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Glee 1980 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
dc.rightsFor use information see:
dc.titleGlee 1980 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionFRESHMaN GLEE 1980 CHRNGING HORIZONS Glee Managers: Sara Hannan, Nancy Prosser, Kate Deane Final Class Standing: 1st - 1980 2nd - 1981 3rd - 1982 4th - 1983 SeniOrs Juniors Sophomores freshmen I~londay: Fe buary: 25. 5~-77am Y-r __ .~ •. Field House 12-1pm ~..5C' Field, House SO. Doney Lounge JR. Alumn:ii Lounge ~ .. ~ .. - i'Caller Aud .. 4-5;pm . Fr. Waller- Aud •. SO. llumni Lounge J"tr. Doney L.o:unge Sr.. Field,:;. House 7~9pm Fr.' Mathews Basement So. Waller Aud~ Jr"", Fielld House Sr. DoneyrLounge rnuesdal Febuar:z: 26 5-7am So. Field House 12-lpm Fr. Doney Lounge So .. Field House Jr .. Waller Aud .. Sr. Al.umni Lounge 4-5pm Fr. Alumni Lounge So. Doney Lounge; Jr. Matthews Basement Sr. Waller Aud. 7-9p:n1 Fr. Waller Aud. So. Atumni Lounge Jr .... Doney Lounge Sr. Tilatthews Basement 'J1ednesday Febuary 2T 5-7.2Jn Jr. Field House 12-1pm Fr. Doney Lounge So. Waller Aud * Jr.. Field. House Sr. AlunL~i Lounge 4-5pm FrIO lUumni Lounge So. Field House Jr. Doney Lounge Sr. Waller Aud .. 7-9pm Fr. Field House ~ Doney Dounge ... NaIler Aud .. Sr. .i4.:11.:unni Lou..~e *,ConVQ in Waller from.ll-12am .1ti.:* Class In8.y be going on abmre Aud. mtursda~ Fe bua~ 285 5-7am .r ... Fie~ House:: l2-l wn Fr.. Mat.thews Base. So. Field House Jr. Y~aJ.ler Aud. Sr. DoneyrLounge 4~5pm Fr •. rlIattews Base. So. Yisller And. Jr. Doney Lounge Sr. Band '7-9pm ;Fr. Alumni So. Doney Fridai! Jr. ~Iattews, S~. Waller-** Feb'..:tary: 29 5-78111 . Fr .. Field Hbuse l2-lJillIl Fr. Doney SQ'. F:i!eld House Jr. Walle.r Sr. Alumni 4-5 pm Fr. Waller So' .. , Alumni Jr .. Field House Sr .. Daney 8~IOpm Fr. Do.ney So Waller Jr. AlumniL ·Sr. Field House' Saturday March I 8-9 am Fr. Field House 9~lO am So. Field House 1m-II am Jr. Field House 11-12 am Sr., Field House ~h 00 pm GLEE!' / '\, March }{r .. Gary Frame 1347 Morningside Drive BE Salem, OR 97302 Dear Gary: This is a much belat~ note to thank you sincerely for your assistance in judging the words and. music fot:' the MaQ l/'rJitshms:o Glee competition. ~1hile the quality of som.e. of the songs may have slipped slightly, the quality of Glee overall is slowly improving. Who knows, someday it might be as much fun as it was in the ngood old t! At auy rate, your efforts were very much appreciated by all involved in Glee~ We promise to continue to strive to make Glee better than ever. Sincerely yours, R. A .. Yocom Assistant. to the. President Director Alumni/Parent Relations rb/A40 March 1980 Mr. Terry MUrray 3017 Locust Street SE Albany ~ OR 97321 Dear Terry: This is a much belated note to thank you sincerely for your assistance in judging the words and music for the 1980 Freshman Glee competition. While the quality of SOllie of the songs may have slipped slightly, the quality of Glee overall is slowly improving. Who knows, someday it might be as much fun as it was in the Hgood old days. n At any Tate, your efforts were very mucb appreciated by all involved in Glee. We promise to cont.inue t.o strive t.o make better than ever. Sincerely yours, R .. A .. Yocom Assistant to the President Director Alumni/Parent Relations rb/A40 Dean Mel via Reo Geist. 4987 Orchard Heights Road b.1-1 Salem, OR 97304 Tbis is a much belated acte to thaBlt you sincerely for your assistanee in judging the wrds and music for the 1980 Fresbm.rm Glee competition. While tbe quality of some of the SOUss may have slipped sliahtlY t the quality of Glee overall is slowly improving" Who knows,. someday it might be as l'IUeh fun as it was ill the "good old days. U At any rate,. your efforts ware very much apprec.ut:ed by all involved in Glee. We promise to continue to strive to make Glee better than ever. Sincerely yours II R. A. Yocom Assistant to the President Director of Alumni/Parent Relations rb!A40 March 26. 1980 Mrs. Uyra Brand 720 ~rcGilchrist Street Salem. OR 97302 Dear Myra: I am sorry to be 80 long in writing this formal letter of acknowledgment and thanks for your assistance with rega.rd to the Freshman Glee. While we still a ways to SOlt Glee is improving year after year. If you have not been there recently~ you might question this but~ believe me, it is true! Your efforts were very much appreciated, and again, on behalf of all of those who pa.rticipated in Gleet we send you our sincere thanks. Sincerely, R. A. Yocom Assistant to the President Director of Alumni/Parent Rela.tions rb/A41 March 26. 1980 Mrs. Alic:e Rose Jones 1156 Maazanita Way NE Salem:. OR 97303 Dear AU.oe: I am sor:ry to be so long in writing this formal letter of acknowledgment and thanks for your assistance with regard to the 1980 Freshman Glee. While we still have a ways to go. Glee is improving year after year. If you have not been there recently, you might question this but, believe me5 it is true! Your efforts were very much appreoiated, and again, on. behalf all those partic::Lpated in Glee, we send you our sincere tbanks. Sincerely, R. A. Yocom Assistant to the President Director of Alumtti/Parent Relations rb/A41 Ytarch 26, 1980 Professor Y.uriee Brennen 2580 Alvarado Terrace S. Salem) OR 97302 Dear Maury: This is a much belated note of thanks for your efforts involved in making the 1980 Fres'htruln Glee the suceess it was. I really appreciate your willingness to come to Salem, sit through some of the shenanigans as well as the program itself, and serve as a very effective judge* Believe it or not, Freshman Glee is improving! If you have not been to one l!'ecently ~ yoo might question that Il hut - believe me - is the ease. I promise you that I will eOlatinue to strive to make it even better. Your efforts and the efforts of the other judges have helped a great deal .. 'With best Sincerely yoursl R. A. Yocom Assistant to the President Dirl!!Ctor of Alunmi/~arent Relations rb/A43 March 26, 1980 Mr. James Booth 7315 SW Northvale Way Portland, OR 97215 This is a much belated note of thankril for your involved in maldng _~5tq_~~.!!~~~~,1i.l~LJ~!l,e sueeess it 'Was.. I really appreciate your willingness to come to "<ii,.I..~"'.. sit through some of the shenanigans as well as the program itself, and serve as a very judge. Believe it or not, Freshman Glee is improving! you have not been to one reeeutly, you might. question that, - believe me - is the case.. I promise you that I will continue to strive to make it even better., Your efforts and the efforts of the other judges have helped a VT"f~ar deal * With best -_ ........... ... Sincerely yours, R. A. Yocom Assistant to the President Director of Alutlm.i/Parent .", .......... rb/A43 Mr. Bret. Rios. 2910 Saran Lane Eugene~ OR 97401 Dear Brat: This for your involved in ~~~~~,2Jl~L~:he success it was. I really your willingness to come to Salem, sit through some of the as well as the program itself~ and serve as a very effective Believe it or not, Freshman Glee is improving! If you have not: been to one recently, you might question that, but - believe :me - is case. I promise you that I will continue to strive to make it even better. Your efforts the efforts of the ot.herjudges have helped a great deal. With best regards. Sincerely yours t R. A. Yocom Assistant to the President Director of Alumni/Parent Relations rb!A43 MEMORANDUM DATE: 3/21/80 TO: Sue Bradford, Everett Frank, Kerry Tymchuk, Tersh McCracken, Martin Laney, Marc Harvey, Holly Hochhalter, Kathy Daniels, Cathy Wade, Nancy Lewis, Kellee Casebeer, Paula Hutchins, Mike Vines, and any other members of the Junior Class who are interested! FROM: Buzz Yocom SUBJECT: Freshman Glee Meeting, 1981 Even though Freshman Glee 1980 has just concluded, I am concerned about the future of Glee with particular emphasis on the quality of the production. I have some ideas that I would like to share with you, the leaders of the Junior Class, before taking them any further. I recognize that quite possibly I am overstepping my bounds as Freshman Glee Advisor, but I trust you will agree that I have a very real interest in Glee and a real concern as to its future. I have been temerarious enough to suggest some new Glee rules and regulations which I would like to share with you at this meeting. Let's plan to meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 1980, in the Alumni Lounge. I hope to have the proposed Glee rules along with a rationale for them and look forward to discussing (them with you. Please feel free to bring other members of 'your class (for that matter, other classes would also be welcome to attend, but the Glee rule changes may affect next year's Senior Class more than anyone else). Thanks in advance for conSide~ proposal. V v/3l02 Dr. Loren C. Winterscheid, Medical Director School of Medicine, RD-30 University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 Dear Loren: March 25, 1980 Bob has asked me to respond to your letter of March 17 in which you indicated you received some criticism about Freshman Glee. As .,be. person who has been selected in recent years to award the banner, I have baen acting as unofficial advisor to the Freshman Glee managers and the committee. During the early 70's, Freshman Glee reached a low point that was so bad, serious consideration was given to discontinuing the event itself. During Bobts first year as president, I was so embarrassed to be a part of it, I resolved then and there to do something to clean up Glee or divest myself of any participation. Since Glee has always been an important part of Willamette's tradition, I decided to work with students and tried to Itclean up" Freshman Glee. It is evident that the person who witnessed Freshman Glee this last year had not attended Glee in recent years! This is by far the best Glee we have had in at least ten years; yet, I am not satisfied with the results and I am still working to make it better. The crude, uncouth antics have been practically eliminated completely; the immature, childish pranks, unfortunately, are still with us--although at a significantly reduced level. In an effort to make one final stand, I have invited a group of juniors to meet with me early next month about next year's Freshman Glee. I have been temerarious enough to actually write some Freshman Glee rules and regulations for their review and I hope--if the.y will support me- .... to present them to the Student Senate for final adoption. If Freshman Glee is to continue (and in spite of its non-academic character. I believe it should), we must continue to strive for improvement.. It has been a hard struggle and one I would have willingly passed antto someone else. had there been someone! Dr. Loren C. Winterscheid -2- March 25, 1980 Would it be appropriate for me to write to this person and ask him/her the areas that caused embarrassment? I believe I know but I could be mistaken. At any rate, please let your friend know that we continue to make an effort to improve Willamette's oldest tradition. With kindest personal regards, Sincerely yours, R. A. Yocom Assistant to the President RAY:a.h co President Lisensky Medical Director and Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs Professor of Surgery March 17, 1980 Robert Lisensky III President, Wil1amette University Salem, Oregon 97301 Dear Bob: University of Washington School of Medicine Affiliated Hospitals Recently a Willamette graduate, accompanied by her sixteen year old daughter, who was interested in attending Wil1amette University, attended Freshman Glee. She was both appalled and embarrassed by the character of the material that was put on in accompaniment to the major program. Rather than feeling proud of Willamette with the expectation that her daughter would find it attractive, they came away with quite the reverse. Of course, in many personal assessments of societal behavior, individual opinions are relative matters. However, I would appreciate any insight you can share with me concerning this past Freshman Glee and the quality and character of the program. With warmest personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, ~~ Loren C. Winterscheid. M.D. LCWjdp Mailing Address: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, RD-30, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98195 • Telephone: (206) 543-3220 ,/ 1980 FRESHMAN GLEE JUDGES LYRICS AND COMPOSITION DEAN }~LVIN H. GEIST 4987 Orchard Heights RD NW Salem, Oregon 97304 MR. TERRY MURRAY 3017 Locust st. SE Albany; Oregon 97321 MR. GARY J.i'RAME 1347 Morningside Dr. SE Salem, Oregon 97302 VOCAL RENDITION/PRESENTATION !vlRS. ALICE ROSE JONES 1156. Manzanita Way HE Salem, Oregon 97303 MRS. HYRA BRAND 7?0 HCGilchrist SE Salem, Oregon 97302 MR. JEFF PITT~~N 1684!j,Boca;tRatan'~ Dr." .. Lake Bswego, Oregon 97304 MARCHING1FORf<lATION MR. BRET RIOS 2910 Saran Eugene t Oregon 97401 HR. ..] AlVIES BOOTH 7315 SW Northvale Way Portland, Oregon 97225 PROFESSOR MAURICE BRENNEN 2580 Alvarado Terrace S. Salem, Oregon 97302 363-8920 926-1823 585-1674 393-4508 363-0488 , 232-11477 636-3315 343-3101 244-9825 585-1259 Medical Direc/or and Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs Professor of Surgery April 4, 1980 R. A. Yocom Assistant to the ~resident W-j 11 amet te Un i vers i ty Salem, Oregon 97301 Dear Buzz: 111 University 01 Washl"gton School of Medicine Affiliated Hospitals Thank you for your letter of March 25, 1980. Hearing of your endeavors to upgrade Freshman Glee and the major efforts that you have made, I with pleasure transmit my congratulations and support. I will share your letter with Muriel who will be tal king to the Willamette graduate, and I am sure that this will go a long way in alleviating the sense of criticism that we detected. With warmest best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, ffS\W\ Loren C. Winterscheid, M.D. LCWjdp Mailing Address: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, RD-30, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98195 • Telephone: (206) 543-3220 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY January, 1980 Once again spring is approaching. signaling the arrival of Freshman Glee. This seventy-three year tradition is an annual song and marching competition among the four undergraduate classes. Glee involves an entire week of activities including Senior Skits, Glee Bets, and Blue Monday at which these bets are paid off and the losing class walks the Mill Stream. This event is the only one of it's kind in the United States today. This year's theme, "To the Future - Through the Past," emphasizes the unity and pride that exists among both past and present Willamette Students. All of the songs used are written by students and are based on a central Glee theme. Improvements in Glee procedures have been made with a conscientious attempt to increase the involvement of faculty. We are confident Glee 1981 will be an enjoyable and memorable experience for all who attend. Glee is March 14th at 8:00 p.m. in Cone Field House at Sparks Center. Tickets are $2 per person. If you would like to reserve tickets for the Glee competition detach the provided form and send it along with your check to: Sabey P. Grange (Asst. Dir. Alumni Relations), Willamette University, Salem, OR 97301. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door the night of Glee. We hope you come join the fun of Glee, 1981. Sincerely, Glee Co-Chairmen Yes, I (we) will come to Freshman Glee, enclosed is my check for $ ____ __ ---for people. NAME~ ________________________________________________________________ _ Office of Parent Relations Salem. Oregon 97301 -Phone (503) 370-6356 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY January 13, 1981 Once again spring is approaching, signaling the arrival of Freshman Glee. This seventy-three year tradition is the only one of its kind in the United States today. The theme, "To The Future - Through The Past," emphasizes the unity and pride that exists among both past and present Willamette Students. Improvements in Glee procedures have been made with a conscientious attempt to increase the involvement of faculty. We are confident Glee 1981 will be an enjoyable and memorable experience for all who attend. In addition to the traditional Glee Festivities, the Salem Area Alumni Club invites you to attend a post Glee function at the Pringle Park Club­house, 689 Oak S.E. The cost is $3.00 per person which includes beverages and hor d 1 oeuvres. Glee is March 14th at 8:00 p.m. in Cone Field House at Sparks Center. Tickets are $2 per person. If you would like to reserve tickets for the Glee competition and for the post Glee Alumni Function, detach the provided form and send it along with your cheCk to: Sabey P. Grange (Asst. Oir. Alumni Relations) t Willamette University, Salem, OR 97301. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door the night of Glee. Attention Eugene Area Alumni: If you are interested in carpooling up to attend Glee, please call Toni Unfred at 747-3774 for additional information. We hope you come join the fun of Glee, 1981. sincerelY'~ Glee Co-Chai= ~ _._._yes, I (we) will come onll to Fresr~n Glee, enclosed is my check for $ ____ __ Yes, I (we) will came to both the Alumni post Glee function and Gle~ Enclosed is my check in the amount~$ for people. N&~. ____________________________________________________________________ ___ ADORESS____________________________________________________ PHONE _______________ -- College of Liberal Arts WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY'S 72nd ANNUAL FRESHMAN GLEE Dear Alumni" As everyone associated with Willamette University knows Spring is synonymous with Freshman Glee" and this year is no different. We" theC/ass of /983 .. cordially invite you .. your family .. and your friends to attend the 72nd annual Freshman Glee competition to be held in the Sparks Center .. on Saturday March I at 8 p.m. The theme of this year's Glee is IIChanging Horizons. II and we expect the songs to be among the best ever. This year Glee is dedicated to the late Lestle Sparks in memory of his many contributions to the university. Glee tickets are available for $2 per person. Children under 12 are free. For tickets and reservations .. write to: IIGlee Tickets 11 Steve Hargis Matthews Hall Willamette University Salem .. DR 97301 Tickets will be he1.d for you at the door. We hope you will be able to join us in March. Until then .. our best wishes. Sincerely .. JtM .... ~AA .... '-7J~~ Sara Hannan and Nancy 'r~ssor. and Kate Deane Co-Managers of Freshman Glee We would like tickets for the Freshman Glee competition and we are enclosing $ ____ ($2 per person). Signed _____________________________________________ Class A ddress Phone --------------------------------------------- --------- Please make check payable to Wiflamette University. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY'S 72nd ANNUAL FRESHMAN GLEE Dear Alumni ... As everyone associated with Willamette University knows Spring is synonymous with Freshman Glee, and this year is no different. We, the Class of 1983" cordially invite you" your family, and your friends to attend the 72nd annual Freshman Glee competition to be held in the Sparks Center .. on Saturday March I at 8 p.m. The theme of this year's Glee is IIChanging Horizons. /I and we expect the songs to be among the best ever. This year Glee is dedicated to the late Lestle Sparks in memory of his many contributions to the university. Glee tickets are available for $2 per person. Children under 12 are free. For tickets and reservations ... write to: IIGlee Tickets t Steve Hargis . Matthews Hall i Willamette University Salem.. OR 97301 Tickets will be held for you at the door. We hope you will be able to join us in March. Until then ... our best wishes. Sincerely ... JA4-'" ~AAf*- '--yJ~~ Sara Hannan and Jancy V>r~ssor and Kate Deane Co-Managers of Freshman Glee We would like tickets for the Freshman Glee competition and we are enclosing $ ____ ($2 per person). Signed __________________________________________ Class Address- ------------------------------------------ Phone- ------- Please make check payable to Willamette University. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY'S 72nd ANNUAL FRESHMAN GLEE Every spring a unique tradition happens at Willamette University" the Freshman Glee song competition. Proudly carrying on the 72 year tradition the Class of 1983 cordially invites you to be a part of Glee with your son or daughter. The event will be held March 1 at 8 p.m. in Sparks Center on campus. The theme for this year is "Changing Horizons" /I and the hard work students put in will payoff in an enjoyable evening for all. The contest originated back in 1908 when three members of the freshman class decided to spark a little spirit on campus. They challenged the other three classes to a contest of song writing and marching. The classes accepted" starting what has become the longest running glee in the United States. Each year" betting on class victory is used to raise class spirit, Payoffs in the past have included everything from gold fish eating to baths in chocolate syrup. All this happens on Blue Monday when the losing class has to swim the mill stream running through campus (March 3), Glee tickets are available for $2 per person. Children under 12 free. Send your money to: IIGlee Tickets /I Steve Hargis Matthews Hall Willamette University Salem" OR 97301 Tickets will be held for you at the door" and since there are no reserved seats" seating will be on a first come" first served basis. We hope you will be able to join us in March. On behalf of our class" we are looking forward to seeing you then. Sincerely .. ~~ '-YJ~~ Sara Hannan and -Jancy Pr~ssor and Kate Deane Co-Managers of Freshman Glee! i We would like __ tickets fori the Freshman Glee competition and we are enclosing $ ($2 per persbn). Please make check payable to Willamette University. Signed ____________________________________________________________ __ Address ______________________________________________________________ __ FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1960 RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of word s to the mus ic I (3) Quality of the music I and (4) quality of the word s. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 points (l0 points being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year I s Freshma n Glee is: CbatgiJE fbr i W05 CLASS ADAPTABILITY ADAPTABILITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES (Any explanatory comments may be written dn the reverse side of this ballot.) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: SECOND PLACE: ~_..:::::::::::::::::;~e:.....:::::::.:::::..-____ TOTAL POINTS: t'-:>:2 ) . THIRDPLACE: ____ ~~~~~~~---- TOTAL POINTS: FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: :J.-J After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-address stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible J preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. 1\1'\ THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope ~U~~.12. the experience and will be able to attend the event ltselfl '1F ~ /~/ P'"' '\ /) ~~~~~~ __ ~2-~~~~~~~~~ / MAN GLEE WORDS AND MUSIC RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 10,00 RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme I (2) Adaptability of words to the music! (3) Quality of the music, and (4) quality of the words. Each of thes e categories 1s to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 points (10 pOints being best). Please complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this year's Freshma n Glee is: CLASS ADAPT ABILITY ADAPTABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS e/O Jt) 9 Ii!) -$9 JUNIORS ? y ? g' I SOPHOMORES ~ S 5" 5.a :2/ ~ ·-'")O~ /",. ~ /-.... ~ /", /' ~" ~ ~ ~ - - '-"'" - ~ ~ - - FRESHMEN itI!!Jl7 to /0 &:, 3/ (Any explanatory comments may be written on·the reverse side of this ballot.) --- FIRST PLACE: ~:e~1 TOTAL POINTS: SECOND PLACE: J~ TOTAL POINTS: TH IRD PLACE: ,7~~ TOTAL POINTS: FOURTH PLACE: <~,~LL TOTAL POINTS: After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form and the words and music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as possible, preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. 3-9 3,2; .;;;:L/ THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! FRESHMAN GLEE WORDS AND MU SIC RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: /q(}IJ RULES: Judging shall be made on: (1) Adaptability of words and music to theme, (2) Adaptability of words to the music I (3) Quality of the music I and (4) quality of the words. Each of these categories is to be measured on a scale of 1 - 10 points 00 paints being best) . Plea se complete the chart below according to the ratings in each category. The theme for this yearl s Freshma n Glee is: CLASS ADAPTABILITY AD APT ABILITY: QUALITY: QUALITY: TOTAL TO THEME WORDS TO MUSIC WORDS MUSIC POINTS SENIORS 1 1" .:) r'" 25 ~,g#y JUNIORS ff 'I s ~ ;1';$ ..,.\ SOPHOMORES if ~ 4- 3 IS'--~ . .1'.lI..N TrtR.q A f'.... ~ ,..,... ~ ........... /'\. /',. ~ V ............ -../ - ,-v ."-./ '.../ ""-- / ~. "'--" '\../ ~ ~ FRESHMEN S- .s- S- L/- /9'-) (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot.) /J ' FIRST PLACE: . ~~~ TOTAL POINTS: ,-"""/ L// / " SECOND PLACE: ~#/ld TOTAL POINTS: THIRDPLACE:~~~~~~~~ ____ __ TOTAL POINTS: FOURTH PLACE: ~ TOTAL POINTS: 10 After completing this ballot I please sign below, place this form and the words aw music for the songs in the self-addressed stamped envelope and mail as soon as pos sible, preferably at least ten days prior to the date of Freshman Glee. THANK YOU for your assistance in our annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed "'~ the experience and will be able to attend the event itself! JUDGE1S SIGNATURE FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1980 RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 pOints maximum) I (2) Tone quality (S pOints maximum) I (3) Diction (5 points maximum) I and (4) Expres sion (5 points maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of points I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN RENDITION TONE 5 DICTION 5 EXPRESSION 5 ( (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINT S: ---::\.. ..~.. :....J_,.~.I. .._.. i _ SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: TH IRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _-'--'-_ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _-'-......... _ After completing this ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided, seal it l and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! CUDGE'5\~IGNATURE , ./ ,c FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT Y.~AR: IrBD RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 points maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 pOints maximum) I (3) Diction (5 pOints maximum) I and (4) Expression (5 points maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of points I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: LASS RENDITION SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN TONE DICTION 5 EXPRESSION 5 TOTAL POINTS / (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: SECOND PLACE: TH IRD PLACE: FOURTH PLACE: After completing this ballot t please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal it I and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experienc e I FRESHMAN GLEE PRESENTATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1980 RULES: Judging shall be made on (1) Vocal Rendition (10 pOints maximum) I (2) Tone quality (5 pOints maximum) I (3) Diction (5 pOints maximum) I and (4) Expres sion (5 pOints maximum). In all cases I the higher the number of pOints I the better the presentation. Please complete the chart below according to your ratings in each category: CLASS RENDITION TONE DICTION EXPRESSION TOTAL POINTS - (10 points) (5) (5) (5) (25 points maXimLlIT SENIORS "lII:" /0 5- S- ;2..;; JUNIORS ?! If 4 :20 SOPHOMORES ,. I to 3 7- FRESHMEN 6'- I )J (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of the ballot) FIRST PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: 2:1- SECOND PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: THIRD PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: _---'-__ FOURTH PLACE: TOTAL POINTS: ___ _ After completing this ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to the ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman G the experience! . We hope you enjoyed FRESH MAN GLEE FORMATIO N RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: /980 RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song wi1l be presented with one basic formation from each class. No more than three formations are allowed per class EXCEPT seniors who may have four. Partici­pants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. A1l participants in each formation must march or count time until the formation is completed. 4. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when all members of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 5. No stage properties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 6. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATION I ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME I AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF 1 TO 10 . . (10 BEING THE HIGHEST) I PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATING IN THE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS BELOW. CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS SENIORS NIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot) FIRST PLACE: ____________________________ TOTAL POINTS: ____ __ SECOND PLACE: ________________ TOTAL POINTS: __ _ THIRD PLACE: __________ TOTAL POINTS: ___ _ FOURTH PLACE: ____________ TOTAL POINTS: __ _ After completing your ballot, please sign below I place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUD~J IS SIG NATU RE FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: /980 RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be presented with one basic formation from each class • No more than three formations are allowed per class EXCEPT seniors who may have four. Partici­pants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. All partiCipants in each formation must march or count time until the formation is completed. 4. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when all members of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 5. No stage properties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item other than original costumes. 6. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. IN JUDGING FORMATIONS, EXECUTION OF THE FORMATION I ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME I AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF 1 TO 10. (10 BEING THE HIGHEST) 1 PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATING IN THE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS BELOW. CLASS EXECUTION ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT I TOTAL POINTS SENIORS g .gr '1 JUNIORS (p '7 ? SOPHOMORES 7 {~ Z FRESHMEN 4 7 -7 ;8 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot) FIRST PLACE: __ ~~~~.~_~_"; _______________ TOTAL POINTS:~~ __ _ THIRD PLACE: //, __c. ...<=:\.'t.:i:'-;.)y.,I _>' __________ TOTAL POINT S: _____ JO' _ ...../ :...,.l:...:;./{A,..::.:~..:.....t'.t... K .:;..,:l.:.,..._ ?:<'_' _____ TOTAL POINTS: ____ \ ... ! SECOND PLACE: FOURTH PLACE: _~..:.-;..._-------TOTAL POINTS: __ _ After completing your ballot I please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided} seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to ballot counters. THANK YOU for your assistance in our Annual Freshman Glee. We hope you enjoyed the experience! JUDGE'S SIGNATURE FRESHMAN GLEE FORMATION RULES - OFFICIAL BALLOT YEAR: 1980 RULES: 1. Any uniforms used by the participating class es will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the effectiveness of the song and formation. 2. The song will be presented with one basic formation from each class. No more than three formations are allowed per class EXCEPT seniors who may have four. Partici­pants shall not change positions during the rendition of the song. 3. All partiCipants in each formation must march or count time until the formation .is completed. 4. Judging begins when the participating class is announced and will end when all members of the class have returned to their seats and are seated. 5. No stage properties or change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property is defined as any item of her than original costumes. 6. No conductors are allowed; this includes song leaders and pianists. IN JUDGING FORMATION S I EXECUTION OF THE FORMATION, ADAPTABILITY TO THE SONG AND THEME I AND TOTAL EFFECT SHALL BE CONSIDERED. USING A SCALE OF 1 TO 10. (10 BEING THE HIGHEST) I PLEASE RATE THE CLASSES AFTER EACH PRESENTATION BY PLACING YOUR NUMERICAL RATING IN THE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS BELOW. EXECUTION' ADAPTABILITY TOTAL EFFECT TOTAL POINTS 7 (Any explanatory comments may be written on the reverse side of this ballot) After completing your ballot, please sign below, place this form in the envelope provided, seal it, and give it to your host/hostess for delivery to ballot counters. . JUDGE""S GNATUR.f "0 GLEE 1'fr.O RA.TING SHEET SUMMARY FIRST z:;:: 10 points SECOND = 8 points THIRD -- 6 points FOURTH- -- 4 points Yi. 2~ ~j 6-0 1 FRESHMAN' SOPHOMORES JUNIORS SENIORS I Place I Points Place . Points Place Points Place!' Points 'I WORDS AND MUSIC I Tudge # 1 Mlt,. 3 P " ¥ I ,0 l. ! 8 I Judge #2-r'"·M.. J/ ¥ :s Q I I It) ~I a I J Judge #3 c;..1! ., " 4.J " a..- S I 1 IlJ I I TOTAL (6) /t- (~ 1,/ (Ji :tRJ (0 I :2, I 1 ! PRESENTATION . I Judge #1 J'P :::os 1.0 2- i 't> 4 -l.f I : /0 I ! Judge #2 f..-1..J 'B ~~ (p "l " :2 P1 , i 10 ! Judge #3 A~:r <..J <..J 3 b ?, e;r I ! 10 .,. l 30 I UU'dt:: it"l: ! I iTOTAL )j jI.P ~) i /6 (0) (~) I I i 20 I , I I I I I jPORMATION I , I 1 ! Judge #1 Be.. 10 '4 I <} 2.. 6 I ! ! ! Judge #2 MWB Q. 4 Z '~ ~ 70 I I /() I 1 Judge #3 JC~ q <I 2 9) ~ (p I 1 ID I , I (D) 14 ( II 20 )) 20 {3) i iTOTAL 1 i I . I I ! ~ S 676 I , GRAND TOTAL , I t'/ i I .1- I I PLACE L t I . II SEE. YDU A"I WALLER ALJD)TO'RI Uf1 THllR5DA\/ J NOV. IS ti to,' 30 "J?t.1. , " r- ff Hb FOR FRE~HMAN 6L.£E l;Joone:sdCU-i De~bc::r 5th (0:00 P. M. SuV\bur~;- LOV\~~ eoom c\"T +n~ u.~. we u..) \ \ \ be. ~CfYY\,' I"\<j\ CO m m I it e.e, 5 CJ.1'd ~v~r'~oY\e.~ S hel p \ ~ Y)~eded I • See., Yo u T h e.rL'.. I .. SEE. YDU A I \rJALLER ALJbtTO"R1 Uf1 T HLJR5DA\/ ' NOV. 15+J 0:30 "P.M. CHANGING HORIZONS - FRESHMAN GLEE 1980 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY .Class of 1980 "Endless Rainbows" *Words and Music by Mary Jaeger and Mike O'Brien lawn a Rainbow It's painted Red and Green Wonderful Yellow And Blue lawn a Rainbow A palette of childhood dreams A promise of Springtime The sun is shining through It's a Rainbow Where is your Rainbow? Is it on yesterday's smile? Packed with your daydreams So few You need a Rainbow Try one on for style lawn a Rainbow And here is one tor you It's a Rainbow You can't settle for less Goin' for more The Rainbow's the limit Class of 1981 Don't settle for less Something's in store The Rainbow's the limit There'll be no more waitin' TelJ me more ... We'll be graduatin' What's in store? There's no compromisiR' on a Chang in' horizon The future's just a step away Mom and Dad are waitin' Don't you know ... We'll be celebratin' ("Hallelujah") We can show that There's no compromisin' on a Changin' horizon The Rainbow's com in' out today lawn a Rainbow It's painted Red and Green Wond-erful Yellow And Blue lawn a Rainbow A Ship Called "Destiny" A palette of childhood dreams A promise of Springtime The sun is shining through It's a Rainbow You can't settfe for less Gain' for more The Rainbow's the limit Don't settle for less Something's in store The Rainbow's the limit limitless and less endless ..... "With special thanks to: S.N., K.R., K.K., B.B., and J.e. Words and Music by Kathy Wade, Debbie Church and Nancy lewis The tide is heading out now; Our ship will soon set sail. We haven't time to look back, The future winds prevail. The sands of time left on the shore Are washed out by the sea. Just as you and I will be carried off By our ship called "Destiny." Looking towards the horizon, 1 wonder what's out there for me. A candle burns in the distance So far that I can barely see. Yet I know someday we'll catch it; It's not as far as it seems, We've got to reach for the stars. We've got to stretch for the sky, And follow the Path to our dreams. We hold fast to the rail. The ocean shows us her might. The wind whips against our faces: All eyes still stare upon the amber light. Yes, the candle still flickers in the distance. We know what we're heading for: Our new life's shore. The ocean is rough, our journey long. Through many hardships we'll learn to be strong. And when our ship has landed, We'll be on our way. Leaving with mem'ries of yesterday. Class of 1982 "Waller's Story" Words and Music by Janet Swanson and Sue Widmer Well I've been here for over a century, and I've stood through all the foys and fears. I've seen so many changes and I won't forget one maypole dance, one chapel, or one Glee bet. CHORUS Oh, some things change, but the real things they remain the same. The love they have for the times they've had, the many friends they've made. Glee gets 'em all together once every year. To sing a song, share a smile, or even shed a tear. Good old times in Lausanne's attic, sneakin' in the boys past ten. Smooching in "the star" behind the gold man's back, feeding the ducks in the Mill Stream again. CHORUS Yes, there's been some changes around this place. Coed dorms, ail-campus kegs, a homecoming race. The old gym's now the playhouse, old Gatke might begone. Sparks supports the Bearcats, the Library's movin' on. CHORUS FINALE Horizons are changing everywhere, but through all change around us we will always be the same. Waller's story will stand against the sky. Class of 1983 "Changing My Horizons" Words and Music by Paul Hammer With the way things have been going along, l've little time to waste. For fate has willed me not to achieve the goals I've had this day. Some of the places that I wanted to see, some things I wanted to do, Are no longer in my life's plan, I'll have to bid them adieu. Now I'll set a new course, Change my ideals, Prepare for something new. CHORUS Now I'm changing my borizons, this is the way that it must be. I'll follow this new course of mine till the end of eternity. There is no question in my mind, of what I must do now. My objective is to change, my horizons. Now the road ahed of me is a tough one I know, but my rewards will be great. and I'm sure there'll be no mistake. For my life will be better than it's ever been before, my troubles wiH be few. With my new goals and a sound state of mind, I'll no longer have to make do. Now I'll set a new course, Change my ideals, Prepare for something new. CHORUS Like a bird who soars over islands, on a bright and clear day. My view of the world is changing with time, and it's showed me a new way. Like that bird my heading is as clear as a bell, there is no haze to see through. But a goal such as this will prevail throughout my life, my journey will never be through. Now I'll set a new course, Change my ideals, Prepare for something new. 'Cause with careful thought I have developed this plan, CPiORUS Special Thanks To: Pau:' likin of Millikin Sound Service John Delaney of IS Music KC Humphrey our Operator Engineered by Jim Schaad & Eric Linbeck of GLEE SOUnD SERVICE The Seventy-Second Annual Freshman Glee If • • • NEAREST RECRUITING STATION \


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