will be allo\lled on the circular stairWay in the University Center. 4) Any class may choose to eliminate or forfeit a practice. but once tbis is done. no make-up time will be allowed. (In unusual circumstances. beyond the control of the class involved, the Glee Committee may amend this rule.) 5> Dress rehearsal hours as planned by the Glee Co-Managers and the Fresbman Glee COmmittee will be strictly enforced on Saturday morning of Freshman Glee. Any class arriving late will lose that portion of its time in the Fieldhouse. Any class exceeding its practice time will be penalized at the discretion of the Freshman Committee. provided a formal complaint is lodged. 6) ixc1uding dress rehearsall only appointed CLass Managers and the Freshman Glee Co-Managers may visit class practicies other than their o-wn for a period of more than 5 (five) minutes. 7) Seniors may spend any additional practice time outside of scheduled Glee practices to plan and praCtice Senior Skits or to assist freshman with their mar~hing. The Senior Skits will normally be presented at 7:00 pm on Friday of Glee Week (March 13... 1987). but the Senior Class may choose another time at its descretion. A decision as to the date and time of Senior Skits Shall be made no later than Monday before Glee Week (March 2. 1987). Cornniittee \IIil1 review Freshman Glee rules, assist the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in arranging practice schedUles, contacting jUdges~ etc. It will also review an complaints "With regard to rule infradions and will penalties, if any. The Class Manager(s) from the alledgedly offending class shall not ha~e a vote in such instances. C. The Class Manager(s) will act as the over-all class organizer for his/her class, seeing that all deadlines are me~rUles complied \'I1ith, etc. The Class Manager's) 'M11 appoint persons from their respective Class to the fOllOWing positions: 1) Song Writer(s): Composes original words and music appropriate to the Freshman Glee theme and song format. 2) Song Leader(s): Teaches the class song to those members of the etass participating in Freshman Glee. 3) Choreographer(s): P1an.s the formations (a maximum of three for the Sophomore, JuniOf~ and Senior classes and a maximum of two 10r the Fresbman Class) and movements from one formation to the next. 4) March Leader(s): Coordinates practices of marChing and formations. 5) T-Shirt Designer(s): Designs the class t-shirt to be worn on Glee night. 6) Accompain1st(s): Provides piano accompaniment during practices and the performance on Glee night of the Class song and formations. Anyone person may fUlfill more than one of these positions. ~ .}... f12. D. Wor~* music for class songs will be dU~.ffiJ;l"!!.Qffi~dent AetivitieslVniversity Center) no later than 3;00 pm on l&y, February .... 1987. There will be a penalty of lip ti} four (4) points from the tina) pofo.t total for any class that does not meet this deadline, subject to the discretion of the Glee COmmittee. B. At a special assembly to be held the SUnday beginning Glee Week (Mardi 8, 1987), the Freshman Glee Co-Managers or a Freshman Class -representative \Iiill issue a formal Freshman Glee Challenge to the other tllree classes. Representatives of the Sophomore, Junior" and Senior Classes \Iiill respond in an appropriate manner. (The cha1lenge may alSO be issued at the University convoeation prior to Glee Week if deemed appropriate by the Freshman Glee and University Convocation Committees.) FRESHMAN GLEE 1987 Freshman Glee is one of the oldest traditions on the Willamette Univeristy eampus. The purpose of Fresbman Glee is to bring about dass unity and to enable students to get to know each other better. The following rules and regulations are approved hereWith·by the Freshman Glee Co-Managers in conjunction With the Freshman Glee Committee. Theme Beginning in 1981 it was determined that the theme of Freshman Glee 'Will vary according to four general musical formats. These themes/form.ats are: Alma Mater (19a6)~ Serenade (987), Fight (988), and Novelty (1989)' These formats MIl continue to rotate on this basis so tbat during a four -year period. each Class Ml1 have an opportunity to compete in each format. P'resbman Glee Date Fresbman Glee 'Will be held the evening of the Saturday prior to the beginning of Spring Vacation (March 14, 1987). Only students currently enrolled at WiUamette University will be eligible to participate in Freshman Glee. Other eligibility questions shall be resolved by the Freshman Glee Committee. AR~iD.tments and PrKtdves A. The Senate of the Associated Student of WiUaemette (ASWU) "W111 appoint Freshman Glee Co-Mangers. Freshman students interested in the positions may petition for consideration. The Freshman Glee Managers '\I1i1l be appointed prior to October 15. B. The Freshman Glee Co-Managers '\I1i1l establish a Freshman Glee Committee composed of the Class Manager(s) from each class to be appointed by their respective Class Councils. These Managers (or their designated representative) 'Wl11 exerCiSe one vote on behalf of their d.ass in Committee decisions and/or recommendations to the Glee Co­Managers. The Glee Co-Managers will not have a vote. This ;;;:;;; . ii tEt "- Z -RUle Infractions A. The Preshman Glee Committee will review all complaints '\I1ith regard to rule infractions and will determine penalties, if any< The Class Manager(s) from the alegedly offending class sha.11 not have a vote in such instances. I. The members of the Freshman Glee Committee shall represent their class in the compilation of final points and the possible assessments of penalty points in the event of an infraction. Blue Monda), The Monday following Freshman Glee (March 16, 1987) sb.al1 be designated "Blue Monday· during wbich day bets will be paid by the losers. The fo11o'Wlng regulations apply: A. Classes will be held as usual, except 11:00 am classes wbicb \Yill be rescheduled for 11:00 am on the next Thursday (March 19, 1987). I. The class which placed fourth at Glee shall ~the Mill Stream from Sparks Center to the University Center during the 11:00 am hour. C. :sets involving members of the facultys administration, or clerical support staff are expressly prohibited. Faculty members mays ho-wever" permit the use of part of the classroom time for the paying of bets. Since this is determined by each faeu1ty member, his!her permission must be sought in advance. •. Bets between two people involving a third person are forbiddenl unless consented to by all parties concerned. B. Bets that might involve property damage~ personal iniury~ or violation of state, federal, or municipal law are expressly prohibited. F. Bets that are wasteful" ecologically questionable.. or involve excessive use of alcohol should be discouraged. G. All bets must be paid in full by 10:00 pm on Blue Monday. 3/86 Gooa Even1 ng.. E.-My name is Evan Rice} J.-And I am Jennifer Sasser. On behalf of our Co-ManagersJ Darren Board and Alan HarperJ we would llke to welcome you to the enthrallng.l sensual., lntrlgulngJ and dynamlcperformance of the Sophomore Class. E.-We would like to take this opportunity to thank those lndlv1duals whohave made a speclal contribut1on to our week. Thank you D1ana Young for your bubbly personality and endurance at the key board, J.-Thank you Robin Betts for your help with our formations and foryour patience with us. Thank you Wendy Shoemaker forthe resonance Of your vo1ce anO for your contag1ous energy. Last but certa1nly not leastJ we want to extend a spec1al thank you to each and every member of ourelass for thelrsupport., encouragement} and work ethic through out the week. E.-Ourpresentation thlsevening is a touching story~ a story of a two people who meet and come togetherthrough the mystic powerof a simple song, Ourflrst formatlon consists of two lndependent parts.On yourleft wll1 be the sClentlflc symbol for rnan.. and on yourrlght that for woman. This seperat10n ls symbolic of the dj vi sl on that often e)(1 sts bet ween the sexes. J.-Our second formation 19 the instrument of serenade. The guitar. As the strings of this guitar vlbrate with the melody of romance" we symbollcly recognize the powerof musIc to unite people of all races~ creeds and sexes. From thls formatlon we wlll sing a song we are very proud 0 f. It 1 s a son9f 1ttl ng w1 th the escence of serenade. It is the story of a man and woman who meet.. grow closer with a songJ and f1nally lo1n 1n one love. E.-Our f1nal formatlon of the evenlngw111 conslst of the heart} the heart which beats within all of us. And as the white arrow of all true and perfect love plerces the heart we are cognizant of the new and powerful uni ty of our C1 ass of 1989. Now sit back and enjoy the performance of the Sophomore ClassJ The Class of 19a911 GLEE EVALUATION MEETING April 6y 1987 1. Permanent electrical hook-up and feeder cable in Cone 2. Risers --estimate asphalt tile/locks 3. Rent sound equipment later 4. Schedule Saturday set-up (band/Glee) 5. Sound --hard to understand voices need to give quick instructions on how to use microphone --have everyone who will be speaking practice on Sat. 6. More lights 7. Too long 8. Glee Managers present banner 9. Seniors cut back on medley 10. Drape stage 11. Judges' assistants/escorts for all judges 12. Tape off seats for judges 13. Dessert reception, not stand-up buffet 14. Hard to communicate with Saga 15. Formation judges need to be seated high in bleachers 16. Time limit for each class performance --sep. time/not judges (Glee Committee can set it to allow for large classes) 17. Set up Glee Committee earlier 18. Time limits for everything 19. Mark first row for each class 20. Look for descriptions 21. Let song writers know they can look at old songs 22. Cassettes (good &bad) --day/time set = Everyone come in and record. Full classes 23. Song judges should be there? 24. New judges 25. Fall Willamette Scene --ad for judges --alumni gatherings --Glee Mgr. talk -­Table at Alumni Day in May 26. In application process --job description --expectatoins (weekly meeting with Student Activities staff) --clear process 27. Lists of who is helping &what they're doing 28. Vice President's responsibility 29. Tape on steps in upper bleachers 30. Display T-shirts BLUE MONDAY 1. Rope off UC balcony 2. Too much alcohol --publicize highly (box stuffing) with cooperation from ASWU &faculty that alcohol not permited 3. Be in place at the Plaza early to confiscate alcohol --use staff from: Campus Safety, UC, ORl, Student Affairs, Grounds 4. Staff identified in some way &made known that a fine will be imposed on anyone who "throws those persons in" 5. Be sure the Dean's memo is sent out no later than Thurs. before Glee 6. Be sure which Thurs. Charlie is trading for classes on Blue Mon. &publicize at beginning of semester so faculty can plan class syllabus GLEE EVALUATION MEETING April 6, 1987 1. Permanent electrical hook-up and feeder cable in Cone 2. Risers --estimate asphalt tile/locks 3. Rent sound equipment later 4. Schedule Saturday set-up (band/Glee) 5. Sound --hard to understand voices --need to give quick instructions on how to use microphone --have everyone who will be speaking practice on Sat. 6. I~ore 1ights 7. Too long 8. Glee Managers present banner 9. Seniors cut back on medley 10. Drape stage 11. Judges' assistants/escorts for all judges 12. Tape off seats for judges 13. Dessert reception. not stand-up buffet 14. Hard to communicate with Saga 15. Formation judges need to be seated high in bleachers 16. Time limit for each class performance --sep. time/not judges (Glee Committee can set it to allow for large classes) 17. Set up Glee Committee earlier 18. Time limits for everything 19. Mark first row for each class 20. Look for descriptions 21. Let song writers know they can look at old songs 22. Cassettes (good &bad) --day/time set = Everyone come in and record. Full classes 23. Song judges should be there? 24. New judges 25. Fall Willamette Scene --ad for judges --alumni gatherings --Glee Mgr. talk -­Table at Alumni Day in May 26. In application process --job description --expectatoins (weekly meeting with Student Activities staff) --clear process 27. Lists of who is helping &what they're doing 28. Vice President's responsibility 29. Tape on steps in upper bleachers 30. Display hirts BLUE MONDAY 1. Rope off UC balcony 2. Too much alcohol --publicize highly (box stuffing) with cooperation from ASWU & faculty that alcohol not permited 3. Be in place at the Plaza early to confiscate alcohol --use staff from: Campus Safety, UC, ORL, Student Affairs, Grounds 4. Staff identified in some way &made known that a fine will be imposed on anyone who IIthrows those persons in" 5. Be sure the Dean's memo is sent out no later than Thurs. before Glee 6. Be sure which Thurs. Charlie is trading for classes on Blue Mon. & publicize at beginning of semester so faculty can plan class syllabus !", {,-. L I I ':' I I of :=;()ni~ and t Honor of for-fie irnpDr-ten ,jiJtes to l"lEiE "l- I liil n ) l.......j ;1 Fre a p Glee " '~' t . I,!, 1 e 1 CJ 1e e t"'j elnElIJ e(:::; \,i i ;:;] r',1,_,;':. 1 L~' I '1 . Lij IJ ra Zj n n j PtJ b 1 i GIt IJ '-' ntl rill. i j nq Di d ticket::. eli'lC8d rnedi iJ " i t -,' "f f". 88 r"n on. ;:IUI1 -I, r "-' . I l' , I"" t DtAllniJ '-' IJl t',/en ,.S 1"', U nl Z lon nr-k ,\,'"d f t'l ! 1 'j ,­_ . ,. ! i.1 '-J d! , !] ~I ork 0 nce Arnu j"fc:Cann-,Judoe cep on ~ ~ j' F: in 1nt', -F'i n r:::;, C .... ;--. ... ~, 8tc~ -F.:DDm W~DDrojJjJQ@~~@ Wm~\Y@[?&3~~~ MEMORANDUM DATE: 9 March 1987 TO: College of Liberal Arts Faculty and Classified and Administrative Staff FROM: Angie Crane, Andy Dorsch, Rob Patridge, and Cindy Ziel ,.--"1­..) SUBJECT: Freshman Glee, 1987 d) As this year's Glee Managers we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend Freshman Glee, 1987. Glee is a tradition-filled week, unique to Willamette that significantly unites the classes and brings the entire ' student body closer together. Your support of and attendance at Glee would be greatly appreciated. Freshman Glee will take place at 7:30 pm, Saturday, March 14, in the Cone Field House, Sparks Center. Admission for you and your family is free. You will receive a postcard invitation later in the week which will serve as your ticket. 6 March 1987 TO: Campus Safety nOM.: Katy Demory, Student Activities BlBlECT: Glee Rehearsals/Building Openings Freshman Glee is scheduled for next week--March 9-14, 1981. Rehearsals begin Monday morning and continue through the week at set times in the Universit.y Center, Sparks Center (Coneffiiidhouse), and Waller Aua. I would appreciate your assistance in seeing that the follwwing rooms are unlocked for pract'ces$ as listed below: Cone Fieldhouse }!onday-filf1u,:;ay 5:00 am.-7:00 am Noon -1:00 pm 4:00 pm -5:00 pm 7:00 pm -9:00 pm Friday 5:00 am -7:00 am Noon -1:00 pm 4:00 pm -5:00 pm 8:00 pm -10:00 pm Waller Auditorium Monday-Thursday Noon -1:00 pm 4:00 pm -5:00 pm 7:00 pm -9:00 pm;ay Noon -1:00 pm 4:00 pm -5:00 pm 8:00 pm -10;00 pm SatlUrdaYll l<!:arch 14, Cone Fieldhouse will be used for dress rehearsal frQm\ :00 am -Noon; the Glee and the Crazy afs will be in the area most of the afternoon making final sound sets and facility arrangements. In addition to the rooms listed aboue, the Dlumni Lounge and Dining Romns 1 & :2 in the U.C. will be used for practices. As these take place during regular building hours, butlata~fstaff will be lnlocking and reloeking those rooms as appropriate. If yo;a have allY questions, pleaae call me at x6463. Thank you. GLEE EVALUATION MEETING April 6, 1987 1. Permanent electrical hook-up and feeder cable in Cone 2. Risers --estimate asphalt tile/locks 3. Rent sound equipment later 4. Schedule Saturday set-up (band/Glee) 5. Sound --hard to understand voices need to give quick instructions on how to use microphone --have everyone who will be speaking practice on Sat. 6. More lights 7. Too long 8. Glee Managers present banner 9. Seniors cut back on medley 10. Drape stage 11. Judges' assistants/escorts for all judges 12. Tape off seats for judges 13. Dessert reception, not stand-up buffet 14. Hard to communicate with Saga 15. Formation judges need to be seated high in bleachers 16. Time limit for each class performance --sep. time/not judges (Glee Committee can set it to allow for large classes) 17. Set up Glee Committee earlier 18. Time limits for everything 19. Mark first row for each class 20. Look for descriptions 21. Let song writers know they can look at old songs 22. Cassettes (good &bad) --day/time set = Everyone come in and record. Full classes 23. Song judges should be there? 24. New judges 25. Fall Willamette Scene --ad for judges --alumni gatherings --Glee Mgr. talk -­Table at Alumni Day in May 26. In application process --job description --expectatoins (weekly meeting with Student Activities staff) --clear process 27. Lists of who is helping &what theylre doing 28. Vice President1s responsibility 29. Tape on steps in upper bleachers 30. Display T-shirts BLUE MONDAY 1. Rope off UC balcony 2. Too much alcohol --publicize highly (box stuffing) with cooperation from ASWU &faculty that alcohol not permited 3. Be in place at the Plaza early to confiscate alcohol use staff from: Campus Safety, UC, ORL, Student Affairs, Grounds 4. Staff identified in some way &made known that a fine will be imposed on anyone who "throws those persons inti 5. Be sure the Dean's memo is sent out no later than Thurs. before Glee 6. Be sure which Thurs. Charlie is trading for classes on Blue Mon. &publicize at beginning of semester so faculty can plan class syllabus ee 1 ee lS one or e " Glee 1 Tickets .... 1" " 1 Auu '.s I•. anyone O'·ler red tt c:tld +c-( d 19)'/c !~it'7 c­'. J.L en,.,..} ,un er I L ._.r ...Len..., qelloy'f tickets I _ 2. Class of 1977 Tv\'ill present a blue cerd 'yvtlJCn 'Vvill i the tickets they are to ved. Take that card from them.5., give them the appropriate number of red tickets, Put the card in the 3, Comp-limentary tic~(ets: .Judges ty, other al guests win be given compllmentary tickets. They 11 be given is white card on Y'ihleh v'fill be written the number of tic!(ets they are to receive. Take that card $:. gi\.'e them the appropriate tickets, (If somehoY'f the number tickets didn't get written on the card, please '0fTite it on 'flhen you give them the tlcl::ets.) Put card in the cash box. 4. Ticket saies win end at 7:40 pm and Holli vyili take the cash boxes to a safe 1 on. Glee Tickets WU Students; Faculty1 &. Staff -=-::...:;~;..:....;;..;;: must present current VliPamette ID ve one "''''ch T,'CI,.-pt..-fnr t"'el'r n""n-'~tjj nl''''ctc ("'",...,tlld C:!..J ". t ~r'»,.·..I' ~'JI = _' i '.. I' . t • U ~ 1 1 i tJ ..:!.J ;::_l~.. -..J. .,:) IIU:..i t at the other table, Faculty .3<. ~;taff should have a copy of the postcard 'vvhich was put in their mailbm<es on Thursday (including retired faculty), this card and give them the number of tickets needed for their family, (Please note on the cerd the number of tic~(ets gi'v'en to them.) If brought the card, write their name on a piece of paper with the nnl' g"'ve thprn --nn nOl'nt in m",!dng ~ f!'c:cl ('L""''''''' fe. r:;c.M of t i1 .:;t.-'--~ t..l ... ~,.....,,~!. ~.~. r I i .• t ~}.J-:'~_It u! :_~ ..... ...;. l,J iT '_"', 3_,'_1 tylstaff did not receive cards.. but are "Nelcome to no chargeJ Glee 1987 Budget Revenue: AS\l./U Allocation E~q:!ected Ticket Sales Totu1 Revenue Expenses: Class Expenses Backdrop Sound Equipment & Ughts Programs Posters *Flowers c.<. Recognitia Postage (3,000 pieces @ $.(85) Chairs Plano Tuning *Tuxedos Long Distance Copies Reception Printin9 (Tickets/Inv1tati ons) Photographs/slide show t-lisc. & overrun Total Expenditures *Posslble Reduced Cost Expected or Anticipated Donations: $2,000.00 900.00 $2,900.00 $ 250.00 75.00 400.00 450.00 150.00 175.00 255.00 100.00 80.00 150.00 40.00 40.00 300.00 135.00 250.00 50.00 1, $2#900.00 Back Drop Made -Office of the Presidl~!Ot Risers Repaired" Office of the President Banner -ASWU!Office of the President *Tuxedos" Donation reduced to about $40.00 cleaning fee *Flowers -Florist donate for recognition or reduce by 1/2 1987 GLEE JUDGES SONG JUDGES: Dr. Melvin Geist 1155 Waller St., SE Salem, OR 97302 (503)363-8920 Mr. Charles "Ke" Humphrey '77 1125 Nebraska Ct., NE Salem, OR 97301 (503)585-5555 Mrs. Glenda Blanchard '69 355 Superior St., S Salem, OR 97302 (503)363-9416 FORMATION JUDGES: Mrs. Alice Rose Jones '47 1156 Manzanita Way, NE Salem, OR 97303 (503)393-4508 Ms. Kellee A. Casebeer '81 13707 SE Maloy Ln. Milwaukie, OR 97222 (503)659-720Shm. 790-7723wk. Mr. Richard Buck 9600 NE 26th St. Bellevue, WA 98004 (206)455-9434hm. 464-8248wk. PRESENTATION Mr. Clarence O. Pugh '64 1740 Summer, SE Salem, OR 97302 (503)362-6328 Dr. Ralph V. Litchfield '60 21260 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR 97701 (503)382-2681wk. Mr. Matthew M. Evans '81 8810 SW White Pine Ln. Portland, OR 97225 (503)297-7238 Mr. Jeffrey S. Heatherington '65 6206 NE Cleveland Portland, OR 97211 (503)283-0986 Glee 191"7 ,/t/J ' l '---ICrl--:r~~;!_ . Rating Sheet S-u:rn:rnary First = 10 points S&cond = 8 points Third =fa points FOllrth =4 points r '; Freshmen Sophomores Juniors seniors Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Words &. music Judge #1 ;;: 'I ¥ ~I ! fo 0 & Judge #2 0.( <:( f & "'/ :.1-I Ii) Judge #3 ~ /{ G? zj l?' ,(p I /0 Total Presentation ., Judqe #1 02/:3 ~/3 .'1 <? / 10 Judge #2 , J b -< '1 t/" ct· , /,:J Judge #3 v: . ~I -: ;:; /7) '1 I cY'" { Judge #4 I,;, ' ,7/'y '~;''"' I Ie) 7: Total Formation Judge #1 cf q ~ 1 <-( &, / /0 Judge #2 02 <::( ;-c£ <{.~ f f 10 ;' 1,-""> Judge #3 c? <6 /i.J d' cy/ .7 /.9 Judqe #4 ".J' 10 I (0 </ '/ D( '/ Total SUB TOTAL t-! OL //~ ~ C./I.:;I-I '1'1 ~I PEnALTIES ---- GRAnD TOTAL PLACE ~l 5~7 0 Glee 1987 Rating Sheet Summary First =10 points Secc.nd = 8 points Third = 5 points Fourth =4 points r "\ Freshmen SOphomores ...Juniors Seniors Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Words & music t~l ~~/: Judge #1 c?" t~? LI ,<' G:~ lIP tiJ Judge #2 '~" "f; C{ lj /0 .3 ~~ ! Judge#"3 1:A "fc / Lf L/ -" ,;7 lL? I ID Total ,,}C/ PL!' ;:; () / '17 Presentation I Judge #"1 ?, V fJ g , Ll Lj J Judge #2 ::s '?:) 'd--9: t/ q ! ID Judge .#3 L) If Lf ~ V iO ::J. x Judge .#4 t{ ~ d-~ q 1 r? / t) I ~~() ,'~ :24 Total ?-D ~~i? . Formation I Judge #1 q 2;;" 3 & I lD) , ;l 4/ Judge #2 d~ -~ p q J / G; Judge #3 ~ I 10 4'", I ~ ~ i: it 'j Judge .#4 L( I ID ::r Total if'~' SUB TOTAL }10 - - PEnALTIES -­, " GRAnD TOTAL PLACE FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: _19_8_7_1::1::_ / RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the music, (3) Quality of the music I and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be-measured on a scale of 1 -10 points (10 points being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshma n Glee SERENADE: Yesterday in Tune with Tomorrow I CLASS ADAPTABILITY 1 ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MU SIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS q I 1 -:::J I Ie 37 IJUNIORS d; ~ Jf O<V SOPHOMORES ~. Y 19' FRESHMEN b b /v ~ ::Ly (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL PQINTS: 77 $; SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: =< H TOTAL POINTS: ot V TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot I plea se sign below I place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible"J preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. *no later than l1onday, March 9 THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: ~19..;;;..87~_~ RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the music I (3) Quality of the music I and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 -10 points (10 points being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshma n Glee is: SERENADE: Yesterday in Tune with Tomorrow CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MU SIC POINTS SENIORS 10 JUNIORS SOPHOMORES , FRESHMEN I (Any explanatory comments may be written on the revers e side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: / . FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot 1 please sign below I place this form and the words ano music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible*, oreferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. *no late-r than Honday, March 9 THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enj the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE I FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR:_1_9_8_7____~~ RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the music, (3) Quality of the music, and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 -10 points (10 points being best) .. Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshma n Glee is: SERENADE: Yesterday in Tune with Tomorrow I CLASS i ADAPTABILITY ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS '7 <Z 7 '6 30 JUNIORS 4 7 & 7 zf SOPHOMORES <is ~ {p ..3 I 2.3 FRESHMEN (p ~ 5' (p 25 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side this ballot.) 1'1)7 FIRST PLACE: '5£IIIJlH<::'S TOTAL POINTS: 30 SECOND PLACE: ~SHrnEIU /1.. f) TOTAL POINTS: z5 THIRD PLACE: ::TuNtof(S ISB TOTAL POINTS: 2,/: . FOURTH PLACE: SoPHo IYI() IU£S '89 TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot, please sign below f place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible*, preferably at least ten days prior to the of shman lee. *no later than Monday, March 9 THANK YOU for your assistance in OUf annual Freshman G . vVe hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! > '" COMMENTS I've provided some comments for each class song; they are intended as reviews, not evaluations. I based my decisions on tie provided categories, plus: MUSIC: t Theme -continuity, singability, mood, chan es enhance or detract? Difficulty -format, transitions (key/rhyth ), parts/harmonies Looks -notation, technical accuracy, vertifal alignment, readability WORDS: I Theme -internal continuity, relation to cortest. overall message Difficulty -vocabulary, rhyme schemes, met r Poetic Devices -allegory, visuals, metapho , alliteration I OVERALL: (admittedly subjective) , Did music and words fit each other? Did I remember the song or any parts of it? Did the words or music make me feel anything? Does it look like some effort went into this? SENIORS MUSIC -good canon approach, singable, not too difficult, good notation, some alignment problems, accurate, readable WORDS -uses 'time' again, growing up and goodbye to WU, vocabulary OK, good visuals OVERALL -excellent fit music/words, good theme interpretation, good hook, great ending JUNIORS MUSIC -very long; a medley at best, singable, good difficulty, changes don't really enhance theme, notation excellent, accurate WORDS -most parts do not relate to contest, vocabulary OK, styles clever OVERALL -great start, good detailed effort, too long; much of the social commentary actually detracts from the contest theme SOPHOMORES MUSIC theme OK, often monotonic, standard progressions, difficulty OK, notation poor, many errors, no piano part, alignment poor WORDS -great fit to theme, good continuity, vocabulary fair, some forced rhymes OVERALL -great lyrics for theme, music OK but written poorly FRESHMEN MUSIC -50's style, singable, difficulty fair, notation OK, readable WORDS -lost love (not quite contest theme), vocabulary fair. dialogue style OK OVERALL -music fits words well, good hooks, good first Glee song .t:J.L,., J: J~uli;~1(j'-. Class of 77 March 1987 FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: --::.....:....:::.___ RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 pOints maximum), (2) Tone quality (5 points maximum) I (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of pOints I the better the presentation. Plea se complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS RENDITION DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS 5 5 SENIORS Lf -, 15 (IS JUNIORS 1'2 SOPHOMORES 1/ tf / FRESHMEN q 11 )q (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINT S: ----'~'--_ TOTAL POINTS: >SECOND PLACE: (__ THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINT S: _"""""'1'--_ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _.....,.. __ After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided I seal it I and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! &LIi# aM AiM -FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: /?'l~ RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 pOints maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 pOints maximum) I (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of points I the better the presentation. Plea se complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS {IO pOints} (5) (5) (5) (25 points maximutr SENIORS tJ 5 ~( :il JUNIORS ~ tl ~ ~I 3 I; SOPHOMORES 7 ?J ~ t-l 17' -FRESHMEN g Lf 3 17 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _:J,___ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINT8:-I THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ____ -.,,­FOURTH PLACE: ) 0,,) I.~,l~··? TOTAL POINTS: _..:..I..:;.S-_·_ After completing this ballot I please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided I seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! ... ...... ........ FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 19?! RULES: Judging shall be made on (l) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 paints maximum), (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expres sion (5 points maximum). In all cases I the hiaher the number of points I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINT S SENIORS , ..7 (10 Doints) ~ 8 (5) '-I J 4 " (5) '-I "I ' (5) '-I \ (25 Doints maximult ':L'" :2...0 " JUNIORS 69 ;i, S 2­2.. S 2­' t 4 1'"( J$ SOPHOMORES eft '1 7 i$ y. :5 "3 1"'­15 FRESHMEN "TO ~ '" r4. t­1. ­" l.. 5 3 "1.­J3 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) I f!:>7 2-t) FIRST PLACE: ~.e.N JO«5 TOTAL POINTS: is SECOND PLACE: ~~k..~~/&Cf TOTAL POINTS: ~ ~ , <'S~ THIRD PLACE: V.UN\~.s TOTAL POINTS: / ~ FOURTH PLACE: ~<i.r4m~ TOTAL POINTS: 13 ) After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot cCHlnters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience !,~~_ . a_:Y'1~ 0...)(1 c:, 1"\ '1 ~~ FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 19f7 RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 pOints maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 pOints maximum) I (3) Diction (S points maximum) I and (4) Expression (S points maximum). In all cases / the higher the number of pOints, the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS DICTION EXPRESSION 5 S SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) 23 FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ____ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: <~ t THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _#:::.-,'.....,;<1__ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL PO INT S: _"---''--_ After completing this ballot I plea se sign below I place this form in the envelope provided T seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR : ..!..-=---=:.....:..-_ RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes wi count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be .presented from one basic formation by each c ss. No more than three formations are allowed per class EXCEPT Freshmen, who may have only two. Part ipants shall not change positions dur g the rendition of the song. 3. Judging gins when the participating class is announced and wi end whftn members of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 4. No j stage prop ies or change appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; this in udes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF 1 TO ~(10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEASE RA THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATINGS IN THE COLUHNS BELOW; 1. vllien judging EXECUTION consider: a. Precis'e pivots b. Uniformity arm and leg movements c. Straight I es and appropriate spacing d. Uniformity as participants move from one level of the risers to another e. Standing up sitting down with preCision 2. ADAPTABILI should clude: how well the formations conv the as and elings the song and the overall theme. 3. ~~en judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. Uniqueness of the format s and the marching b. Level of difficulty of formations and specific moves c. Variety, innovation, creativity d. Clarity of the formations and effective use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS PLA ) SENIORS JUNIORS 3 SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse s of this ballot --they a+e greatly appreciated.) After compl ing your ballot, please sign below, place in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance! JUDGES S1 GNA-TURE -. -. f -. FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR :-L-I-!:!-~_ RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song be ,presented from one basic formation by each ass. No more than three format~ons are allowed per class EXCEPT eshmen, who maJ have only two. ticipants shall not change pas ions during the rendition of the song. 3. Judging be s when the participating class is announc and will end when members of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 4. No stage properties or change in appearance of wear is permitted. A sta property is defined as any item original costumes. 5. No conductors are owed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS,_~~~~~ OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TO SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~~(10 BEING SE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER PRESENTATION PLA NUivlERICAL RATINGS IN THE COLUMNS 1. When consider: a. s b. of arm and leg movements c. ines and appropriate spacing d. ty as participantsmov~ from one level risers e. and sitting down with precision 2. ADAPTABILI should include: how well the formations convey e ideas and feelings of the song and the ove erne. 3. When judging TO T consider: a. Un ess of the formations and the marching b. Level of fficulty of formations and speci c moves c. Variety, ovation, and creativity d. ity e formations and effective use of the risers " CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFEC7 TOTAL POINTS PLACE , SENIORS cr 1 r )~ 1 / JUNIORS 1f '1 f f '2.. 0 tf SOPHOt·WRES ? <; 'I. .. '7~c,,· 3 FRESHMEN 1 q "Z' 1­( Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse s e of this ballnt --they are greatly appreciated.) After completing your bot, please si envelope'provided, seal it, and give it to your llot counters THANK YOU for your assistance! FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 19y'l RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes wi count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the ef ctiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song w be presented from one basic formation by each class. No more than ee formations are allowed per ss EXCEPT Freshmen, who ma~ have only two. Participants shall not chan positions during the rendition of the song. 3. Judging be s when the participating class is announced and will end when members of the class have returned to the seats and are seated. 4. No stage operties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitt A sta property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 5. No conductors are allowed; this includes song Ie s and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTTON OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILTTY TO THE SONG AND , AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~ (~~=~-G THE HIGHEST), PLEASE RATE AFTER EACH PRESENTATION CING YOUR NUi>1ERICALRATINGS COLUMN S BELOW .. 1. When jud ON consider: a. eci pivots b. formity of arm and leg movem s c. lines and appropriate s c g d. formity as participants move am one level of the risers to another up and sitting """,",'_''''~;J-I (>*·C;l,C~-~~ M~:~:d.,.Sk~,f..a: f' 2. ADAP s auld incltlae: how ideas and feelings of the song and 3. When jud g TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. iqueness of the formations and the b. Level of difficulty of formations c moves c. Variety, innovation, and creativ y d. ity of the formations and e ect e use of the risers CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TO CT TOTAL POINTS JUNIORS SOPHOHO / FRE (Any e anatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballo --they are greatly apprec .) After completing your ballot, please sign low, place envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host fo~ deliv lot counters ,.' THANK YOU for, your assistance! [y­£ J)\ ZZ $, t'" .. I FRRSHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES -OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR:--!-f...2!-.L-_ RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than the neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be .presented from one basic formation by each class. No more than thre~ for ons are allowed per class EXCEPT Freshmen, who ma~ have only two. Part' ipants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when members of the c ss have returned to their se s and are seated. 4. No stage properties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A sta property is defined as any item other than original costumes. /I' 5. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. JUDGING: IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATIONS, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME, AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF ~ (10 BEING THE HIGHEST), PLEA RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATINGS IN THE COLUMNS BELOW: 1. w~en judging EXECUTION cons a. Pre pivots b. Uniformity of arm and leg movements c. Straight lines and appr iate spacing d. formity as tici s move from one level of the risers to another e. Standing up sitting down with ecision 2. ADAPTABILITY should clude: how well the formations convey the s and feelings of the song and the overall theme. 3. When judging TOTAL EFFECT consider: a. Uniqueness of the formations the marchin b. Level of difficulty of formations and speci c moves c. Variety, innovation, and cr ivity d. Clarity of the formations and effective use of e risers , CLASS . EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS PLACE SENIORS r; (p <;{ ;z,2,; Z JUNIORS (p 5 lp (7 1 q q.. SOPHOHORES z:1 / (p FRESHMEN 1 1 }JO .3 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot --they are greatly appreciated.) After completing your ballot, please sign below, provided, s it, and give it to your host fo THANK YOU for your assistance! GLEE EVALUATION MEETING April 6, 1987 1. Permanent electrical hook-up and feeder cable in Cone 2. Risers --estimate asphalt tile/locks 3. Rent sound equipment later 4. Schedule Saturday set-up (band/Glee) 5. Sound --hard to understand voices need to give quick instructions on how to use microphone have everyone who will be speaking practice on Sat. 6. More lights Too long 8. Glee Managers present banner Seniors cut back on medley 10. Drape stage 11. Judges' assistants/escorts for all judges 12. Tape off seats for judges 13. Dessert reception. not stand-up buffet 14. Hard to communicate with Saga 15. Formation judges need to be seated high in bleachers Time limit for each class performance --sep. time/not judges (Glee Committee can set it to allow for large classes) 17. Set up Glee Committee earlier Time limits for everything 19. Mark first row for each class 20. Look for descriptions 21. Let song writers know they can look at old songs 22. Cassettes (good &bad) --day/time set = Everyone come in and record. Full classes Song judges should be there? 24. New judges 25. Fall Willamette Scene --ad for judges --alumni gatherings --Glee Mgr. talk -­Table at Alumni Day in May 26. In application process job description --expectatb~ns (weekly meeting with '" Student Activities staff) --clear process 27. Lists of who is helping &what they're doing Vice President's responsibility 29. Tape on steps in upper bleachers 30. Display T-shirts BLUE MONDAY 1. Rope off UC balcony 2. Too much alcohol publicize highly (box stuffing) with cooperation from ASWU &faculty that alcohol not permited 3. Be in place at the Plaza early to confiscate alcohol use staff from: Campus Safety, UC. ORL. Student Affairs, Grounds 4. Staff identified in some way &made known that a fine will be imposed on anyone who "throws those persons in" 5. Be sure the Dean's memo is sent out no later than Thurs. before Glee 6. sure which Thurs. Charlie is trading for classes on Blue Mon. &publicize at beginning of semester so faculty can plan class syllabus


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